igy sirt DiaiI WEATHER Cloudy with Occasional Light Snow VOL. LV, No. 84 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Siegfried Breach Is Widened British, Canadians Drive Beyond Keve By The Associated Press PARIS, Feb. 13-Widening their breach in the Siegfried Line between the Maas river and the Rhine, British and Canadian troops today drove be- yond Keve, emerged from the east- ern edge of the Reichswald and, south of the forest, established a bridgehead over the Niers River. Approximately 1,000 British planes slashed at Nazi forces confronting Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Mont- gomery's troops on this northern sec- tor of the western front. Third Army Active More than 100 miles to the south, the U. S. Third Army sent elements of three divisions pouring through a new break in Hitler's westwall south of Pruem, while other doughboys drove the last Germans from the soil of Luxembourg. Canadian "water rats" in the nor- thern sector, entered Greithausen, less than a mile from the Rhine and 300 airline miles from Berlin, in what was described as the heaviest enemy forces now swelled to seven divisions at the expense of other western front sectors. The day's heaviest fighting took place in the muddy terrain east of Kleve, where the Nazis battled fierce- ly to keep the British from pushing beyond the Siegfried Line's second belt of fortifications. Bridgehead Won South of Kleve British troops won a bridgehead over the Niers River some 2,000 yards east of the captured stronghold of Gennep and were re- ported steadily enlarging it tonight. An armored patrol fought into Hom- mersum, three miles southeast of Gennep. The entire area was heav- ily sown with mines. For almost the first time since Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery opened his powerful offensive last week, Allied tactical planes were able to give the attacking troops extensive support. Boer Is Obstacle With the flooded Roer River still forming a menacing obstacle to any operations by three Allied armies drawn up aloig its ranks, the double- barreled assault by Montgomery's forces in the north and Patton's at the center carried the entire weight of Gen. Eisenhower's offensive in the West. Despite the Nazis' intensive resist- ance, the British Empire offensive had advanced from 10 to 12 miles, pushed through the main Siegfried defenses and the dense timberland of the Reichswald, cleared the import- ant communications center of Kleve and captured well over 5,000 prison- ers. While Patton's Fifth and 80th Divi- sions were consolidating their new breach in the Siegfried defenses south of Pruem, other Third Army troops cleared Vianden-driving the last Nazi troops from Luxembourg. . Fourth Infantry Division completed mopping up Pruem after repulsing two strong German counterattacks with heavy losses. Students Invite Forum on Flat Hat' Publication WILLIAMSBURG, Va., Feb. 13-' (A)-An invitation to the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary to discuss at an open forum the question of continued publication of the Flat Hat, college weekly news- paper, without faculty supervision has been extended by the student body. The request for the meeting fol- lowed action of the Board Sunday in directing the faculty to investigate circumstances regarding the publica- tion of an editorial in the Flat Hat on race relations in the future, writ- ten by its 22-year-old undergraduate editor, Miss Marilyn Kaemmerle, Jackson, Mich. CAMPUS EVENTS Feb. 15 Three forums on veterans problems to be held at 8 p. m. at Jones, Slauson and Tappan Junior High School. Feb. 16 Daily ceases publication. Yanks Take Cavite Base, Nichols Field MacArthur Says End of Jap Garrison, Trapped in Manila District Is 'in Sight' By The Associated Press MANILA, Wednesday, Feb. 14-Capture of the Cavite naval base and Nichols Airfield were announced today by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who said the end of Japan's trapped Manila garrison was "in sight." Capture of the Cavitennaval base put the Yanks on the shores of Manila Bay for the first time. Nichols Field Cleared The 11th Airborne Division cleared Nichols Field, at the southern out- skirts of Manila, and occupied the Cavite naval base several miles to the southwest. Ten Japanese seaplanes and a bat- t E i i+C I i 7 1 1 a r i c S I I I i 'BIG THREE' IN CONFERENCE AT YALTA PALACE, CRIMEA-Prime Minister Winston Churchill (back to camera, lower left), Marshal Joseph Stalin (second from left around table) and President Franklin D. Roosevelt (right rim of table) with members of their staffs as they met in conference at Yalta Palace, Crimea. To the le ft of President Roosevelt are Adm. William Leahy and Gen. George C. Marshall. ery of three-inch guns were captured intact. MacArthur said the 37th Division was closing in on the Japanese garri- son trapped in the old intramuros district of south