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February 11, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-11

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P'artly Cloudy with Scattered
Snow Flurries








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Reds Take'
Port City
Of Elbing
Cross Oder River 30
Miles From Berlin
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 11-Russian troops
captured the East Prussian port of
Elbing and drove a new Pomeranian
spearhead to within 52 miles of the
Baltic yesterday, while Berlin an-
nounced that other powerful south-
ern formations had broken into the,
suburbs of Liegnitz, big industrial city
and road hub guarding the back door
to Breslau, lower Silesian Capital.
The battle for Berlin's immediate
-approaches was cloaked in security
silence by Moscow, but German
broadcasts indicated that the Red
Army had broken the last substantial
Nazi resistance east of the Oder River
and had crossed the stream in great
strength at points 30 to 43 miles from
Two-Day Smash Reported
Marshal Ivan S. Konev's: First
Ukraine Army in Silesia was reported
to have smashed 25 miles west of the
Oder River in two days, penetrating
to within 92 miles of Dresden, Ger-
man Saxony stronghold 90 miles be-
low imperiled Berlin, but Moscow's
communique did not mention this
sector either.
An order of the day signed by Pre-
mier Stalin, presumably still at the
"Big Three" meeting in the Black Sea
area, announced the fall of Elbing,
32 miles southeast of Danzig and 55
iles southwest of besieged Koenigs-
berg, East Prussian capital.
Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky's Sec-
ond White Russian Army toppled El-
bing, a city of 71,000 and the site of
shipbuilding yards and big engineer-
ing works, a day after its encircle-
ment had been announced by the
Russians. His troops smashed a
fanatically-resisting garrison which
had been bolstered by German Ma-
rine units, and captured 4,300 pris-
oners Thursday and Friday, Moscow
40 Cities Overrun
One hundred and 30 miles north-
east' of Berlin, in Pomerania, the
right wing of Marshal Gregory K.
Zhukov's Berlin-bound First White
Russian Army overran 40 localities
on a 45-mile front, and all but encir-
cled Deutsch-Krone, large German
communications center and fortified
city 12 miles northwest of encircled
Only a six-mile gap remained to be
closed by the Russians who seized
Klausdorf, three and one-half miles
northwest of Deutsch-Krone, and
Strana, four miles southwest of the
junction town.
Vulcans, Honor
Society, Will
Initiate 11 Men
Vulcans, senior engineering honor
society, will initiate into membership
today eleven members of the class of
'45, who have held prominent posi-

tions on campus, or have attained
major recognition in sports.
In addition to electing its members
from those members of the engineer-
ing college who have held prominent
positions in sports and academic so-
cieties; the society's initiates must
also maintain University scholastic
A banquet will follow the formal
and informal rites, during which the
following men will be initiated: Rob-
ert' Gittens, Robert Grandy, Ralph
Chubb, Robert Precious, Theodore
Greer, Robert Henderson, William
Hart, Philip Marcellus, Clemance
Bauman, William McConnell, and
Russel Youngdahl.




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drives on the Eastern Front (heavy line) where Russian troops have
captured the Baltic port of Elbing. German Broadcasts indicate that
the Red Army has broken the last substantial Nazi resistance east of
the Oder River, and have crossed the stream in great strength at
points 80 to 43 miles from Berlin. In the south the Russians have
been reported to have smashed 25 miles west of the Oder river in two
days, penetrating to within 92 miles of Dresden.
Choral Union Concert Will

B-29 Fortresses Bomb Tokyo'
In Largest Raid on Jap Capital
Earthquake Follows Yank Plane Attack;
Pilots Find 'Rare Good Weather' Present

ch es Baltic
Canadians Gain
In Kie ve Offensive
Barrier Blocking Drive to Rhine Taken
Nazi Resistance Increases as Units Gain
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Feb. 10-Canadian First Army troops made new gains in their
Kleve offensive tonight and doughboys of the U. S. First Army slashed
across the Roer River and seized both sides of the wrecked Schwammenauel
Dam, vital enemy control point of the river which is the main barrier
in front of the Allied drive toward the Rhine.
Two additional towns-Heinkont, a mile and a half south of Weiler,
and Schottheide, a mile and a half deeper into the Reichswald forest-
fell to Canadian soldiers as they pushed slowly but resolutely across soggy
ground against increasing Nazi resistance. Other Canadian units ad-
vanced to high ground south and southwest of Kleve, the medieval citadel
which the Germans have converted into a bastion of the Siegfried Line
in that sector.

