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February 09, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-09

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FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1945



U Remaining Defenders of Manila



37th Infantry
Crosses Pasig
River Barrier
Japs Lose Heavily
In Men and Materiel
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Feb. 9, Friday-Riding
in amphibious vehicles, 37th Division
Yanks of Maj.-Gen. Robert S. Beigh-
tler crossed the Pasig River Thursday
near Malacanan palace to root out
Japanese who have wrecked the river
bridges and have kindled fires in the
closely-congested Intramuros district.
The point of crossing into the last
sector of Manila in which the Japa-
nese suicide squads are extensively
active was nearly two miles east of
the docks.
Encirclement Hinted
This suggested a wide circling
movement around the Intramuros
(walled city) and docks toward the
11th Airborne Division of Maj.-Gen.
Joseph M. Swing trying to break into
Manila from the south by way of
suburban Pasay.
Considerable fires were reported
burning in the Intramuros which is a
commercial-residential section, heav-
ily populated particularly by Fili-
pinos and Chinese.
(Arthur Feldman, Blue Network
War Correspondent, said the hot
blasts of the Intramuros fires could
be felt on the north side of the
Bombers Continue Blast
Across the Pasig from Malacanan
is a recreation area and nearby is
Pandacan where the Americans had
extensive oil stores prior to the Jap-
anese occupation in 1942.
As the Yanks moved to secure the
prized dock area of Manila, bombers
kept blasting away at rocky Corregi-
dr Island which guards the bay
In the north part of the central
Luzon plain, MacArthur's ,Sixth Army
men captured the towns of Munoz,
Rizal and Lupac in pushing the Jap-
anese into the eastern foothills.
The five-star general reported that
enemy losses had been "very heavy"
in both personnel and materiel in
this stubbornly-held sector.
At Munoz alone 1,242 enemy troops
were killed. Forty-two tanks were
captured or destroyed along with 62
armored cars or artillery vehicles and
22 guns.
Tank Losses Heavy
MacArthur said more than 200
enemy tanks of the Second Japanese
Armored Division-more than two-
thirds of its striking power- had
been wiped out, and "remaining ele-
ments are now so scattered that this
division is no longer an effective
fighting unit."
Earlier MacArthur estimated the
total Japanese personnel casualties
at'48,000 for four weeks of the Luzon
Again Liberator bombers poured a
heavy bomb load on Corregidor, the
fortress at the entrance to Manila
Bay where many Japanese may be
seeking refuge. Coastal defense po-
sitions were damaged, with large fires

Choir To Sing
Here Sunday
John F. Williamson To
Conduct Choral Group
Westminister Choir, appearing
here at 3 p. m. Sunday in Hill Audit-
orium, under the guidance of its con-
ductor, Dr. John Finley Williamson,
has earned fame and recognition be-
yond American shores.
Formal Reception
Its first European concert was giv-
en at Bristol, England, where the
Lord Mayor gave a formal reception
in its honor. The choir was the
first American choral group ever to
appear in a concert in England, and
opened its tour in the town from
which the Cabot brothers, first Eng-
lishmen to touch the American con-
tinent, sailed for the New World.
During that tour the choir sang
twice in London, and also in Edin-
burgh. The first Parisian concert
was held in the Paris opera house.
On its last European tour, West-
minister Choir was invited by the
Rusian government to be its official
guests, and to bring to Russia typi-
cal examples of what America con-
sidered musically good, in order to
increase their knowledge of America
and to promote understanding and
good will between Russia and the
United States.
No Longer Church Choir
The choir originated as the volun-
teer choir of the Westminister Pres-
byterian Church of Dayton, 0. It
has retained its original name,
though it is no longer a church
choir, but the professional touring
unit of Westminister Choir College
a non-sectarian musical colege locat-
ed in Princeton, N. J. Dr. William-
son, founder and conductor of the
choir, is also the founder and presi-
dent of the college.
French Ability,
Talent Praised
French ingenuity and mechanical
ability have produced outstanding
achievements since World War I,
Prof. Marc Denkingr, of the Ro-
m pc, lnguage department, stated
in a lecture yesterday.
Addressing Le Cercle Francais,
Prof. Denkinger presented a series of
slides depicting diverse French acti-
vities and accomplishments; bicycle
races; airports, and national figures,
such as the brother of President le
Brun were included. Prof. Denking-
er showed construction projects,
which included the modernization
of Casablanca, and the gigantic wall
near Lille, built to allow for expan-
sion caused by weather. These en-
gineering feats testify to French
mechanical talent, he aserted. The
precision testing bench for engines,
most accurate in the world, and the
effective renewal of soil devastated
by bombings were also shown.

