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November 04, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-04

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&1v_ Ikjfly u~
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student PublEcatioins.
Edtor; l Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . City Editor
Ray Dixon . . . Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . . . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg , Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
JUne Poinering . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


Salary Grabs


PAC vs. dies

T HE SWAN SONG of the Dies committee on
un-American activities is a blanket and as
yet unsupported charge that the National Citi-
zens Political Action Committee "represents th,
Communists' supreme bid for power" in this
Similar statements have come from other
prominent sources. According to the Nazi news-
paper, Pariser Zeitung, July 23, "...The CIO-
,AC is under the complete domination of the
Communists...fighting...for the re-election of
Rloosevelt and the dissemination of Communist
ideas," as pointed out by this week's New Re-
Traditionally the Nazi philosophy finds ac-
eusation sufficient cause for conviction; in
America conviction or acquittal must be pre-
ceded by fair trial.
Ignoring the oft-repeated and confident chal-
lenge of Sidney Hillman, president of the
PAC, to call him in for questioning and to exam-
ine any records of the PAC, the Dies com-
mittee has delayed the hearing with full know-
ledge that with each day of delay they permit
newspapers to print and reprint their un-
supported charges.
Those who want to know the facts can, if they
look beyond such sources as the Hearst and
Scripps-Howard papers, and other self-proclaim-
ed partisan periodicals, find evidence clearing
the PAC and Sidney Hillman of charges of
THE COMMONWEAL, a leading Catholic week-
ly, points out that Hillman carried on an
intensive campaign to eliminate Communist
elements from his own union, the Amalgamated.
It explains in addition that the PAC members,
called Communist by the Dies committee, are in
reality prominent and quite respectable liber-
The three ranking members of the Dies
committee, Costello, Dies and Starnes, are in
a peculiarly irresponsible position. Defeated
for re-election in their home states by the
efforts of the PAC, these lame-duck con-
gressmen are bitter and are blithely painting
the PAC a bright red with inferior paint that
will not bear close examination.
In the light of these facts their efforts should
be recognized as the most primitive of ;Iroga-
ganda methods, Name-Calling and the Smear
Campaign. The intelligent voter rejects these
tactics as not worthy of consideration.
-Betty Roth
Polls of Little Help
CAMPAIGN managers for both major political
parties are predicting victory next Tuesday
by an overwhelming majority.
In Michigan, for example, the Democrats
forecast a 100,000 majority, while the Republi-
cans, on the basis of political history, claim at
least 75,000 plurality.
Three of four nationwide polls give Presi-
dent Roosevelt a slight lead. The fourth, the
Gallup Poll, gives Gov. Thomas E. Dewey the
edge. - However, all four carefully pointed
-out tlat the margins were not conclusive.
?but in spite of Roosevelt's lead in total popu-
r vote, it is emphasized that his plurality in
veral important states is so narrow that it
quite possible for Dewey to capture a ma-

