PAGE TODU THE MICRIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1945 I I - Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: U.S. Organization Aims Stopped 7# _-~ II, - . . . x na- - -- - - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Stan _Wallace Lay Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewen berg Mavis Kennedy Editorial Staff . . . . * Managing Editor * . . . City Editor Associate Editor * . * . * Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer .. Barbara Chadwick June Pomering Telephone Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. 14EPRESENTED FOR NATIONAl.. ADVERT131NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR J. KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the Views of the writers only. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The inside story of how cer- tain U.S. agencies were blocked in their effort to build up an anti-Hitler committee of Germans to help defeat the Nazis can now be told. It is especially significant in view of the committee -of 10,000 Germans which the Rus- sians have organized inside Russia, and whose broadcasts to the German people from Russia speeded the amazing advance of the Red Army across Poland. The German committee inside Russia is headed by Field Marshial Friedrich Von Paulus, former commander at Stalingrad and by his Deputy Commander, Gen. Wilhelm Von Seyd- litz. Their broadcasts have told the Germans and especially the German generals that the Russians did not seek to destroy their factories or their country, but only to throw off the yoke of the Hitlerites. They have also contacted many German generals and won over thou- sands of prisoners without Tiring a shot. More than two years ago, Gen. William Dono- van's office of strategic services started to do the same thing. They actually organized an embryo committee of anti-Hitler Germans, head- ed by a minister in the old Bruening cabinet, who also was a strong Catholic leader. (Bruen- ing is now teaching at Harvard.) Most of the German committee were Catholic moderates or leftists, all strong anti-Hitlerites. However, a few weeks after the committee was started, the State Department heard about it and suddenly called a halt. OSS officials al- ways suspected the hand of Hugh Wilson, ex- Ambassador to Germany, in this. Wilson, then a member of the OSS, had leaned toward rightist German groups when he was Ambassador to Berlin and had little use for groups of the left. His colleagues in the OSS, however, believed that the way to build a counter-political attack against Hitler was with strong Catholic leaders of the left and center. At any rate, the American move to work inside Germany through the office of strate- gic services was stooped short in its tracks, while the Russians continued to build up their powerful German committee. Psychological Warfare Stymied.. . Meanwhile, however, the U.S. Army had set up its psychological warfare division which was to spread propaganda inside Germany, though on a more modified scale. However, its work also has been stymied in many areas through the failure of old-line Army men to understand the value of psychological warfare. For instance, plans were drawn up for the psychological warfare division to establish a German-language newspaper as soon as we took Aachen. Aachen was to be a guinea-pig, pro- viding experience for PWD in overseeing pro- duction of newspapers for the German popula- tion. When the city was taken, PWD immediate- ly sent three men from Paris to survey the facili- ties in Aachen for presses, equipment, news- print and skilled personnel. Thus far nothing has been accomplished-in fact, the divisional commander at Aachen has not yet permitted the PWD team inside the city. There were several weeks prior to the German break-through of December during which the newspaper could have been started, but nothing was accomplished, and there has been no progress since. Result is that our for- ces will break into Germany and take over scores of German newspaper with no part of the Army yet having had any experience in directing a German newspaper. Meanwhile the Russians have built up an organization ready to set up a complete new German government with its own propaganda system all operating under the direction of Mos- cow. Congressman Explodes. . Representative Dewey Short of Missouri gave the brass hats some of the plainest talk on the floor of Congress for a long time. He accused them of trying to cover up their mistakes by demanding passage of the work-or-fight bill. "Generals and admirals should stay in their place," stormed the leading Republican Con-' gressman from Missouri. "They have an ap- plied science to prosecute this war. They are the military strategists. A lot of these parlor generals and pink-tea strategists you see in Washington come up to your office and try to tell you hew to win this war. What right have the military to tell business, labor and industry men who are qualified by life-long experience what to do? Industry and labor