TlE Nt Ml iCHIGAl'-N t LY I ui1ii~ FF11 6, 1 4~ Vandenberg Urges Allied Deelarati on11 Anti-Aggression Pact Asked by Senator By The Associated Press DETROIT, Feb. 5.-Senator Van- denberg (Rep., Mich.), urging his plan for an immediate treaty against future Axis aggression,rdeclared to- night it would help cure the differ- ences now dividing the Allies. Attributing those differences to one-nation actions affecting the in- terests of all, he said such moves are being made by Allies in fear of the Axis of the future and ignorance of where their friends-particularly the United States-will stand. "Unless and until they know that they can depend upon America to join effectively in keeping Germany and Japan demilitarized, they will continue to go their own way," he added. Demands Voice in Settlements The commitment he proposes, Van- denberg said, would give us the right to demand a voice in settlements and revision of any that have been made unilaterally in conflict with our and world interests. "I do not pretend to say that we, by dictation, can haveit all our own way," he said in an address prepared for the Variety Club here. "But I do presume to say that by the same token no other member of the Grand AUliance, by dictation, can have it all his own way either." La us Atlantic Charter He adopted the language of the Atlantic Charter which he called "The bone and sinew of our flaming forward march," and gave this as the outline of fundamentals for the world and for American self-inter- est: "First-the inexpressibly vital need to prevent World War Number Three through collective security. Second- the paramount importance of a just peace if it is to be a permanent peace. Third-the hazard to these objectives if each of the United Na- tions start going its own way even before we have clinched our total victory."t Honor Society Sponsors Fim A bort Volcano Dr. lartweg To Give Narrative Description I Films of the eruption of Earicutin,t newest Mexican volcano, will bet shown at 8 p.m. Thursday in thet Rackham Amphitheatre under the sponsorship of Phi Sigma, honor so- ciety of biologists.1 A narrative description of the films will be made by Dr. Norman E. Hart- weg, who flew in the plane from which some of the shots were made. A member of the expedition sent by the American Museum of Natural History at Washington to photo- graph the erupting volcano, Dr. Hart- weg is Associate Curator of Reptiles and Amphibians at the University Museum of Zoology. He is also a member of the zoology department. A spokesman for the Phi Sigma< Society characterized the film as "some of the finest ever taken." Ross, Titus Will Present Recitalj In Grand Rapids Prof. Gilbert Ross, violinist, and} Miss Helen Titus, pianist, will pre- sent the final program in a series of faculty concerts, sponsored by the School of Music in cooperation with the. University Extension Service, at 8 p.m. today in Grand Rapids. Highlighting their program with excerpts from Stravinsky's popular "The Fire Bird," Prof. Ross and Miss Titus will also perform Mozart's "So- nata in M Major, K. 377," "Sonata in E Major, No. 12" by Pergolesi, Brahms' "Sonata in D Minor, Op. 108;" the program continues with "Ballade" by Jacobi, Bartok's "Ru- manian Folk Dances" and "Largo" by Pugnani. Profs. Wassily Besekirsky, Arthur Hackett, Joseph Brinkman, Benja- min Owen, Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, Mrs. Dorothy Feldman, Miss Kath- leen Rinck have appeared on prev- uios concerts. DR. RUTIHVEN'S STATEMENT: egioi Requests Explained hI iii , Au t Pi II('d Iii f. itil i~ieir ekiV i& tile cara~piete test of The Eta eliem T i 1 )t*i 1,tfr sd-t-. r ii Mier x ftiday with referenice to the reieiiieit feu re igiia- 'Ia s'fi tf 'roi's. l'A ii I3 ls( io I t u i d~kt iait ediger. ROFESSOPS Christiam N. Wenger and Carl S. Dahlstrom have been asked to offer their resignations from the University of Michigan faculty because over a period of time they have failed to cooperate to such an extent that the Executive Committee of the College of Engineering is of the opinion that the best interests of the University would be served by asking for their resignations. Their case has been giveil a long and thorough hearing. Every op- portunity and safeguard for faculty tenure which the University's tradi- tions and by-laws provide has been observed. The procedure in the case has been: The executive committee of the College of Engineering composed of the Dean and four faculty members, appointed a special committee of professors to investigate the lack of cooperation on the part of Mr. Dahlstrom and Mr. Wenger, which culminated in their failure to follow teaching programs adopted by the entire department. This fact-finding body made a unanimous report to the Executive Committee of the College of Engineering. The Executive Committee next made a further study and conducted a hearing at which Messrs. Dahl- strom and Wenger and others appeared. The committee then recom- mended unanimously to the Board of Regents that the services of these men be discontinued. THE