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February 01, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-01

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PA(~i rCtlTr&

Tfif, AiWiA-A~ (;4AN UIY

Stettinius, Hopkins Iay Go to Hig

Three Meeting


Leave Rome by Air for'
Unknown Destination
Secretary of State, Piresiden tial Advisor
Confer Withi Al lied iitiary Commanders
By The Associated Press
ROME, Jan. 31-U. S. Secretary of State Stettinius and Harry Hopkins
left Rome by air today for an undisclosed destination, which may or may
not be the scene of the big three conference.
Hopkins, who was received by Pope Pius and conferred with Italian
Foreign Minister Alcide De Gasperi during his two-day visit, acknowledged
that his trip was connected with the preliminaries for the conference of
Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. With Stettinius, he conferred with Am-
erican military leaders yesterday and4 - --
Hopkins, an official announcement lr s i o
said, conferred at length with Lt.
Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, Command-
er of American Army forces in thea
Mediterranean, and Lt. Gen. Ira C.
Eaker, Allied air commander in this De at o 1V zs
theater, yesterday morning. Then e
the three left American field head-t
quarters to meet Stettinius, who ar- Strategy Will Expedite
rived at a nearby airfield by plane. Transfer to Pacific
Kirk Meets Stettinius
Alexander Kirk, U. S. ambassador By The Associated Press
to Italy, also was at the field to meet WASHINGTON, Jan. 31-American
Stettinius, and participated in the troops shifted from Europe to the
subsequent conversations. Pacific after Germany's defeat will
Hopkins' departure for an "un- leave the bulk of their equipment be-
known destination" was mentioned by hind, under present plans, and will
the German radio as one of "certain be armed anew for Japan.
well known signs in the last 24 hours Purpose of this military decision,j
(which) make it fairly obvious that it was learned tonight, is to hasten
a meeting of the 'Big Three' is im- the final outcome by bringing sub-
minent." The announcer added "the stantial forces to bear against the
only thing now is where will they Japanese "months and months"
meet?" ahead of the time otherwise possible.

% --- ---

(A ILiiioi LtLGen. Dobbie To

Wi I Present
: vr Mad 1 1)s ebut

Lecture Here, Feb. 13
i rere omm ande ri 1-CkIief of Island
wa 1"eC tore o i "hde Def entse of Mal a"

WI IllE h0Q usse it z vy"The Defense of Malta" will be the topic of a lecture to be given by
Lt.-Gen. Sir William G. S. Dobbie, famed defender of Malta, at 8 p. t.
Dorothy Maynor, young American Feb. 13, at Hill Auditorium.
soprano, who will be heard at the General Dobbie will come to Ann Arbor under the "sponsorship of
Choral Union Concert at 8:30 p. m. Michigan Christian Fellowship and the history department. He is making
Saturda in111l Auditorium, made a nation-wide lecture tour of principal cities in the Uniied States and
her (ebt in Nov. 19.39 wh he BO- Canada with the purpose of cement ing relations b!ween 1t, United Slates
and Great Britain.
ton Symphony Orches a.vi To B Shown
Miss Mayu(r was bOri fn Noifolk. Accompanying his lecture will bc a sound-movie, "The Message of
Va.. and reared in the Parsonage o Malta," which depicts life on the Island of Malta during the intensive
the Methodist Church where her bombardment of the Island. During __
father was the minister. At 14, she this time General Dobbie and his.
entered the Hampton Institute where family lived through 2,300 bombing Richter O bject
nhome economiesattacks. General Dobbie was ap-
she specialzed pointed commander-in-chief and gov- ['
and education courses, and played on ernor of Malta in 1940 and was sta-(If St
the varsity tennis team. tioned there until May, 1942.
Joins Hampton's Choir Six weeks after the General and
As an extra-curricular activity she Lady Dobbie arrived in Malta, Mus-
became a member of Hampton's 120-A{
voice choir. Through the urging of Wa Popiihfr Among
the choir director, Dr. Nathamiel s lells rF)'1:jeo f
Dett, she changed her courses and
majored in both mh.sic and homeA A By Tte Associed Press
economics., j LMA, Mich., Jans. 31----State Police



of this unidentified first line U. S. aircraft carrier is almost covered
with marine trucks, jeeps and other motor vehicles being ferried to
an undisclosed Pacific base.