By The Associated Press
Feb. 10-American Superfortresses
and an earthquake hit Tokyo today-
the big B-29 bombers in probably
their largest raid on the heart of
The number of planes participat-
ing was not disclosed here or in
Washington, where the raid was first
announced by the 20th Air Force
Force Very Large
But the force was as large and
probably larger than any ever sent
previously over Honshu, main island
of Japan. It was the fifty-second
B-29 mission against the enemy's
home :islands.
A Japanese imperial communique
said 90 Superfortresses raided the
Tokyo-Yokohama area. Tokyo radio
said the raid started at 2:30 p. m.
and continued for an hour.
The Japanese capital apparently
remained jittery throughout Satur-
day night. A second alert was sound-
ed at 9:19 p. m. and was caused, a
broadcast said, when a single plane
of a B-29 formation penetrated the
Earthquake Reported
'The earthquake, also reported by
Tokyo radio, started at 1:50 p. m. and
shook Japan from Hokkaido, north-
ernmost of the main islands, south
through Honshu, on which Tokyo is
(Seismographs in the United States
recorded the quake. As recorded at
Georgetown University, Washington,
D, C., it lasted for nearly three
The Tokyo broadcasts admitted
"some damage to ground installa-
tions was sustained" in the bombing
Senate Rulin s
On Wallace Post
May Be Altered
action against House efforts to am-
end or delay legislation severing gov-
ernment lending agencies from the
commerce department threatened to-
day to alter Senate sentiment on the
Henry Wallace cabinet appointment.
Senator George (D.-Ga.) told a re-
porter he is beginning to believe that
if house opponents either bottle up
his bill or load it withaveto-inspiring
amendments the Senate might vote
to confirm Wallace for Commerce Sec-

attack. Earthquake damage was not
Found Good Weather
Pilots of the returning B-29s sent
word ahead by radio that they had
found "rare good weather" over Tokyo
and had observed "excellent results"
from the bombing.
It was noted at headquarters here
that returning fliers do not make a
practice of reporting results wbile
still in flight. The bombardiers ap-
parentlyahave been ableeto observe
"devastating hits" with certainty, an
unofficial spokesman said.
The targets was described only as
industrial objectives in the Tokyo
area. At least seven elements of the
B-29 force radioed that Japanese
fighter opposition was light.
Sports Results
Michigan 44. Wisconsin 55
Michigan 5, Waterloo 4
Michigan 14, Minnesota 14 (tie)
Michigan won six events
For further details see Pages 6-7
Jap Last Stand
Resists Yanks
In South Manila
37th Fights Concealed
Artillery Fortifications
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Sunday, Feb. 11-The
37th Division battled through Satur-
day with Japanese utilizing houses
and public buildings in South Manila
as pillboxes and fortified strong-
The Japanese still have artillery
emplaced in the area to aid them in
their last stand.
Cavalry Division Joins 37th
Headquarters said in today's com-
munique that the 37th "is systemat-
ically sweeping the city south of
Pasig River in the Pandacan and
Ermita districts.'
The First Cavalry Division, the first
unit to enter Manila a week ago yes-
terday. now has joined the 37th in
the fight south of the Pasig.
Headquarters disclosed the First
Cavalry struck east through New
Manila and then south, crossing the
Pasig River near San Pedro Makati
"to operate in conjunction with the
37th Division."
Tokyo Reports U. S. Preparations
New Manila is a mile north of lib-
erated Santo Tomas internment
In the Manila Bay sector, where
Tokyo radio has reported the Ameri-
can navy is preparing an entry,
bombers blasted the island fortress of
Corregidor and Mariveles on the south
tip of Bataan Peninsula with 101 tons
of explosives.

