I PAGE TWO rrlH E MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEB. 6, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Wallace Fight Like Wilson s Edited and managed by students of the University q ;Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Lee Amer Barbara Chadwi June Pomering Editorial Staff . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . * . Sports Editor g Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor Business Staff .usne. Sf Business Manager lclk . Assocate Business Mgr. h . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. A rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. "PRFSENTO FOR NATIONAL. ADVEWTIING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON Av. NEW YORK N. Y. CCA O . osToR" Lo s AtIGEL!S *"SA FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY ROTH Editorials published in The Michian Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. In1 ustice? 1HE United Press released the following story yesterday: "Pvt. Henry Weber, 27, of 'Camp Roberts, has been sentenced by a general court-martial to hang for violation of the 64th Article of War, it was announced Sunday. "Weber was said to have refused to drill with his squad on orders of Capt. Carl Wooten. The 64th Article of War includes assaulting and wilfully disobeying a superior officer." Our reaction on reading this stoiy is to ask "Is this possible? Do things like this happen? Can a man'slife be taken away from him be- cause he refused to drill?" Perhaps this incredu- lity is naive, and no one would deny that the basis of military training is obediepee and disci- pline. But if a man is incapable of obeying an officer, he needs psychological treatment, not hanging. The sentence imposed by the court martial is subject to review by the commanding officer and the War Department. We can protest against the tyranny and blind injustice of such a sentence by 'writing the War Depart- ment and the commanding officer of Camp Roberts, Calif. -J. M. Fitch Justified? THE death-sentence meted out by a military tribunal to Pvt. Henry Weber of Camp Rob- erts for refusing to drill at the command of an officer naturally strikes our sensibilities as in- humanity and injustice carried to the xtreme of the martinet discipline of the Prussian military ideal. We are taking an admittedly unpopular view by defending such discipline, although in the case just mentioned, it is beyond our knowledge to determine whether the punishment fits the crime. It is extremey difficult for a people, such as ourselves, to comprehend the strict and often arbitrary descipline that is necessary to maintain an effective and efficient military machine. From an aesthetic point of view, such discipline is undesirable, but we are not training an army of ten millions in aesthetics. After three-and- a-half years of war we Americans have not yet fully comprehended this fact. True, we all want to think of our soldiers as the most care- fully and best trained for warfare, but we also expect them to retain all civilian sensibilities. In brief, we want to eat our cake and have it too. It is a rather regrettable and paradoxical commentary on the aesthetics of the American people that we react with indignation where possible injustice has been committed to one man to insure the most efficient training to many (and let us bear in mind that efficient training saves lives) and that we pass off with a shrug the sad fact that many Americans die prematurely because of malnutrition or lead By DREW PEARSON (Ed. Note-Drew Pearson's column today takes the form of a letter to his old friend, ex-governor 0. Max Gardner, of North Carolina.) W ASHINGTON-February 3, 1945. Governor O. Max Gardner, Shelby, North Carolina. Dear Governor: I[E WERE talking last week about Henry Wal- lace. And since you as an old friend have been 'so patient and generous in defending me in the past, I though I owed you a further expla- nation of my ideas on Henry Wallace. We were remarking that Wallace was politic- ally inept. He has been presiding over the Senate for four long years. Usually when a Senator or anyone close to the Senate comes up for confirmation for an adnini strative appoint- ment, he is confirmed by acclamation, regard- less of his political views, regardless of com- mittee, hearings, and regardless of research into his past. The Senate would have confirmed Jack Gar- ner for the dual job of loan administrator and Secretary of Commerce without any hesitation whatsoever. Also Charlie Curtis-though neith- er was banker nor businessman. They were skill- ed, however, at poker and smoke-filled-room poli- tics, and they would have been confirmed. Henry Wallace, on the other hand, has hard- ly made more than half a dozen close friends in four years of presiding over the Senate. He has no private refrigerator. He does not even smoke. When Senators dropped in to see him he was timid and shy and talked about foreign affairs and preclusive buying or seed corn. He just lacked the aptitude for win- ning close friends and influencing Senators. Woodrow Wilson