are both op- posed to this bill." (Short referred to the work-or-fight bill.) "What is it for?" continued the gentleman from Missouri, "to cover up mistakes and mis- calculations? Bickering and bungling on the home front? The only trouble between a civil- ian and a general is that the Army is never wrong. Was it ever wrong? I served and you served in it. Was it ever wrong? Never. They are infallible, impeccable and Christ-like on this earth. I will not say where they will go after- ward." Here Short spoke of the optimistic calcula- tions of an early end of the war issued by U.S. military leaders as long ago as 1943. He also accused the Army of responsibility for present- day production difficulties because "they can- celled contracts; they terminated contracts; they closed one factory after another all over this country and threw thousands of people out of employment." His colleagues who were supporting the May Bill-both Republicans and Democrats-did not escape the wrath of the fiery Missourian. "We have men over here on the Republican side who worship stars and love gold braid," Short admitted. "Of course, politics were played last fall," he continued, "but I will not even go into that because I do not want to prejudice nor weaken my case with some fellows over here who are tottering mugwumps. You know, a mugwump is one who has his mug on the wrong side of the fence and his wump on the other. You care more for your little seat in this house than you do for the welfare of this country and the safety of our boys." (Copyright, 1945. by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ii Letters to the Editor The Polish Question. is waiting until the United States and Great Britain have made their APPARENTLY some contributors to decision. the Daily are quite ignorant of The second question: the Curzon the facts concerning a few Polish line (so-called, although Lord Curzonj himself had little to do with it) was questions. The first of these concernsindicated to Mr. Grabski by Lloyd the integrity of the Polish government George on July 10. 1920 after pres- in London. The premier is M. Arcis- sure had been applied by the Rus- zewski; the members of his cabinet sian delegation in London headed by are: S. Sopicki, J. Kwapinski, Tar-- Kameneff and Krassin. This line, are: S.SopiiA JRapinski, ZTBre- running from Grodno, through Bial- nowski, A. Pragier. A. >omer, Z. Bere- ystock and Przemysl to the Carpa- zowski. W.Folkierski, and K. Kus- thians cuts off the voivodeshipls of nierz. All are citizens of Poland. This Wilna, Nowogrodek. Polesie, Wolyn, government has the support of all Tarnopol, Stanislau, and parts of four major political parties in Poland. Bialystock, Lublin and Lwow. (For The work of the Polish government in purposes of government, Poland is London is connected closely with what Iiivided up into the 16 voivodeships was being the underground in and the City of Warsaw.) Poland. An account of how Lloyd George It reflects, directly and harmoni- received M. Krassin's message, rela- ously, Poland's and the Polish people's tive to this matter, while playing desires. Minor groups (sancja, ONR, golf at Gobham and how he at once and communists) are of small im- acted thereon without any consulta- portance. The third party, which is tion with the Foreign Office, is given subservient to the Soviet govern- by Lord Riddell in his Intimate Di- ment, was nonexistent in prewar Pol- ary, p. 225. Ukrainians and so- and. Its position derives its strength called White Russians are the lead- from the emissaries sent by the Red ing minorities east of the Curzon line. Army. (Prior to the reentry of Red The term White Russians is mis- troops into Poland, military para- leading; the name "Blanc-Ruth- chutists were sent by Moscow.) With enes" in the French corresponds the support of the Soviet govern- more nearly to the Slavonic term- ment, they have organized several inology. and makes it quite clear groups, the best known of which is that they do not belong to the the PPR (The Polish Workers' Party). Russians in the modern sense of In contrast to the legitimate gov- the word. Territoial autonomy ement in London, of the 17 mem- for the former group is a complex, bers of the Lublin Committee 1 but undoubtedly, a solvable prob- are communist. Bierut (whose name lem. For it is precisely where the1 has been changed several times to Ukrainian population is highest in suit his aims), the president of culture and national consciousness, suithisaim), he resden of namely, in the former eastern Gali- the committee, and several mem- ia, thfitmis mo st ed Gih bers are not Polish citizens. Only the oish pslton e Moscow and the Czech government t ishpopulion. have recognized this committee. -Leo F. Boron France refuses to recognize it and . I ln -9V%7JM11 ff r- L . WLB Facts MR. BERMAN, in an editorial yesterday criti- cizing government facilities for the control of industrial disputes, levelled the charge that regulatory agencies mushroom without respon- sible coordination of