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February 13, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-13

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tTUESDAY, VEB. 13, 1945


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FyirFigat e
Fifty-Fifth Year

How Jones Got His RFC Post

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vv I~lf 1 I I uUUUilit Icll UI,

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications,

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

Editorial Stafff
Managing Editor
. . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . .Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
Business Stafff

Lee Amer - Business Manager
BarbaraChadwick . * Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in Te Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Reader's Digest
THE "READER'S DIGEST" has achieved a
new distinction. Its latest accolade comes
from the German propaganda magazine "Sig-
nal," which reprinted in its January 1944 issue
a translation of 'America, the Land of Prom-
ises' by Henry J. Taylor, published in the Digest
in September, 1943.
The article, so valuable for the "Signal" was
introduced in the Digest by an editors note
which read: "Americas policy of exaggerated
internationalism is as danggrous, foolhardy
and destructive as narrow isolationism."
The Signal prefaced the reprint: "In Sep-
tember, 1943, the Reader's Digest published ex-
cerpts from the book 'Men in Motion.' The au-
thor, Henry J. Taylor, was a correspondent in
Africa, Palestine and Syria for North American
newspapers; his thoughts are of interest to us
Europeans also. They show that Signal's analy-
sis of American affairs has paralleled that of
clear-thinking Americans themselves."
The Digest may now take its place with
those other mortal immortals whose analyses
coincide with the Nazi propaganda machine.
- Betty Roth
Education Poll
N EXPRESSION of over two hundred repre-
sentatives of industry, business, and the pro-
fessions in reply to a questionnaire on the value
of higher education sent to them by Allen B.
Grow, Chairman of Detroit's Businessmen's
Committee on Cooperation with Education; de-
nounced colleges and universities "as a time-
wasting fraud . . professors being visionaries
and purveyors of subversive doctrines."
The Detroit paper that reported the "poll"
asserted that the questions under fire were
evaluated as follows: 1) There is a tendency
among teachers to be too academic and to hold
some "foreign" ideology superior to the Ameri-
can way of life. 2) College professors have
only the slightest practical acquaintance with
business problems, 'and are therefore unfit to
teach about them. 3) Most college graduates
think that their book-learning is a substitute
for hard work. 4) Purely academic courses are
useless; therefore, the existing curricula are
The implications of the doctrines expressed
herein make a sad commentary on American
business, if this "poll" be representative of it.
Apparently, business interests deplore higher ed-
ucation as "impractical" and "subversive" be-
cause our educators will not cater to their inter-
est in preference to impartiality for the most
part. The publication of such a "poll" at the
present time reflects the possible motives of
business 1) To discourage veterans from getting
a college education lest they demand reform in
industry 2) To gain control of our free educa-
tional system in order to get the colleges to turn
out intellectual robots to perpetuate the anti-
quated doctrine of rugged individualism.

It might be noted, that an ancestor of this
"poll" was promulgated by the United States
Chamber of Commerce ten years ago in a twenty-
point program to reduce "educational expendi-
tures." Among the recommendations were: 1)
Abolition of kindergartens 2) Reduction of ele-
mentary school curricula from eight to seven

