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February 02, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-02

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Sir 6w



Partly Cloudy, Little
Change in Temperature
(Groundhog may See shadow).






Third Luzon Landing



* *



* *

* *





Red Troops


Polish Stronghold of Torun

Pomeranian Bastion of Raiders Rescue 513 from Japs Troops 20
S id .-


Moscow Officially Reports Forces 59 Miles
Northeast of Capital, Capture of Duringshof
See Picture, Page 2
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 1-Russian troops toppled the northern Polish strong-
hold of Torun and encircled the German Pomeranian bastion of Schneide-
muhl today as Berlin said that other Soviet forces had reached the ice-
packed Oder River 30 to 40 miles northeast of the German capital.
Officially, Moscow placed the nearest Russian troops 59 miles north-
east of panic-ridden Berlin with the capture of Duringshof, 18 miles from
Kustrin, one of the last strongholds barring the way to the Reich capital.
Nazis Report Reds 40 Miles Away

U.S. First, Third
Hit Weakening
Nazi Defenses
Crumbling West Wall
Breached Near Aachen
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Feb. 1-U. S. troops drove
as deep as two and a half miles today
through hitherto unbreached ram-
parts of the Westwal south of Aachen
against resistance so light the belief
grew that the Germans had weakened
the Reich's great western fortifica-
tions to bolster the eastern front.
The full weight of the assault by
the U. S. First and Third Armies
was crunching through dragon teeth
traps and pillboxes on a 40-mile front,
widening the breaches in the Siegfried
Line against an astounding lack of
resistance.- I
Nazis Abandon Equipment
Some First Army forces in the
forefront of. the assault found the
Germans had fled from roadblocks
and pillboxes, abandoning main posi-
tions with guns and ammunition.
The Third Army, closing to within
seven and a half miles of Prum after
seizing Winterscheid, swept three and
a half miles into Germany without
sighting a tank. Prum is the big
road and railway center which sup-
plies the Siegfried network facing
southern Belgium and northern Lux-
Rail Yards Battered
Ahead of them, hundreds of Allied
heavy bombers battered rail yards
and bridges in the Ruhr and Rhine-
land, attempting to paralyze German
troop movement from the western to
the eastern front.
Far to the south, the battle to drive
the Germans from Alsace gathered
momentum. French and American
forces virtually wiped out the Rhine-
bank salient south of Strasbourg and
tightened the ring around Colmar-
last big French town in German
hands-by severing its main railway
line to the Rhine.
Something Serewey Reported
An Associated Press dispatch from
the presently-quiet U. S. Ninth Army
front on the Roer north of Aachen
said that there was something
"screwy" on the Western Front-that
whole sections had been abandoned
by the Germans and not yet occupied
by the Allies.
Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' First
Army, storming the Siegfried line in
at least three sectors, met little re-
sistance at some points and heavy at
others as it developed its assault
along a line from the area of Mon-
schau, 15 miles southeast of Aachen,
southward for 20 miles to the front
near St. Vith.
Today Open House for students
in Bus. Ad school from 9
p. m. to midnight at the
Today Post-War Council will
present movies on China
at 7:30 p. m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Feb. 3 Eighth Choral Union Con-
cert featuring Dorothy
Maynor, soprano, at 8:30
p. m. in Hill Auditorium.
Feb. 4 University Concert Band,
under the direction of
Prof. Revelli, will give the
annual mid-winter per-


