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February 11, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-11

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SUNDAY, FED. 11, 1i15

Fifty-Fifth Year

Nazi Dispute Gives Reds Success



PlIENROCI -i mivl7rv]w--l6- - !a --- MMX .

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
69 Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Lee Amer.
Barbara Chadwick
June Pomering

Editorial Staff
. * . . . Managing Editor
* . . . City Editor
. . . '. Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
Business Staff


Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at'the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan; as
second-clas mal matter.
Subscriptins during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50; by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Educati Germany
N HIS ARTICLE, "Another Prescription for
Post-War Germany," which appears in the
latest addition of the Quarterly Review, Prof.-
Emeritus George E. Myers proposes a re-educa-
tion of Germany by respected German leaders,
an education based upon a positive and con-
structive program focusing on "building under-
standing, tolerance, good will, and a co-opera-
tive attitude rather than on-breaking down the
master race' obsession directly."
It is his hope that a constructive plan of
re-educating the Germans will, in time, lead
to a dissolution of the concept of "herren-
volk"-the master race. When such a disso-
lution takes place, Germany can again resume
her place in a world of "peace-loving" nations.
I do not know whether or not Prof. Myers
believes that such a self-restoration of Germany
to the family of so-called "peace-loving" nations
will result in the elimination of the majorob-
struction to world peace. There are many per-
sons among the ranks of authorities on problems
of education, however, who do believe that war
will disappear with the re-establishment of a
peaceful Germany. Those who hold this view
assume that the fundamental cause of warfare
is adherence by aggressors to some warlike
morality, such as that of Nietzsche's "will to
power", so conveniently misconstrued by the
Nazi leaders to fit their "herrenvolk" philosophy.
The German people, they further believe, are
the only advocates of such a warlike philosophy.
According to their calculations, and to those
who propose the mass destruction of all Ger-
mans, war would disappear with the elimination
of the evil German morality or, in the 'latter
case, the German people.
In the seclusion of the ivory tower, the
champions of education-as-a-panacea-for-all-
social evils, neatly forget that the basic causes
for war and other social evils are not moral,
but economic. Moral justification Vor war
follows only after lack of economic stability
has established itself as the cause. If every-
one on earth, or since people act in political
groups, if every nation on earth were guaran-
teed freedom from want for all its inhabitants
(to quote Franklin Roosevelt), then, and only
then, will war disappear and the hopes of
attainment - of a brotherhood of man be
So we see, the problem of war is international
in scope; every nation is a potential threat to
peace. Education toward liberality of mind.
(Germany was once a center of liberal thought),
unless occurring in an economically stable
world, is of , doubtful and certainly negligible
value toward securing peace.
- Arthur J. Kraft
THE SITUATION in the reconquered Philip-
pines presents a tremendous problem of re-
construction. For three years the islands' six-
teen million people have not had enough to eat.
Imports, upon which they depended for fifteen
per cent of their food in peacetime, were cut off.
Part of the small crops the Filipinos were able
to raise was exported to the Japanese main-
land or used to feed Jap garrisons in the Philip-
pines. As the Japs retreated they set fire
to remaining crops. As a result, thousands
of Filipinos are- no* without homes or food or
seed for. new crops. Not only in Manila but all
through the islands immediate assistance is

The New York Times proposes that, at least
for a few weeks, shipments of reconstruction
material and seed and food be given top pri-
ority space over war material. It sounds like