Churchill, Edenl
Absence Noted
LONDON, Jan. 31.-(P)-Members
of the House of Commons-conscious
that the absence of their leaders and
a meeting of the "Big Three" might.
be synonymous-were given a guard-
ed, hint today that the question of
early Soviet aid against Japan had
been removed from the agenda of
that conference.
The absence of both Churchill and
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
from the House on a day when Eden
is almost always present to answer
questions on foreign affairs drew
fresh speculation that the fateful
conference was close at hand.
Painters Added
To Art Faculty
Two well-known painters, James
Donald Prendergast and Carlos Lo-
pez, have been added to the teach-
ing staff of the College of Architec-
ture and Design, Prof. Jean Slusser

Will Slow Reconversion
The sending of new arms and sup-
plies from the American production
arsenal, however, will require con-
tinued large-scale war production and
slower reconversion to civilian indu-
stry after V-Day in Europe.
This strategic decision was said to
stem from these military considera-
First, that the giant strides already
made across the Pacific Ocean will
make it possible to employ large
bodies of troops-presumably in op-
erations on the Asiatic mainland-
much earlier than was anticipated
six months ago.
Will Ease Transport Problem
Second, that it would be more
expedient, in view of transport prob-
lems, to let soldiers from Europe and
munitions from America converge for
the showdown assault against Japan,
than to undertake the slower task of
shipping both from Europe.
Otherwise months of effort would
be required, the plan's proponents
held, in reassembling therweapons,
vehicles and supplies from depots and
bases spread over the map of Eu-
rope; in preparing them for re-ship-
ment; and in hauling them over
Europe's battered transportation
system to ports congested with troop

Michigan Congressman- Asks
Better Badges for Veterans
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31-Rep. Din- distinction and honor does .just
gell (D.-Mich.) today criticized what opposite."
he termed the "cheap, insignificant Blames "Penny-Pinching"
discharge buttons" issued to returned Dingell blamed "penny-pinch
war veterans. in the War Department for issua
In a house speech, Dingell.said the of the buttons lie called "too sr
"gilded, plastic buttons are about on indistinctive and inexcusably che
a par with products heretofore made He declared Congress should seet
in Japan," and called upon the War sciething be done to give vote
Department to do something about medals "worthy of the patriot
it. valor and sacrifice of these citi

The combined efforts of Dr. Dett
and Harriet Curtis, dean of women
at T-ampton, produced a scholarship
for Miss Maynor at the Westminster
Choir School at Princeton. At West-
minister she studied conducting and
choir music under Dr. John Finley
the Williamson, who was instrumental
in prevailing upon her to make sing-
ing hm career.
ing" Studies in New York
ance Pollowiy 1-, r,. ) r I
£tLwi he CAreer.J at WestmO1±in-



Rising Tide of Resentment
"There is a rising tide of resent-
ment and criticism among veterans
of World War II," Dingell declared,
"because of the issuance of an indi-
stinctive, cheap and unworthy dis-
charge button which has been issued
so as to protect these patriotic sons
and daughters against unwarranted
and irresponsible jibes of sone
thoughtless people.
"Instead of serving this intended
purnose a cheap plastic imitation

who have given more than their share
for America."
House Alters
A .ieul eit
( ohatgc XW o4lt)ividc
I)et'oii io Iiltriets

I ister, Miss Maynor went to New Yorkx
where she continued her studies. In
the summer of 1939. she went to the
Berkshire Music Festival, and was
granted an audition by Serge Kous-
sevitzky, conductor of the Boston LT. GEN. DOBBIE
Symphony Orchestra.T Ge.kBHer
The following November she made . . . To Speak Here
her debut. During her first season solini declared war on Britain and
she sang with four of the nation's France. Malta was a key position forj
leading ore stras--the New York the British defense of the Mediter-
Philharmonie under Barbirolli, the ranean and Malta was the first part
Boston Symphony under Koussev- of the British Empire to experience
itzky, the Philadelphia Symphony air attack.
under Orinandy, and the Chicago Born in India

Symphony under Stock.
, -

The son of a British
cial, General Dobbie
1879 in Madras, India.

colonial offi-
was born in
Following a

i 1
! r

Prendergast, a native of Chicago,i
taught at the University of Southern Speech Winner
California, New Orleans Art Schooli
and the University of Arizona before I s FLorden.
coming to Michigan. '
Although born in Havana, Cuba,,
Lopez has lives1 in the United States Six Finalists Compete
all his life, and is an American citi_ -en r
zen. He has won more mural com- In Beginners' Contest
petitions than any other national ar- F
tist, and has received commendations Fay Lorden received first place in
the finals of the semi-annual con-
from the armed forces and largeI test for beginning speech students
magazines for his military painting.wchwased ing4spem.hysterdas
As an Army artist correspondent in ih Kellog Auditorium and Richard
North Africa for Life Lopez has done ihelleggiAudito nd Rchard
watercolorsofthewraea.Hefor-Donald Hargis of the speech depart-
mierly taught at Meinzinger Art; ment announced.
School in Detroit. Pat Owens placed third in the con-
test in which six students of Speech
Pickrel To ive 31 participated. Jack Hindes, Beth
Laiken and Carmon Lombard were