MASSED BATTERIES OF ROCKETS COVER LCM-The deck and sides of this Landing Craft Mech-
anized are covered with massed batteries of rockets'as crewmen load racks on the type of boat being
u ed in invasions to fill the bombardment 'gap between the opaning barrage of hig ships and the actual
landing of troops,
Life in Ninth Army Press Camp Found Best

ROTC Squad
To Meet Ohio
Riflemen Today
To Compete for First
Prize in National Meet
Coming from under a stinging de-
feat at the hands of Oklahoma A.
and M. last week, the ROTC rifle-
men are out to raise their .500 av-
erage when they meet the Ohio
State squad at a 1ublic exhibition to
be held at 4 p. m. today st the
ROTC rifle range, located near the
center of campus.
Tomorrow, the rifle team will shoot
at special targets in an attempt to
annex the Hearst Trophy, first prize
of the National Rifle meet. They
wirl fie, in an exhibition open to the
public, from 1:00 to 3:A0 ). m. at
the ROTC range.
The rifle team will compete, next
veek, Cgainst Illinois, Wisconsin,
Penntylvania and Utah. Each team
will fire en its own range and the
winner will be determined by e'x-
change of results through the mail.
Competing in the matches will be
the following riflemen of the ROTC
squad: Robert C. Lestma, Eugene A.
Vercheski, Eric V. Youngquist,
George R. Crossman, Gene E. Ellis,
Robert W. Soulen, William S. Har-
rison, Arnold D. Held, Donald L.
Milbotirne and William G. McKech-
Stop Draft o
Farmers Asked
LANSING, Feb. 8.-(P)-Governor
Kelly has been bombarded with let-
ters and telegrams from four Michi-
gan congressmen who are in Wash-
ington demanding that he do some-
thing to prevent the drafting of
youthful farmers.
Letters and telegrams have been
received from Reps. Hoffman, Shafer,
Bradley, and Woodruff demanding
that the Governor see to it that the
Tydings Farm Labor Deferment A-
mendment to the National Service
Act is enforced, the executive office
said today.
Kelly said he has sent replies to
the congressmen that investigation
showed that draft boards are com-
plying with the national draft laws,
including the Tydings Amendment.

Milliken Asks
School Head
Be Appointed
Change Would Be
Efl'ecfive in 1917
By Thele Associated TPress
LANSING, Feb. 8--Senator James
T. Milliken, Traverse City Republi-
can, today sponsored in the Senate a
Constitutional amendment proposal
to minake the Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction an appointive instead
of elective state official.
The proposal has endorsement of
Dr. .Wugene B. Elliott, the incum-
bent, ad 'of the Michigan Educa-
tion Study Commission and educator
grciups, who contend it would take
the ofl'i e "out of politics."
,o Enlarge Beard
The joint resolution proposing the
am! ndment would be effective in
July, 1947, at expiration of the next
s' erintendent's term.
It would enlarge the State Board
of Education from four to eight
members, serving eight year terms,
who would appoint the superintend-
Governor Kelly today submitted a
sp cial mesage to the Legislature
proposing the creation of a state
Department of Aviation, to take over
complete responsibility for controll-
ing and developing the aviation indu-
stry and licensing airlines.
Air-line Controversy
There has been controversy be-
tween established air lines and truck
and bus operators seeking permission
to enter the field of aviation after
the war, as to whether licensing pow-
ers should rest with the state Pub-
lic Service Commission or the state
Board of Aeonautics.
The new division would be headed
by a commission coresponding rough-
ly to membership of the present
Board of Aerouautics, with addition
of the state conservation director as
an ex-officio member.
Prohibition Bill
Rep. George A. Gillespie, Gaines
republican, introduced in the house
a bill to prohibit the sale of bee:
and wine for consumption on the
premises in any city, village or town-
ship unlps its legislative body voted
to allow such sales.
This would reverse the present
system which allows such sales un-
less the legislative body prohibits




IN FRANCE, Jan. 27-Delayed)-
(')-When it comes time to leave
an army press camp where you've
worked several weeks or months you
suddenly realize that it was either
a good place tot live or a bad one.
It's that feeling of relief or re-
gret that does it-and leaving Bar-
ney Oldfield's camp brought re-
gret, because in all the seven army.
camps in which this correspondent
has lived in the last year and a
half, Barney's Ninth Army setup
was the best.
Barney is a major, a former para-
trooper, and a former newspaperman

at Lincoln, Neb., and he combined
the best of all three backgrounds to
help correspondents who came his
To corespondents who often
weary of having public relations
officers haunt their footsteps and
read over their shoulders, he al-
ways said "we presume you know
your business, so none of us will
kibitz. The soldiers i nthis camp
all are former line company guys.
They will do their best to meet
your wishes in transportation of
your copy, your housing, your
transportation and your messing.