WASHINGTON - Uncensored diplomatic dis-
patches from the eastern front now reveal
several significant reasons for the Red Army's
success in the drive on Berlin.
These advices disclose that the German High
Command and Adolph Hitler have had another
serious battle over German strategy. The Fuehr-
er's famous "intuition" led him to order an all-
out defense of untenable East Prussia and every
inch of the German homeland. Hitler argued
that his troops would fight more valiantly at the
very gates of the fatherland.
So he over-ruled Marshal Guderian, German
commander-in-chief on the eastern front, who
wanted to defend a line running from Danzig in
the north to Poznan and Breslau. This would
have meant giving up East Prussia to the Red
Army in a planned Nazi retreat.
However, Hitler wanted to defend East Prus-
sia, home of the Nazi Junkers, and repeatedly
argued that the loss of East Prussia would be
a death blow to German morale. As usual,
the Nazis and the German military compro-
mised, with the result that the Russians have
been able to smash to the gates of Berlin in a
series of lightning-like blows.
Hitler's Blood Purge,.
ANOTHER important explanation for the Red
Army's success is the German blood purge of
July, 1944, following the attempt on Hitler's life.
At that time, more than 100 important German
military tacticians and technicians-the men
who had successfully stalled off the Red Army
during the battle of Poland-were executed by
Hitler. Hitler then appointed Marshal Guderian,
a competent tank expert and a moderately good
administrator, as commander-in-chief in the
east. But Guderian did not have the experience
which some of his purged predecessors had
gained the hard way in fighting the Red Army.
These chickens have now come home to roost.
Although the Russians are fighting some 2,500
miles from their main supply base in the Ural
Mountains, east of Moscow, they have not run
into any severe supply problems, despite terrible
weather and strange terrain. One reason is that
Stalin waited until the last possible moment be-
fore launching his offensive. When the Red Army
drive began, every piece of equipment was in
Although Red Army dispatches didn't say
much about it, Stalin also hurled a terrific
amount of air power into the opening phases
of his offensive, has managed to use the Red
Air Force most of the time throughout the
drive. The Red Air arm flew as many as 12,000
sorties a day during the opening phase of the
offensive, has managed to strike several thou-
sand times daily since.
Secret Red Weapons ..
HIlE Russians are also way ahead of both the
United States and Great Britain in the use
of rocket guns, have employed them with deva-
stating effect in the lightning drive through Po-
land, and particularly in the offensive against
the Nazis in East Prussia.
One new and very important weapon which
Stalin unveiled in the new drive is the 100-ton
tank named after himself. The Stalin tank is
superior to the German Royal Tiger tank, and
our own Sherman heav tank. It carries a 4.8-
inch gun as against the 3-inch gun carried on
our Sherman. So long as the ground remains
hard, the Stalin tank is capable of resisting
any but the largest point-blank German shells.
On the other hand, the mobile gun on the
Stalin tank can pierce most of the German
secondary fortifications so far encountered by
the Russians.
Under the IDine ...
OPA nerves are still sensitive over cancellation
of the extra red and blue points accumulated
by housewives just after Christmas. It never
leaked out at the time, but Ivan Burdick in
charge of the food rationing division, resigned in
protest. He felt the OPA was breaking faith with
the housewives in canceling the points . . .
Higher-ups inside the OPA including Justice
Byrnes office, argued that there was simply not
sufficient meat available and points would have
to be cancelled . . Friends of Henry Wallace
were slightly miffed over the fact that Senator
Wagner of New York was not on hand to help in

the Senate fight for his confirmation. When Wag-
ner faced a tough battle for re-election last fall,
Wallace went into the state and campaigned per-
sonally for the Senator. Wagner was paired with
Senator Red of Kansas when the vote on Wallace
came up so his vote counted, but he was not
present in Washington to help . . . Lecturer Don
Bolt put in eight long-distance calls to the Army
and Navy offering to give orientation lectures at
the Army and Navy hospitals free. He had al-
ready done a swell job for veterans in various
Texas hospitals. But the Army and Navy didn't
even bother to call him back.
By Ray Dixon

Over-Age Servicemen . .
GREATEST hardship on men in the Army
probably is with enlisted men over 38, now too
old to become officers but who can't resign as
officers can.
Typical case of how this hardship works is
that of Corporal Alexander C. Sioris, age 45,
who has served in the Army three years, most
of the time overseas. Cpl. Sioris is not only a
college graduate, but holds a doctor's degree.
Twice he was recommended for Officers'
Training School, but each time his unit moved
overseas and he had to sail with his unit. Now
he is too old to be commissioned, too old for
combat, yet under present Army rules must
be kept on--doing menial jobs.
There are thousands of similar cases. What
the Army needs is a good overhauling of its man-
power, especially of older men who have been in
the Army a long time.
Chinese Labor Puzzles . . .
FOR a long time foreign labor groups have had
trouble understanding the bitter feud between
the American Federation of Labor and the CIO.
Now, however, U. S. labor leaders are experienc-
ing the same headache with rival Chinese labor
groups, in which two famous Chinese sisters are
also involved.
One is Madame Sun-Yet-Sen, widow of the
famous founder of the Chinese Republic, who has
been urging American labor leaders to support
the equivalent of the China CIO. The other sis-
ter is Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of China's
(copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)