rresent wesi .
Westminster Choir, an ensemble of
forty young men and women, directed
by Dr. John Finley Williamson, will
be heard in the Choral Union concert
at 3 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The group, which sings its program
a capella and from memory, has con-
certized from coast to coast in the'
United States, giving over 1100 con-,
certs. They have also been heard
in concerts throughout England.
Scotland, France, Switzerland, Ger-
many, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslo-

ainster uOwr
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and
The greatest appeal of their pro-
grams lies in the perfection of their
performance and in the catholicity
of the numbers cnosen by their
founder-conductor, Dr. Williamson.
The classic works of the church,
the masterpieces of Bach and Brahms,
and numerous deserving examples of
the moderns are included on theiri
programs, with special attention giv-
nn1nrhna arl mnt f hl

So far the Nazis have launched no
important counterattacks against the
Canadians and have thrown no tanks
into the battle. They have, however,
used some self-propelled guns against
Canadians fighting near the edge of
Explosives To Gates
Earlier today the Germans had put
explosives to the gates of the Schwa-
mmenauel Dam and sent a flood roar-
ing north through the valley in hopes
of bolstering their western defenses.
When they were unable to defend
the darn-biggest one along the Roer
-the enemy dynamited its gates, thus
throwing away a trump with which
it had held back an Allied smash into
the Ruhr and Rhineland since Nov-
Stronghold Flooded
Had they blown the whole Roer
system of seven dams at once, an 18-
foot tide would have swept down upon
the British Second and U. S. Ninth
Army positions along the River, cre-
ating havoc that would have taken
considerable time to repair.
A front dispatch said that the ene-
my stronghold of Juelich was flooded
by a three-foot rise, but that the river
already was falling upstream at Due-
ren and should return to normal in
several days.
Even the destruction of the dams
themselves, once the Schmannenauel
reservoir is emptied, would not pro-
duce an additional handicap to the
Allies, this account said.
$2,000 Collected
In WSSF Drive
Committee To Extend
Office Hours for Day
An all - time high in University
contributions to the WSSF was
reached in the present drive, in
which approximately $2,000 has been
contributed thus far, George Her-
man, chairman, announced, although
'complete tabulations have not been
made as yet.
Office hours have been extended
so that donations may be turned in
between 2 and 4 p.m. tomorrow at
Lane Hall.
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Don-
ald Katz of the College of Engineer-
ing and the Reverend Chester Loucks
comprise the Committee of Advisors
for the drive.

vakia, Jugoslavia, Holland. Denmark, ! n o noai arr ngemen U.oflthe
--_ -well-loved folk songs of many na-
Investigation of The choir has gained acclaim for
performances with outstanding
American symphonies. On several
D eroit L boroccasions the group has appeared with
the National Broadcasting Symphony,
1 the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the
Situa ion D ~ UflNew York Philharmonic Orchestra.

By The Associated Press
Elbing, key Reich port, Last sub-
stantial r istance east of Oder
River smashed, bringing Red Army
troops to within 30 to 43 miles
of Berlin.
First Army ripped through con-
crete belt of the Siegfried Line
near northern end of Western
Front. Big Schwammenauel Dam
opened by Nazis.
airmen bomb Tokyo in "rare good
weather." Earthquake reported on
the main Japanese island of Hon-
shu, which includes Tokyo.
Of Surrender
Terms Likely
Big Three Decision
Reported Unofficially
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 10-The Big Three,
in a move to eliminate Nazi Propa-
ganda Minister Joseph Goebbels' dire
interpretations of unconditional sur-
render, may soon lay down the first
specific statement of the price the
German people must pay for ten
years of Nazi militarism.
This possibility was raised in both
British and American quarters today
with the prediction that a formal
outline of surrender provisions would
be timed to coincide with a major
military setback for the Germans.
Reports Well Founded
The likelihood that these reports
were well-founded was strengthened
by indications that the meeting
fsomewhere in the Black Sea area, at-
tended by one of the greatest arrays
of diplomatic experts since the Ver-
sailles peace parley, already has
lasted longer than was originally
scheduled. There was some specula-
tion that the announcement awaited
a new military development.
In London, it was believed that the
difficulty of finding a formula to
break Volkssturm resistance of the
Aachen pattern has centered on two
Two Points
1. Russia's reported plan to use
forced German labor to rebuild cities
ruined by German forces, just as the
Germans themselves used slave labor
from all over Europe in their years
of triumph. Neither Britain nor the
United States wants such forced labor
for their own use.
2. Whether Germany's industrial
machine should be dismantled com-
pletely, or be allowed to continue
under Allied control to supply the
immediate needs of Europe. or be
shifted to other countries as part
payment for war damage.
Dispatch Denies
French Report
LONDON, Feb. 10-(Al)-A Reuters
dispatch said tonight that it had
been officially denied in Paris that
Gen. Charles de Gaulle had been in-
'trri to t ,,1rc nart in the ,ierThrp