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GREY AND GOLD Parker fountain
pen between Natural Science and
Stockwell. Bernice Mintz. 1556
LOST: Eversharp 64 pencil. Grey
and gold. Reward. Phone 22868.
LOST: Gold leaf bracelet with blue
stones. Sentimental value. Please
call Doris Waisbrop 2-2591.
PLEASE, PLEASE--If anyone finds
a small Hamilton watch with name
on back, call 2-1347. Lost between
Tappan street and Haven Hall.
LOST: Silver identification bracelet
with names Anita and Loraine.
Phone 22868.
LOST-Two balloon-tired bikes on
campus. License numbers 2222 and
3260. Call 2-5163.
I Plil PIN between Pi Phi House
and State Theatre Sunday after-
noon. Reward. Call Mary Coch-
ran, 24514.
LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two
weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street.
White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729.
LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches
long with topaz attached. Lost in
or near Rackham on Washington
up to parking lot. Family heirloom.
Substantial reward.
LOST: Plain gold cross on black rib-
bon-in Union swimming locker
room. Sentimental value. Tele-
phone 2-2914 or 4483 evenings.
WANTED--Housekeeper, family of
three, laundry out, no children.
Call 2-1592.

HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and
fountain. Excellent hours. Better
pay. Witham Drug Co. 601 S.
WANTED: Assistant cook,.experience
not necessary if capable and will-
ing to learn. Meals furnished-6
day week. Vacation with pay. Ap-
ply Miss Tomlinson, University
Health Service. 2-4531.
ROOM AND BOARD for men and
women at inexpensive rates rang-
ing from $4 to $8 per week, in six
student co-operative houses. For
further information call Joan
Schwartz, 6957.
BOARD AND ROOM at the Sigma
Phi Epsilon House, 733 S. State.
Spring term, for students only-
fraternity men preferred. Location
near campus. See Mr. Reeck at 12
or 6 p. m.
chards. Limited schedule filling
now, Rapid approved service, P.
0. box 536.
sire apt. near campus. Will do
some maintenance for part of rent.
D. H. Baker, 414 Adams, Owaso,
REWARD-For information leading
to rental of apartment in February,
March, 2-3 rooms, $42 maximum.
Phone Jackie or Jeannie, 2-2218.
FOR SALE: Black tipped raccoon
coat, size 16, large, worn one seas-
on. Call 5036 Stockwell.

Anything else you want they'll try
to hely you get. But what you write
or how you write is your own busi-
Correspondents appreciate it.
Scores of men who have been cover-
in gthis war from the beginning term
Barney's camp the best yet.
Barney would be the last to claim
credit. When he drew the Ninth
Army public relations assignment he
asked for a staff right out of line out-
fits. He got it, and gives it the
There was "Griff." Capt. James
Griffith, Grove City, Pa., camp com-
mandant, a hardworking guy who-
usually shorthanded-never let any-
body go cold or hungry.
All those and a lot of others made
the Ninth Army camp a good place
to live and work.
There was "Pop" Carroll-24-year-
old Walter Carroll of Goldthwaite,
Texas, a technical sergeant but an
acting topkick. Twice wounded, they
put him back together with silver-
plate and wire after a burst of ma-
chinegun bullets cut him up at St.
(Continued from Page ])
track although some Danes may be
Describing the perils that he faced
as a member of the underground
movement, 'Capt. Freuchen told of
his efforts to reach Sweden. Aided
by members of the Council, he was
smuggled acros the channel in a
wooden box which he occupied for 24
"Germans tortured the Danish
people in a way that cannot be de-
scribed before a public audience," the
polar explorer declared in describing
Nazi atrocities. He commented that
a man must never be condemned for
revealing names under torture.
The 9,000 Jews in Denmark, Capt.
Freuchen said, have refrained from
active sabotage because of the Ger-
man feeling toward them. In order
to hide the Jews, he explained, po-
lice arrested them under false pre-
tenses. They were sent to hospi-
tals, insane asylums and to Sweden.
He added that 2,000 Jews were cap-
tured by the Germans.
Capt. Freuchen is now in the Unit-
ed States to carry on his work for
the Freedom Council. "The soul of
America hasn't been spoiled as the
soul of my country," he commented,
adding that America is one country
which can maintain ideals in peace
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Today and Saturday
id lack



Miochi gaits



"A Prize Film In Any Tongue"-P. M.
"Triumphant . . . brilliant"-N. Y. Herald Tribune


Second Feature






An American organization
and an American tradition!
SUN.,, FEB. 11
at 3P.M.

HAYDN : Concerto in D Major
Fiermnn with Orchestra ide/r Sargent
M M 262 . . . .. . . . . . .
BOCCHERINI: Concerto in B Flat
Casals and London Symphony
DM 381 . . . . . . . . . .
DVORAK : Concerto in B Minor
Casals n',lb Czeich Phihar monic rteder S-erif
DM 458, ... .
SAINT-SAENS: Concerto No. 1 in A Minor
Piatisgorsk y ith ( hicago Symphony under St ock
MX 182
BEETHOVEN: Sonata No. I (Op. 5)
Casals and I-or'covski
DM r8 4;3 .


14 1





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