(WASHINGTON-The memory of man is very
short. Today few people remember a man
who once chairmanned the Reconstruction Fin-
ance Corporation-the agency which has been
such a storm center in the Wallace-Jones fight.
In fact few people recall that Jesse Jones was
preceded in that office by another Democrat,
and that Jones did not succeed-as most people
believe-Charles G. Dawes as RFC chairman.
The man whom Jesse Jones actually suc-
ceeded was the late Atlee Pomerene, former
Democratic Senator from Ohio; and thereby
hangs an interesting story of how Jesse got the
job which his friends in the Senate say should
not be given to Henry Wallace.
In 1932 when Dawes stepped out as RFC
chairman, President Hoover waited until Andrew
Mellon, then Ambassador to Great Britain, was
back in the U.S.A. on a visit, in order to ask his
advice on who should succeed Dawes.
Hoover told Mellon that Jesse Jones; then
a member of the RFC, but not chairman, had
asked him for the appointment as chairman,
so Hoover wanted to know what Mellon
thought of .Tones' financial foresight and abil-
ity. Hoover also explained that he was seri-
ously considering appointing a Democrat as
Mellon replied that he knew Jones, but did
not think too much of his foresight in finance,
citing the fact that Jones had plunged heavily
in New York real estate which at that time was
seriously depreciated in value.
Mellon went on to say that if Preident
Hoover was looking for a Democrat as chair-
man, which might be a good idea, he could
recommend a man who he thought had an
unusual knowledge of corporation finance.
During the investigation of the Teapot Done
oil scandal, Mellon continued, Owen D. Rob-
erts (now justice of the Supreme Court) and
Atlee Pomerene, former Senator from Ohio,
had come to the treasury to trace the corpor-
ate holdings of the oil companies involved.
And Mellon said he had been greatly impressed
by the manner in which Pomerene took hold
of the situation and did more work on the
matter than Roberts who was a corporation
So Hoover turned Jones down and appointed
ex-Senator Pomerene of Ohio chairman of the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Jones Buttonholes FDR...
MEANWHILE Roosevelt was nominated and
ater elected President. Shortly after elec-
tion. Jesse Jones went down to Florida to visit
him and made a strenuous bid to become chair-
man of the RFC. Among other things he im-
pressed upon Roosevelt was that Atlee Pomerene
had been for Al Smith at the Chicago convention
of 1932, while he, Jones, said he had swung the
Texas delegation over t Roosevelt. Actually,
Pomerene had put ex-Governor White of Ohio
in nomination at Chicago. While he took no
vigorous part in the convention, it was true he
had not been for Roosevelt.
Farley also went to bat for Jesse Jones, tell-
ing the President-elect that Jones had swung
the Texas delegation and that Roosevelt owed
him a debt of gratitude.
So as a reward for Jones' political support,
rather than because of any financial genius,
it was decided that Jesse was to become chair-
man of the RFC.
However, this was not made known to Atlee
Pomerene. In fact he never knew about it from
Roosevelt himself. It was Jesse Jones who broke
the news. On the morning of March 4, just
before the inauguration, the RFC held a meet-
ing and afterwards the former Senator from
Ohio went up to his apartment at the Wardmah
Park, packed his bags, and drove back to Ohio.
There was no difference whatsoever between
the reason why Jones was appointed chairman
of the RFC and why Henry Wallace was ap-
pointed. In both cases it was in reward for
political services. But there was one difference
between 1933 and 1945. When Pomerene was
replaced, he retired without any protest. When
Jesse Jones was replaced, he issued an ex-
change of letters with the President never
intended for publication, launched a bitter
tirade against his successor, and started a

By Ray Dixon I
ERNIE PYLE writes a column saying that he
is still behind in his reading-thus echoing
student sentiments around about this time.
Up until a few days ago, we were getting blue
from the cold-now we're getting bluebooks for
One might Amost say that the weather has
been thaw 'id, but tice.
The situation in Italy lately has been as quiet
as Governor Dewey lately.
Somebody told us recently that the Rus-
sians are breathing easier since passing the