WASHINGTON-Congressional secretaries on
Capitol Hill are boiling mad over another
case of an attempted salary kick-back. This
one involves Republican Congressman John But-
ler of Buffalo, whose former secretary, Miss
Marie Colquist, admits that he asked her to
return $1,400 of the salary paid her during the
past two years. She states that the Congress-
man said he needed this money to help finance
his election campaign.
Miss Colquist, however, refused. She didn't
have $1,400 in the first place and, in the second
place, felt that she was entitled to her full
Forced to leave, she was then given a job by
another Buffalo Congressman, Walter G. And-
rews, also a Republican. Mr. Andrews has at-
tached no strings to Miss Colquist's salary.
NOTE-Congressman Butler also has his
daughter-in-law, Mrs.. George Butler, on the
Government payroll as a secretary in his office
More information has just come to light
regarding another Congressman who goes in for
salary kick-backs. Representative Ed Rowe of
Ohio, who required his secretary, Mrs. Margaret
Nelson, to turn back around $110 per month
out of her salary for the upkeep of his private
office in Akron.
It further appears that Congressman Rowe,
on receiving requests from some of his con-
stituents to do special jobs for them in
Washington, referred them to his ampaign
manager, a lawyer who charged the constitu-
ents a fee, thus getting reimbursed for his
campaign services.
One of Congressman Rowe's constituents,
Burt Vandevier of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, states
that, when his boy died in the Navy, the Vet-
erans' Administration was slow in paying in-
surance, so he went to see his Congressman.
Mr. Rowe referred him to an attorney, James
Hinton, who had been Rowe's campaign man-
After some correspondence with the Veterans'
Administration by Rowe, and the preparation of
an affidavit by Hinton, the dead boy's insurance
was paid. Whereupon Hinton sent the father
a bill for $50. When Vandevier complained about
this, the fee was adjusted to $25.
Mrs. Nelson, former secretary to Rowe, says
that the Congressman gave her instructions
to refer many constituents to Hinton so that
he might be reimbursed for his campaign ex-
Navy Interest in Arkansas ...
SIDE from the future of its Commander-in-
Chief, the Navy Department also has a
peculiar interest in this election, especially in
Arkansas, which is voting on a State constitu-
tional amendment which would ban closed-shop
The Navy is not particularly noted as a
champion of labor. Moreover, it so happens
that it is contemplating construction of a huge
plant for making rockets on the Quchita River,
near Camden, Arkansas. Rockets are counted
on to play a big part in the Pacific war, and
the plant is needed in a hurry. However, if the
Navy has to worry about violating the technicali-
ties of a State law under which certain con-.
struction unions cannot or will not work, off i-
cials say they will probably put their rocket
plant in some other state.
The Arkansas amendment, incidentally, is
similar to one being voted on in Florida and
California, and is being quietly backed by Sen-
ator "Pappy" O'Daniel of Texas and Vance
Muse, with a lot of Texas oil men and big East-
ern industrialist money behind them.
Muse is the man who, in 1936, persuaded the
du Ponts to shell out several thousand dollars to
finance his Southern Committee to uphold the
Constitution and its "grass roots" convention at
Macon, Ga. Only trouble with the grass rots
meeting was that the big-money boys put up all
the dough and the real people of the South had
little to do with it.
Utah Senator Caipaign .. .
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has told advisers
that, if there wasn't a war on, one State
in which he would have liked to campaign this
year is Utah-not because he considers it doubt-
ful, but to support his old friend, Senator Elbert

Thomas, now chairman of the important Sen-
ate Education and Labor Committee, has helped
pioneer some of Roosevelt's important progres-
sive legislation, in addition to being a key mem-
ber of the Senate Foreign Relations and Military
Affairs Committees.
He is being opposed this year by Adam S.
Bennion, leading Mormon utility lawyer with
the backing of the reactionary hierarchy of
the Mormon Church. Real head of the church
today is Reuben Clark, a strong Hoover man
whom Hoover appointed U. S. Ambassador to
Mexico. Clark is doing everything possible to
elect Bennion.
The White House has received word that
Thomas is in for a close race but, according to
latest reports, he will be re-elected.
NOTE-Senator Thomas, a former Mormon
missionary in Japan, is one of the few people in
the capital who speak Japanese. Each week
during the war, he has broadcast to Japan,
urging surrender.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

IJeiiri to the 6cbt
Tuesday, Nov. 7, is not very far away.
Tuesday, Nov. 7, is not just another election day,
but rather one of the most significant dates in
American history.
Why significant, you - say. After all, you're
not eligible to vote anyway. Or else you are
going to vote for Mr. Roosevelt or Mr. Dewey
and. then sit calmly back and observe election
returns and continue on the daily routine. It
is not so important whether you vote or not,
whether you vote for Mr. Roosevelt or Mr.
Dewey. The important thing to be aware of
is that an election is being held in the United
States in the middle of the most trying time
in all history.
Look at the other great democracies engaged
in this war and see what has happened to the
right kind of a free choice. France can not
and will not have an election until her prison-
ers are returned from Germany. In England
the life of Parliament, and thus of the Chur-
chill government, has been extended for the
duration. Only in the United States are the
people availed of a chance to inaugurate a new
administration, or to express their confidence
in the existing government.
Y1OU MAY SAY that we have an election every
four years, and naturally we should have one
this year, war or no war. But it would be very
possible to pass over this election on the grounds
that any change in government would severely
set back the war program, which was the argu-
ment used in England. In answer I say that
the American people and their opinion prevent
any continuation in office without election. Our
democracy is so strong, and the people have
such faith in democratic traditions that an elec-
tion is not only possible, but it actually strength-
ens the nation. Regardless of which side wins
the election, democracy is the true victor.
Whether you vote or not, ask yourself how
many of the great nations are strong enough
internally to hold a wartime election. Only
America has that power. Tuesday, Nov. 7,
should be ample proof of the strength of our
-Don Shepard