activities and responsibility in a single head.' That conclusion is derived from numerous facts' gleaned from some source which could hardly be called reliable. His conclusion is false and the entire editorial a masterpiece of mis- information. Mr. Berman lumps together the National Labor Relations Board, the War Labor Board, the National Mediation Board and speaks of ,'a separate board for railways.' It is necessary to point out that each agency has a specific purpose and is essential to the maintenance of free collective bargaining and peaceful adju- dication of labor disputes. The National Labor Relations Act is distinct. from the National Railway Act, and both are distinct from the War Labor Board. The Na- tional Labor Relations Board functions to insure employer-employe committees for collective bar- gaining and to hold elections to determine the anion which properly represents the workers in a plant. Under Executive Order 9017 the Na- tional W~ar Labor Board was given jurisdiction overall disputes in industry which would en- danger the effective prosecution of the war. It was later given, under the Stabilization Act, jurisdiction over all voluntary wage agreements. Does the WLB then have the same purpose as the National Mediation Board as Mr. Ber- man suggests? The NMB was established un- der the National Railway Act of 1926 to adjust disputes in the railroad industry, which in- volves certain 'special problems with respect to wage rates, rules and working conditions. Existing machinery is then cleared of the charge of confusion. The editorial' charges, in addition, that these agencies are irresponsible and misadministrate the acts which have created them-this in spite, of the fact that, the agencies are dependent on the acts for their existence. Mr. Berman suggests the mobilization of these facilities into a 'single spearhead.' Such an integration is impractical, however, in view of the varied and special problems of the agen- cies. The success of the machinery is proven by the record of the WLB in its three years as a wartime agency. Since the beginning of the war, it has handled some 362,000 voluntary and dispute cases involving nearly 24,000,000 employes. In only 25 of the 14,000 cases hai- died did the parties fail to settle their differ- ences peaceably and defy the orders of the Board. -Betty Roth DEATH SENTENCE: A Statement by Pvt. wber (Editor's Note: The following interview with Private Henry P. Weber was given unexpectedly when Ernest K. Bennett, AP photographer, obtained permission to take pictures of the man whose sentence to die has caused concern in Congress. Bennett tells how Weber insisted on first making a statement about his case.) CAMP ROBERTS, Calif., Feb. 6.-I have inter- viewed Private Henry P. Weber, 27-year-old former Vancouver, Wash., shipyard foreman, who is under a court martial sentence of death for refusing to drill at this Army camp. I went to the camp for the express purpose of obtaining pictures of this condemned sol- dier, but at the last moment he refused to per- mit his picture to be taken unless he was granted the privilege of making a statement to the press. This privilege was granted by the camp authorities. The first statement Weber made surprised me. He said: "I have a revolutionary mind. Wars are caused by the society in which we now live, and which cannot prevent a third world war." I asked Weber on two occasions if he didn't feel that he had chosen the wrong way to express ,OEN S EC O N D BE!I BayJDIxon1 Jan Carter is going around asking people what branch of the service worms are in and then blandly answering-the apple corps. The rampaging Russians are driving the Nazis out of Germany just as the French were driven out of France. Only thing missing from DNB reports is an account of the Reds strafing flee- ing German civilians by air. himself and his ideas and to put his feelings in an understandable way. To this he had no answer. He did continue, however, and said: "I am interested in a world in which all men can live peaceably. To be a good soldier you have to learn to hate and to kill. I am willing to do anything I can to get the war over, as long as I do not have to kill other people." Right after that statement, I asked Weber if that did not make him a conscientious objector. "I suppose so,"'he replied. "One of the reasons he gave for refusing to obey orders and drill was: "With my revolution- ary mind, talking with other men in the Army would only disrupt the organization as they would be inclined to my ideas." Weber was asked if he did refuse to drill in order to get out of the Army. He replied: No. I asked for a transfer to non- combatant duty three or four days before the incident for which I was court martialled oc- curred, but that was not granted. He continued: "The men at the camp know of my feelings in the matter because I was court martialled for a similar offense some time pre- viously and was sentenced to six months at hard labor." lie further added: "l was a foreman in a shipyard in