FM.&YI FEB. 9R l94~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE ______________________________________________ H Nurses' Aide Training Course Scheduled To Open March 13 'Campus Club'* Extends Plans I Floorshows during dinner and juke box dances Friday and Saturday nights will be added to the present 1943 Edition Military Ball Will Be Held Spring Predicts New Rosy Flue, Striped Blouses Foresters To Honor Fumed Lumberjuack t ' { D.. t1 0 1 w., d ^ M M 4 A A -. t r, Q " + " 1.% A new Nurses' Aide course will be- gin March 13, according to Mrs. Bradley Patten, county Nurses' Aide chairman, who emphasized the pres- ent urgent need for aides to replace nurses who have been drafted. Classes will be held from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for five weeks of classroom instruction, and from 3 p. m. to 6 P., m. on the same days for practical work at University Hospital. A qual- ified Nurses Aide must have 35 class- work hours and 45 practice hours. Women wishing to take the course may sign up in Mrs. Patten's office in. NorthHall, or call her. Coeds may take the course for two hours of University credit if they wish, the requirements being 150 INVEST IN VICTORY hours of work, including the 80 hours of training and 70 hours of hospital aide work. Senior women, however, have been asked not to take the course for credit, because they willj not have the time to complete thej requirements.- Nurses' Aides, working in both Uni- versity Hospital and St. Joseph's hos- pital, carry on their duties of assist- ing the nurse on the floor. They! may help in the bathing and feeding of patients, carrying trays, straight-: ening records, and sterilizing equip~ Music Program Held Gamma chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon honored new members with a formal musicale at 8 p.m. yesterday at the home of Mrs. E. A. White. Participating in the program were Mary Evans Johnson, pianist; Masa-r ka Ono, soprano; and Roberta Dres- den, pianist. The 1945 edition of Military Ball, ByPuTBRIEMu u n s Birthduy T Be Ceurtd program of the 'Campus Club' in the from 9 p. m. to midnight today in the Brigh for T . t winter Today at 'Formal Dance' in Union Ballroom League Ballroom beginning next ballroom of the League, marks the and early spring days are destined semester. return to canpus of an annual pre- to be gay and cheerful as a result ~ There will be no extra charge foreu t * of andgnntal Paul Bunyan, the popular char- some of the snow of the North Woods war dance, formerly sponsored byI of two outstanding items featured in wl oeo h nwo h ot od floorshows, and talent will be pro- !r ,the line o' fashions . . . One being acter of lumberjack mythology, will that he invented cotton. We can de- 'ROTC. be duly honored at a birthday cele- , vie y aiushue o apu.iithe new shade of pink, a delicate bedlooe tabrha ee termine from this" Johnson conclud- vided by various houses on campus, Combining with ROTC to present romantic color that has taken over bration presented in his honor by the ed "some indication of the tremen- A nominal admission fee will be this year's military formal is Co. C the collections of costume accessories. Forestry Club from 8:30 p. m. to dous influence Paul had on our pres- charged for the weekend juke box of ASTRP. Cadet Captain Williamr blouses, jackets and hats. The 0th- midnight today in the Union. ent-day America." dances. Goldberg, ROTC. is general chairman er . . . vivid blouses that have the The dance is an all-campus affair 'Campus Club' opened three weeks of the event. colorful charm of half-inch colored and will be attended by University 'U' Graduate Serves ago, under the direction of the So- Jerry Edwards and his orchestra stripes combined with white to set students clad in bluejeans and plaid cial Committee of the League, in re- will furnish music for the dance, and off smooth dark wool gabardine suits. I shirts. Decorations chairman, DaveAs medical Captain sponse to student requests for "some- admission will be by invitation only. The Rosy hue . . . For the first time Beull, has