GOP Congress
NEW YORK-One election argument runs to
the effect that there are likely to be a num-
ber of isolationists in Congress; that most of
these are Republicans; that therefore Mr. Dewey
should be elected, because these men would be
more likely to work with him, as a matter of
party loyalty, than with Mr. Roosevelt.
To offer to give isolationists the President
they want is certainly a remarkable proposal for
getting rid of isolationism in American life. This
is a plan to destroy isolation by feeding. it to
death; to stuff it with political fruit cake and
honey buns. The idea is that we ought to reward
those Americans who were wrong about the Hit-
ler menace, and wrong about the Japanese men-
ace, by giving them a veto power over the na-
tional choice as to who is to be the next Presi-
Here the Congressional problem becomes
really complicated. In the first place, we have
Mr. Dewey working for the election of a num-
ber of isolationists. Then he turns around
and announces that the presence of a number
of isolationists in the Senate will constitute a
problem, and that the only way to solve the
problem is to elect him, too. But he is helping
to make the problem he offers to solve.
THE INCUMBENT senior Senator for the State
of New York is Robert F. Wagner, Democrat.
Senator Wagner is a seasoned internationalist;
he has been a friend of world peace, since the
beginning of the present crisis.
Yet against Senator Wagner, the Republican
organization has nominated, and Governor Dew-
ey fully supports, one Thomas J. Curran. The
New York Times has remarked tartly that Mr.
Curran's "views on the whole broad question of
foreign policy were completely unknown on the
day that he was nominated."
Mr. Curran can be elected only if Mr. Dewey
is elected. He is a routine party worker, with
not much appeal; he is almost unknown to
the people of New York, and he either rides iii
on Mr. Dewey's coat-tails, or he doesn't ride.
So here again, the question of which candidate
the Congress would be more likely to work with
is complicated by the fact that Mr. Dewey
is working hard for the election of a somewhat
worse Congress than the present. When we re-
member how much help Mr. Dewey's candidacy
gives to the election prospects of such Senatorial
aspirants as Capehart of Indiana, and Hicken-
looper of Iowa, both rather uncertain workers
in the vineyard of world peace, we might say
that Mr. Dewey is not the answer to the problem
of how to get the Congress to work for world
peace; Mr. Dewey ,is the problem.
He is working hard for the election of the
kind of Congress which, he says, will require
very delicate handling, if we are to have world
peace. In other words, he offers us both the
ailment and the cure, all wrapped up in one
neat -package. There must be a shorter road
to glory than that.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 2)
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Extramural Activities: Students
who are ineligible to participate in
public activities within the Univer-
sity are prohibited from taking part
in other activities of a similar na-
ture, except bysspecial permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Physical Disability: Students ex-
cused from gymnasium work on
account of physical incapacity are
forbidden to take part in any public
activity, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
In order to obtain such permission,
a student may in any case be re-
quired to present a written recom-
mendation from the University
Health Service.
General: Whenever in the opinion
of the Committee on Student Affairs,
or in the opinion of the Dean of the
School or College in which the stu-
dent is enrolled, participation in a
public activity may be detrimental
to his college work, the committee
may decline to grant astudent the
privilege of participation in such
Special Permission: The special
permission to participate inupublic
activities in exception of Rules V,
VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the
Committee on Student Affairs only
upon the positive recommendation of
the Dean of the School or College to
which the student belongs.
'Discipline: Cases of violation of
these rules will be reported to the
proper disciplinary authority for
Officers, Chairmen and Managers:
Officers, chairmen and managers of
committees and projects who violate
the Rules Governing Participation in
Public Activities may be directed to
appear before the Committee on
Student Affairs to explain their neg-
Eligibility Certificates: Certificates
of eligibility for extra-curricular ac-
tivities can be issued at once by the
Office of the Dean of, Students if
each student will bring with him the
latest blueprint or photostat copy of
his record.
Social Chairmen are reminded that
requests for all social events must be
filed in the Office of the Dean of
Students on the Monday before the
event. They must be accompanied
by written acceptance from two sets
of APPROVED chaperons and in the
case of fraternities and sororities, by
approval from the financial adviser.
Approved chaperons may be 1) par-
ents of active members or pledges,
2) professors, associate professors or
assistant professors, or 3) couples
already approved by the Office of
the Dean of Students. A list of the
third group may be seen at any time
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents. k
Men's Glee Club: A first get-to-
gether sing, smoker and tryouts for
new members will be held at the Glee
Club Rooms, third floor, Michigan
Union, Sunday, Nov. 5, at 4:30 p.m.
All men on campus including fresh-
men and all men in service are
General Library Hours: Until fur-
ther notice, the General Library will
be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily,
except Sunday. Sundays hours will
be 2 to 9 p.m. Over-night books may
be returned without penalty until
9 a.m. daily.
Season Tickets for the University
of Michigan Lecture Course are now
on sale at the box office, Hill Audi-