peacetime (Vancouver, Wash.,) and am used to associating and working with men. I am a member of the Socialist-Labor Party which aims at peaceful revolution. With a revolutionary mind, you lose your place in the new society and with no chance to help in making the new society if you hate and kill." With the interview ended, we shook hands, and Weber turned away, with no show of emo- tion or appearance of concern. DRAMA By BERNARD ROSENBERG PLAY PRODUCTION scaled new heights in "The Skin of Our Teeth" last night. Thornton Wilders splendid play, chock-full of innova- tions and heterodoxies though it is, remains good theater. But, there are all sorts of technical difficulties to overcome. That Director Windt and his group dia so is altogether to their credit. Wilder, tongue - in - check but hand-over-heart has captured the essentially tragi-comic nature of man's existence. This tribute to human tenacity, if plagiarized in part from "Finnegan's Wake," manages in an American setting which is at the same time univer- sal, to reach almost Joycean pro- portions. An epic loaded with sym- bolism and drollery, with Vicoesque underpinnings, and philosophical overtones, here beyond cavil is a play worth seeing many times. As to the cast, this reviewer has never seen it in better form. Dorothy Murzek, as the eternally tantalizing Calypso-Sabina, though much too mannered in the first act, more than redeemed herself thereafter. Every character is complex, and not the least so Sabina-who at times is sup- posed to represent simplicity. In Miss Murzek's interpretation we see the winsome side of her nature. One has the feeling that more can be done in a Tallulah Bankheadish way with this role. Robert Acton carried off top hon- ors for his first-rate depiction of Mr. Antrobus. Hen-pecked or resourceful or philandering, in scenes that re- quire the utmost ability, he acted with spiritedness and verve. For poignancy, however, and it cut me to the quick, listen carefully for the whine of a pre-historic animal in Act I. An ice-age is about to descend upon Excelsior, N.J. (and the earth in general). So men scurry about in frantic effort to survive if need be, "by the skin of their teeth." But, the playmates, a dinosaur and a mam- moth among them, must go. One or the other of these creatures lets out a wail as he exits into the cold, cold world-and it was this that rent us. But, there are other and deeper significations. Byron Mitchell, play- ing Henry, the warlike son of Mr. Antrobus who bears the stigma of Cain, wrings his part dry of the fierceness latent in it. Janine Robin- son, her voice a bit too shrill at times, is on the whole excellent as1 Mrs. Antrobus, practical and posses- sive to the end. In a meaty role, she seemed to digest with exceptional relish, Annette Chaikin adds or cac- kles her prophetic bit to the proceed- ings. I have nary a bad word to say about the supporting cast, all of whom performed admirably. Thespis looked down upon the Lydia Mendelssohn last night-and smiled. BULLETIN THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1945 1 VOL. LV, No. 79r Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-E urdays).} NVoticest Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty of this College on Monday, Feb. 12, at 4:15 p. m. ina Room 445. West Engi-1 neering Bldg. Midyear Graduation Exercises will be held at 10:30 a. m., Saturday, Feb. 24. in the Rackham Lecture Hall.i The address to the graduating clas- ses will be given by Professor Camp- bell Bonner. Assembly at 10:00 a.m. as follows: Graduates in the middle sections of the Lecture Hall as di- rected by ushers; faculty in the office1 of the Graduate School; regents, officers, deans, minister, and speaker1 of the day in Executive Board room;, color guard and honor guard in the outer lobby. Participants will wear academic costume. The public is cordially invited; no tickets are re- quired. Faculty of College of Literature, Science and the Arts; College of Ar- chitecture and Design; School of Ed- ucation; School of Forestry and Con- servation; School of Music; and School of Public Health: Class lists for use in reporting Fall Term grades of undergraduate stu- dents enrolled in these units, and also graduate students in the Schools of Forestry and Conservation, Music, and Public Health, were mailed Wed- nesday, Feb. 7. Any one failing to receive theirs should notify the Reg- istrar's Office, Miss Cuthbert, phone 308, and duplicates will be prepared for them. To Members of the Faculty Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts: There will be another special meeting of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts at 4:10 p. m. on Monday, Feb. 12, in Room 1025 Angell Hall, to continue the discussion of the Com- bined Report of the Curriculum Com- mittee and the Committee on Con- centration and Group Requirements. A large attendance is desired. ' .Edward II. Kraus honor Societies. The 'attention of honor societies is called to the fact that the date of Honors Convocation has been set