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February 04, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-04

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SUNDAY, FEI3. 4, 9i


Fifty-Fifth Year

PW's in U.S. Get Good Food





Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . . . City Editor.
Ray Dixon . . . . '. Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer .Business be
Barbara Chadwick . . Assoc iness nage
June Pomnering . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein. also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mall matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Represenp sive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Give to WSSF

"WE KNEW you'd come back; we knew you
wouldn't forget," American students in
German prison camps exclaimed on the appear-°
ance of the bearer of the World Student Service
Fund packages after a year's absence.
The captured American servicemen flocked
around the messenger with hope and happiness
and even a sense of humor, which stood out in
marked contrast with the despairing atmosphere
which the messenger had found there the year
before. For' the students had gained the hope
and the confidence which comes with having
something constructive to do and with the know-
ledge that people in the outside world care what
happens to them.
This scene is repeated in prison camps all
over the world, as related by relief messengers
who distribute the food, clothing and study
materials bought with money donated to the
WSSF. Like hope and confidence is brought to
refugees and internees and all students whose
lives have been disrupted by the war.
By contributing to the WSSF drive this week
you will be helping people of this kind. But you
will be doing more than giving people hope, more
than giving them more to wear and to eat, more
even than saving individual lives. You will be
saving the future leadership of the world and
helping to mold that leadership into the intelli-
gent, internationally-minded kind this world so
desperately needs. You will be adding to the
understanding between students in Greece and
in the United States, students in China and in
the United States, French and United States
students, and, yes, even between German stu-
dents and students of the United States.
German prisoners of war in this country are
discovering for the first time what kinds of
things are studied in a democracy, what demo-
cracy is and what they can do about it. Miss
Alexandra Feldmahn, WSSF Secretary, told
in an address Friday night how thrilled some
of these German prisoners of war were to, read
books which were banned in Germany. To
illustrate how far from narrow nationalism
'some of these students have veered, Miss Feld-
mahn told of one German prisoner in Canada
who is writing a "History of American Isola-
tionism" in which he points out the short-
sightedness of isolationism.
WSSF is the beginning of world solidarity
among students. Students receiving help are
anxious to know more and more about students
in the United States, who are doing so much for
them. They are anxious to maintain this student
solidarity and to enlarge it in world student con-
ferences and world student action after the war.
For the sake of students in the war and
after the war, give today, give generously.
- Myra Sacks
Press Freedom'
KENT COOPER, director of the Ashociated
Press, has proposed that newspaper corre-
slpndents be granted diplomatic immunities, and'
that this clause for a free pless be written into
the peace treaty.
If this clause is to be inserted into the peace

