PAGE FOURI 0 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY ii-i4'Zo ..... . .. . Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Back Stage Personal By Play EE A -, -. 71 lkg*lPw Edited and managed by students of the University of Mbchigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff .velyn Phillips . . Managing Editor Stan "Wallace City Editor Ray Dixon . . . . . Associate Editor Bank Mantho . Sports Editor Dave Loewenberg . Associate Sports Editor Mavis Kennedy Women's Eitor Business Staff Lee Amer Business Manager Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mal, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194344 NIGHT EDITOR: A THUR J. KRAFT Us- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Open Meetmges? THE QUESTION of opening meetings of the Board of Regents to the public and press currently being discussed presents a problem that doesn't admit of a ready blanket answer on one side or the other, but to date, the main issue has been missed, it seems to us. In all fairness to an efficient administration of the University, some matters such as student discipline for academic violations cannot be cor- pletely exposed in an open meeting of the Board. Matters that can necessarily be construed as demanding private treatment are limited. The majority of the business of the University-a public institution-is of a. public nature, and the people of the state, who in their consti- tution created the University, have a right to know fully and completely what business is transacted. At the outset, then, let it be clear that we do not advocate that everybody be given the priv- ilege of attending all Regents' meetings. We do believe that the public has a right to .know all the news fully and promptly. This is the real issue in the picture. We feel the crux of the matter lies, not with the Regents, the public, nor with the question of open meetings, but with the University pub- lie relations department which has inadequate authority. This department within the Uni- versity has thus far failed to discharge its prime function-to release all news promptly and completely to a competent press without fear or favor. We do not believe that Rep. Eaton, who intro- duced the "open meetings" resolution in the House last week would be so irked by the matter if he weren't aware of this situation as a news- paperman. But further, the entire error does not lie with the University public relations department. It has not had the benefit of any clear policy direc- tive from the Board of Regents. The material given to the press after each meeting of the Regents consists only of that which the Board wishes to release. We feel that representatives of the press who are bearers of news to the public should, by proper certification, attend the meetings; should in fact, be told the entire story of the meetings. This is not our conviction merely becuse we are newspapermen who want to get "in" on the meetings. A large popular attendance, should the meetings be declared open, would only de- feat the purpose of getting all the facts, for the natural tendency would be for important matters to be settled in private caucus. NEWSPAPERMEN have the obligation of bring- ing all the news to the public. This they could do if they received the material first hand. Should the occasion arise, and it is to be expec- ted, wherein the Regents wish to treat some matter "off the record" for the moment, report- ers could be trusted not to betray this confidence. It is a conceded fact that most newsmen in Washington knew that President Roosevelt had departed for the Big Three conference ten days ago. but not one word of it was mentioned in the American press. We feel that it was unfortunate for the Uni- versity that the State house of Representa- tives felt compelled to go on record favoring open meetings and that the Senate is now considering the same action. The one-sided publicity that has emanated from the issue ha drndne the tIniversvitv reniitatinn no good. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-Real reason why the Work-or-Fight bill will probably not pass except in a highly diluted form is some back- stage personal by-play and inter-cabinet throat- cutting. When the Work-or-Fight Bill was passed by the House and got to the Senate Military Affairs Committee, a meeting of inter-cabinet repre- sentatives was held in the office of General Lucius Clay, assistant to War Mobilizer Byrnes. And it was agreed that all members attending the meeting should write letters to the Senate Military Affairs Committee, recommending that the Work-or-Fight Bill be amended, giving Jus- tice Byrnes the power of administration. This meant that Byrnes would put things in the hands of Paul McNutt's War Manpower Com- mission, rather than under General Lewis Her- shey's Selective Service as originally specified in the House bill. It was also agreed that each member at the meeting would show other members a carbon copy of the letter he wrote, in order that there might be no crossed wires. However, Under- Secretary of War Bob