SA DA's, FrD. S, :1941
FAGE ~OUR SATURflAY, VV~. 3, 194~
________________________________________________ I
WPB Curt ails Fuel
For Gas Furnaces
War Plants Have Suffered Drastic CuLs,
Amusement Places Must (lose Down
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2-Winter conditions and rail traffic snarls,
already cutting into industry through coal shortages, combined today to
cool gas-fired war furnaces and force drastic curtailment of the use of that
The War
plants already
WPB ordered
Production Board announced that some 200 vital war
have suffered cuts of 10 to 90 per cent in gas delivery.
use of natural and "mixed" gas cut off completely in
Tax Revenue
Measure May
Fail To Pass I
LANSING, Feb. 2--P)-Legislation
to give the cities a share of state sales3
tax -revenues has a slim chance of
passing, Senate leaders said today,
as they indicated the Senate is dis-
posed to clean up on essential bills
and go home early.
Senator Don Vanderwerp, Fremont
Republican and Chairman of the
Finance Committee, said the cham-
ber apparently wanted to pass 'the
budget bills and "go home without
waiting for the administration pro-
"Most of the members," he said,'
"seem to feel the administration pro-
gram is so late and will be so cum-
bersome that it would require at,
least two months to handle. No one
wants to take that much time."
Vanderwerp said he saw little like-
lihood the legislature would give cities
sales tax monies. He said he would
introduce next week a bill to ap-
propriate the state's $50,000,000 post-
war reserve for a five-year building
Today and Saturday
amusement places in seven states and
Washington, D. C., at 7 p. in., East- ; 4
ern War Time, tonight. It accompa-
nied the order with a plea to house-
holders. schools and institutions to
Effective Until Monday
The order is effective until 7 p. m..
Eastern War Time Monday or "until
further notice."
Officials explained the ban this
way :
Cold citizens with gas furnaces
have turned them up.
Gas ovens in coal-short homes have FIRST CONVOY MOVES
been turned on to take off the chill. to move over the new Led
The result, combined with ever- the lifeline into China as
mounting use of gas fuel in war indu- starting point at Ledo, Assa
;try has been dangerously lowered
gas pressures in systems over a wide RELIGIOUS NEWS:
area. -
Prevent Break-Down
The idea is to keepenough gas inrches
breaking down completely, and to
keep gas going to essential war plants. iSC S Q Il
The order is not of itself a measure'
to save coal, which already is under! Campus church groups ha
close home delivery control in the ned a number of discussions
affected area east and south of the !uresbfrhifkd'smin
Great Lakes. Therefore it does not t The Roger Williams Guil
apply to systems using artificial gas, Baptist Church is arranging
made from coal. By and large, such party today at 3 p. in. ino
systems have a fair supply of coal. clean the kindergarten room
Entertainment Curtailed :church. Supper will be s
But wherever natural gas is used those students who have wor
in the prohibition area, even mixed Dr. Frank Littell, Director
with artificial gas, such places as Dr. Frn ge secor
theaers moing ictre ouse, nghtwill be the guest speaker at tI
theaters, moving picture houses, night gregational-Disciples Guild Su
clubs, bars, bowling alleys and other
amusement spots were ordered to turn
off all jets for the week end and per- *)ato '
haps until further notice. . RVy on
Affected are New York, Pennsylva-
nia, Ohio, West Virginia; Kentucky, 1Orchest rW
parts of Maryland and Virginia, and,
the District of Columbia.. T
U' I.,,-I Vr#I i t)
Play Production
To Give 'Skin
Of Our Teeth'
Play Relates Hilarious
Antics of Optimistic
Family's Misfortunes
Thornton Wilder turns handsprings,
through human history in "The Skin
of Our Teeth" which will be present-
ed by Play Production of the Depart-
ment of Speech Wednesday through
Saturday, Feb. 7-10 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.,
A Comedy' About Man
In this play, Wilder relates the hi-
story of mankind in the terms of
Olsen and Johnson. "The Skin of
Our Teeth" is a comedy about George
Antrobus, his wife and two children
and their general utility maid, Sa-;
bina, all of Excelsior, N. J.
Mr. Antrobus, supposedly the aver-
age American, has brought the mem-
bers of his family through fire, flood,
pestilenge, the seventeen-year lo-
custs, the ice age, a dozen wars and
as many depressions by the skin of
their respective teeth. After all their
misfortunes, however, the Antrobus
family are still optimistic about the
future, and the play is interpreted as
a rebuke from Wilder to our conten-
porary prophets of doom.-
Players Step Out of Character
Wilder's story of man's constant
struggle for survival is presented with
pathos and broad comedy. He does
not believe in separating his actors
from his audience; his players now
and then step out of their characters
to discuss the progress of the play
or to comment on what it means or
what it does not mean.
Tickets for the play will be placed
on sale at the theatre box office Mon-
day. Mail orders are being accepted
O Campus. --
Dr. Elliott To Be Guest...