WASHINGTON-Parents of boys who are pris-
oners in Germany get increasingly burned
up at reports showing how badly they are fed
by the enemy, while German prisoners in the
U. S. are eating better than American civilians.
German prisoners of war, many of them ar-
rogant, insolent, and considered beyond political
rehabilitation, get rationed foods denied civil-
ians, and in.some cases receive scarce foods re-
quiring four times the food stamps now allowed
American civilians.
The Provost Marshal, of course, is living up
to the strict letter of the Geneva Convention
regarding prisoners, which provides that they
be fed the same rations as U. S. soldiers.
Thus at one Florida camp, a one-week menu
recently showed that the Nazi prisoners' ration
for a single week would have required 45 meat
points and 63 processed food points per man.
Here is a sample of some of the meals German
prisoners of war received at MacDill Field,
Dinner: Turkey a la king, parsley potatoes,
cauliflower, celery and pickles, bread, butter,
chocoate cake, coffee.
At breakfast the next day they received grape-
fruit, dry cereal, fresh milk, boiled eggs, toast,
butter, jam, and coffee.
For luncheon they had veal steak, lyonnaise
potatoes, stewed corn, fruit salad, bread, butter,
peaches, and coffee.
For supper the PW's had veal loaf, gravy,
escalloped potatoes, green peas, cabbage and
pineapple salad, bread, butter, cinnamon rolls,
and coffee.
Meanwhile, American boys held by the Ger-
mans complain that were it not for Red Cross
packages provided them by relatives they
would be hungry constantly.
Soviet Local Angle ..
DURING the long Senate hearings on Henry
Wallace, Soviet correspondent Sam Krafsur
sat at a news table, leisurely taking notes. He
didn't seem much interested.
Senator Pepper asked Wallace the truth of
the oft told but untrue story that Wallace advo-
cated "giving a quart of milk to every Hotten-
tot." Wallace replied that the statement actu-
ally had been made by the President of the U. S.
Chamber of Commerce, not by himself.
"It all started one night," Wallace said, "when
I was at dinner with Madame Litvinoff, the wife
of the Russian Ambassador."
Suddenly newsman Krafsur sprang into ac-
tion. "At last," he said, "a local angle."
French Lend-Lease Stopped ...
LOWDOWN on the present deadlock over lend-
lease to France is that at the last cabinet
session the plan was officially ok'd, then after-
ward Morgenthau stopped the deal. French
lend-lease had been hanging fire for some time,
but both Secretary Stettinius and Foreign Eco-
nomic Administrator Leo Crowley took it up in
cabinet, with Secretary Morgenthau present, and
got a cabinet ok on plans for sending large quan-
tities of goods to France.
Immediately afterward, French Economic
Minister Jean Monnet, sent a cable to Paris in-
forming De Gaulle of the argreement, and got
an airplane reservation home.
It was at this point that Secretary Morgen-
thau reached in and said no. With Secretary
of State Stettinius abroad and the President
giving his attention to the Big Three confer-
ence, Morgenthau interposed belated objec-
tions. He argued that the French had a large
gold reserve in this country and he wanted
them to pay for part of their lend-lease in cash.
While some people sympathize with Morgen-
thau's viewpoint, they wonder why he re-
opened the matter after the deal was already
closed in cabinet.
Meanwhile the Army also has raised objec-
tions against sparing ships to send lend-lease to
Equipping French Army ...
BALANCED against this is the fact that part
of French lend-lease is to be used to equip a
new French Army, which causes some White
House advisers to feel that the U. S. war chiefs
are short-sighted. While we are scraping up
more manpower in this country, a million or so
young Frenchmen can be recruited for battle

against Hitler.
About a hundred thousand French are now
proving themselves excellent fighters in the
French First Army. Nearly all of these how-
ever, are colonials or Frenchmen who escaped
their country and were not there during the
German occupation. Only a handful of the
Frenchmen who spent four years under the
Nazi yoke have been permitted to bear arms
against their oppressors.
About 200,000 men of the class of 1923 are
being called up in France now for training-but
with no assurance that the necessary supplies
will be provided them. The French argue that
they have enough factories left to supply these
troops if we could ship them raw materials. The
shipping of raw materials, they say, would be
far easier for us than shipping additional men-
or finished supplies.
In all, it is estimated that about a million men
between 18 and 23 could be called up by the
French, -as well as thousands of older Army
veterans and officers.
Arguing for the supplies to equip these men,
the De Gaulle government points out that about