personal lobby against both Wallace and the
President which is still continuing.
Capitol Chaff.,....
Democratic Chairman Hannegan did a lot
toward solidifying both wings of the Democratic
party by the way he worked for Henry Wallace's
confirmation. He was busy as a bird-dog but-
tbnholing Senators for Wallace. Since Hanne-
gan's opposition to Wallace at Chicago was re-
sented by liberal Democrats, his current sup-
port healed the breech . . . Vice-President Tru-
man who defeated Wallace at Chicago, also
pulled potent wires for him as Secretary of
Commerce . . . So did Democratic Treasurer
Ed Pauley, though Wallace declined to consider
him as Federal Loan Administrator . . . Sulphuric
editor Louis Ruppel of the Chicago Herald-
American is doing a real job for returned ser-
vicemen by focusing public attention on the vet-
eran's button. The public hasn't really become
allergic to the button yet . . . Ex-Congressman
"Cousin Nat" Patton of Texas, who once called
King George and Queen Elizabeth of England
"Cousin," finds it hard to get off the public
payroll. He now has a $4,000 job with the Vet-
erans Administration .
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)
Congress' Blocs
NEW YORK-For several years now, on vote
after vote, approximately 70 Southern Dem-
ocrats in the House and about 15 in the Senate,
have been lining up almost automatically with
the G.O.P. to oppose measures desired by the
administration. This combination has become
so conscious of itself lately, and so forward, that
it is even frightening some of its own adherents.
Senator George of Georgia, author of the
George Bill, which stripped the lending pow-
ers from the Department of Commerce, has
been sending agitated signals to the House,
gesturing to it not to go any further, not to
amend the bill so as to take even more powers
from the President; it's enough for now; after .
all, people might begin to talk.
One isolationist newspaper, watching this
alliance with round and shining eyes, has been
enchanted with the hope that a new party may
even be formed, consisting of all the Republi-
cans, and the Southern conservative Democrats.
This new party, it feels, could run America. One
hates brutally to squash so delicious a dream,
but, of course, President Roosevelt would have
won all four of his elections even if the entire
Solid South had voted solidly Republican each
time. It is much easier for a Republican-con-
servative Democratic alliance to gain control
of the Rules Committee of the House, than. to
gain control of America.
But what of the future? Will the alliance of
Republicans and conservative Democrats grow
stronger or weaker? There are signs, surpris-
ingly enough, that it is growing weaker.
For one thing, there are about 20 fewer
Republicans in the House than during the
last session; and we sometimes forget that
the conservative alliance needs Republicans
as well as Democrats. The two parties were
almost evenly matched during the last ses-
sion, but there is now a spread of about 45
seats between them, in favor of the Democrats.
There is ground for believing that the hard
core of the conservative alliance, consisting of
men who can be trusted to vote for any anti-
administration measure, no matter how appal-
ling, has been cut from a strength of about 135
Republicans and 70 Democrats to about 110
Republicans and 65 Democrats. This is a real
decline in power.
IN A curious fashion, the alliance has always
seemed to have more bark than bite. It
could be defeated, and it has been defeated, time
after time, on close issues, when public opinion
has really been mobilized against it. It tried to
end price control, and it lost; it tried to end the
use of subsidies to keep food costs down. and it
lost; it worked out against reciprocal trade trea-
ties, and it lost. Even a slight decline in the
voting strength of the alliance gives public opin-
ion much greater leverage against it, if the pub-
lie cares to use it; and if the public is as shrewd
in sensing opportunities as is, say Congressman

Cox of Georgia.
Another factor working against the alli-
ance is the emergence of a group of Republi-
can moderates. This showed up in the Wallace
fight. On the key vote, 15 Democratic Senators
turned against their party and the adminis-
tration, but nine Republican Senators sup-
ported the administration, for a net loss, if
you want to call it that, of only six. There are
thoughtful men in the Republican party who
are not going to toe the line on anybody's
graph of the future. They don't want a knock-
down fight; they want a country which can
get along with itself, and they will follow their
noses in their search for it.
And it is a kind of interesting footnote that
Georgia has chosen precisely the moment when
the alliance was making the biggest noise to
repeal its poll tax, a flare-up of liberalism within
the Southern Democracy.
All these signs taken together must give
some Congressional die-hards the strange feel-
ing that their alliance is being singed at both
ends. They walk proudly, but perhaps they
smell the smoke.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

JT REALLY can't be true.
"The College of William and
Mary, second oldest in the United'
States, suspended temporarily pub- .
lication of the student newspaper,
Flat Hat."
That is the way the news story
read yesterday but a consideration
of the reasons advanced by the col-
lege president Dr. John E. Pomfret
gives the incident an amazing as-
The college board has expressed
"thorough disapproval and con-
demnation" of the sentiments ex-
pressed by the article in which it
was suggested that Negroes be view-
ed on an equal footing with the
rest of the community.
Even if we were so thoroughly
Southern as to condemn any mention
of color equality in this democracy,
(the college for instance) we should
jump to immediate protest of this
suspension action. We should cry
out against anyone, anywhere who
advocates quieting of another's point:
of view just because that expression
of opinion is contrary to our own.
The very essence of freedom in
this democracy is that we permit
a full extension of it to those whom
we might most violently hate and
disregard any individual opinion
as a criterion for curtailing that