Dr. Margaret Elliott, Professor of
Personal Management and Econom-
ics, will be the guest this afternoon of
"Stump the Professor," the University
quiz program broadcast each Satur-
day at 2 p. m. over Station WJR,
The regular panel consisting of
Prof. Hackett, Prof. Morris, Dr. Kiss
and Dr. Randolph Adams will be quiz-
zed by Prof. Waldo Abbot, of the
speech department. Copies of the
questions and answers for this week's
program will be mimeographed and
sent to listeners upon request follow-
ing the program.
I Dorm To Hold Hop... .
"Stockwell Stomp," an informal
record dance for Stockwell Hall res-
idents and their dates, will be held
from 8:30 p. m. to midnight today,
Janice Weatherill, social chairman
of Stockwell announced yesterday.
A Valentine theme will be used
in decorations,and refreshments
will be served. Chaperons for the
affair will include Mrs. Martha
Ray, house director of Stockwell,
and the Misses Jane Sheeran and
Olga Overn, assistant house direct-
Fielding To Perform :.
Doc Fielding, campus comedy king,
will highlight the program of the
annual Helen Newberry open house,
to be held from 2 to 5:30 p. m. today.
Dancing, bridge, and refreshments
have been planned, and Ruth Ed-
berg will play popular music. Jean
Gilman, head of the Women's Glee
Club, and Pat Reid are scheduled to
sing. Several men's groups have been
To Good Food ..
And it's yours when you go to
have marvelous food, and best
of all, they're open for lunch
and dinner!
ALONG LEDO IfOAD-The initial convoy
o road detours around a new causway along
trucks advance toward Kunming from the
am, India.
T0 Hold Lectures,
During Week-End
ve plan-
and lec- 5 p. m. Following his address on
tings. "Discipline for Social Action," Ed-
d of the ward Vander Veen, V-12, will lead
a work the closing worship services.
order to Wesley Foundation will have Miss
s of the Alexandra Feldmahn. Assistant Ex-
erved to ecutive Secretary of WSSF as speak-
rked. er at its regular Sunday meeting at
of SRA, 6 p. in., which will be preceded by the
the Con- regular supper.
unday at Roger Williams Guild will postpone
its Sunday meeting from 5 to 6 p.m.
in order that members who attend
Ruth Draper
To Perform
- s-I - A. ~~*1
i JL Act 4A 9,
u tattment 01 tras
Students and their guests will gath-
W ithdrawn In A rca er to dance to latest hit tunes pro-
vided by Bill Layton and'his orchestra
DETROIT, Feb. 2.--(A)-Less than from 9 p. m. to midnight tonight in j
five hours after the Michigan Con- the Ballroom of the Union.
solidated Gas Company moved to Sue Falvay, '48, new feminine vo-
reduce gas deliveries to more than calist of the band will occupy the
ltd' Detroit area plants, the utility spotlight at tonight's dance. Miss;
announced tonight the War Produc- Falvay was chosen from a large
tion Board had withdrawn its request group of coed applicants and is ex-
fer such curtailment. pected to gain wide popularity with !
Meanwhile, Chrysler Corp., the weekly dance-goers.
Packard Motor Car Co. and the Also to be featured tonight will be
Aluminum Co. of America, among Henry Deteras, bass man of the or-
the industries affected, had an- chestra. Deteras, having played with
"ounced lay-offs of more than 50,000 Charlie Barnett, Les Brown and Sun-
workers would result from the lack ny Dunham, has gained wide experi-
of gas. ence. Layton considers himself for-,
tunate to have Deteras as a member
MOSELEY TYPEWRITER of the orchestra.
One of the highlights of tonight's
AND SUPPLY CO. dance will be a new rendition of "A
114 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Little on the Lonely Side." In addi-
Phone 5888 tion, other popular tunes will be
Complete Typewriter Service featured and requests from dance-en-
thusiasts will also be played.
the concert will be able to come to
the meeting. Pastor C. H. Loucks
will lead a discussion on the "Mean-
ing and Value of Worship."
"The Religion of India" will be the
subject of Leeta Desai, Indian grad-
uate student at the meeting of the
Westminster Guild of the Presbyter-
ian Church at 5 p. m. Sunday. Her
speech will be followed by the usual
supper hour.
Members of Gamma Delta will not
meet until 5:30 p. in. Sunday be- i
cause of the concert, and there willI
be no program following the supper.
However, there will be a student
council meeting at 3 p. in.
Appreciation of music will be the'
topic of discussion for members of
the Lutheran Student Association at
5 p. m. Sunday in Zion Parish House.
Records will be played.
Rev. L. DeWitt, rector of St. Luke's
Episcopal Church, Ypsilanti, will be
the speaker at the Canterbury Club
meeting at the Student Center at
6 p. m. Sunday.