TWO MEN then appealed the decision of the Executive Committee to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. This group of 14 is authorized by the Senate, the governing body of the University faculties, to review and make recommendations to the President in such cases. This appeal was in accordance with the procedure laid down by the by-laws of the Board of Regents. The Senate Committee conducted hearings at which Professors Dahlstrom and Wenger were present, and after a full investigation found that the decision of the Executive Committee of the Engineer- ing College was justified. From this finding there was one dissent among the 14 members. This report together with all other records in the case was transmitted to the President and by him to the Board of Regents. The Board, at its regular meeting on Jan. 26 voted six to one to request the resignation of Mr. Dahlstrom and Mr. Wenger as of June 23, 1945. The Regents also voted to pay the two men a full year's salary for the academic year. No announcement of this was made following the Regents' meeting because the University did not wish to give unnecessary publicity to the action affecting the academic careers of the men involved. GOVERNMENT WORK:. job Oppor-tuntities Available For Women in Social Security W SSF Makes Pianis To HoId Ccrial Frida N POSITIONS REVEALED: A Iice Milieu Heads Central 4mu ph Cahar-et 4 :. r 5i IeYVf' Iuwii a for i ~ t11Ccetral corn..-A etigwl A1 livities 1 o IlI1oIaIe mittee of A4g's Soph Cabaret hasll Games Skits, Dancing been completed and announcement of today in the Unde committee members was made at a the League for all Campus organizations are prepar- meeting of Women's War Council have been appoin ing to take part in the World Student yesterday. ref's central comr Service Fund carnival to be held Fri- General Chairman of the entire held in conjunctic day evening at Waterman Gym. committee is Alice Miller. Martha tral Committee w Duck pin bowling will be furnished Cook; Assistant Chairman, Anne tfe sophomore ho by Wesley Foundation, while other Robinson, Pi Beta Phi; Finance. Bet- vices. guilds and dormitories are planning 1ty Lou Bidwell, Betsy Barbour: and It is hoped that such activities as skits, the drawings Tickets, Elaine Andrews, Alpha. Gam- be presented towa of cartoons of all comers. square ma Delta. the next semester dancing and dart games. Mlart ha Cook, Other Chairmen bring back a tradit Guild Plans Surprise Ellen Hill, is Publicity Chairman; tion which disapp Congregational-Disciples Guild has Assistant Chairman, Gwendolyn t of war. planned a special surprise for the Helm; posters, Virginia Scott, Betsy carnival and has set its individual Barbour: skits, Betty Jones, Kappa * 1 quota for the WSSF drive at $500. Delta. 1p1nis Wesley Foundation, which has set IFloor Show Chairman is Ruth Mc- its quota at $200, will run an all-cam- 1Morris, Kappa Alpha Theta; Assist- To T ea pus work-holiday on Saturday. All ant, Pat Hayes, Tri Delta; scriptIJ,tH1 those who want to read to invalids or Robin Scherer, Alpha Gamma Delta: children, watch babies, wash windows dancing, Nina Goehring, Alpha Chi Prof. Arthur A or do almost any other kind of work Omega. department, will a on Saturday and to contribute the Chairmen and Assistants Hispanica on "RE money earned to the WSSF, are re- The list continues with Decorations tino-America y l quested to telephone Wesley Founda- Chairman, Jean Raine, Delta Gamma at 8 p. m. tomort tion, 6881, by 5 p. m. Thursday. Assistant, Barbara Everett, Gamma Union. To Run Work Holiday Phi Beta; Costumes, Elaine Eagle, The lecture, pos Those who have work that they Kappa Delta; Props, Barbara Ray- Aiton's illness la want done on Saturday may tele- mIer, Alpha Epsilon Phi; Patrons, with economic phone Wesley Foundation for work- Betty Hutchins, Alpha Phi; Programs, North and SouthI ers. Betty Pritchard, Pi Beta Phi; Eligi- er has traveled e All contributions are to be turned bility, Muriel Aaron; Refreshments, out Latin Americ in between 2 and 4 p. m. any week- hostesses, Jean Brown, Kappa Kappa ment appointee, A ~. 41 - , ;., U- tTCr . cr Z. ~i I J. r r - fn,.rl Fn rtl ..h ." r ,ovin a-, Am,,,-,,, n h., i,4c. be held at 5 p. m, rgraduate Office of those women who ted to Soph Caba- rmittee. It will be on with Soph Cen- hich will carry on ;pital volunteer ser- Soph Ca baret will rd the beginning of and the event will tional campus funs- )eared with the ad- ,. I Club .1"Ainon ton, of the history address La Sociedad elaciones entre La- los Estados Unidos" ow in Rm. 316, the stponed due to Prof. ast week, will deal relations between America. The speak- xtensively through- a. A State Depart- Prof. Aiton taught vat the University dlay this week inteWSS -'offce at! 111 a roa, r rniSeib Lane Hall, where individuals and or- ma Delta Tui ganizations may also find out about of Costa Rica. This is a guard tower; It guards a P.O.W. camp. In it are men who served as soldiers ... Some are preparing to serve again as citizens after the war. They are studying in "universities of