Patterson wrote a milk- and-water letter, and not to be a very vigorous endorsement of the sentiments adopted at the meeting in favor of the Byrnes amendment. McNutt Versus Patterson ... WHEREUPON War Manpower Commissioner McNutt called Patterson and told him that if he didn't write a stronger letter he. McNutt, would tell the Senate Committee what he really thought about the whole legislation. In his heart, McNutt consistently opposed any labor draft, believing the whole manpower problem was better solved on a voluntary basis. Following McNutt's threat, Under-Secretary Patterson apparently got worried about the ad- ministration of the Work-or-Fight Bill under .McNutt's WMC. Presumably he and his Army advisers also felt that they could control General Hershey and his draft boards more easily than McNutt. At any rate, Patterson sent General Wilton B. Persons up to interview members of the Senate Military Affairs Committee, including Senator Chan Gurney of South Dakota, to tell them that actually the War Department did not favor the Byrnes amendment and would favor administration of the Work-or-Fight Bill un- der General Hershey and the Selective Service draft boards. This reversal of policy was what blew up the meeting and eventually torpedoed the whole Work-or-Fight Bill. Several Senators, including Chairman Thom- as, blew off steam regarding the Army's reversal policy. None the least of these was Senator Ed Johnson of Colorado, Governor of that state when Paul McNutt was Governor of Indiana. Both are close friends and past leaders of the American Legion. So Johnson, leaving the Sen- ate Military Affairs Committee, walked over to his office and dictated a strong statement to the press, blasting the Army for doublecrossing. Previously, the Senate Committee had voted to approve the Work-or-Fight Bill. But when dissension between inter-departmental groups was revealed, the Committee voted to hold hearings, and now both Democratic and Re- publican members have cooled materially re- garding the original drastic work-or-fight act. Rules Committee Rudeness ... ANY members of Congress, long accustomed to hurly-burly debate, said that a new high for rudeness was reached when the Rules Com- mittee heard the House Banking and Currency Committee's request for consideration of the George Bill which would strip Henry Wallace and the Commerce Department of the lending agencies. Ohio's fiery, Republican Congressman, Clar- ence Brown, teed off with a vitriolic cross- examination of Democratic Congressman Brent Spence of Kentucky, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee which had passed the George Bill and wanted it reported to the floor for a vote. "How much time did your committee give to this legislation?" asked Brown. "I don't think that has any real bearing on the issue," replied Spence. "Yes it has," snapped Brown. "I want to know how much consideration your committee gave this bill. I think a committee ought to spend more than half an hour on such impor- tant legislation."- Spence replied that his committee had devot- ed many years to studying the RFC and its structure, knew the subject backwards and side- ways. Illinois' snow-haired Chairman Sabath of the Rules Committee interrupted Brown repeat- edly, tried to aid Spence who is both elderly and nearly blind. However Georgia's Gene Cox de- manded that Sabath shut up and let Spence answer Brown's questions. "I dont' see any reason why I shouldn't help him answer," said Sabath. "Well," replied Cox, "I don't want your an- swers. That's like going to a goat's house for wool." Cengressman John H. Folger of North Caro- lina, another of the Banking and Currency Committee, got so burned up at Cox and Li" u SC QUNDAY afternoon the Choral Un- ion Concert Series presented the Westminster Choir led by its conduct- or, John Finley Williamson. This compact group of forty voices lends itself rather well and quite sensitively to the masterful hand of Dr. William- son. Brown that he rose to his feet and demanded that the line of questioning be changed. "Our committee," Spence said, endorsing Fol- ger's views, "knows as much about this subject as any witness that could be brought up here. You've no right to criticize us." However, Brown, Cox, Indiana Congressman Charlie Halleck, and Howard Smith of Virginia, all trying to stall for time to prevent Henry Wallace's confirmation, persisted. In the end, southern Democrats joined with Republicans on the Rules Committee to prevent the George Bill from reaching the floor of Con- gress. Congressional leaders are so riled they will try to by-pass the Rules Committee today. In fact they are so sore at the recalcitrant Rules Committee they will try to by-pass it regularly. The committee may have cut off its nose to spite its face. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate 1'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Banks and Bankers By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-It is hard to talk back to bankers about banking. The bankers' committees which have been attacking the Bret- ton Woods monetary agreement have a great debating advantage. They are experts, and the public is not: I am not, you are not, he, she or it is not. Yet there is a loophole in their argument. These bankers' committees (working through the American Bankers Association) declare that it is dangerous to set up an International Sta- bilization Fund. They say we might lose our money if we joined in such a fund. They say that if all the nations of the world were to put nine billions of dollars into a pool, to sustain all the currencies of the world, then some pretty weak countries might borrow some important sums. They might lose them. They say that some countries which we don't like very much might borrow some of our collars from the Fund. They say that some countries might be encour- aged to engage in slovenly financial practices, because the Fund would be there to keep the values of their currencies up, regardless. The bankers have given us a technically correct description of the risks of setting up a world fund. They have not omitted a single one of the dangers involved in doing it. But here's the loophole: They have not touched upon the dangers of not doing it. They have told us all about the dangers of living in a house: you might fall down the stairs, you might slip in the bathtub, and lightning may strike your roof. They have made a good case to show that it is as much as your life is worth, to live in a house. But the alternative is to live in a tent. This is the point the bankers have delicately failed to touch upon. Tents are dangerous, too; worse than houses. It may be dangerous to try to stabilize all the currencies of the world, for the sake of the widest possible foreign trade; but it is sheer recklessness not to try to do so. We tried to get along between the wars without stabiliz- ing the world's currencies, and therresults were unilateral currency devaluation, price manipu- lation, dumping of goods, the invention of half a dozen kinds of internal funny money. It seems to me that as against these risks, the safest course is for the world to build that house, and live in it, and take its chances on skidding in the bathtub. ON THIS point the public is entitled to enter into the debate on equal terms with the bankers, for on this point the question becomes political, as well as a technical banking matter. -The public is entitled to say, as an expres- sion of its political preference, that it wants its government sto risk three billions of dollars (one per cent of the cost of the war) on a World Stabilization Fund which might fail, but which, on the other hand, might succeed and give us trade, peace and prosperity. The bankers have proved there is a risk involved. The public is entitled to ask that the risk be taken. That is the way democracy works; it takes testimony from experts, as it always should, but its basic decisions are made by non-experts. The bankers should be listened to (just as our civilian Commander-in-Chief takes advice from gener- als) but the product of their specialized know- ledge must be reviewed by others in the light of the national interest and the general welfare. One word more. While the bankers oppose the World Fund, they do not oppose a World Bank, such as is also contemplated by Bretton Woods. But the World Bank would be set up largely to guarantee loans, privately made. The bankers are willing to have us make loans to stabilize currencies, but they want such loans made through the World Bank, which means they want them made privately. That means the loans would be made for profit, and in wholly inadequate amounts; profits on world stabiliza- tion would take precedence over stabilization itself. I do not bring this up to impugn motives. It is not scandalous to want to earn a dollar. Any American is entitled to that aspiration. But this point also serves to make the question a political one, and keeps it from being purely and severely technical, and entitles the public to ask for the floor and to speak its mind. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) On the whole, the recital was pleas- form to the Assistant to the President, ing to the ear. Diction, tone color, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day, blending, and leading attacks were preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-, some of the more admirable qualities urdays). discernible to this ear. On the other! hand, spontaneous phrasing from one Notices voice to another and clear cut vocal sections were often inaudible. More- Registration, Spring Term, 1944- over, a lack in interpretive variety 1945. The student body has been{ combined occasionally with prosaic d expression made some of the greatest each group has beenallotted a deft- works on the program unappreciated. nite time when all students in thatj The opening composition, Bach's group will be admitted to the Gymna- Motet, "Sing Ye to the Lord," could siums for registration. The schedule WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 84 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Buletin should hbe sent In tyewritten DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ments, University Ext. 371, for ap- pointment. Academic Notices English 1 and 2. Final Examina- tion Schedule for Tues., Feb. 20, 2-4 p. m. English i Abel.................EHaven Anderson ...............C Haven Bertram ................2003 AH Bromage. ......... . .3209 AH Calver . . ........... ...D Haven Davis....... ... ....2215 AH -Eisinger .......... ......G Haven Everett .................3011 AH Fletcher ...............3017 AH Fogle ................. B Haven Greenhut. . . ...2028 N.S. Hawkins.. C Haven Hayden ............ 