Tapping Will Give
Union Policy Report
T. Hawley Tapping, chairman of a
special new committee organized by
the Board of Directors of the Union
to discuss post-war opportunities and
obligations of the Union and to work
out a statement of policies, will give
a preliminary report to the Board at:
Here Today
Ruth Draper will present a program
of character sketches Tuesday at 8:30
p. in. in Hill Auditorium under the
auspices of the Michigan Oratorical
Of a repertoire of over a hundred
characters, including more than two
dozen sketches which she has writ-
ten herself, Miss Draper will do eight
or ten different personalities.
20 Years Experience
Although she has been entertaining
audiences with the dramatic mono-
logue for over 20 years, Miss Draper
has made only three radio appear-
ances. Two of these were benefit
performances, while the other was an
accident. Her program was the first
airways theatre presentation to orig-
inate from the Fiji Islands. In Suva,
prominent port in the archipeligo, she
was entertaining a shipboard audi-
ence with one of her sketches when a
steamer from New Zealand stopped
nearby and turned on a microphone.
Unknown to Miss Draper, her sketch
was heard on every ship in the Paci-
fic, from Tahiti to New Guinea.
Memorizes Skits
Miss Draper completely memorizes
all of her many character interpreta-
tions and works on them for years
in order to attain perfection and live
up to her title of "mistress of the
monologue." During an evening's
performance, she occupies the stage
for two and a half hours, allowing
herself only minute intermissions.
Her Ann Arbor presentation is part
of a coast-to-coast tour.
Racial Amity'
To Be Topic of
Baha'i Lectur'e
Rex King, world traveler and lec-
turer, will make his second appear-
ance in Ann Arbor to speak on "Ra-
cial Amity," at 8 p. m. Wednesday in
Lane Hall.
King has just completed a series
of lectures in the east and south, in
which he presented the critical issues
of racial misunderstanding.
He is at present a resident teacher
at the Baha'i School at Louhelen near
Davison, Mich. Following his appear-
ance here, he will leave for a lecture
tour of the west coast.
This is one of the current Baha'i
Lecture Series to which the public is
cordially invited to attend.
Bill Proposes New
League of Veterans
WASHIGTON, Feb. 2.-(P)-Reps.
Andrews (Rep., N.Y.) and Irum-
baugh (Rep., Pa.) introduced identi-
cal bills today providing for incor-
poration of an organization known
as American Veterans of World War
Call The Gng
And plan a super-duper hayride
or sleighride for this or next
weekend. Something special,
will plan it.
They Ought
To Know,..
Right here it says JENNINGS
is the place to go for really
swell food and service. And,
believe me, we know!
Shows Continuous Today
Sunday -
"Keys To The
King dom"
r 9.
M .I
12:15 p. i. today at the Union.
Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M.
a vA,5Bavi r rfA rnf
12 Noon - 2.53 - 5:58 - 9:02 P.M.
"Will You.. . .
LOST : n State St. Store, white snit-
ten, name inside. Please return to
Ann Davis, 3523 Stockwell.
FOR SALE: Two very choice DorothyE
Maynor tickets. Phone 2-3844.
LOST: Red leather billfold between
Dimattia Beauty Salon, So, Uni-
versity, and Mosher-Jordan. Call
Zola Meek, 2-4561.
LOST: Shakespeare's complete works
and economics Syllabus, Fri-
day in Natural Science Auditorium.
Please return to Gene Cordt, 726
Oakland 21513.
LOST: *Brown and white striped
Parker fountain pen on campus.
Call 22591. Gerri Psciuk.
LOST: Grey and gold Eversharp 64
pen and pencil. Lost separately.
Reward. Phone 2-2868.
LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two
weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street.
White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729.
LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches
lone m rma h ainavchLosa T.n in
HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and
fountain. Excellent hours. Better
pay. Witham Drug Co. 601 S.
WANTED-Housekeeper, family of
three, laundry out, no children.
Call 2-1592.
WANTED: Assistant cook, experience
not necessary if capable and will-
ing to learn. Meals furnished-6
day week. Vacation with pay. Ap-
ply Miss Tomlinson, University
Health Service. 2-4531.
GIRL WANTED for clerking after-
noons oxad Saturdays. Apply in
person. Goldman Brothers, 214
South State.
FOR RENT: 2 single rooms for girls
next semester in League House.
Opposite Rackham. 917 E. Huron.
ROOM AND BOARD for men and
women at inexpensive rates rang-
ing from $4 to $8 per week, in six
student co-operative houses. For
--_____- Starts Sundaye-
Have a snack with me, this
afternoon at LEO PING'S?
They say it's just what you all
want. Swell lunches, too, and
mighty handy.
"Set 'Em Up"
And let 'em roll. THE MICH-
ING ALLEYS are open weekday
afternoons, Friday and Satur-
day evenings, too. Stop by and
bowl a line.
Of all the Long Distance
calls that go over our
lines these days, none
brings more Joy than-
"Hello, Mom! It's me!"
So please do every-
thing you can to keep
the wires clear for re-
trninn srvie men.
I ~hii iir~LmAhr;