capitivity." You can give them books and papers. You can give them the help and encouragement they need through the WORLD STUDENT SERVICE FUND "Women interested in government employment should take heed of the opportunities offered by the Sociall Security Board's Bureau of Old Age and Survivor's Insurance," said Dor- othy E. Weihrauch, "44, in a recent letter to Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, political science department advisor. Miss Weihranch, a former student in political theory and international affairs, graduated last October and has been employed with a branch of this Social Security Bureau in Toledo, O., for the past month. Advancement Chances Good Stressing the tremendous possibili- ties with the Board, Miss Weihrauch pointed out that this organization in contrast to many other government agencies, is defrnitely expanding and chances for advancement are good. She advised University graduates in the social sciences who ,have been discouraged about openings in gov- ernment employment, to consult Mr. Hughes of the Social Security Board in this region (Ohio, Michigan) at the Cleveland office. Get Month's Training Opening positions at the agency for college graduates are: assistant claims clerk and junior field assistant $1,620 plus overtime); the latter is usually most appealing to men, as it in- volves almost constant travel to small1 towns in the servicing area of a par- ticular field office. Miss Weihrauch' stated that the Board's policy is to OR, -end new employees to Baltimore, Md., for a month's training at the central office before returning them to a field office. "The aims of the Bureau," she said, "are to educate the public regarding the scope of social security acts and to pay claims. We all directly or indi- rectly help to do that," she contin- ued." "Post-war opportunities with the Board present a cheerful picture, as Congress will, probably increase the scope of Social Security Acts, there- by making expansion throughout the Bureau more rapid," Miss Weihrauch concluded. Goldman Lauds Revelli's Work, Concert Band White-haired guest conductor, Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman, paid tribute to the Concert Band's conductor, Prof. William D. Revelli, just before { the last number at the Band's annual mid-winter program in Hill Audi- torium last Sunday. Turning to the audience, Dr. Gold- man said, "A man who can keep a band of this quality going and keep it up to this standard in these times can be called a genius." Further lauding the Band's director, he de- clared that Prof. Revelli has done more for the school band movement than anyone else. "I consider this Michigan band the finest college band in the coun- try," Dr. Goldman concluded. In a brief reply Prof. Revelli thanked him with the statement that the Band actually owed whatever success it had achieved to Dr. Goldman for his encouragement. The famous conductor of the Gold- man Band of New York City then directed the Band in its final selec- tion, a march, "University," bringing to a close the Seventh Annual Or- chestra and Band Clinic which was held here. INVEST IN VICTORY taking part in the carnival. SRA To Hear Master's Niith Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in D Minor will be presented in the Student Religious Association Music Hour at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow in the Lane Hall Library. Scores will be provided and re- freshments served, Robert Taylor, '45E, director of the Music Hour an- nounced today. Beethoven's Ninth, the longest of his symphonies, was the first symph- ony to employ the human voice. By combining words and music in a symphonic medium, Beethoven pav- ed the way for Wagner, Bruckner and Mahler. The recording is by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the Vi- enna State Opera Chorus conducted by Felix Weingartner. The words are sung in German. BUY WA R 1WNDS 4$ R ECOD 2..a ii ~...A ;. .;.ra. Atu y~boIp~e tsl re~v~e ~~ " K:.. . inr.n rfbre of eoti hve . i s~rf ith he ~gh urpse} makin yo~ prety Atoil ~*"etais 'b $ f {i & :1 " , } ยง . t \J\J7 ? d today for booklet CN2 "Head Square Into High Fashion' 9 EAST 3Sth8$RTREET * NEW YORIC 6 'N'i AT THE RADIO & REORD SHOP 715 N. UNIVERSITY t, I i Y . (' ' '' a.r. . ., ... v ;.: } : ,.. , . _. CONTACT LENSES enchant YOUR EYES "the invisible eye glasses" GLASSES IN 24 HOURS 410 Wolverine Building Phone 6019 I Al l 54 ' J :}Tr , : y 1 1 1-r r t 14 Valentine Par Excellence f LOVELY FOR YOUR L OFE HOENIX wl 1I I Dear to her heart endear you to her -your Valentine gift of hosiery. And what finer tribute can you pay than stockings famous for their sheer and enduring beauty - lovely atockings by Phoenix. WESTMINSTER CHOIR An American organization and an American tradition! HILL AUDITORIUM SUN., FEB* 11 GOLDEN LAUGHTER - a warm and winning bouquet of light flower scents, tantalizingly mild, from a light- hearted, easy-going man. ECARLATE DE SUZY _ a dry, winey, exhiliarating per- fume of subtle and complicated fragrance from a direct, 11 'I I I it I A