I PAGE SI THE MICHIGAN DAI LY WEDNESDAY, FED. 14, 1945 ... ...................................... . ..... III Soviet Press Lauds Parley Alliance Promises 'Great Tomorrow' By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Feb. 13.- The Soviet Union's official press described the Crimea conference today in glowing terms, and the impression in Moscow was that President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Sta- lin all were highly pleased with its results. Pravda, the official Communist Party organ, set the keynote of Sov- iet reaction to the Big Three con- ference with the declaration that the parley "has proved that the alliance of the three big powers possesses not only 4n historic yesterday and a vic- torious today, but also a great to- morrow.' The government newspaper Izves- tia hailed the conference as "the big- gest political event of current times- an event which will enter in history as a new example of coordinated so- lutions of complicated questions in the interest of peace and democracy." Russians will expect a considerable increase in the blows against Ger- many from the west, south and north as a result of the parley. This is the thing they have been clamoring for since the start of their winter offen- sive a month ago. The Russian people remember that Marshal Stalin came back from the Teheranconference withsassurance that there would be blows on Ger- many from the east, west and south --and there were. Of considerable interest to the Russians is the fact1 that the Crimea announcement add--a ed the north to the earlier threea directions. The conference again proved "the stability of the Allies' military alli- ance," Izvestia declared, and added: "Hitlerite Germany is doomed. The hour of its collapse has arrived. Its1 resistance is hopeless. Such was the first and happiest conclusion of the conference.,, A deep and firm impression pre- vails in Moscow that Roosevelt, Chur- chill and Stalin left better friends this time than ever before, and thatt although much was left to the fu- ture, they accomplished great things at Yalta and are themselves highly pleased with their work. Some persons in the Allied camps were described as "elated" over the1 results. Not the slightest sign of' friction developed at any time duringt the meetings, it was said, and the1 three men saw things through by talking frankly. Norfh SWEDENfl Mo cow EIRE S DENMARKATV ENGLAND IHAI SOVIET RUSSIA LondonB Atlantic 1,,fIw ra Ocean KieveC Curzon Line GERMANY POLAND.Kiev ar S CZE SO v K4 FRANCE SWIZ AUSTRIAHUNGAR Y 0de ROMANIA TALY BcaetYalta SPAINfYUGOSLAVIA bIociSa !Madrid Rome BULGARIA Naples °TURKEY Mediterranean Sea aGR EECE, i a SUBJECT OF 'BIG THREE" DISCUSSIONS-Map shows where armi-s on three fronts (broken lines) are pressing against Germany (shaded), subject of 'Big Three' discussions at Yalta (A). Curzon Line (dotted) is recommended, with slight digressions, as roland's eastern border by the 'Big Three'. HOW TO WIN SILVER STARS: Eighteen Yanks Ortsrtn 150 Nazis Post-War Housing Outlook Promises Booming Future WASHINGTON-(/P)-Looking for- ward to "miracle homes" after the war? planning has been delving into the whole housing outlook but has turned up few ideas. Wartime research has developed Prospects Outlined new plastics and other materials . . Other prospects on which all those all-glass houses . . . beds that spring who have testified seem pretty well from the wall at the- touch of a but-agreed include: 1. Plenty of mortgage money will ton . . . rooms with movable walls. be available to finance home con- Such things, are mechanical possi- struction. { I ' I l ; I' I' bilities, and architects will want to 2. Interest rates will be about the experiment with them. But the con- same as pre-war, but the trend may census of housing experts in both be downward. They can't go down government and private industry is much because then it would be more. that most of the homes built in the advantageous for the investor to buy. immediate post-war years at least will government bonds. be pretty much along conventional 3. Prices of materials and labor lines. probably will be higher than pre-war, Construction Will Boom but through improved building tech- They look for a tremendous up- niques the cost of a home probably surge of construction once materials can be kept down to the pre-war level and labor are freed to begin cutting for the same standard. into the back-log of home plans Technical Research Urged which has piled up during the war. Along that line, John B. Blandford But radical changes, particularly in Jr., United States Housing Admini- exterior design, will be the exception strator, is urging government-backed rather than the rule. More careful technical research in cooperation with planning of interiors, more efficient industry. kitchens and greater use of electrical Federal Housing Administration and gas equipment are expected- thinking, as disclosed by Blandford, otherwise little change. is looking to continuation and expan- A Senate subcommittee on postwar sion of both low-rent