German broadcasts, however, said
that the Russians had broken through
to the Oder northwest of Kustrin, 40
miles from Berlin, and had fought
their way into the edge of Kustrin,
only to be hurled out by strong Nazi
reinforcements hurried from central
Germany, the Baltic port of Stettin
and the western front.
In a new crossing into Germany
from Poland west of Leszno the Rus-
sians penetrated to within six miles
of Glogau, stronghold on the middle
Oder River 117 miles southeast of
The Russians farther downstream
smashed to within 10 miles of Cros-
son, 68 miles southeast of Berlin, and
in this area and near Kustrin appar-
ently were preparing to cross the Oder
in a big pincers movement on the
capital, by-passing Frankfurt and
Reds 150 Localities
During the day the Russians cap-
tured 150 more localities in the ad-
vance on Berlin, and far to the north-
west toppled Ratzebuhr, 26 miles
north of encircled Schneidemuhl and
only 58 miles from the Baltic. This
latter drive was aimed at cutting
off another big segment of German
forces between those trapped in East
Prussia and the Stettin area north of
The threat to Berlin was so acute
that Nazi broadcasts already said that
the battle for the capital had begun;
Soviet gunfire was reported audible in
Berlin, and Soviet planes were rak-
ing German troop movements east of
the capital.
Nazis Shelling Oder River
The Germans were reported shell-
ing the Oder River and also dyna-
miting it in an attempt to break up
the ice sheets which might aid a
Russian crossing.
Torun, big Vistula river port city of
63,000, fell after a six-day siege be-
gun last Saturday when the Russians
encircled the Nazi stronghold. It is
80 miles northeast of surrounded Poz-
nan, last big Polish city in German
hands and another island of resist-
ance far behind the Soviet lines fight-
ing toward Berlin.
GolGold man
To Be Honored
Conductors Will Be
Music School's Guests
Members of the School of Music
faculty and students will honor Mor-
ton Gould and Dr. Edwin F. Goldman,
guest conductors at the Seventh An-
nual Band and Orchestra Clinic, to
be held here tomorrow and Sunday,
with a reception at 3 p. m. today in
the Rackham Building.
Gould, who will conduct the Con-
cert Band in several of his composi-
tions, including "Jericho," arrived to-
day from Cleveland, O., where the
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra per-
formed a work that he was commis-
sioned to write for it. This is Gould's
second appearance in Ann Arbor re-
cently, last visiting as a guest at the
band's annual Spring Concert in 1940.
Began Career Early
The young composer-conductor be-
gan his musical career at the early
age of four and at six his first com-
position, a waltz, was published.
Known in musical circles as a note-
worthy concert pianist when only 17
years old, Gould was later engaged
by a radio station in New York to
nrPCan+ h ie nwn muneal nnrn m.

by The Associated Press
PHILIPPINES, Luzon, Feb. 1.-Green out by 407 picked fighters of the
clad United States rangers and Fili- sixth ranger battalion and guerrillas.
pino guerrillas rescued 513 gaunt and Stealthily piercing the Neuvo
ragged men, mostly American stur- IEci; a Province hills, the comman-
vivors of the Bataan "death march" do force led by Lt.-Col. Hsenry
and Corregidor, in a bold raid Tues- Mucci, of Bridgeport, Conn., with
day night 25 miles behind Japanese the Filipino guerrilla unit under
lines. Maj. Robert Lapham, of Daven-
It was the first mass rescue of port, Iowa, hit the Cabantuan pris-
prisoners in the Pacific war, carried on camp near Cabu at 7 p.m., their
guns blazing.
The prisoners feared the firing
Fmeant their liquidation by the Jap-
anese had started-an end to their
nearly three years of cruel custody
since the fall of Bataan and Cor-
f regidor.
The gaunt and hungry men dodged
totefloor, atng hnrangers
'Surrender' Doctrine burst into the barbed wire-enclosed
Awaits Allied Approval barracks with the reassuring words:
"Take it easy fellows, the Yanks
By The Associated Press are here. We got this place, pals."-
LONDON, Feb. 1.-Disclosure that Freed were 486 Americans, 23 Brit-
a fully fashioned "Instrument of ish, some of whom defended Singa-
Surrender" awaits only final Big pore; three Netherlanders and one
Three approval was interpreted in Norwegian. Two of the men died on
London tonight as heralding a major the way to safety. their failing hearts
psychclogical as well as military unable to withstand the ordeal which
drive to bring about Germany's cap- climaxed their three years' imprison-
itulation. ment.
An authoritative source announced They were all that were left at the
that the specific terms to be handed Cabantuan camp. whichdonce held
the Germans after their surrender 10,000 captives. Hundreds had died
had been initialed by representatives from disease, malnutrition or mis-
of the United States, Britain and