DETROIT, Feb. 10-P)-Senate in- PW
vestigators launched an inquiry into L ar
Detroit's labor situation Saturday, ev-
en as additional walkouts swelled to Is Debate
14,000 the number of workers idle in
the city's defense plants.
George C. Chesney of the Washing- Post War Military T
ton office of the War Manpower Com- the topic for debate a
mission and head of the three-man Michigan Youth for
investigating staff sent here by the tion at 8:15 p. im. toms
Senate committee investigating the 318 of the Union.
national defense disclosed that preli- Guest speakers will
minary work has been started, with Scott, Commander of
several senators expected to arrive Legions of Detroit, at
here about Feb. 19. William Clark Trow, o
Help Asked Education, negative. A
Help sked od will follow the deba
"We have hopes that everyone- iodwillfollowthedebat
whether labor, management or just
plain citizen-will come forward to SOUND FII
help us in our investigation," Ches-
ney said. He emphasized that the /
committee is not confining its activi- (;e '
ties to investigating strikes, but is Gener
studying all aspects of the labor pic-
ture.Taking for his topic
Chesney said he has no intention of Malta," Lt.-Gen. Si
of summoning either strikers or man- Dobbie will speak at
agement representatives from the day in Hill Auditori
Briggs Manufacturing Company to auspices of the histo
explain reasons for the five-day and the Michigan oh
strike, which has affected the con- ship.
cern's plants here and in Evansville, "The Message of
Ind. I movie depicting the
No Special Invitation people of Mata du
"We would be glad to talk to them, anti-a-half-year aeri
hit h not avt exnded them anv nal e ...--- _- _

retary with all the powers Jesse Jones
Army wielded-
" It would be extremely short-sight-
TO 1 ed if those who don't want Wallace
should make it impossible for the
house to pass the bill or should bring
'raining will be out a measure that the President
t a meeting of would not sign," George said.
)emocratic Ac- iThe Senate has agreed to wait until
norrow in room March 1 before voting on Wallace's
nomination as Secretary of Com-
be Walter E. merce, with the understanding of both
the American sides that the Senate-approved bill
ffirmative, and by Senator George would become law
f the School of before that time. That was the com-
discussion per- promise Wallace's friends put over
te. in an effort to get him confirmed.

al Dobbie To Speak on 'Defense of Malta'

c "The Defense
i' William G. S.
8:30 p.m. Tues-
um under the
ry department
ristian Fellow-
Malta," sound
life of the
ring the two-
al blitz which
,. - e n .,.;1

accompanied by Lady Dobbie, is com-
ing to Ann Arbor on a coast-to-coast
lecture tour of the principal cities
of the United States and Canada.
His lecture is a factual account of
the island's bombardment.
General Dobbie was Governor
and Commander-in-Chief of Malta,
key island in the British defenses
of the Mediterranean: and the most
thickly populated island of its size
:in tho xu.. rhn- the +wna

recognition of the loyalty and spirit
the people displayed during that
Following service in the South
African War and in France and Bel-
gium during World War I, he gained
a permanent place in history by stop-
ping a war. He gave the "cease
firing" order to British armies No-
vember 11, 1918.
He holds the DSO and CMG., the


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