N ui~ v a c CU %,=4 w r , K ' ; m ilita ryom i s sed u c a tio n e d e r e c e iv e d l e tha t i sn
of what ought to be a real mark of LANSING. Jan. 31.-/P)-A House k - tm",1mission on tieuenant in
--- - Omnmil tee toa alteied a Pr oposed cmiso aseonleunntn
constitu tional anio n d men t which . ' r lthe Royal Engineers in 1899. He
contiutina a1encl1i n twhch- c IL - 41 took part in the South African War,
Littell To Speak swouldndivide the city of Detroit into A r i vca and Irland tand nserv in
representative districts, changing it ! a ttoe o sm iei e
Ito apply its terms to all cities elect- new recreational event an cam- mudh and Ireland and served in
to pusnwill be initiantendeby the WAA France and Belgium throughout
These are Detro re nd Rapi when it presents its "Open Sports World War I.
At H ille F rday nSaginRw and Lansing Night" from 8 to 10:30 p. m. tomor- --
"Achieving an Effective Religious r
-and the move was censtrued gen- row in Barbour and Waterman gyms. '
Discipline," is the topic of a sermonierally as a De~mocratic coup to weak- All types of sports will be repre- I ma at W ar
to be delivered by Franklin Littell, en Republican support for the meas- sented with volley ball, ping-pong,
Director of the Student Religious ure. Immediately the GOP majority badminton, shuffleboard, deck tennis, ovies
Association, at the concluson of re- forces began cooking up plans to re- darts, and duck-pin bowling, while
ligious services to be held at 7:45 vise the measure again on the floor bridge and table games will be pro-
p.m. tomorrow at the Hillel Founda- of the House, and a bitter partisan vided for the less actively inclined. P r sented nere
tion. fgh"t was expected. There will be a small admission
In his sermon, Littell will discuss At present, cities having more charge to cover the cost of the sports "China At War," will be the topic
the values to be denived by the stu- than one House member choose their equipment. of movies to be shown by the Post-
dent from religious activity. The 1 representatives by vote of the city The Open Sports Night has been War Council at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow
effectiveness of religicus discipline as electorate at large. The proposed planned especially for the benefit of in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
an aid to intelligent participation in amendment would elect each such those who no longer take gym classes The Chinese way of life in war
the workings of society will also be member by vcte only of the electors but would like to engage in some act- and peace will, be dramatized and
discussed by him. in his representative district ive indoor sport. problems relating to the war with
Japan will be shown.
NOW STORY CAN BE TOLD: "Here Is China," to be narrated
____by Clifton Fadiman, will depict the
peaceful life of the Chinese worker,
Iff ,py j IF builder and fisherman. It will show
Sea kibeaos Go To S a 'TA Help Navy wattpeo fo heCins pol
Sare accustomed to eating. The rise
-_g_~~---_ - -- - of the Universities and the efforts of
By The Associated PressChn tobcm ade cryad
PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUART- carpenters' mates and other skilled below the waterline by the hull. It aChina to become a democracy and
ERS, Pearl Harbor, (Delayed)-The specialists. When the Enterprise put was difficult for them to get in or what happened when China was at-
Seabees once went to sea. into a South Pacific port, where the out, too, tacked will form the story.
It was a long time ago, but only repair ship vessel was waiting, it "About. 20 of the Seabees came out -__
now can the story be told of how was apparent more men would be to sea. I don't know how they were
they helped keep the U. S. S. Enter- needed. selected. but they worked hard, very TUT WARv 107 .ONDSATlt
prise in the battle. "I don't know who suggested the hard. We were damn glad to have. I
Twenty-one men of a Navy con- Seabees but all of a sudden they them. It meant the difference be-