liominie Says

("RANTED that morality must obtain, that the
r integrity of the universe has first claim on all
human behavior, and that the finding of what is
moral is a major aim in education, what has all
that to do with religion? Or granted that ethical
action is the goal of social living, what has belief
in a God and the idea of responsibility to our
fellows to do with it? Such questions should en-
gage every university student. If you are in engi-
neering, this is the way the issue is phrased: Can
I violate the law of mathematics and get away
with it in construction? Since I cannot violate
the exactness of mathematics and have the con-
struction good, might I not learn that integrity
from religion's "Love God and treat man as
brother"? In business affairs, since production,
distribution and consumption are for persons not
merely for me, might I not learn the basic eco-
nomic law from religion's "Whatsoever ye would
that others should do to you, do ye also to them?"
The strange contradictions dramatized by
Wilder in "By the Skin of Your Teeth" may be
too subtle for many an auditor just because he
has never learned the primer lessons on this
universe at mother's knee or in Sunday School.
It is this integrity which must prevail among
persons who have a measure of freedom as
certainly as it prevails inrthe basic law of the
universe itself. Now, there is a fierce debate
always going on in religion as to how to make
religiousness universal. First there is a differ-
ence as to the goal of religious education. One
view makes religion an end, the opposite makes
it a means.
Allow us to make certain that we have religion
itself in mind. We mean man's consciousness of
being bound back to all origins, or God. It means
that as God or this universe loves His (or its)
most highly developed result, Man, so man comes
to love God. That is religion, not all of it, but
in essence that is what religion is. Now those
who treat religiousness as an end, labor to make
converts, to get men committed to a creedal
statement or to take men out of the world and
receive them into the church, presumably the
home of the redeemed. To make certain that
that church is always the home of integrity, is
often neglected. Transparency of action, such as
that of Barnabas or Assize and other saints, may
receive only incidental attention just because the
end in view is religion for its own sake. Evan-
gelicals, generally, unlike the critical scholars
who claim that the Gospel must animate democ-
racy if we are to arrive at a secure freedom, are
getting men, saved out of and away from world
situations and trying to bypass all ethical and
social problems. Extremists even say if you be-
lieved you would leave reform to the Deity.
On the other hand, those who accept re-
ligiousness as a means not an end in itself,
insist that to fully worship God men must
practice justice toward fellow men. This view
leads a man to keep his eye on the far away
Kingdom of God on the earth, when that type
of behavior or integrity shall prevail every-
where and be preferred by all persons as surely
as the stars. You see, this thrusts each of us
up against such disconcerting problems as car-
tels and government, labor-and production, full
employment and markets, access to raw ma-
terials on the part of all of God's sons, milk,
health and education for all children and gen-
eral family stabilization in every country. For
this view religion is not primarily a way of life
but an adequate dynamic. Well, here is one
reason why we maintain that if in our decade
you expect to be educated you must be religious.
Counselor in Religious Education
Edward W. Blakeman,

SUNDAY, FEB. 11, 1945 a
VOL. LV, No. 82r
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-r
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for thec
Bulletin should be sent in typewrittenI
form to the Assistant to the President,2
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the dayl
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Faculty, College of Engineering:I
There will be a meeting of the Facul-l
ty of this College on Monday, Feb. 12,
at 4:15 p. m. in Room 348, West Engi-
neering Bldg.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 14, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Identification Cards. All identifica-
cards which were given out during
the Summer or Fall Terms must bej
validated by the Dean of Students
for the Spring Term. All cards out-
standing will be collected during
registration and redistributed after
being validated. Cards which are not
so processed will not be honored for
the Spring Term by University of-
Attention February Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health-
students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in February. When
such grades are absolutelydimpera-
tive, the work must be made up in
time to allow your instructor to re-
port the make up grade not later
than 4:00 p.m., Mar. 2, 1945. Grades
received after that time may defer
the student's graduation until a later
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
To the Members of the Faculty,
College of Literature, Science and
Arts: There will be another special
meeting of the Faculty of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts at 4:10 p. m. on Monday, Feb.
12, in Room 1025 Angell Hall, to
continue the discussion of the Coi-
bined Report of the Curriculum Com-
mittee and the Committee on Con-
centration and Group Requirements.
A large attendance is desired.
Edward H. Kraus
Midyear Graduation Exercises will
be held at 10:30 a. in., Saturday,
Feb. 24, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The address to the graduating clas-
ses will be given by Professor Camp-
bell Bonner. Assembly at 10:00 a.m.
as follows: Graduates in the middle
sections of the Lecture Hall as di-
rected by ushers; faculty in the office
of the Graduate School; regents,
officers, deans, minister, and speaker
of the day in Executive Board room;
color guard and honor guard in the
outer lobby. Participants will wear
academic costume. The public is
cordially invited; no tickets are re-
Honor Societies. The attention of
honor societies is called to the fact
that the date of Honors Convocation
has been set for April 20. It is re-
quested that all societies hold their
elections as early as possible after
the beginning of the Spring Term so
that the names of new members may
be included in the Honors Convoca-
tion program.
Dean of Students
A Representative from Filene's De-
partment Store, Boston, will be in our
office Wednesday, Feb. 14, interview-
ing girls who are interested in de-
partment store work. If interested,
call Bureau of Appointments, Uni-
versity ext. 371, for appointment.

