i. -IVtJ1JY 71. Jr .' f rt.- . 13 . 7 J TiIE MICH I: DAILY PAGE THREE Brooklyn College Episode Called 'Isola le Case' in Athletics By WHITNEY MARTIN Associated Press Staff Writer NEW YORK, Jan. 31-We may be a naive sort of soul who would look for the bay where they dip out the bay rum, but we find it hard to realize a bunch of kids representing a school would plot to throw a baseball game for money as the Brooklyn College players admitted doing. Either the kids nowadays are different or we were brought up in a more wholesome section of the country, for we could no more associate such a prac- tice with our college days than we could associate a sparrow with a B-29 just because they both fly. From our experience the pride in being a winner and pride in the school dwarfed everything else, and the boys would have lived on bread crusts rather than sell themselves and their school down the river. We can't believe the Brooklyn College affair is anything but; an isolated case. although, like one bad apple in a barrel, it will cause all other games to be looked on with suspicion. It is unfortunate that the gamblers moved in on college basketball, although the very rules of the game seem to make it a natural for the fix. In football there are too many players involved. Baseball, although calling for nine play- ers on a side, offers an opportunity because the nature of the game puts so much responsibility on one or two men. But basketball, with five players to a team, leaves an opening for the fix as one or two star players with a yen for easy money can make the difference. The whole affair is something of a black eye for private promotion of college basketball. We have an idea there are no such happenings involving games pbayed on campuses. and we just can't picture a crooked game between. say. Iowa and Minnesota. Pride in the schools and their records are just too great. We can just hear Forrest "Phog" Allen cackling "I told you so" out in Law- rence, Kan. Phog put his finger on the button months ago, but was laughed off as a publicity-seeking calamity howler. To the credit of New York. it exposed its own unfragrant situation. The sports- loving citizens here want no more of such shennanigans than do the real sports fans in other parts of the country, and they resent as much as anyone else the fact that a handful of cheap gamblers have been trying to make a travesty of the game at the expense of ill-advised kids. Ned Irish. who started big-taime private promotion of college basketball, has keen doing his best to curb the growing gambling, but it's no easy job. He knows it is a peril to the sport, that such an expoure as the one just made not only will be harmful to his own private enterprise in that teams will be cagey about risking their reputations in the garden atmosphere, but it might cast a shadow of doubt over the game throughout the country. Entries Pouring In for First Michigan RelaysNext Week Wolverine Q likrd Weeke Fourth Place Badgers Michigan Travels to I By MARY LU HEATH Facing two formidable opponents; over the weekend, Michigan's cagers prepare to engage a Wisconsin five which ranks fourth in Conference standings tomorrow night in the Field House, and clash with the league-leading Iowa Hawkeyes the following evening at Iowa City. The contest with Wisconsin will find the Wolverines attempting to reach the .500 mark again after two weeks off the pace, and will see a Badger team fighting to stay above that mark. So far this season, Wis- consin has racked up two victories and suffered two losses. The wins were registered against Northwestern Pilicy of Yank Chief Revealed TF 1 #1 P 'e , nd Schedule' 0W19 the 0uh44 By HANK MANTHO Pay Here FUtriday; Daily Sports Editor owa City Saturday and Minnesota. while the Badgers LAST WEEK Dick Wilkins of Oregon and Ehner Robinson of Fort Warren suffered losses to Northwestern and managed to forge ahead of George Mikan of DePaul to take the lead Purdue. The Wildcats defeated Wis- I in the national collegiate individual high scoring basketball race, but this consin in the first meeting of the two, teams, when thc Badgers were with doesn't mean that the much-publicized Mid-Westerner is out of the run- out the services of their ace for- ning. ward, Ray Patterson, who was out The Associated Press weekly tabulation of the various sectional leaders with a severe cold. Patterson Dangerous showed that Wilkins had tallied 345 points in 29 games, Robinson 324 Patterson, whose 193 points wasI points in 17 contests, while Mikan's 290 points were good enough for the good for a second place tie with third place slot. Iowa's Dave Danner last year in the Big Ten's individual scoring race. Mikan's 6 ft., 9 in. frame has made him the target of much will easily be the most dangerous criticism on the part of the critics and fans, but his adeptness and Wisconsin player on the floor. TheI agility for his -height have established him as one of the country's top lanky, 6 ft. 2 in. sharpshooter, who scorer's and defensive players, and he has w6n the respect of all was changed from center this yearI opponents thus far this season. - when three candidates