Manila, where the enemy is making his "final stand." Heavy bombers dropped more than 150 tons of explosives on Corregidor Fortress at the extreme end of Manila Bay, scoring hits on four heavy gun batteries, while attack bombers rak- ed southern Bataan installations and sank six enemy fuel and ammunition barges. Casualties Announced MacArthur announced enemy cas- ualties of more than 68,000 for the five weeks of the Luzon campaign, as against American casualties of 2,102 killed, 192 missing and 7,389 wounded -A total of 9,683. Off Bataan Peninsula, fighter planes sank six enemy barges laden with fuel and ammunition and on the peninsula poured strafing bullets into Nipponese concentrations. In air operations in the southern Philippines, Mitchell bombers de- stroyed or damaged four small Japa- nese vessels at the waterfront of Zamboanga on Mindanao Island and blew up a fuel tank. The Padao air- drome near Davao on the' same island was cratered. Dobbie Recalls ,'Trust in God' 'Big Three' Is Denounced b London Poles Leaders Accused of Violating Atlantic Pact By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 13-The Polish Government in London, bitterly de- nouncing the 'Big Three', announced tonight that it was refusing to ac- cept the decisions regarding Poland made at the Crimean Conference and accused President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Marshal Sta- lin of violating the Atlantic Charter. A 500-word statement from Pre- mier Tomas Z. Arciszewski of the London Government, issued exactly 24 hours after the British Foreign Office had released the text of the Big Three Polish agreement, said the big powers' intention to create' a provisional government of na - tional unity for Poland "can only legalize Soviet interference in Pol- ish internal affairs." The London Poles complained that the Big Three Conference reached its' decision not only without partici- pation and authorization of the Lon- don government, but also without its# knowledge. More Vict"ory BaliTckets -To 'BeSold Today Three hundred and fifty more tickets go on sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at the center of the diagonal for the Third Annual Vic- tory Ball, to be held Friday, March 9, at the Intramural Sports Building. If any of the 350 remain unsold at 12 p.m., they may be purchased until 5 p.m. in the Union lobby, Norma Johnson, director of ticket sales, declared yesterday. 900 Already Sold Of the limited number of 1,500 tick- ets available, already nearly 900 have been sold, 310 of which have been taken by social fraternities on cam- pus. As a special attraction for the V-Ball, Assembly, the campus inde- pendent women's organization, hasj arranged to have a coke stand in the lobby of the IM Building for the dance. The concession has been planned in response to the general campus request for refreshments dur- ing the evening. Assembly Does Part "Because we feel that the V-Ball is one of the biggest social affairs on campus, Assembly is more than anx- ious to do its part in making this dance as enjoyable as possible," Flor- P~n WTilbkins cAssembly prient. CRIMEAN CQNFERENCE DESCRiBED: Prof. Maddy Byrnes Reports on Aims of US Raps Petrillo's Participation Followino Parley B Musi By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 13-In a dramatic first-hand account of the Crimean conference, James F. Byrnes declared tonight that American participation in the affairs of Europe is designed to prevent :Russian- British rivalry for spheres of influence. Byrnes, just back from the Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin conferencej gave the account to newsmen as the White House announced a bi-partisan slate of American delegates chosen to attend the United Nations parley at San Francisco April 25 to draft a:"-___ _____ plan for.enforcing world peace. rations Commite Senator Vanden- Violence To Be Deterreda Byrnes, War Mobilization Director, said another aim of American partici- pation in European affairs, is to deter outbreaks of violence in liberated countries. President Roosevelt himself, Byrnes disclosed, wrote the declaration on liberated areas by which this country agrees to share with the other two powers responsibility for restoringor- der and independence to the war rav- aged small nations. The mobilization chief expressed his conviction that the Crimean agreements had gone a long way toward guaranteeing an Atlantic Charter settlement for the small countries of Europe and a lasting peace for the world., Conflict Will (crow The military decisions of the con- ference, he said, mean that our mili- tary leaders are planning for a warI involving "more men than ever be-! fore in this conflict."E In describing the role played by the President with "great skill, tact, patience and humor," Byrnes said that he served by informal agreement as chairman of the conference andt that he proposed at least two of the specific agreements covered in yes- terday's communique summing up ac- complishments.I Immediately after his news confer- ence at the White House broke up President Roosevelt through his press office announced the names of nine persons invited to be delegates to the San Francisco conference.I Delegates Named Secretary of State Stettinius will head the delegation. Other members chosen are former secretary of State Cordell Hull, who also will serve as senior advisor, Chairman Connally (D.-Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Re- berg (R.-Mich.) a member of the Committee, Chairman Bloom (D.- N.Y.) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Representative Eaton (R.-N.J.), Commander Harold Stas- sen, former Republican governor of Minnesota, and Dean Virginia Gil- dersleeve of Barnard College. Nazis To Resist Yalta Decison LONDON, Feb. 13.--/P'-Nazi lead- ers summoned the invaded German nation today to "resist to the last breath Yalta's Magna Charta for the pauperization and misery of Eur- ope," and a German foreign office spokesman declared, "Millions of us STOCKHOLM, Feb. 13--('P- Geiman civilians have been or- dered to surrender all types of weapons to authorities before Feb. 20 by a decree which indicated not only the need for arms at the fronts but also governmental ap-" prehension over the possibility of a revolt on, the home front, Swedish correspondents said today. will wage guerrilla warfare; every German before he dies will try to take five or ten enemies with him to the grave." The spokesman, Dr. Paul Schmidt, was quoted by the German radio as making this pronouncement to for- eign correspondents, saying that he thought the Allied Big Three com- munique was "excellent, for it helps German leaders to maintain and. strengthen war morale." lnterlocllen Will Hold Session This Summer "Petrillo's ban on broadcasts of In- terlochen student concerts is a boy- cott of music education," declared Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, director of the National Music Camp, yesterday fol- lowing the introduction of legisla- tion against the ban by Rep. Hoff- man (Rep., Mich.) Placed on the "unfair list" by AFM (American Federation of Musicians) of which James C. Petrillo is presi- dent, Interlochen will, nevertheless, continue its regular session this sum- mer, probably with its usual teach- ing staff, according to Prof. Maddy. Maddy To Present Case Prof. Maddy will present the Camp's case against the ban before a House committee sometime in the next two weeks. He testified pre- viously on "The Battle for Freedom of the Air" at a hearing of the Sen- ate Interstate Commerce Committee on March 20, 1944, also concerned ! with the banning of broadcasting by all school bands and orchestras in July, 1942. "This issue affects the rights of all the children of America, - rights guaranteed American citizens by the Constitution of the United States," he asserted in that testimony. Ban Called Retaliation Describing Petrillo's ban of the student broadcasts as a "personal re- taliation against me," Prof. Maddy said that he will fight it put in the hope that other small music unions throughout the country will join in the battle against the dictator of AEM, Petrillo, in issuing the ban through the AFTM, accused Prof. Mad- dy of making statements detrimental to the musicians' union. The radio music instructor, however, said he merely aired his dislike of the music boss. The Cedar Rapids, Ia. local musi- cians' union has wired its intention to present a resolution opposing the ban. If other unions follow this ex- ample the bill now reintroduced in lCongress will be passed, Prof. Maddy believes. In Malta Siege "It is not vain to out our trust in the living God even in the hectic times of the 20th century," was the, reminder earnestly voiced by Lt.-Gen.; Sir William Dobbie, recalling the, trust he had put in the Almighty during the siege of Malta, as he spoke last night at Hill Auditorium on "The Defense of Malta." Speaking of the 2,300 bombing, raids the virtually isolated Mediter- ranean island suffered for two and a half years of enemy attack, Gen. Dobbie had only the highest praise for the military and civilian defend- ers of Malta. Island Given George Cross As commander in chief of Malta, it was he who accepted on behalf of the island's defenders the George Cross, the greatest award for valor offered by the British government, unique in that Malta is the only com- munity as such ever to receive the distinction. "If we had not been able to hold Malta during the early days of the war when the British Empire stood alone, the whole strategy of the war would have crumbled completely. Egypt quite probably would have fall- en, and the Big Three would have been in no position today to meet to determine the finishing touches on the defeat of Germany," the General asserted. Malta was an essential link, he said, in that as