an'd Wallace . BUT SOMETIMES I wonder whether in the broader sense Wallace hasn't been a very smart politician. For while lacking friends in the Senate, he has won millions throughout the nation. As you remarked, his devotion to principle, his austerity, his inability to comprom- ise is so much like another great man the Sen- ate rebuffed-Woodrow Wilson. As the world looks back on Woodrow Wilson's fight over the League of Nations, it is generally recognized that that battle was the turning point toward a new war. And what I am afraid of is that the current Senate fight over Henry Wal- lace (in which he has already lost more than 50 pr cent of the battle) may be the turning point toward another different kind of war. You know far better than I the danger of economic war which can follow military victory. As Governor of North Carolina you told me how even your efficient state had difficulty meeting its financial obligations in the depres- sion days of 1932. We will remember the threats to lynch judges in Iowa, and how the draw- bridges across the Potomac were raised for' the first time in history to prevent 20,000 angry, hungry war veterans from storming the nation's capitol. Must Not Hap pen Again *.*. N THE European war theatre today there are 18,000 American soldiers absent w\ithout leave. While many of these are technical AWOL'S, on the other hand we already know how the black market has prospered in France, and we know that some Aitrican troops, especially in Italy, have left the Army permanently, have married local women, and live by the black market or by raiding the vast stores of American supplies in France and Italy. We cannot escape the fact that one result of this war has been the tremendous enhance- ment of the prestige of Soviet Russia. Prestige always accrues to a nation winning great mili- tary victories. In addition I remember an obser- vation by Congressman Clare Luce last year that Russia has now usurped the place occupied by this country when for about one hundred years after 1776 we were looked up to in Europe as the young, vigorous revolutionary country which set the political pace for the rest of the world. U.S. Labor and Russia ... HOW MUCH American soldiers coming home from Europe will be influenced by the in- spiration of Soviet Russia I don't know. If they have jobs, the influence should be negligible But the risk is there. The risk also exists here at home. Labor, which carried the main load in re- electing Franklin Roosevelt, was not happy over the appointment of the new millionaire anti-labor team in the State Department. However, labor figured that the cabinet would be balanced by appointment of its own friend and chief champion, Henry Wallace. Now, however, they see Wallace bearing the brunt in the bitterest political attack since the days of William Jennings Bryan. They see him getting, at the most, merely control over the census, the patent office, the weather bureau, the bureau of standards, the coast and geodetic survey and other routine functions of the Com- merce Department, with absolutely no power to help provide jobs or influence the economic fu~ ture'of the nation. Even assuming that Henry Wallace knew as little about administrative government as some of his refrigerator-frequenting predecessors in the vice-presidency; Even assuming he had never run the largest agency of the government, the Department of Agriculture, for eight years with an A-i record; even forgetting that as Secre- BARNABY tary of Agriculture he loaned more money than Jesse Jones, to more people and with a higher percentage of collections; even so, the bitter fight against Wallace is likely to leave a sour taste in the mouths of many people. Champion of Common NM . .. ~ IOR Henry Wallace to millions of people has become a symbol. He has become a symbol representing the things which Roosevelt once fought for when his administration was young and vigorous. He has become a symbol of 60.- 000,000 jobs, a champion of the common man. But if the men who have learned to shoot straight come back to a land where history re- peats, and the same thing happens as after the last war, and if they see the same little group of obstructionists responsible, then I, for one, fear the consequences. That is why I think the Senate fight over Henry Wallace and his plans for the common man may tgke its place in history alongside the historic fight over Woodrow Wilson and his plans for permanent peace. I only wish that some of your friends in the Senate had your broad understanding of these problems, or at least your sympathetic desire to inquire into them. Your friend, Drew Pearson (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Nature of Pace By SAMUEL GRAFTONj EW YORK-The fact that the West adheres to one economic system, and Russia to an- other, will profoundly affect the nature of the peace. Russia, for example, will be willing to accept German labor battalions to help in the reconstruction of damaged areas, and will, in fact, probably demand them. We wouldn't want that; we shall want to save for our own people