torium. The schedule of lectures is'
as follows: Nov. 16, Hon. Francis B.
Sa-yre, "Our Relations with the Phil-
ippines"; Nov. 22, Hon. Carl J. Ham-
bro, "How To Win the Peace"; Nov.
30, Lillian Gish, "From Hollywood to
Broadway"; Dec. 12, Osa Johnson,
"The Solomons", with color motion
pictures; Jan. 11, Mme. Wei, "China
After the War"; Jan. 23, Eliot Jane-
way, "New Horizons for Democracy";
Feb. 6, Ruth Draper, "Character
Sketches"; March 15, Joe Fisher,
"Land of the Maharajahs", with
color motion pictures. The box office
is open daily (except Saturday after-
noon and Sunday) from 10-1 and
Academic Notices
To All Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,



all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Fall Term.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, Nov. 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be -used.
English 211 will meet Tuesday at
1:30 in 3217 A.H.
English 211f will meet Tuesday at
4 in 3217 A.H.
English 31, sec. 4 (MWF, 9), will
meet in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial
English 71, see. 1, will meet in 1035
English 71 sec. 2, will meet in
1009 A.H.
History Courses: The following
Sections have been added in History:i
History 11-Section 12, Tues., Th.,
1, "G" HH; Section 13, Mon., Fri., 10,
101 Economics; Section 14, Mon.,
Fri., 1, "G" HH; Section 15, Tues.,
Th., 11, 35 Angell Hall; Section 16,
Tues., Th., 1, "E" HH.
History 41-Sec. 3, Wed., 11, 103
History 49-Sec. 3, Th., 9, 216 HH.
Note new room assignments for the
History 11-Lee., III, Tues., Th., 9,
231 Angell Hall; Sec. 1, Mon., Fri., 9,
101 Economics; Sec. 9, Mon. and Fri.,
9, 216 HH; Sec. 11, Mon., Fri., 11,
216 HH.
History 12-Sec. 1, Mon., Fri., .9,
"G" HH.
History 37-MWF, 10, "D" HH.
History 41-Sec. 2, Wed, 9, 229
Angell Hall.
History 347; Sat., 10-12, 408
History 50 Omitted.
Mathematics 161 will meet Tues-
day, Thursday, and Saturday at 8
a.m. in Rm. 204, South Wing.
Math. 327: Mathematics 327, Sem-
inar in Theoretical Statistics, meet-
ing to arrange hours at 3 p.m. Mon-
day in 3020 Angell Hall.
Spanish 197: This class will meet
on Monday, Nov. 6, at 4 p.m. in Rm.
106 Romance Languages Building, to
arrange hours of future meetings.
N. W. Eddy
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet on Monday, Nov. 6 in Rm. 410,
Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Pro-
fessor R. Samuel of the Illinois Insti-
tute of Technology will speak on
"Dissociation Spectra of Polyato-
mic Molecules." All interested are
Choral Union Concerts: Helen
Traubel, distinguished Wagnerian so-
prano of the Metropolitan Opera,
will open the season in the annual

Chopal Union Concert Series, tonight,
at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. She will
present a program of songs and arias,
and will be assisted by Coenraad
Bos at the piano.
The public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time, since the doors will
be closed during numbers. Holders
of season tickets are further request-
ed to detach coupon No. 1 before
leaving home, and present only this
coupon for admission.
Other concerts to be given in this
series are:
Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell,
Conductor, Sunday, Nov. 12. (this
concert will begin at 7 p.m. promptly
and will be broadcast nationally and
by short wave. Audience must be
seated before the opening of the
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, Friday,
Nov. 17.
Simon Barere, pianist, Monday,
Nov. 27 (Mr. Barere will be heard
instead of Josef Lhevinne, previously
Carroll Glenn, violinist, Tuesday,
Dec. 5.
Bnston vmnhnnv Orchestra. Serge