treatment. Others had been removed
to work camps in Japan.
Clean.-up of the Japanese guards
proceeded briskly, the 121 Rangers
and 286 Filipinos moving with
deadly precision.
With no time to lose, the rescuers
and rescued started their night
forced march back to American lines.
Some of the prisoners walked despiteI
tropical ulcers, wounds and bodily
weakness. Others were carried on
the backs of Rangers. Some rode in
carabao carts.
These were the Michigan men res-
Pvt. Joseph Limbaugh, First Lt.
Beverly Gibbon, Lt. Isaac Newton La
Victoire, Naval Reserve, former psy-
chiatrist of Michigan State Correc-
tional Institutions, Jackson; Cpl.
Frank C. Potyraj; Pfc. William C.
Rieck; Capt. Donald S. Robins; Pvt.
Robert J. Body.


From ap italI City,
U. S. Eighth Army Invades West Coast
Of Batangas Province; Nearing Cavite


Soviet Russia, respectively U.S. Am-
bassador John G. Winant, Sir Wil-
liam Strang, British Undersecretary
of State, and Soviet Ambassador Fy-
odor Gusev.
Simultaneously came word that
Prime Minister Churchill was taking
to the conference with President
Roosevelt and Premier Marshal Sta-
lin-a meeting perhaps now under
way- a concrete British plan for
four-power rule over the Rhineland
and the Ruhr believed to imply crea-
tion of a separate political and eco-
nomic entity.
Dr. Sharfrn
Elected Head of
Economics Club
Prof. I. Leo Sharfman, chairman
of the economics department, yes-
terday was elected president of the
American Economic Association for
Prof. Sharfman is now in Wash-
ington, attending a meeting of the
officers of the Association, although
the 1944 meeting for the entire mem-
bership was cancelled in conformity
with the request of James F. Byrnes,
Director of the Office of War Mobili-
zation and Reconversion. Plans are
now being formulated for the 1945
Prof. Sharfman is the third mem-
ber of the staff of the Michigan eco-
nomics department who has been
honored with the presidency of the
American Economic Association. The
late Henry Carter Adams, who was
head of the department from 1880
to 1921, was president of the Asso-
ciation in 1896 to 1897; and the late
Fred Manville Taylor, who was a
member of the department between
1892 and 1929, was president of the
Association in 1928.

Future of Nazi
Heads Planned
e aa
By The Avweiated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1-The Unit-
ed States proposed to Britain and
other Allies definite plans for punish-
ing Nazi leaders and other Germans
guilty of atrocities against the Jews
inside Germany.
This was announced tonight by
Acting Secretary of State Joseph C.
Grew to meet criticisms aroused by
i the dismissal of Herbert C. Pell as
American member of the United Na-
tions War Crimes Commission. Pell
had wanted the German persecutors
of German citizens tried as war crimi-
nals even though some questions had
been raised whether these crimes
could technically be classed as war
crimes under international law.
A policy declaration by Grew made
it clear that the United States, like
Britain, distinguished between regu-
lar war crimes and those atrocities
committed against Jews and otherI
minority groups inside Germany.
Angell flal'blaze'
Caused by Cigarette
Ann Arbor's reliable fire depart-'
ment yesterday answered a frantic
call from Angell Hall only to find
upon arriving at the scene that the'
"blaze" was out.
The fire which started between 2:50
and 3:10 p. m. in the AH basement
was the result of that rare commodity,
a cigarette, coming in contact with a
jammed wastepaper basket.
"Gross negligence," was the indig-
nant firemen's only comment.