} ARILYN Kaemmerle of Jackson
advocated in the editorial in
question that education was the only
way to bring equal recognition of
Negroes "in our hearts and minds"
and added that personal fraterniza-
tion between the races "cannot and
should not be done today, or tomor-
row, but perhaps the next day."
It is not out of naivete that we ex-
hibit such contempt and disgust at
this action but rather it is because
such incidents are all too common-
place and should be given wide publi-
city so that the error can be under-
stood and eliminated for the future.
Freedom of speech implies many
things which are all too often
neglected or much less understood.
It demands an assumption of re-
sponsibility on the part of him who
chooses to exercise it. It demands
wise and prudent judgment and
adherence to what can be ascer-
tained as truth. We believe that
those who are honest and sincere
in their motives and with due con-
sideration of the truth must be ac-
corded the right to speak.
And that means EVERYONE-even
those whom we violently hate and
think might be subversive. If thisF
democracy which is based upon the
will of the people will not trust the
people when given full and complete
information to sift and arrive at the
truth, then the advocates of the op-
posite propose totalitarian ideals.
Granted that this is an ideal which'

T HE newest Deanna Durbin film, jN THE Michigan's current tenant.
"Can't Help Singing," is today's "None But the Lonely Heart," RKO
attraction at the State. For Miss Dur- has produced a serious, intelligent,
bin's fans the picture should fill the and only semi-successful film with s
Itsdepth of purpose rare in Hollywood
entertainment bill to perfection. It Adapted from Richard Llewellyn';
contains all the elements which have novel of the same name, the picture
made her previous efforts popular. presents a grim study of London
The picture, laid in the Gold Rushjslum life. Why, with such a worthy
subject, the film doesn't wholly suc-
days; has the star as a U. S. sena- c-ed, is problematical. Playwright
tor's rebellious daughter who flees Clifford Odets, while a novice at
Washington to follow her army-off i- movie-making, has directed the film
cer fiance to California. On the some- with what impressed me as unusual
what trying journey she is accom- feeling. The fault may quite possibly
panied by one of those picturesque lie with the original novel, which I
gamblers who are wont to inhabit haven't read, but I am more inclined
pictures of this type. By the time to place the blame with the faltering
California is reached, Miss Durbin script.
discovers of all things, that she really Stars Cary Grant and Ethel Bar-
loves the gambler, played by Robert rymore function perfectly in the act-
Piage. ing department. Grant is bettei'
Set against an uncommonly scenic known as a comedian, but here he
Western background, filmed in tech- gives a completely valid dramatic
nicolor and abetted by a Jerome Kern parformance as an embittered victim
score, the sum total is much as you of the slums. Miss Barrymore, play-
would expect. Miss Durbin is smooth ing Grant's mother in her first film
and adequate in her role. Kern's appearance in twelve years, proves to
pleasant score fares well in her b^ the screen personification of hei
hands. wonderful stage-self.
The trifling script has one ex- "None But the Lonely Heart"
tremely droll moment in which a may not ultimately rank as one of
burly saloon-keeper informs his the screen's classics, but Hollywood
erring patrons that the police are has not put out a more sincere,
coming with a speech so masterful tasteful effort in many months of
that it would do Emily Post proud. show-going.

in practicality does not niow exist,
but our goal can be no lower. We
wonder whether the William and
Mary President would quietly accept
the order of a higher body that he
not speak or write in public about
his point of view. We daresay he
would be up in arms and holler with
IF EVERYONE in authority who ad-
vocated and orered that opinions
unpopular to them be quieted found
themselves restricted, we would wager
that real freedom of speech and press
would be better understood.
The problem of defining these fun-
damental freedoms in a way that will
be acceptable to all is a difficult one
and which has not yet been done.
The only rule that we suggest is one
of extreme caution before denials of
rights are contemplated.
In this William and Mary incident,
only the strongest expression of opin-
ion on the part of the general public
will help remedy the situation. Each
individual moved by this disregard
for freedom of speech ought to write
their opinions to the faculty board,
to the student editor.
This is a matter so vital that con-
tinuing discussion both privately
and publicly Is in order. Nothing
less for this issue and all others will
bring us a real understanding gf the
freedoms for which we fight.
-Stan Wallace
aot fulfill the requirement are re-
iuired to take and satisfactorily com-
olete this course. Enroll for these lec-
mures at the time of regular classifi-
,ation at Waterman Gymnasium.
These lectures are a graduation re-
Students should enroll for one of
the two following sections:
Section No. I
First lecture Monday, March 12,
1:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Subsequent lectures successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Examination (final), Monday, April
23, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Section No. II
First lecture, Tuesday, March 13,
1:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Subsequent lectures, successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Examination (final), Tuesday,
April 24, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Recreational Lealership- Woman
Students: The course in Recreational
Leadership will be offered next seme-
ster on Fridays from 3:20-5:20 by the
Department of Physical Education
for Women. Upperclass women who
have completed their requirement
may make application for admission
to the course. Applications may be
obtained in Room 15, Barbour Gym-
nasium and must be filled out and re-
turned by Friday, Feb. 16.
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1945-1946 may still be obtained from
"he Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
imination: All students expecting to
Jo directed teaching next term are
required to pass a qualifying exami-
zation in the subject which they ex-
oect to teach. This examination will
be held on Saturday, March 3, at
8:30 a. m. Students will meet in the
auditorium of the University High
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time; prompt-
ness is therefore essential.
College of Architecture 'and De-
sign: Two-man exhibition featuring
domestic architecture by Alden B.
Dow, Midland, Michigan, and school
buildings by Ernest J. Kump, San