The United States Civil Service
Commission anrounces that ther ex-
amination for junior professional as-
sistants, salary $2,433 a year, is open
to all Senior students, with an ap-
pointment to follow graduation. Also
Last Effort
The German high command has at
long last decided to treat its Rus-
sian prisoners of war a little less like
dogs, the reports relayed from Stock-
holm by Nat A. Barrows indicate.
A confidential circular has been
sent to all prison camps forbidding
guards to strike Russian prisoners.
Marshal Stalin and his aids have
made no bones about their plan to
take millions of Germans to Rus-
sia to rebuild devastated areas.
Maybe this is a last-second effort
to temper the bitter Russian mem-
ories of the way their prisoners of
war have been abused.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

announcement for public health rep-
resentative, salary $2,433 a year, has
been received in our office. Office,
record, and supplementary work in
public health offices. Does not re-
quire any courses in public health.
For further information, stop in at
201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncement for Battery Repairman,
salary $1.31 to $1.41 per hour, has
been received in our office. For
further information, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements for the following exam-
inations have been received in our
office. Child Welfare Worker I, and
II, $205 to $295 per month, Child
Welfare Administrator, II, III, and
IV, $255 to $420 per month, Institu-
tion Dairy Farm Superintendent I,
and II, $180 to $276 per month, and
Sheet Metal Worker Al, $166.75 to
$189.75 per month. For further in-
formation, stop in at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.
Choral Union Ushers: Please re-
port at 2:15-pm. for the concert to-
University Lecture: Lieutenant
General Sir William Dobbie, com-
mander of the-British forces during
the Battle of Malta, will lecture on
the subject, "The Defense of Malta"
(illustrated with motion pictures)
Tuesday, Feb. 13; at 8:30 p. in., in the
Hill Auditorium; auspices of the De-
partment of History and the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship. The public
is cordially invited.
Dr. John Hope, Franklin, Profes-
sor of History at North Carolina
College, will deliver a lecture, "The
Negro and Post-War Readjustments:
An Historical View." This lecture,
sponsored by the Committee for the
Study of Negro Life, assisted by The
Inter-racial Association, will be giv-
en at the Rackham Amphitheatre on
Feb. 12 at 7:30. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Academic Notices
English 1 and 2. Final Examina-
tion Schedule for Tues., Feb. 20, 2-4
p. m.
English 1
Abel........... . ..... E Haven
Anderson ............... C Haven.
Bertram...............2003 AH
Bromage ..........3209 AHl
Calver................D Haven
Davis.................2215 AH
Eisinger..............G Haven
Everett . ................3011 AH
Fletcher ................3017 AH
Fogle.. ............B Haven
Greenhut ...............4203 AH
Hayden...............2235 AH
Ogden .................3217 AH
Pearl ..................2014 AH
Prescott ................2203 AH
Rayment ................1035 AH