promised that the Rain- thing to do during meal time." It is Decorations of swords, guns, and in weeks, you may find blush-pink bow Room of the Union will be the Capt. Poe-Eng Yu, '39, has the dis- intended especially to provide enter- other arms will carry out the military gloves in suede for dress wear. The next thing to a genuine setting in tinction of being the first Chinese tainment for League House students theme displays of pink hats closely rival the the Great North Woods. Paul Bun-! woman to serve in the Army's Medi- who eat all their meals out. Among the guests of ASTRP and spun sugar creations of a Viennese yan and his blue ox, Babe, will be d r 'Campus Club' is open to all stu- ROTC will be Major General and confectioner. Pink veiling is the present in person to help party guests cAfter graduation from the Unier- dents during luncheon and dinner Mrs. Russel B. Reynolds. Other first word for feminine headlines, enjoy themselves. fsits. Capt.fYu becamena studentea, hours, from 11:30 a. m. to 1 p. in. guests include Col. and Mrs. George I just the sort of airy trimming to Runyan Guest of Honor sity. Capt. Yu became a student at and from 5:30 p. m. to 6:30 p. M. Sanford, Col. and Mrs. William H. cheer up a drab or faded winter R. O. Beatty, USMCR, of the for- Johns Hopkins University, and in daily. Music for dancing is furnish- McCarty, Col. and Mrs. Frederick C. wardrobe. estry club, will give a short dedi- October, 1943 entered the Medical ed by a nickleodeon, and cards are Rogers, Col. and Mrs. Stephen A. All awaiting scissors, pins, and catory talk concerning the guest of Corps as a physician. She has served available for those who wish to play Park, and Captain and Mrs. Woodson a brand new pattern, for the gals honor. He will present some of the overseas in Algiers. and is at presen bridge. V. Michau%. who make their own, new print more interesting and little known an- assigned to Camp Crowder, Mo, as a --- ------The list continues with Major and materials feature this lush pink. ecdotes that contribute to the color- psychiatrist. ' ~ i Mrs. John P. Wilburn, Major and Most of them with backgrounds of ful woodsman's popularity. Russian e ef Albert L Schoff, Major and Mrs. pink smattered with gay spring Bill Layton and his band will fur- Latest release in the way of WAC Matt Taylor, Major and Mrs. Mit- flowers; others with squared de- nish music for the dance. Featured uniforms is a rose beige cotton dress chell Franklin, Lt. and Mrs. Charles signs of navy blue, gray, or brown soloist will be B. J. Huser, a newcom- with short, almost invisible stripes VPlea l tSfBlack, Lt. and Mrs. Joseph C. Tray- against the rose tint. er to the Layton organization. An- I which give it a chambray effect, to be nor, Mayor and Mrs. Leigh J. Young, "Accent-uate the positive .. " other part of the evening's entertain- worn only by the specially trained A plea for warm used clothing Chief and Mrs. Sherman H. Morten- You can see the bright new inch- ment will be group singing during in- medical technicians on duty at Army Ap fr wasrmadebyth usa r elhie son, and Mr .and Mrs. Fielding Yost. wide striped blouses a block away, termission. Songs will be led by hospitals. Society to satisfy the needs of mil- n°Wi but they teally work magic for the Paul Reis, Jack Stanford, Ted Mc-__ sdblack, brown, and navy suits and Killop, USMCR and J. W Johnson, separate skirt team-ups such as extra USMCR who have been looted of all personal jacket or cardigan with dark skirts. belongings. I eddatrts icktorcadga it drLsi ts.ibrt CgiThe newest arrivals have trick Late Liberty They are in desperate need of 1 long sleeves, cut on the bias to Navy V-12 men stationed on cam- clothing, shoes, and garments of all a create the barber shop pole effect. pus have been granted liberty until kinds. Contributions of clothing may Two ecklines are featured . 12:30 a. in. in order to attend the be taken to the Russian War Relief one high and round, the other with Paul Bunyan Formal. Committee Salvage Center in West Hospital, g gta r over collar to make either a; members besides Beull who have plan- 1135 E. Catherine, or the Unitarian a r. Coll ned the celebration include Gabriel sl Church sha low or deep VMrs are eC Church.