Francisco. Rackham Mezzanine. Open
daily except Sunday through Feb.
17; 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Romance Languages Journal
Club will meet this afternoon at 4:15
in the Rackham Building.
Professor Marc Denkinger will speak
on the subject "A Specific Approach
to the Study of French."
Graduate students and all interest-
ed are cordially invited to attend.
The Christian Science Students'
Organization is holding a meeting
tonight at 8:15 ii the chapel of the
Michigan League. All are welcome
to attend.
Botanical Journal Club: Room N.S.
1139 Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 4:00 p.m.
Reports by Virginia Weadock.
Virginia ferns and fern allies. A. B.
Ferns of Utah. Seville Floeers.
Hazen Price. Vaccinium' hybrids
and the development of new horticul-
tural material. G. M. Darrow and W.
H. Camp.

(Continued from Page 2)
mander of the British forces during
the Battle of Malta, will lecture on
the subject, "The Defense of Malta"
(illustrated with motion pictures)
Tuesday, Feb. 13; at 8:30 p. m., in the
Hill Auditorium; auspices of the De-
partment of History and the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship. The public
is cordially invited.
A cadenic Notices
English 1 and 2. Final Exa.mina-
tion Schedule for Tues., Feb. 20, 2-4

W ells ................ ..2225
Williams ......... .... 2013
English 2

Taylor. ...
Wrs -I




weaver ..... ..................I..kNV. .
Final Examination Room Assign-
ments, German 1, 2, 31, 32: Friday,
Feb. 23, 2:00-4:00 p.m.:
German I: Gaiss, Willey and
Eaton: D Haven Hall
German I: Philippson, Reichart
ind Naumann: 205 Mason Hall
German I: Winkelman (both sec-
tions) and Pott (both sections) : 101
Ec. Bldg.
German 2: All sections: C Haven
German 31: All sections: B Haven

English 1
Abel............. E Haven
Anderson ............... C Haven
Bertram ........... ....2003 AH
Bromage ....... .......3209 AH
Calver .................D Haven
Davis ............... 2215 AI
Eisinger ..............G Haven
Everett ....,........... 3011 AH
Fletcher ................3017 AH
Fogle ................. B Haven
Greenhut .......... . 4.203 AH
Hawkins ............... C Haven
Hayden .............. ..2235 AH
Ogden ...... . .. ......3217 AH
Pearl t...............2014.AH
Prescott ................2203 AH
Rament ........1035 AH
Stevenson ......... 2231 AH
Vanderbilt ............. .1035 AH
Van Tyne .............. B Haven
Walker .................2225 AH
Warner ...............,4003 AH
Weimer ................2029 AH
By Crockett Johnson
You're quite right, m'boy.
- .I'll taut raisn

Ha l
on Hall

32: Both sections: B Hay-

Math 157 will be given in the
Spring Term: TTS at 8 in 21 East
Hall. Professor Rainville.
Music 41. Introduction to Musical
Literature. For the Spring Semester,
only Section 2, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 10 a. m. will be open to
students in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Sociology 157-Social Conflict and
This course, which will be given
during the Spring term deals with
social movements and the problem of
violence and revolution in social
groups. It does not deal with war,
and the description to that effect in
the annual announcement is, there-

The Western front is growing
the line is Sieg fried.

hotter. In fact

That company you were going
I to win the pony from and get




... I must get control of SOME
company. SOMEHOW. So ( can

A million dollars.. But it's no
use standing here day-dreaming1

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