any jobs which happen to be available. Russia will probably also be willing to accept German manufactured goods in quantity; we can't do that without damaging large sections of our own privately-owned industry. Russia has a distinct advantage over the West on the matter of taking reparations. Her gov- ernment-owned productive system can swallow reparations, in kind, without creating serious in- ternal dislocation. The reparations plan blew up after the last war, not only because the Ger- mans couldn't afford to pay, but also because we couldn't afford to accept payment. A German laborer, working for pay in German marks, will be, so far as he and his family are concerned, a wage-worker, like any other, regard- less of whether he is rebuilding a Russian town, or producing goods for Russia in a German fac- tory. His situation will have been, to a degree, normalized. Russia's enormous capacity to take goods may make her Germany's WPA, and may make Russia enormously important to the German economy; a development not to be discussed in the sinister terms of "attempted Russian domination" of Germany, but as the working- out of natural laws, whose effects we shall have to see and study. T HE difference between economic systems, east and west, will show up in other farms, of which we can have only the faintest glimmers at the moment. The Soviet Union, for example, displays very little interest in the carrying trade, whether by water or air; we have a great interest in that field. Our system and the Russian compete on the level of ideas; they compete to capture the imaginations of men; but they are curiously non-competitive as going economic concerns. The Russians can afford to buy, and we can afford to sell them, huge quantities of capital goods, of transportation equipment, power- producing devices and machine tools. The amounts being spoken of range up to $6,000,- 000,000; and we can sell these with relatively little fear that the products of our own ma- chines will later be sold in competition with our own on the world markets. It would be strange if it worked out that the difference between our economic systems actu- ally served to ease international tensions, at least for a long transition period. This paradox, if it be one, shows up clearly in the case of our relations with Britain. Our system does not compete at all with the British on the level of ideas, but the two compete sharply as going concerns. Our quarrels with the Rus- sians are purely ideological, but our quarrels with the British are about such matters as commercial air lines, shipping lines, markets for capital and other goods. The possibility is raised that both the United States and Great Britain may get along more eas- ily with Russia than with each other, for ideol- cgical arguments can almost always wait, while commercial disputes are immediate and pressing. Peace therefore depends on our avoiding ideological war with Russia, and commercial war with Britain. Our commercial interest in Russia may serve to temper the one, and our ideological unity with Britain may smooth down the other. The above is only the faintest kind of preliminary trend-spotting. To all of those prognostications which have been made about the postwar future, I should like to add the modest contribution that it is going to be intricate, and interesting. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) MMU ANN ARBOR hailed another great artist in the person of Dorothy Maynor, the eighth guest performer of the Choral Union Series. The gracious gestures- of Miss Maynor completely captivated her fairly large audience. But Miss Maynor is some- thing more than just a charming stage personality.' She does not need to utilize this gift merely to compen- sate for any lack in musicianship. Instead, the delightful combination of both makes her one of the favo- rites on the concert stage today. Miss Maynor is a very versatile musician and the possessor of a very supple voice. As an interpreter of French music, her pure soprano voice contains the subtle restraint that is required. In the NegroI Spirituals, her flexible range and splendid skill in chest tones are constituents -rarely characteristic of a soprano. Velvet tones and pianissimos that demand absolute control are further confirmations of her talents. Moreover, Mr. Ernest Victor Wolff, Miss Maynor's accompanist, is wor- thy of that position. It is seldom that an accompanist demonstrates such control in maintaining a balance of tone proportionate to the tone of the singer. The formal program, interspers- ed with popular encores, consisted of compositions that satisfied a variety of tastes. Of the two Han- del arias, perhaps the first one, Gismunda's aria from "Ottone," was the more satisfactory. Rode- linda's aria did not seem as pol- ished, technically, as the latter. Without doubt, Miss Maynor's forte is to be found in the relatively mod- ern group of French art songs. Each was executed with the utmost delic- acy and taste. On the other hand the German group of Brahms anc tect," Wednesday, Feb. 7, 9:00 a. n., 2009 