federal-subsidiz- ________________ ed public housing and the FHA plan Sof financing private home building. lam a Chi Elects Those plans appear certain to be keystones in whatever postwar hous- Morely President ing program evolves from the con- gressional studies. New officers of Sigma Chi frater- However, Blandford has come up nity have been installed and will take with some new ideas in connection office next semester, it was announc- with these older, well known plans. ed yesterday. One is a provision to establish the Robert Morely, '45 B. Ad., is the right of a home buyer "to defer an newly-elected president of the or- agreed upon number of principal pay- ganization. Other officers include: ments in the event of unemployment, vice-president, Edwin Ladd, '45E; sickness or similar reasons." secretary, Robert Greider, '45E; and Guarantee Suggested treasurer, Coe Best, '45E. Another is to guarantee big invest- Dr. Conn Will Speak on Salt Requirements "Salt Requirements under Condi- tions of Hard Work in a Tropical Climate" will be the topic of Dr. Jerome Conn, Department of Inter- nal Medicine, lecturing at 8 p.m. to- day in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The address will be delivered under the auspices of the Michigan chapter of Sigma Xi, national honorary sci- entific society. Dr. Conn, who has been doing research work at the Uni- versity under government contract, will discuss the salt deficiencies which must be added to the diets of troops in the tropics. He has conducted experiments concerning the problem in an artificial tropical climate cre- ated at University Hospital. The lecture will be open to mem- bers of Sigma Xi and invited guests. ors, such as insurance companies, a fixed return if they will invest in large-scale housing projects. "While some of these plans may seem novel or even startling," Bland- ford told the Senate group, "We must remember that there was the same reaction to the FHA plan when it was first presented." Looming as the most controversial proposal is a federal-backed program of rebuilding "blighted areas" of the larger cities. In general, this idea is to sweep clean run-down sections of cities, whether they be slum dwellings or areas of dilapidated warehouses and store buildings. If rebuilt as resi- dential areas, they wouldi be by-pass- ed by main traffic arteries, left as quite island of homes, playgrounds and garden spaces within the city. Maj. Gen. Philip B. Fleming, Fed- eral Works Administrator, says such a "major operation" has got to be performed or many cities will .go bankrupt because their wealth is moving to suburbs outside the city limits. CECODS By ROBERT EUNSON (Substituting for Kenneth L. Dixon) WITH THE 84TH DIVISION-(P) -Eighteen Yanks started out and only eight got there, but when they had finished they had overrun a Ger- man 75, knocked out four German mortars and captured 150 prisoners. Every man who finished the day with Lt. Joseph R. Darrigo, noro- ton Heights, Conn., has been rec- ommended for the silver star. Jumping off early in the morning they headed for Trinal, Belgium, with a medium tank and one tank de- stroyer. Only ten minutes later they ran against a German strongpoint and went into action, flushing out foxholes with machinegun and auto- matic rifle fire. At Trinal the doughboys' armored vehicles were stopped by Jerry's Ba- zooka. Undaunted, the infantrymen slog- ged on through Trinal, fighting house by house, until they broke through on the other side of town with 120 pris- oners, and a number of enemy dead behind them. They had intended to stop for rest, but a terrific barrage changed that, and with support from an- tins Ferry, Ohio, was a little sur- other platoon, they moved on to prised when he found a German Beffe. soldier splitting blocks at a wood- On the way Darrigo and his men pile in the back yard. ran into a full section of four Ger- The startled Catena halted in his man mortars. Assigning six men to tracks, but the German put down the nullify the position, the rest holed axe and came forward with his hands up and waited. The patrol worked on his head. Catena turned his pris- its way to only a few feet from the oner over to military police, but he mortars, then jumped up and opened still scratches his head whenever any- fire. Taken by surprise, the whole one asks: "Why do you suppose that German battery surrendered. The Kraut was working on the woodpile?" next job was to overrun a German 75-millimeter gun and crew, which Darrigo did with nine men. Next morning they moved into Beffe and the exhausted men had just set up headquarters when some- D A ILY one shouted "Krauts!" Lt. Darrigo rushed out the door j with a broom in his hand, calling for tank support, and his men went (Continued from Page 4) into action again, killing eight more Germans before the rest fled. 8:30 a. m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High What would you do if the Germans School. The examination will con- were counter-attacking and your ma- sume about four hours' time; prompt- chine gun jammed? Here is what ness is therefore essential. Pfc. Lareen E. Smith of Aradelphia, Pa., did: Smith ducked down, took his ma- C chinegun apart, made a few ad- Faculty Recital: Gilbert Ross, vio- justments, changed from gall to linist, and Helen Titus, pianist, will tracer ammunition, then calmly present a program of compositions by took aim and squeezed the trig- Pugnani, Pergolesi, Mozart, Brahms, gers. His gun started spitting red Jacobi, Strawinsky and Bartck, at tracers into the attacking Germans. 