were searching today for Hans Rich-
ter, 29-year old professor at Alma
College, who has been missing since
A note found in his room said, "It
is impossible to live. One has a reas-
on to die."
Was 11I, Despondent
Friends said he had been ill and
despondent, and the Rev. Benjamin
J. Bush, pastor of the Westminster
Presbyterian Church in Detroit, said
that at Richter's request he had made
an appointment for him with a physi-
cian in Detroit.
Richter was employed for two years
in education work at the Detroit
church before taking a position at
Alma as lecturer in philosophy, Greek,
and ethics.
The youthful teacher entered the
United States in 1936 oA a student
visa. His father, a University of
Berlin professor, was arrested with
Pastor Martin Niemoller, outspoken
anti-Nazi, and placed in a concen-
tration camp where he died in 1939.
Richter himself at one time was a
member of Hitler's Storm Troopers,
but withdrew while he was still a
student at the University of Berlin.
Last Seen on Sunday
He was reported last seen Sunday
morning when he left his room at
the home of the Rev. J. A. Watson,
retired Free Methodist minister. Rev.
Watson said Richter was carrying a
brief case but apparently took little
or no extra clothing with him.
Dr. Roy W. Hamilton, college pres-
ident, said, "I am at a loss to explain
the disappearance."
College officials said Richter was
popular both on tlhe campus and
among townspeople. He had been
employed at the college for the past
three years.
Revised Rural
Economy Urged
Farmers Week audience at Michi-
gan State College was told Wednes-
day that millions of farmers must
leave the land if they are to have
good economic opportunities.
Noble Clark, Associate Director of
the Wisconsin Experimental Station
and chairman of the Land Grant
College Committee on Postwar Agri-
cultural Policy, said rural folk should
not be asked either to be content
with a subsistence type of agriculture
or to depend on government subsidy.


OM_1___1 3 '~1l

the remaining finalists. These stu-

n u tent i ixeciai dents were chosen from 22 contes-
tants in the preliminary contest held
The second student recital of the Tuesday. The 22 contestants were
current year will be given by Jerry selected from the 11 sections in be-
Pickrel, pianist, in partial fulfill-gnr g.speech. .
ment of the requirements for the| Prof. G. E. Densmore, Chairman
B. M. degree at 8:30 p. m. today in of the Department of Speech, Asso-
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. ciate Prof. David Owen, and Asso-
Highlighting his program with the ciate Prof. Louis Eich acted as
Mozart "Sonata in D major, K. 284," judges.
Pickrel will also play Chopin's "So-
nata in B minor," "Four piano pieces, Officers Elected by
Op. 119" by Brahms and Leo Sower-
by's "Florida Suite." Polonia Association
Prior to entering the University in
September, 1943, Pickrel was a pupil At the first meeting of the Polonia
of LeRoy Carlson at Louisiana State Association, held yesterday, Elisha
University and is at present study- Wiszowaty was elected president, Es-
ing under Prof. Joseph Brinkman. He telle -Olejarczyk, vice-president, Ed-
is a member of Sigma Nu and Phi ward Wilamowski, secretary, and Le-
Eta Sigma, scholastic fraternities, on Budzen, treasurer.


struction battalion-strictly a land-
based outfit-went to sea Nov. 11,
1942, at a crucial period in the Paci-
fic war. United States Marines were
fighting on Guadalcanal, and the
Japanese were trying to land rein-
The "Big E" was badly hurt at San-
ta Cruz Oct. 26 by Japanese aerial
attacks which sunk the U. S. S. Hor-
net. She was the only carrier left
in the area and her damage had to
be repaired without delay.
Specialists Wounded
But Japanese bombs had killed or
maimed many of her shipfitters,

showed up-30 or 40 of them," said
Lt. Comdr. John Munro, Andover,
Mass., aboard the Big E at the time.
Something New
It was something new for the Sea-
bees. Build bases on sandpits, yes;
lay down an airstrip on a beachhead,
sure; hack up roads in the jungle,
easy. But repairing a ship, a big car-
rier at that, was another matter.
But they welded gaping holes and,
made them watertight, helped pump1
flooded compartments, clear wreck-
age, put up supports. Then they re-
ceived a shock: They'd have to keep
working while the ship headed for
"We had to go out and we weren't
finished with repairs," Monro said.
"Away we went, Nov. 11, for the bat-
tle of Guadalcanal, that famous show
in which our surface force turned
back Jap battleships. The Seabees
went with us.
Twenty Seabees
"We rigged temporary patches be-
low the waterline, and strengthening

tween having the ship ready for ac-3
tion or not. As it happened we were
not attacked."
The Seabees were assigned battle
stations on the hangar deck, where
some of them also bunked. A few be-
came seasick, but James F. Corley,
21-year old carpenter's mate from
Frankston, Tex., said they worked
whether sick or not.
'Swell Bunch'
"They were a swell bunch of
people," continued the youth, who
joined the enterprise May 27, 1942.
The unusual assignment ended Nov.
16, immediately after the three-day
battle of Guadalcanal. The log shows
no more than 21 men disembarked
that day.

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