2235 AH Ogden...............3217 AH. Pearl.................2014 AH Prescott...............2203 AH Rayment..............1035 AH Stevenson ..............2231 AH Vanderbilt ..............1035 All Van Tyne.............B Haven Walker .................2225 AR Warner ................4003 AHl Weimer . ..........2029 AR Wells.................2225 AH Williams ........2013 AH English 2 have been one of the outstandingj contributions. Instead, it sounded like a warming up exercise. The women's voices were unevenly tem- pered--which resulted in a strange combination of shrillness and dull- ness. The only diversity in expres- sion came about through tempo markings. The next two selections, Lotti's "Crucifixus" and Bach's "Come Blessed Rest," left this re-1 viewer still unmoved. ' The Brahms Motet, containingj more in the way of imagination and vitality, compensated for the unmu- sicality of the previous presentations.1 follows: Thursday, P 8:00- 8:30 Lar 8:30- 8:45 Li 8:45- 9:00 Mc 9:00- 9:15 M 9:15- 9:30 Maw 9:30- 9:45 Mim 9:45-10:00 Mur 10:00-10:15 O 10:15-10:30 Par 10:30-10:45 Po 10:45-11:00 Rao 11:00-11:15 Roa 11:15-11:30 Ru 1:00- 1:15 Sch 1:15- 1:30 Sh 1:30- 1:45 Sm 1:45-2:00 St March 1. to Le to Lz a nd Mac to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to May Mil Mun Nz Paq P1 Ran Ri Roz Sca. Se Sl Sp Su To Vi Weh Wik Woo z 1945 Inclusive it "t "t ii "i "t it ii "t "i - it "i " "t ii "t " i it " The Ballad for-Americans initiat- ed a turn of events. The Choir seemed to feel more comfortable in the American idiom. The youthful baritone voice contained the keen- ness that its role required. By now, the Chorus was well on its way to provide good entertainment for the remainder of the afternoon. Per- sonable bits of information sup- plied by Dr. Williamson added fla- vor to each number. Kay Engel 4 Abel..... Boys. Engel Nelson ... Taylor Weaver .... .NS ..NS .. NS .............N S .NS ..............N S Aud. Aud. Aud. Aud. Aud. And. 2:00- 2:15- 2:30- 2:45- 3:00- 3:15- 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 Sw Tr VI Wei Wil Wop Understand ing, THE greatest danger to interna- tional cooperation in the postwar years, according to Prof. Donald Hamilton Haines, is that "too many of us are visioning a world in which everybody will act like sensible Amer- icans!' The trouble with most Americans, he points out in his article, "The Problem of the Other Fellow," ap- pearing in the current issue of the Alumni Quarterly Review, is that we do not attempt to understand and refuse to concede the differ-E ences in the aims and psychologi- cal makeupof other people andI other nationalities. If we are ever to achieve a last- ing peace, it must be built on the. firm foundation of mutual under- standing, not only among govern- ment heads, but among the peoples of the world. This is the message of Wendell Willkie, who explicitly stated in "One World," that such understanding is necessary if all nations are to work together. To take such a view is the acme of realism, not dreamlike idealism, for no group of nations or peoplej can achieve one aim unless they understand and allow for differ-' ences of opinion on other issues. Friday, Ma 8:00- 8:15 A 8:15- 8:30 Ap 8:30- 8:45 Bao 8:45- 9:00 Bem 9:00- 9:15 Bof 9:15- 9:30 Bri 9:30- 9:45 C 9:45-10:00 Che 10:00-10:15 Com 10:15-10:30 Cu 10:30-10:45 Den 10:45-11:00 Du 11:00-11:15 Es 11:15-11:30 Fit 1:00- 1:15 F'u 1:15- 1:30 Gin 1:30- 1:45 Gre 1:45-2:00 Ham 2:00- 2:15 He 2:15- 2:30 Hog 2:30- 2:45 I 2:45- 3:00 Jol arch 2, 1945 to Ao Inclusive to Ban to Bel to Boe to Bre to Bz to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Cha Col Cr Dem Dr Er Fis Fr Gim Gra Hal Haz Hof Hz Joh Ken "4 ti " " "C "C " " "4 ".G "f " " " Final Examination: Political Sei- ence 1. Saturday, Feb. 17. 8:00-10:00. Calderwood's sections .. 1025 A.H. Dorr's section.........1035 A.H. Kallenbach's section ...... 35 A.H. Norton's sections ........ 25 A.H. Silva's section .......... 