for April 20. It is re- quested that all societies hold their elections as early as possible after the beginning of the Spring Term so that the names of new members may be included in the Honors Convoca- tion program. Dean of Students State of Connecticut Civil Service announcement for Child Welfare Supervisor, salary from $2,500 to "ouncements have been received in our office for the following exam- inations: Head Clerk, $3,795 to $4,416, Building Maintenance Supervisor, $3,721 to $4,071, Chemist, $2,484 to $2,898. Sanitary Chemist $2,484 to $2,898, Junior Dentist, $2,990, Senior Dentist, $3,795 to $4,140, Senior Traf- [ice Engineering Aid, $2,691 to $3,105, Intermediate Statistician $2,829 to $3,381, Senior Personnel Examiner iGeneral). $3,720 to $4,260, Senior Personnel Examiner (Engineering) $3,720 to $2,460, Junior Airport Con- trol Tower Operator, $2.210 to $2,616, Senior Airport Control Tower Operat- or $2,760 to $3,137, Farm Supervisor (Dairy and Livestock), $2,348 to $2,553, Senior Veterinarian, $2,622 to $3,036. and Junior Health Inspect- or $2,084 to $2,348. For further in- formation stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Seniors: Absolutely no senior pic- ture contracts will be sold after 5 p. m., Feb. 9. Seniors, expecting to have their picture in the 1945 Michi- ganensian must have their coupon purchased before that time. Choral Union Members. Choral Union members who have no unex- cused absences on their records will please call for pass tickets for the Westminster Choir concert, on Fri- day, Feb. 9, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30, and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. No courtesy tickets will be issued after 4 o'clock Friday. World Student Service Fund Of- fice Hours are from 2 to 4 p. m. through Friday of this week in the Lane Hall office. Contributions will be accepted at these times. 'Ensian Coupons found in all stu- dent Directories will not be consid- ered valid after Friday, Feb. 9. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1945-1946 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 9. Those wishing to renew previous reqtiests whether now receiving support or not should so in- dicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Sec- retary's office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building, telephone 372. Lectures University Lecture. Captain Pet er Freuchen, Danish Polar Explorer, will lecture on "Epic of an Explorer in the War," at 8:00 p. m., today in the Rackham Lecture Hall; auspices of the Department of Geography. The public is cordially invited. French Lecture. Professor Marc Denkinger, of the Romance Lan- guage Department, will offer a lec- ture today at 4:10 p. m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. His lecture, which will be illustrated with slides, is entitled "Quelque activities fran- caises de'entre less deux guerras." Academic Notices Notice to Students Planning to Do Directed Teaching: Students expect- ing to do directed teaching the spring term are requested to secure assign- ments in Room 2442 University Ele- mentary School today, according to the following schedule: English, 8:00-9:00. Social Studies, 9:00-10:00. Science and Mathematics, 10:00- 11:00. All foreign languages, 11:00-12:00. All others, and any having' con- flicts at scheduled hour, 2:00-4:00 or by appointment. Recommendations for Department- al Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative Feb- ruary graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and' the School of Education for depart- mental honors should send such names to Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall, by noon, Feb. 26. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar. Music 41. Introduction to Musical Literature. For the Spring Semester, only Section 2, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a. m. will be open to students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Doctoral Examination for Lester Henry Phillips, Political Science: thesis: "The Impact of the Defense of Canada Regulations upon Civil Liberties," today, 3:00 p. m., East Council Room, Rackham Building. Chairman H. M. Dorr. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant pe'mis- sion to those who for sufficient reas- on might wish to be present. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are required tb pass a qualifying exami- nation in the subject which they ex- pect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, March 3, at 8:30 a. in. Stud ents will meet in the k4 ,,; V' ;'s a An Odd World THE ENTIRE world is engulfed in the most devastating war in history. Our Allies have made and are making su- preme sacrifices. Large numbers of our sons, brothers and husbands are shedding their blood BARNABY Barna ,while we're awaitingdeliveryof the fis shiomme antoson. nnose we stir up a By Crockett Johnson r- We mustn't show favoritism.Everybody shall have ar equal opportunity to avail themselves I Suppose you leave the question fI I