six million tons would be needed in the first six
nonths of this year.
The longer the delay in getting these men
equipped for battle, the stronger French con-
viction grows that the British are dominating
U. S. military policy. Probably the British
know nothing about it. But rightly or wrongly,
the French think that London is determined
not to have a strong France at the peace table
and the more certain they become that U. S.
policy is dictated by the British, the more the
French turn to Soviet Russia.
Capital Chaff . .
HERBERT PELL, deposed American represent-
ative to the Allied War Crimes Commission,
has been telling intimates that Green Hack-
worth, Ed Stettinius' legal aide, and Assistant
Secretary Jimmy Dunn torpedoed American par-
ticipation in United Nations plans to punish
Axis war criminals . . . Former Vice-President
Henry Wallace received one telegram from the
Dentists' Association of Des Moines, Iowa, which
read, "Keep fighting-we're pulling for you" .. .
Western Union tripled its messengers and opera-
tors in the Senate to handle the barrage of wires
on the Wallace-Jones fight .
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Soviet Advance
NEW YORK-The Soviet advance into Ger-
many has been so spectacular that it has
given butterflies to a few American commen-
tators, who feel that nobody can make the Rus-
sians leave the heart of Europe if they don't
want to leave, and so what's to keep them from
staying forever! We don't want a Europe dom-
inated by the Soviet Union, any more than we
want a Europe dominated by any other country.
And the display of Russian military power,
which shows that the Russians can dominate the
continent militarily, makes some Americans
think that they will also want to do so politic-
ally; perhaps on the theory that where thee's
a way, there's a will.
On this question of Soviet intentions, the
January 27 issue of the Information Bulletin
of the Soviet Embassy has an article by Ilya
Ehrenburg, in the course of which Mr. Ehren-
burg tells "an old French tale about a certain
Jean, the Beekeeper." It seems that Jean, the
Beekeeper, was a strong but kind-hearted
man; "he never interfered in the affairs of
even his closest neighbors." But, says Mr.
Ehrenburg, for miles around it was danger-
our for anyone to cheat an orphan or hide a
dishonest man, because Jean the Beekeeper
might hear of it.
Mr. Ehrenburg makes it clear that he con-
siders the Soviet role in Europe to be that of a
Jean, the Beekeeper: "We do not replace one
kind of fetters with another . . . how the people
wish to live is their own affair. The Red Army
is busy with its job--the removal of the hang-
MR. EHRENBURG denies vigorously that the
Red Army is interested in setting up any
particular form of government in Europe. "Bay-
onets cannot create free people," he says. "They
can only destroy jailers." It is his conception
that the Red Army is letting the people of
Europe out of a fascist jail, to do as they please;
except that the Red Army won't stand for any
future reintroduction of fascist jails.
To the cynical among us, this may seem too
sweet, too utterly utter. But it is backed, in a
curiously impressive fashion, by a passage in
Marshal Stalin's speech of last November 6.
This is the passage, never sufficiently noted in
American comment, in which Stalin said that
the trouble with a master-race, or master-na-
tion, theory is that it forces all other races and
nations to combine against any leader who as-
serts it. It is a "cannibal" theory, and people
object to being eaten.
In several paragraphs, almost touched with
humor, Stalin explains that the Germans tried
to set up a master-race theory, and also to win
allies, and that the two are incompatible. Hit-
ler picked the one theory which the world
couldn't possibly accept. To become the "chosen"
race, or "chosen" nation, explains Stalin, is to
become the object of universal hatred.
Again, one does not have to believe Stalin, any
more than one has to believe Ehrenburg. Yet,
these paragraphs, with their quiet air, resem-
bling a demonstration in geometry, are curiously
persuasive. They are more than a promise; they
are a theoretical exposition. They say that Rus-
sia won't try to dominate Europe, not because
Russia is being good, but because such a course
would force Europe and the world to combine
against Russia. It's a good reason.
A fair interpretation probably is that Russia
will try to exterminate fascism, but will not
oppose any other form of western social and
economic organization. Sections of Europe
may turn left, in which case Russia would
probably be pleased, and would let nature take
its course. Our danger is that we will not ac-
cept this challenge to prove that man can
make livings under our system; that we will
not try hard enough; and that we will blame
our failure on Russia, making her responsible
for any unrest, anywhere in the world.
That would be unfortunate. That would bring
back the moral atmosphere of the Thirties,
which is where we came in.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