1025 A.H. Final Examination: Pqlitical Sci- ence 2. Saturday, Feb. 17, 8:00-10:00. Room 231 A. H. Final Examination Room Assign- ments, German 1, 2, 31, 32: Friday, Feb. 23; 2:00-4:00- p.m.: German I: Gaiss, Willey and Eaton: D Haven Hall . German I: Philippson, Reichart and Naumann: 205 Mason Hall German I: Winkelman (both sec- tions) and Pott (both sections): 101 Ec. Bldg. German 2: All sections: C Haven Hall German 31: All sections: B Haven Hall German 32: Both sections: B Hav- en Hall Classification, Engineering College, Spring Term 1945: All Engineering Students, including Navy and Ma- rine Corps who are not in the pre- scribed curriculum, have been divid- ed into alphabetical groups and each group has been allotted a definite time when all students in that group will be admitted to Room 448 West Engineering Bldg.. for Classification. Students must bring registration re- ceipt at time of classification. Friday, March 2, 1945 8:00- 8:30 Lar to Lz 8:30- 9:00 Mc to Mil 9:00- 9:30 Mim to Paq 9:30-10:00 Par to Ri 10:00-10:30 Roa to Se 10:30-11:00 Sh to Su t Y u-ii: t qiw tO.. wen. ~... ' 3:00- 3:15 Keo to-Kol I j 3:15- 3:30 Kom to Lap Saturday, March 3, 1945 Any.student may register from 8:00. to 11:00 a. m. Students should plan to enter the Gymnasium in ample time to complete all registration and classification procedures by 11:00 a.m. Students who do not register by 11:00 a. m., Saturday March 3, 1945, will be assessed a late registration fee of $1.00 per day, maximum fee, $3.00. In addition a fee of $1.00 will be assessed students who do not' complete their classification by 11:00 a. m., Saturday, March 3, 1945. The alphabetical feature of this schedule will be changed each term to j I give equal opportunity for early reg- istration to each student during hi~s course. If we Americas go to the peace con- H ferences believing that the represent- Herbert G. Watkins, 1:30- 2:00 Wei to Z atives of all other nations will see Ass't. Vice-President and Secretary 2:00- 2:30 A to Bel things exactly the way we see them, 2:30- 3:00 Bem to B7 we shall only commit ourselves to dis- Midyear Graduation Exercises will 3:00- 3:30 C to Cr appointment. We should realize that be held at 10:30 a. in., Saturday, 3:30- 4:00 Cu to Er our motivations will not be the same Feb. 24, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. 4:0*0- 4:30 Es to Gim in all cases as those of the British The address to the graduating clas- Saturday, March 3, 1945 and Russian people. If we are to act ses will be given by Professor Camp- 8:30- 9:00 Gin to Haz collectively, cognizance of the fact bell Bonner. Assembly at 10:00 a.m. 9:00- 9:30 He to Joh that differences to exist is necessary. as follows: Graduates in the middle 9:30-10:00 Jol to Lap We cannot afford to take the attitude sections of the Lecture Hall as di- that if the other fellow cannot see our rected by ushers; faculty i the office Graduate Students: Registration way of doing things it is his problem, of the Graduate School; regents, material will be available in the not ours. officers, deans, minister, and speaker Graduate School office beginning Arthur J. Kraft of the day in Executive Board room; February 27. color guard and honor guard in the outer lobby. Participants will wear academic costume. The public is Music 41. Introduction to Musical ON SECONDcordially invited; no tickets are re- Literature. For the Spring Semester, THOUGHT - - - quired. only Section 2, Monday, Wednesday B___Dxo_ and Friday at 10 a. m. will be open to By Ray Dixon Idtifiti Cards. All idtifi students in the College of Literature, tion cards which were given out dur- Science and the Arts. TODAY is Valentine's Day and all ing the Summer or Fall Terms must students will ask their professors be validated by the Dean of Students Doctoral Examination for Richard to have a heart come finals. for the Spring Term. All cards out- Eugene Field, Chemistry; thesis: standing will be collected during "The Synthesis and Reactions of Cer- Our Valentine hero for today is registration and redistributed after tan Partially Hydrogenated Biph- the girl who knows the facts of life being validated. Cards which are not enyls," Thursday, Feb. 5, 3:00 p. m., and has decided to ignore them un- so processed will not be honored fora 309 Chemistry. Chairman, E. C. til her boy-friend comesback from the Spring Term by University of- Horning. By action of the Executive Board overseas. ficials. 1the Chairman may invite members of Representative Claire Hoffman in- Honor Societies. The attention of the faculties and advanced doctoral troduces a bill to lift Petrillo's ban honor societies is called to the fact candidates to attend' this examina- on Interlochen broadcasts. For once that the date of Honors Convocation tion, and he may grant permission tothswh fosuicetran we agree with the man. has been set for April 20. It is re- those who for sufficient reason tY~~f4A-7 l~f-nl eninio hn Athu1might wish to be present. Czar Petrillo should remember that the students of today are the musicians of tomorrow. w ., quested that all societies hodt i heir elections as early as possible after the beginning of the Spring Term so that the names of new members may be included in the Honors Convoca- tion program. Dean of Students BAR NABY r O'Malley. my Foi y Godlother, is By Crockett Johnson Recreational Leadership - Woman Students: The course in Recreational Leadership will be offered next seme- ster on Fridays from 3:20-5:20 by the Department of Physical Education for Women. Upperclass women who have completed their requirement Don't tease him, John F S t --- -----, I,