U' Instructor's
1 ~II
Husband Freed
,By Commandos
News of the daring raid which
rescued United States servicemen,
from a Japanese prison camp on
Luzon reached Mrs. Isaac N. La
Victoire, wife of Lt. La Victoire of the
USNR Medical Corps, who has been
held captive since the fall of Bataan,
as she taught a class of cadet nurses
in the School of Nursing yesterday.
Mrs. La Victoire, an assistant in
basic sciences for nurses, received
the first of what later became num-
erous phone calls from Mrs. Elsie
Panlillo, a Filipino student, who had
heard in a news report of the raid,
and through official channels learn-
ed subsequently that her husband
was listed safe.
Stationed Near Manila
Lt La Victoire, prior to his call to
active duty Jan. 28, 1941 in the Navy,
had been a psychiatrist in Jackson
Prison. He was stationed at the
Cavite naval base near Manila when
the Philippines were invaded.
He was reported missing in May,
1942 and Mrs. La Victoire learned
later that he was taken prisoner in
January, 1942. Last week she received
two cards from her husband dated
May and September. the first since
the Gripsholm returned in Decem-
ber, 1943. The card delivered via the
Gripsholm informed her that Lt. La
Victoire had been transferred to an-
other camp.
'Lucky Break'
She realizes now how fortunate
that transfer was, Mrs. La Victoire
A letter received from a fellow
prisoner of her husband on the Is-
lands, who escaped earlier, leads her
to believe, she said, that the lieuten-
ant will be sent to Australia and
remain there for some time before
returning to the States.
Mrs. La Victoire, a graduate of
the University, assumed her position
in the nursing school in the fall of


By The Associated Press
PHILIPPINES, Luzon, Friday, Feb. 2-A new landing southwest
of Manila-the third invasion of Luzon island-forced the jaws of a
trap north and south of the Philippines capital, with some Yank columns
reported today a bare 20 air miles away.
Virtually sealing off the possibility of Nipponese troops south of
Manila joining those to the north, 11th Division troops of the Eighth
Army landed at Nasugbu on the''
west coast of Batangas province 32
miles southwest of Cavite Naval RFC, Commerce
They opened a drive north while Department To
Yanks of the Sixth Army pressed
south from Calumpit down Bulacan
Province to the Angat River, the eSeparated
closest approach to Manila. These
Yanks have covered approximately Approval of Wallace
100 miles since their Jan. 9 landing
at Lingayen Gulf. For Cabinet Predicted
Eighth Army elements which land-Bc
ed Monday northwest of Manila and WASBy The Associated Press
-quickly secured Subic Bay as a base ate and President Roosevelt agreed
for the Seventh Fleet were reported today on separating the huge RFC
today to be moving east against light from the Commerce Department.
enemy resistance across the base of The assumption was plain that en-
Bataan Peninsula toward a junctureThasupinwslm htH -
diigry Wallace can have what's left of
with Sixth Army columns driving the cabinet post.
southwest from Lubao. Issue Clarified 1
Caught Off Balance The confusion centering around
MacArthur reported the enemy was nomination of Wallace for the dual
"caught off balance and we landed job held by Jesse Jones was rapidly
without loss" at Nasugbu. cleared in this series of quick steps:
A fine road leads from Nasugbu to 1-The Senate forestalled by a
Manila by way of Tagaytay Ridge vote of 4,-41 efforts to bring up
through Cavite Province. Wallace's nomination immediately.
He said: 2-The George Bill divorcing the
"This operation places the Eighth multi-billion dollar lending agencies
Army on the south side of Manila, from the Commerce Department was
which is now the center of converg- passed, 74 to 12, and sent to the
ing columns of the Sixth and Eighth House.
Armies. It largely seals off the possi- 3-Majority leader Barkley of Ken-
bility of the enemy troops south of tucky then read a message, coming
Manila joining those in the north, and indirectly from the President, saying
definitely outflanks the enemy's de- he would sign the George proposal.
fense lines in southern Luzon." Names RFC
Move Nearer Manila This message promptly enhanced
Meanwhile Sixth Army Yanks mov- Wallace's chances of being confirmed
ing south upon Manila from captured as Secretary of Commerce-a post
Calumpit reached a point only 22 in which he would supervise the cen-
miles from Manila as they reached sus, the Weather Bureau, the Coast
the Angat River in Bulacan Province. and Geodetic Survey, the Civil Aero-
nautics Administration and Statis-
Eighth Army troops who landed tical Bureaus.
on the west coast of Zambales Pro- By this compromise, the adminis-
vince just north of Subic Bay on tration broke through a road block
Monday were advancing eastward set up by senators who were all-out
against only light Japanese resistance against Wallace's holding any public
in their drive to seal off the Bataan office and those who were willing
Peninsula. for him to be Secretary of Commerce
MacArthur announced the hard- but would not vote to let him admin-
hitting First Cavalry Division which ister RFC.
distinguished itself on Yeyte now
was committed to the Luzon cam-
paign. Martha Cook To
San Nicholas Taken
In the northern sector First Corps
forces seized San Nicholas, six miles '~ Additional
east of San Manuel on a road, vital to
the Japanese, leading into the Cagay- 50 to W SSF
an Valley of northern Luzon.