not fulfill the requirement are re-
quired to take and satisfactorily com-
plete this course. Enroll for these lec-
tures at the time of regular classifi-
cation at Waterman Gymnasium.
These lectures are a graduation re-
Students should enroll for one of
the two following sections:
Section No. I
First lecture Monday, March 12,
4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Subsequent lectures successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Examination (final), Monday, April
23, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Section No. II
First lecture, Tuesday, March 13,
4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Subsequent lectures, successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Examination (final), Tuesday,
April 24, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud.
Recommendations for Department-
al Honors: Teqching departments
wishing to recommend tentative Feb-
ruary graduates from the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors should send such
names to Registrar's Office, Room
4 University Hall, by noon, Feb. 26.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar.
Concert. The Westminster Choir,
Dr. John Finley Williamson, Con-
ductor, will give the ninth program
in thge Choral Union Concert Series,
this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Feb.
11, in Hill Auditoriunf. A limited
number of tickets will continue on
sale until noon Saturday, at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower; and
after 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in
the Hill Auditorium box office.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Two-man exhibition featuring
domestic architecture by Alden B.
Dow, Midland, Michigan; and school
buildings by Ernest J. Kump San
Francisco. Rackham Mezzanine. Open
daily except Sunday through Feb.
17; 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch-
aeology, Newberry Hall. Glass, sculp-
ture and Textiles from Egypt.
Events Today
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet. this afternoon at 5:00
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. The
Program will consist of student pres-
ented questions and answers by Rev.
Yoder and Rev. Stellhorn. Supper
will be served at 6:00 and the fellow-
ship hour will follow.
Regular Sunday worship services
in Zion and Trinity Lutheran Chur-
ches at 10:30 a. m.
Prof. Charles Koella will lecture on
"The Role of Switzerland During
this War," at the International Cen-
ter, at 7:30 p. m.
Coming Events
The Romance Languages Journal
Club will meet on Tuesday afternoon,
Feb. 13, at 4:15 in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-
Professor Marc Denkinger. will
speak on the subject "A Specific Ap-
proach to the Study of French."
Graduate students and all inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 4:15
p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Build-
ing. "Factors Affecting the Insulin
Content of the Pancreas" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Meeting to be held on Wed-

nesday, Feb. 14, at 7:30 p.m., in Rm.
318 of the Michigan Union. Professor
L. C. Maugh of the Department of
Civil Engineering will illustrate with
slides his talk on "Structural Features
in Performance of Rigid Airships."
The first group of student written
plays to be presented this year by the
Department of English in collabora-
tion with the Department of Speech
will be given Monday evening, Feb.
12, at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of
the University High School. All in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Concerning General Dobbie's coming,
there will be a special prayer meeting
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Lane
Hall. Please attend if possible.
Sigma Xi. At the February meet-
ing Dr. Jerome Conn will report on
some of his significant and highly
important studies on human metabol-
ism. The title, "Salt Requirements
under Conditions of Hard Work in a
Tropical Climate." Rackham Amphi-
theater, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 8:00 p.
m. Anyone interested is welcome to
come as your guest.



Vanderbilt ..........
Van Tyne ..........
Walker .............
W arner ............

.....2231 AH
.....1035 AH
.. B Haven
.....2225 AH
.....4003 AH
.....2029 AH
....2225 AH
.2013 AH

Abel ...
Boys ...

English 2

........ NS
...........N S
.................N S
.................N S
.......... ...... NS


Final Examination Room Assign-
ments,German 1, 2, 31, 32: Friday,
Feb. 23, 2:00-4:00 p.m.:
German I: Gaiss, Willey and
Eaton: D Haven Hall
German I: Philippson, Reichart
and Naumann: 205 Mason Hall
German I: Winkelman (both sec-
tions) and Pott (both sections): 101
Ec. Bldg.
German 2: All sections: C Haven
German 31: All sections: B Haven
German32: Both sections: B Hav-
en Hall
Sociology 157-Social Conflict and
This course, which will be given
during the Spring term deals with
social movements and the problem of
violence and revolution in social
groups. It does not deal with war,
and the description to that effect in
the annual announcement is, there-
fore, in error.
Sociology 156 -
This course, which was given dur-
ing the Fall term dealt with the prob-
lem of war.
Math 157 will be given in the
Spring Term: TTS at 8 in 21 East
Hall. Professor Rainville.
English 149 (Playwriting). The
laboratory production of one-act
plays will be at 8:00 o'clock Monday
evening, Feb. 12, University High
School Auditorium.
The class will not meet on Monday

JUDGING by the reviews, "TheE
Teeth" shouldn't be brushed off.
Question of the Week: "How
"Oh, it's brown out."

Skin of Our
is it out?"


By Crockett Johnson




What's delaying that shipment
from the Gurgle Soap Company?
... Here I've taken orders and-

That came for you in today's mail-
"Gurgle Perfume Company."
Fn .r m o -sm. r r , ,,,

"... As you see by our new
letterhead, we are out of
the soap business. We are
cli-. niu1 a ruam n R a..#

Mr. O'Malley!



i i

kL I

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