Dominie Says
STUDENTS of this decade should
read the Congressional record of
January and February, 1945. The
magazines of the week will identify
the focal point ofabout four revolu-
tions taking place at once. Some
would observe the drive of the great
Russian armies, other the meeting of
the Patriarchs of the Greek Ortho-
dox bringing back the more than
fifty separate divisions in Russia,
Greece, the Ukraine and other coun-
tries as the central event. Many
would think of the Churchill-Stalin-
Roosevelt meeting as central. How-
ever the nomination of the tall,
prophetic, plain Christian Iowan to
the Cabinet is more significant.
Whether you are trained in religion,
finance, economics, sociology, liter-
ature, law, politics, the life sciences,
laboratory science or engineering,
this should hold true; for but once in
a hundred years are given the ar-
guments to make great social parable
of an era plain to the average reader
Whence our liberties? May we ex-
pect new freedoms because of the
loyalties men have shown in battle
in a war between democracies and
oppressors? Must religion light up the
mind of man, and a vision of God
unify men into a social whole before
democracy is achieved? These and
kindred questions engage many minds
around our troubled globe. The re-
plies are as varied as the questions.
Here is Prof. Sorokin of Harvard,
himself a refugee of the Russian
revolution, but now a proud supporter
of Stalin and his armies, saying of
the period: "In law and ethics, the
remnants of the great norms of con-
duct will be moreand more 'relativ-
ized' until they are turned into dust;
coarse hedonism, together with hy-
pocrisy and rude force, will be ram-
pant. Nothing, except naked force,
will be binding. The deterioration
will especially manifest itself in a
progressive degeneration of the very
standards and criteria of the cultural
values. The real Sensate standards
will be more and more replaced by
the counterfeit criteria; the compe-
tent arbiters by the qualified ignor-
amuses of the daily press, of radio, of
various forms, by writers of best-
sellers and of other varieties of cul-
tural chewing gum. Quite impercept-
ibly the standards will change so
radacilly that at the late stages of
Sensate culture its 'machinery of se-
lection' will be picking up mainly
theipseudo-values and neglecting the
real values."
In contrast here is a statement
by Kenneth Leslie, editor of The
Protestant, saying: "The dignity of
man was never higher in the his-
tory of the world than it is at the
present moment and during the
entire period of this conflict. Never
before have so many men resisted
tyranny with such high valor, with
such mutual forgiveness and under-
standing, with higher hope or with
greater promise of a world of
Dean Van Dusen of the Union The-
ological Seminary lecturing before
three hundred ministers might be
paraphrased as follows: "In spite of
the horrors of war on a world scale
we are compelled to report that
Christianity in two of its main phases
(1) that of ecumenical understand-
ing between all of its diversified parts
and (2) that of missionary leader-
ship among crude cannibals here and
great Eastern cultures yonder shines
forth in a new glory today and has
made more progress during the fate-
ful years of 1940-1944 than in any
like period for half a century."
What is the task imposed on us
as the military approaches Ger-
man soil and the delegations of the
three surroundings nations meet
for conference? It is well phrased
by a scholarly visitor from the Uni-

versities of France, Jacques Mari-
tian, in his facile recent book
"Christianity and Democracy" :
"The meaning of this present war
is not only to put an end to Facism,
Racism, Militarism, but decidedly
to undertake the slow and difficult
construction of a world where fear
and wretchedness will no longer
press down upon individuals and
nations, where blindly demanding
nationalisms will give way to an
organized international commu-
nity, wherein the oppression and
exploitation of man will be abol-
ished and wherein everyone will
be able to share in the common
heritage of civilization and to live
a truly human life."
Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
Old Proverb
CHIANG KAI-SHEK, who procured
the removal of Gen. Joseph W.
Stilwell from his society, now pro-
poses to call the Ledo-Burma Road
the Stilwell Highway, a Via Vinegara.
The 'gissimo may be mindful of the
old Chinese proverb that distance
dothe lend a certain enchantment.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

SUNDAY, FEB. 4, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 76
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Washington's Birthday: Washing-
ton's birthday, Feb. 22, will not be
observed as a University holiday.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 7, from 4
to 6 o'clock.
To the Members of the Faculty
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts: The February meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic year 1944-45 will be held on
Monday, Feb. 5, at 4:10 p. m. in
Room 1025 Angell Hall.
The reports of the various commit-
tees have been prepared in advance
and are included with this call to the
meeting. They should be retained in
your files as part of the minutes of
the February meeting.
A large attendance is desired.
Edward H. Kraus
Members of the University Coun-
cil: There will be no meeting of the
University Council in February.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Conservation of Heat and Light:
In compliance with the order of the
Director of War Mobilization the Uni-
versity is making arrangements to
conserve both heat and light. Fac-
ulty and staff members should there-
fore turn out all unnecessary lights
and are cautioned against changing
any adjustments which may be made
in the thermostate. Where certain
conditions must be maintained, in
laboratories, animal houses, hospi-
tals, etc. proper arrangements will be
made. This policy has the approval
of the Conference of the Deans.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1945-1946 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
Rules governing participation in
Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or apublication, in a pub-
lic performance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office in a class or other
student organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely
is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee' on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement

to exclude all others from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairmen's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any pub-
lic activity.
Eligibility, First Year: No fresh-
man in his first semester of residence
may be granted a Certificate of Eli-
A freshman, during his second
semester of residence, may be grant-
ed a Certificate of Eligibility pro-
vided he has completed 15 hours or
more of work with (1) at least one
mark of A or B and with no mark of
less than C, or (2) at least 21/2 times
as many honor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-

removed in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. If in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the X or I cannot be removed promp-
tly, the parenthetically reported
grade may be used in place of the X
or I in computing the average.
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive Board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1945-1946 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 9, 1945. Those wishing
to renew previous requests whether
now receiving support or not should
so indicate. Application forms will
be mailed or can be obtained at Sec-
retary's office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, telephone 372.
University Lecture: Dr. Gustav E.
von Grunebaum, Professor of Arabic,
University of Chicago, will lecture on
the subject, "The 'Arabian Nights and
Classical Literature" at 4:15 p. m.,
Wednesday, Feb. 7, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Oriental Languages and
Literatures. The public is cordially
Ruth Draper, famous solo-drama-
tist, will present a prog'amof Char-
acter Sketches Tuesday evening, 8:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium as the sev-
enth number on the current Lecture
Course. Tickets will be placed on sale
tomorrow morning in the auditorium
box office which will be open from
10-1, 2-5 tomorrow and from 10-1,
2-8:30 Tuesday.
French Lecture. Professor Marc
Denkinger, of the Romance Lan-
guages Department, will offer a lec-
ture Thursday, Feb. 8, at 4:10 p.m.
in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. His
lecture, which will be illustrated with
slides, is entitled "Quelque activites
francaises d'entre les deux guerres."
A cademic Notices
Electrical Engineers. Architects and
others interested in lighting practice
are invited to attend addresses to the
classes in E. E. 7 and E. E. 7b by
Allan Larson, experienced Lighting
Engineer of the Westinghouse Elec-
tric and Manufacturing Company, at
11 o'clock Monday and Tuesday
morning, Feb. 5 and 6, room 246,
West Engineering Building.
Latin American Studies, 194. This
cooperative course will be offered by
the participating departments in the
Spring Term if enough students indi-
cate their intention to. elect the
course. Students who plan to elect
this course should file a notice of
such intention with the secr'tary of
the History Department, Rin. 119,
Haven Hall.
English Concentration
All students who have previously
conferred with Prof. Davis should ar-
range for appointments for Tues-
day, Feb. 6 or 13, between 2 and 5
p. m.
Those who have previously confer-
red with Dr. Greelhut should ar-
range for appointments for Monday,
Feb. 5 or 12, between 1 and 4 p. m.
Students concentrating for the first
time may arrange for appointments
with either Prof. Davis or Dr. Green-
hut during the above hours.
Lip Reading Classes: Har of hear-
ing students who are interested in
obtaining instruction in lip reading
should meet at the Speech Clinic on
Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 4:00 p. m. The
Speech Clinic is located at 1007 East
Huron Street.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch-

neology, Newberry Hall. Glass, sculp-
ture and Textiles frong Egypt.
Events Today
The Ann Arbor Alumnae Club will
be hosts at the International Center
program this evening at 7:30. Dean
Alice C. Lloyd will speak on "National
and International Relations of the
University Campus."
Concentrates in Speech: Students
who wish appointments with the con-
centration adviser please call the
Speech office, ext. 526.
Avukah: Dr. Alfred Jospe, Director
of the Hillel Foundation, Indiana
University, will speak at 8:00
p.m. on "A Program for American
Jews" at the Hillel Foundation, under
the auspices of Avukah.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
"Eternal Life" is to be the title of
an address given by the Reverend.
Howard F. Sugden of Jackson, Mich.,
at the regular meeting of the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship in the Fire-
side Room of Lane Hall Sunday aft-
ernoon at 4:30 o'clock. A men's quar-
tette will provide special music. The
niru.+i, ,P forthe 'Fnsia~n will h,-PIrjkrn














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