SJlayn or To Appear Here ToMorrowi

Dorothy Maynor, young American
soprano, will be heard at 8:30 p. in.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, under
the sponsorship of the University Mu-
sical Society.
The daughter of a Norfolk, Va.,
minister, Miss Maynor received her
first musical training in the choir
of her father's church. She is a
graduate of Hampton Institute, which
she entered at the age of 14, and
where she received her first vocal
Toured Europe
Several years after her enrollment
at the Tnstitute she toured Eumroe

During her first season she ap-
peared as soloist with the New York
Philharmonic, Boston Symphony,
Philadelphia Orchestra, and the Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra.
Program Announced
Her program Saturday night fol-
Gismunda's Aria, from "Ottone"...Handel
Roselinda's Aria, from "Roselinda".. Handel
Chant de Forgeron................Milhaud
Les Berceaux....................Faure
Fleur Jetee......................Faure
Meine Liebe ist gruen ....... ....... Brahms
Feldeinsamkeit ............ .....Brahms
Steindehen ...............Strauss

$150 Donated to
Memorial Fund
League's Contribution
Brings Total to $900
A League contribution of $150 to
the Florice Holmes memorial loan
fund was announced yesterday by
Marge Hall, Women's War Council
The contribution brought the fund
total to $900, only $300 short of the
goal set by Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of
Women, who is heading the cam-
paign for funds.
Miss Holmes, Negro medical stu-
dent, lost her life in an unsuccessful
attempt to rescue a drowning com-
panion in a canoe accident on the
Huron River June 25, 1944. The fund
to be established in her honor will be
a loan fund available in cases of need
to all women students registered in
the School of Medicine.
Contributions from her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes, of
Durham. N.C., individual students
and members of the medical school

In response to the appeal of the
World Student Service Fund, whose
drive will be introduced on campus by
Miss Alexandra Feldmahn, Assistant
Executive Secretary of the WSSF, in
an address on the "War-Stricken Stu-
dent" at 8 p. in. today at Kellogg
Auditorium, Martha Cook has voted
to contribute $50 from its treasury
in addition to individual student con-
tributions to the drive.
Prisoners Supplied
"Nine University of Michigan men
are on our list of prisoners of war in
Germany who receive regular sup-
plies from the WSSF. S/Sgt. Edwin
A. Truscott is studying and teach-
ing medicine behind the barbed wire
of Camp Stalag XVII B. Lt. M. H.
Swift, '44, is studying industrial en-
gineering in Camp Stalag Luft.; and
Lt. G. Ostroot, '44, is studying mech-
anical engineering in the same camp,"
Miss Feldmahn declared in her key-
note address to canvassers last night.
"Books and study supplies bought
with WSSF donations help men like
these to live through endless days of
nothing to do in prisoner of war
camps. Supplies such as these have
saved many students from insanity,"
Miss Feldmahn declared.
Acehievement of n u$4 A 0nali s

® 1 ., ::

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