Angell Hall. C hairman, J. G. Winter. . ~By action of the E xecutive Board S ICI the Chairman may .inv.ite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission Strauss lieder did not attain the to those who for sufficient reason standards of the French group. A might wish to be present. I lack of thorough understanding of the music may be responsible. The Notice to. Students Planning to Do massenet aria from "Herodiade" was Directed Teaching: Students expect- also a trifle disappointing. French ing to do directed teaching the spring opera too, is sometimes emotional, term are requested to secure assign- and Miss Maynor seemed to miss ments in Room 2442 University Ele- some of the vulnerable spots in this mentary School on Thursday, Feb. 8, excpt accord ing to the following schedule: Unfortunately, not too frequently' English, 8:00-9:00. does one hear a group of Dvorak Social Studies, 9:00-10:00. songs. That the most famous one is Science and Mathematics, 10:00- overdone goes without hearsay. 11:00. Therefore, to hear only one other was All foreign languages, 11:00-12:00. gratifying. All others, and any having con- fiicts at scheduled hour, 2:00-4:00 The remainder of the recital con- or by appointment. sisted primarily of English and Am- erican songs. Miss Maynor's inter- Latin American Studies, 194. This pretation and beautiful diction were cooperative course will be offered by distinctive in this concluding sec- the participating departments in the tion. Spring Term if enough students indi- --Kay Engel cate their intention to elect the course. Students who plan to elect Cxii nshi a this' course should file a notice of t such intetnion with the secretary of Gto the specifcati the History Department, Rm. 119, ions Haven Hall. just handed out by the OWI, it is the duty of a patriotic citizen to: Lip Reading Classes: Hard of hear- Take a war job if not now essentially ing students who are interested in employed redouble paper salvage ef- obtaining instruction in lip reading forts, start planning a Victory gar- should meet at the Speech Clinic to- den now and if possible defer calls day at 4:00 p. m. The Speech Clinic for nurses' service, is located at 1007 East Huron Street. This, of course, isn't the whole story. The patriotic citizen's duties Events Today still include: Giving blood donations, shunning the black market, buying Applied Mathematics Seminar to- war bonds and stamps, helping the day at 3 p. in. in 317 West Engi- Red Cross, USO and other war or- neering. ganizations, saving kitchen fats, econ- Professor Rainville continues on omizing on fuel, writing to service the Generalized Hypergeometric men, taking no unnecessary trips, Functions. joining a car pool, refraining from loose talk. Junior Research Club: The Febru- arneeigofte ulr .s~~ A Yes, being a loyal citizen is al- most a full-time job. Nevertheless, - it isn't nearly as tough as being a , loyal soldier or sailor. l -St. Louis Post-Dispatch I i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, FEB. 6, 1945 B VOL. LV, No. 77 Publication in the Daily Official Bul. letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). NotiC s Student Tea: President and Mrs.: Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty of this College on Monday, Feb. 12, at 4:15 p. m. in Room 445, West Engi- neering Bldg. Midyear Graduation Exercises will be held at 10:30 a. m., Saturday, Feb. 24, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The address to the graduating classes will be given by Professor Campbell Bonner. Assembly at 10:00 a. m. as follows: Graduates in the middle sections of the Lecture Hall as directed by ushers; faculty in the office of the Graduate School; re- gents, officers, deans, minister, and speaker of the day in Executive Board room; color guard and honor guard in the outer lobby. Participants will wear academic costume. The public is cordially invited; no tickets are re- quired. Conservation of Heat and Light: In compliance with the order of the Director of War Mobilization the Uni- versity is making arrangements to conserve both heat and light. Fac- ulty and staff members should there fore turn out all unnecessary lights and are cautioned against changing any adjustments which may be made in the thermostate. Where certain conditions must be maintained, in laboratories, animal houses, hospi- tals, etc. proper arrangements will be made. This policy has the approval of the Conference of the Deans. AlexanderhG. Ruthven Application Forms for Fellowships and Scholarships in the Graduate School of the University for the year 1945-1946 may now be obtained from the Office of the Graduate School All blanks must be returned to that Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive consideration. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all 'proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- Jy Crockett Johnson lf~- ing 1945-1946 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 9, 1945. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should' so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Sec- retary's office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building.telephone 372. Lectures r University Lecture: Dr. Gustav E. von Grunebaum, Professor of Arabic, University of Chicago, will lecture on the subject, "The Arabian Nights and Classical Literature" at 4:15 p. m., Wednesday, Feb. 7, in the Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the De- partment of Oriental Languages and Literatures. The public is cordially invited. Ruth Draper, famous for her char- acter sketches, will be presented by th'e Oratorical Association Lecture Course tonight at 8:30 in Hill Audi- torium. Miss Draper's program is as follows: At a Children's Party. On The Porch in a Maine Coast Village. Vive la France, 1916. Vive la France, 1940. Intermission Doctors-Diets. In a Church in Italy. Tickets may be purchased at the auditorium box office today from 10- 1, 2-8:30 p. m. University Lecture. Captain Pet- er Freuchen, Danish Polar Explorer, will lecture on "Epic of an Explorer in the War," at 8:00 p. in., Thurs- day, Feb. 8, in the Rackham Lecture Hall; aucpices of the Department of { Geography. The public is cordially invited. French Lecture. Professor Marc SDenkinger, of the Romance Lan- guages Department, will offer a lec- ture Thursday, Feb. 8, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. His lecture, which will be illustrated with slides, is entitled "Queique activities francaises de'entre les deux guerres." Academic Notices Recommendations for Department- al Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative Feb- ruary graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for depart- mental honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room' 4 University Hall, by noon, Feb. 26.~ Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar. Doctoral Examination for Lois R. Wang Guo, Education; thesis: "A Critique of Proposals for Educational Reconstruction in China," today, 12:00 p. in., East Council Room, Rack- ham Building. Chairman, A. B. ary meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies at 7:30 tonight. Program: "A Survey of Antibiotic Agents," J. E. Kempf, Dept. of Bac- teriology; "Exploring For Quinine in the Andes," W. C. Steere, Dept. of Botany. Sigma Rho Tau; The last meeting of the term for the Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau will be held at 7:30 p. m. in Rms. 319-323 of the Union. Parliamentary Law and Society elections will be discuss- ed. Circles will debate on compul- sory military conscription and the new topic: Who should support non- profit extensions of public utility services? Project and Hall of Fame Speeches will be given. The Christian Science Students' Organization is holding a meeting to- night at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. All are welcome to attend. Sigma Rho Tau: For the last time this term, tonight the Stump Speak- ers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30 o'clock in Rooms 319- 323 of the Union. Circles will com- plete their debates on compulsory military conscription. New topic: Who should support non-profit exten- sions of public utility services? Par- liamentary Law and Society elections will be discussed. Hall of Fame and Project Speeches will be given. Coming Events The Fine Arts Club invites all stu- dents interested in Fine Arts to a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 7, from 4:00 to 5:30 in Rm. D, Alumni Me- morial Hall. Travel movies about England, France. and Egypt will be shown, after which a short business meeting will be held. "The Skin of Our Teeth", comedy by Thornton Wilder, will be present- ed by Play Production of the Depart- ment of Speech tomorrow through Saturday evenings at 8:30 in the Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are on sale daily at the theatre box of- fice, phone 6300. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony will be presented in the weekly Lane Hall Music Hour at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Scores will be provided and refresh- ments served. Graduate Students: A coffee hour will be held from 7:30-8:30 on Wed- nesday, Feb. 7, in the West Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Build- ing. All Graduate Students are in- vited to attend. A. S. M. E. Student Branch: Mr. C. A. Chayne, Chief Engineer of the Buick Motor Company will present a 48-minute sound movie, "Buick on the Job," Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. This film deals with the production of tanks, tank destroyers, aircraft en- gines, etc. Public invited. La Sociedad Hispanica will present the third lecture in the annual series on Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 8 p. m. in the Michigan Union. Professor Ar- thur Aiton will speak on "Relaciones entre Latino-America y los Estados Unjdos." Because this is the last meeting of La Sociedad for the pres- ent semester, all members and friends 4' 4. -I Y I i _' am---- _ _ __I '+"~ -:....,1.?- . __ _ . , #rm e' t ifn wi inn fro cfewr# rr# fhea I r I / oubtif ..,, rr e n n r } "'Con test for youthful scales