8:30 Sunday evening, Feb. 18, in The next morning Smith's buddies Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. counted 80 enemy dead in front of The public is cordially invited. Smith's foxhole. Pvt. John Brozer, Brooklyn, N. Y,, Exhibitions was advancing with his outfit when he almost stumbled over two Tiger College of Architecture and De- tanks. Dropping his rifle, the kid sign: Two-man exhibition featuring from Brooklyn snatched a bazooka domestic architecture by Alden B. and fired once. He missed. Dow, Midland, Michigan, and school Calling for more ammunition, Bro- buildings by Ernest J. Kump, San zer started after the German tanks Francisco. Rackham Mezzanine. Open on foot, but they got away. daily except Sunday through Feb. His company command post was 17; 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. The in a little Belgian town, so natur- public is cordially invited. ally Sgt. James J. Catena, Mar- DFFICIAL BULLETIN Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: Meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m., in Rm. 318 of the Michigan Union. Professor L. C. Maugh of the Depart- ment of Civil Engineering will illu- strate with slides his talk on "Struc- tural Features in Performance of Rig- id Airships." theater, this evening at 8:00. Any- one interested is welcome to come as your guest. Coming Events Tea at the International Center, every Thursday, 4-5:30 p. m. Faculty, foreign students, and their American Conscription Poll... Sigma Xi. At the February meet- friends are. cordially invited. ing Dr. Jerome Conn will report on - - some of his significant and highly The Geometry Seminar will meet important studies on human metabol- Thursday, Feb. 15, at 4:15 in 3001 is'm. The title, "Salt Requirements Angell Hall. Mr. Williams will con- under Conditions of Hard Work in a tinue his talk on Four-Dimensional Tropical Climate." Rackham Amphi- Geometry. Tea at 4. AT THE RADIO & RECORD SHOP 715 N. UNIVERSITY (Continued from Page 1) tional authorities while 71 per cent of the ien voted for this. Another difference was found in the opinion of men and women as to whether women should be included in the training program. Twenty-two per cent of the women polled favored training for men and women while only 11 per cent of the men were for inclusion of both sexes in the pro- gram. Thirty per cent of the men voted for military training exclusively as compared with 18 per cent of the women voting that way. A noticeable difference was found in the opinions of men with armed service experience and those without. Of the servicemen (including veter- ans) who were polled, 28 per cent op- posed any program of compulsory national service training while 42 per cent of those without service ex- perience were opposed. The other point of difference between these two sections centered around the time when the training period should come. Twenty-one per cent of the ser- vicemen favored compulsory service at a 'fixed age, regardless of educa- tional status as compared with 12 per, cent of the non-service group. L __ 1 k u'll be out in the cold, too IF, you are without a DAILY! Order your subscription NOW bycallirig the Daily E~vets TodaL~ Botanical Journal Club: Room 1139 N.S. today at 4:00 p.m. Reports by: Virginia Weadock. Virginia ferns and fern allies. A. B. Massey. Ferns of Utah." Seville Floeers; Hazen Price. Vaccinium hybrids and the development of new horticul- tural material, G. M. Darrow and W. H. Camp. Barbara L. Bowen. Physical char- acters of the skin in relation to apple fruit transpiration. S. A. Pieniazek. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:15 p. in., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building, "Factors Affecting the Insulin Content of the Pancreas" will be discussed. All interested are invited. f or your Our connections with hundreds of college outlets all over the nation e nable us to offer TOP DOLLAR for your books A "~Square Dea"for the Student at I I New Classes March 5 For CommunercialGradua es: Advanced courses leading to choice positions with a permanent future. Academic Students: Career courses- Secretarial, Accounting, Office Ma- chines, and Stenotypy. Many line positions: During 1944, our Placement Department aver- aged ten calls for every graduate. Starting positions ranged from $100 to $300 per month. A bright future: Business executives prefer office employees who are thoroughly trained, both in tech- nical skills for handling the initial I I I I } I r r- n i _ ') 7 ' / l1 r- . . -;:- 4 . I _- r, tir Q Phnn/'p . I I I rinn mrri 1 i rct l YA/nl F I