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 _ nor vt of mp,~ Caldevilla, Paul Ehinger, PSMCR, and r COME NE COME ALL! L L WSSF carniva ITo*ig.htL _7:30 u at eerman ,Gym9 Movies Pin Ball Bowling Refreshments - Entertainmentz _._ ._~U ___fT li.~ ..~U1.U . LYUl iJYJ1..U J1X~L' LRST DMY To e d A B r Ensian for The marriage of Shirley Andrews Cobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard George Cobb of Cleveland,j Ohio. to Malcolm Andrew MacKil- lop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peter MacKillop of San Francisco, California, has been announced by Iher parents. The wedding took place in Ann Ar- bor and was followed by a. reception at the Alpha Phi sorority house. *;t The engagement of Catharine Sau- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' H. Sauer of Bad Axe, Michgan, tog Staff Sergeant John Arthur Fox, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton G. Smith of Hamburg, New York. Miss Sauer is a junior in the Cot- lege of Architecture and Design. S./ Sgt. Fox is with the Army Aviation Engineers stationed overseas. Be- fore entering the Army, he attended the College of Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jerome Link, of Garden City, Long Island, N. Y., announced the engagement of their daughter, Eileen Lee, to Lt. Stanley Webster Jacques, Jr., A. A. F., son! of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Webster Jacques. of Great Neck, Long Island, 1N.Y. Miss Link is a sophomore at the University. Lt. Jacques was attend- ing Yale University when he entered the Army Air Force. He is now a pilot of a B-24 Liberator Bomber. __-- ~-I Ei /{ N t tra ,ay . . . wrne wit emerya green, with deep purple, copper or I Johnson. red or blue to provide a wide as- Johnson, publicity chairnan, re- I sortment in both styles. lated a famous Paul Bunyan story in Just a word o' warning . . . don't order to impress those who plan to wait till you see our first robin to attend the dance with the import-I start looking for your new spring ance of the occasion. wardrobe, for as the early bird gets "Paul and Babe worked all over the the worm; the early spring shopper United States"'according to Johnson. gets the best! "Once this famous team worked for - a number of years in the pine forests i The installation of new officers for of the sunny South. Along about the the following year, January 29, 1945, second year, Paul got so homesick for is announced by the Alpha Phi sor- ority. Peggy Berry, President; Joan Prtz, Corresponding Secretary; and Julie Newberry, Recording Secretary. a t the Student Publications Bldg. Fashioned Branded Sheer R ayon Hosiery SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. ( Coupons Will Not Be Considered Valid After Today) f 40RI2Wf STATE STREET Li it (O({f kk S / 11 , K 0 / Dnou ' I I / / .-. ^ + . . p z Y+ t ^ $ : 1\ . ll ll" yt y ) f nP . C;: y } f +} y " R 7 y... . "i ' Y Y t _. " . ,. 6L \ _f ':. '4. 4 ', ,' , n. ,b " Go )od Winter Sports Will Appreciate WARM COMFORTABLE SNOW CLOTHES Lambs-wool lined Gabardine ski jackets water repellent - wind resistant- in uatureal1 red and~ aspin blue. 17.9 Warm ski pants in navy only . . . . . . 7.5 Wear the outfit with a smart wool plain or plaid shirt or snug heavy-knit sweater. To complete 'the costume, choose a pair of wool knit, fur, or lamb's wool mittens -N wool scarf or beanie -heavy wool socks. Also, we have rayon and wool longies for waist These I . I 11 , ; <: ; . >. . s .au ~ ..K;. .4;; ; , ;n.. . w This beau tif til tailored skirt of super-soft wool is just the thing for all sports. Wear with your favorite blouse or sweater. This Bobbie Brooks original has three grand box pleats, front and back. Comes in a number of lovely, gay colors. Sizes 9 to 17; 24,30. I I Ic Spring-minded topcoat of wonderful ver- sotility. (As ready for a dinner date in the city as Monday's 8 o'clock!) Nicely 11 : I 11 W14 N91, 11 I