Season tickets (10 concerts), tax
included: $14.40, $12.00, $9.60 and
$7.20; and individual concerts, $3.00,
$2.40, $1.80 and $1.20 each. May be
purchased at offices of University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial
On the night of the concert the
box office at Hill Auditorium will
open at 7 o'clock.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
Masquerade: Tonight at the USO.
Members not admitted after 8:30
Wesley Foundation: Open House
at the First Methodist Church to-
night beginning at 8:30 o'clock for
all Methodist students and their
friends. Come over after the concert.
Coming Events
Michigan Sailing Club: All mem-
bers please attend a meeting in the
Union Sunday at five o'clock.
Junior Research Club: The No-
vember meeting will be held Tuesday,
Nov. 7, 1944, in the Amphitheatre of
the Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies at 7:30 p.m. Pro-
gram: Methods in Electrical Instru-
mentation, by Melville B. Stout, De-
partment of Electrical Engineering,
and Retirement Funds, by Carl H.
Fischer, Department of Mathemat-
University of Michigan Section of
the American Chemical Society: A
meeting will be held on Nov. 8, 1944
at 4 p.m. in Rm. 151 of the Chemistry
Building. Dr. Charles C. Price of the
University of Illinois will speak on
"Substitution and Orientation in the
Benzene Ring." The public is cor-
dially invited.
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue.
Harold J. DeVries, pastor. 10 a.m.,
University Bible Class, Ted Groes-
beck, leader. 11 a.m., Message by the
pastor, "The Marks of the Tomb."
6:30 p.m., Youth Forum. .7:30 p.m.,
"The Christian and His Pastor."
The First Baptist Church: 512 E.
Huron. C. H. Loucks, Minister. The
Guild House, 502 E. Huron. Satur-
day: 7:10, Choir Practice in the
church. New members are invited.
8:30, The Roger Williams Guild of-
fers "A Hunt." Licenses issued at the
Guild House. Barbecue promised.
Sunday: 9, "Welcome Breakfast"
at the Guild House. Make reserva-
tions at 7332. 10, Student Class on
"A Guide to Understanding the
Bible." 11, Church Worship, Dr.
Luther Wesley Smith, preacher.. 5,
Roger Williams Guild, "You Are
Living-for What?"-Dr. Smith.
First Congregational Church:
Morning service at 10:45. Sermon by
Dr. Parr on "Religion and the Com-
monplace." At 5 p.m. Student Guild
and servicemen's Hour with supper-
and program.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:50 a.m., Morning Worship.
The Rev. Frederick Eugene Zendt
will speak on "The Fortune of Chris-
tianity." 5, Guild Sunday Evening
.Hour:Disciple students, servicemen
and their friends will'join with Con-
gregational students at the Congre-
gational Church. A cost supper will
be served followed by a program set-
ting forth the activities and pro-
grams of the Guild for the current
semester. The meeting will close by
seven o'clock with a brief worship
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will

begin a series of discussions and les-
sons on the theme "Understanding
Ourselves." Morning Worship Ser-
vice at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. James Brett
Kenna will preach on "How to Be-
lieve in a Victorious Lord." Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Dr. Kenna
will be the speaker. Fellowship hour
and supper following the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church: Wash-
tenaw. 9:30 a.m., Church School
Young Adult Class. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Worship. Sermon by Dr. Lemon
"Life Extraordinary." 5 p.m., Pres-
byterian Student Guild will have the
first of a series of discussions on
"What I Believe." Dr. Lemon will
speak, "About God." Supper will
The First Unitarian Church: State
and Huron Streets, Edward H. Red-
man, Minister; Miss Janet Wilson,
Organist. 10 a.m., Church School
session 2 hours for Nursery through
High School. Adult Study Group-
Dr. Ross Allen, Chairman; Prof.
David Owen speaker: "Effects of the
Radio on Children." 11 a.m., Service
of Worship--Rev. Edward H. Red-




Hello, O'Malley. I'm siding with the
Senator on that Education plank
.v . .,A ll , ..

Must economize. It's 1935 by my watch
and the national debt is 28' billion!.. .
l :f ni- nr1^1er t;n. r iraarn..n

By Crockett Johnson
It's all for your own good, son. You'll
have to pay that 28 billion ... And we
wff 4o. nurl . y,, nso n rt,., Sryr 4





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