an offensive base it was effectively used to hinder enemy communication - and to disrupt the flow of men and supplies for the axis North African campaign. Malta's 'Three Dangers' "At all times on Malta, we had three real dangers to face: invasion by the enemy, which in view of Mal- ta's strategic position, seemed most logical; ' continued bombing of the island; and the lack of an adequate food supply," Gen. Dobbie pointed out. The first two dangers were suc- cessfully met and passed, but the third was always present on the is- land that must have nine tenths of its food and all of its other materials brought in from the outside. At oneE time during the worst stages of the siege, 14 merchant ships and a naval convoy left Gibraltar with food for Malta. Only three managed to reach Budapest Falls After 49 Days Street Fighting Reds Slash Ten Miles Westward in Silesia By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 13.-The shattered remains of Budapest fell to the Red Army today after 49 days of street fighting that cost the enemy 49,000 men killed and 110,000 captured in the greatest individual disaster since Stalingrad, while some 300 miles to the northwest the Russians slashed ten miles farther westward through German Silesia toward Dresden. Premier Stalin announced the Bu- dapest victory in an order of the day. The regular nightly communique, re- iterating the announcement, added that the first Ukraine army of Mar- shal Ivan S. Konev had taken an- other 150 towns in Silesia, reached the Queis River at several points and driven within 70 miles of Dresden, capital of Saxony. Operations Veiled The communique was silent con- cerning operations on the front dir- ectly east of imperilled Berlin, where the Germans said the Russians had made gains -of a mile and a quarter, but it announced five and six-mile advances in the continued clean-up of the Polish Corridor some 40 mile northwest of Bydgoszcz. Budapest's fall, with its staggering loss in manpower -to the Germans and a list of captured equipment that included such items as 269 tanks, 1,257 cannon and 46 stores of food and ammunition, was credited by Premier Stalin to Marshals Rodion Y. Malinovsky and Feodor Tolbukhin of the second -and third Ukraine armies, which cooperated in the long operation. The order described Budapest as "a strategically important German defense center on the road to Vien- na." It was the seventeenth Euro- pean capital lost by the Germans to the Allies. Attack Began Nov. 12 Dii'ect attack on the H-ungarian capital began last Nov. 12 after the fall of Monor, to the southeast. En- circlement was completed and Rus- sian troops drove into the suburbs on Dec. 27. Then for 49 flaming days and nights the Soviets fought through the streets of the great twin city astride the Danube, advancing block by block, house by house and even room by room against a stubborn garrison that rejected a surrender ultimatum by shooting the Russians who delivered it. The bag of prisoners was the great- est in any city since Stalingrad, when the entire German Sixth Army of 330,000 men was surrendered Feb. 2, 1943, after a six-month battle in which the besieged Russians turned the tables on the Germans. With the publication of Friday's issue, The Daily will cease publi- cation for the Fall Term. Publi- cation will be resumed March 6. us.-Ad. School Will Wi lOrganize Permanent Post-Wr Student Body Planned Planning a permanent student or- ganization for the post-war School of Business Administration is ttle func- tion of the newly-organized tudent Executive Committee. The committee, consisting of Ed Miguelon, president; Margaret Lau- bengayer, secretary; John Mullaney, Martin Phalen, and Josephine Frosh, will serve for three semesters. Insti- DAILY POLL SAMPLES OPINION: Campus Favors Post-War Military Traming By EVELYN PHILLIPS Results of a scientifically design- ed sampling of campus opinion, tabu- lated yesterday, indicate campus ap- proval of a post-war program of com- pulsory national service training. The poll, consisting of random samplings taken Thursday and Fri- day, was conducted by The Daily, with the assistance of Prof. Theo- dore Newcomb of the sociology de- The second question which ask- ed opinion on the type of training to be given showed that 25 per cent favored military training ex- clusively; 71.5 per cent favored military plus other kinds of train- ing; and 3.5 per cent expressed doubt as to the type of program. The third question asked for opin- ion on the type of control which a d'flflll 'i 'flt' ncrvia rinn l Clf t i'rlA favored a choice of service within a fixed age range, so that the program would either precede or follow college training, varying in individual cases. Compulsory service at a fixed age, regardless of educational status, was favored by 13 per cent and 3 per cent were doubtful. Some outstanding differences of opinion were found in comparisons