of greater height appeared in early season Bad- I Many fans boo the lanky Mikan because they feel that he has an ger practices, is playing his fourth unfair advantage over the rest of his competitors and the opposing coaches year of intercollegiate ball. In seven also resent Mikan during the heat of a game, but after the game, these games this season, Patterson has coaches invariably laud him as a great basketball player and begin to wish scored 91 points. Not only is he that there were some way they could manage to get Mikan on their squad. deadly on shots from all over the d -r,,--------,------v,1---1 , I A TXfTMT fho tnmvrino fl n iii sdfnr ,iwho bon fmilori n-n n na n-n gof1 Six P werful Midwest Track Squads To Be Present for Cinder Garnival Miciiga ti i iIek 7S 73-31. The losers were only able to rK pick up two first places, the mile 1o SeC ti dtli !i etOn relay, broadjump, and share top po- sition in the highiump. By BILL LAMBERT Ohio State, with captain Johnny Names, entry lists, and other vital Schmidt, Conference pole vault statistics have been pouring into the champion, and Russell Thomas, vet- Athletic offices for the past week, eran shot-putter, leading the attack, and the final preparations for the displayed plenty of versatility as it first running of the Michigan Track captured ten firsts, six seconds, and Relays Feb. 10 in the Yost Field seven thirds. House. are being completed. Purdue Threatens of Archie Parsons, N.Y.U. letter-win- ner last year, George Vetter, one of the seven returning veterans, team 1 captain Ross Hume, and brother Bob Hume, will be out to capture the title for the fourth straight year. Dick Forretel is slated to toe the mark in the 600-yard open, Bob Hume is entered in the 880, and Jul- ian Witherspoon will represent Mich- igan in the 60-yard dash to round out the Millrose entries. 1 } , r I f ni br tr du ga: in se L in th, th ed gr e Cc pa Featuring 16 events on the eve- l Purdue looms as a threat, with ig's program, this Relay Carnival Ben Harvey. veteran sprinter whoI A/I ings together six major Mid-West finished second in the Outdoor Con-I ack poweirs. with Notre Dam . Pun- ference meet, running in the dash. ce, Michigan State, Western Michi- and two hold-over members of the Continue Tilts in, Ohio State, and 1'Michigan enter- Big Ten mile relay quartet, providing g teams. the nucleus of the squad. W Of these competing schools, only The meet will feature a variety of:-t-msVaterman hio State and Michigan State have events, including a 240-yard hurdle en any action so far this season. relay, a distance medley relay, com- Intramural hoopsters will4 ast Saturday, the two squads met posed of an 880, a 440, and another their fifth week of competition i a dual meet at East Lansing, with three-quarter mile leg, and a one urday afternoon on the Water ze Buckeyes drubbing the Spartans and one-half mile run. gym courts with the following s ----- - Besides the regular field events ulc of games: and dashes, a special 660-yard run Service League--l:30; Sange Two Indicted in and a 4-mile relay will be on the vs. Rangers, Sigma Chi vs. cprogram.I Supply, Fourth Lloyd vs. Comi Wolverine Coach Ken Doherty has C, and RONAGS vs. Battalion Tports Scandal set his entry list "at around 40," Professional Fraternity Leag with an average of four men running 2:30; Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs in each event. Of this list, only seven Chi, Alpha Kappa Kappa vs. I ei l11ibers of Brooklyn are returning lettermen, meaning Tau Delta, Xi Psi Phi vs. I Five Named in Court | that this will be the first appearance Sigma Delta, and Nu Sigma N | for thirty-odd thinclads on a Michi- Phi Rho Sigma. BROOKLYN, Jan. 31-Action in I gan cinderpath. General Fraternity League he basketball gambling scandal mov- Prepare for Millrose Phi Sigma Delta vs, Sigma d fast today as the Kiiigs County Saturday night in the Madison Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Zeta rand jury indicted the two men al- Square Garden, six members of the Tau, Gaffers vs. Alpha Tau Or geO to have bribed five Brooklyn team will be competing in the Mill- and Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. ollege players, state officials pre- rose Games, the squad's only appear- Phi Epsilon. ared to make oh fnse afel- ance in eastern track circles for the Independent League--4:30; "IT m e. + , season. ert Owen vs. Hi-Temps, and F court, but excels in backboard play. ±±1 / eiv.. bie bowerilige r eaul siil arbseen IlUA e . Lna ag 'l.l oV taru NEW YORK, Jan. 31.-(A')- Ed The lineup which Wisconsin's nine times a contest, he has himself only registered 37 personal fouls Barrow's policy under the new own- coach, Harold "Bud" Foster, will use in 13 games thus far in the season. Mikan has been about 50 per cent of ership of the New York Yankees will against the Wolverines will probably De Paul's offense, having made 29 points more than the combined total be to offer advice but not to iter- consist of Bill Bachman at center, of Gene Stumpf, and Ed Kachan, the Demons' next best point-getters. president and general manager. with Patterson and Des Smith at for- When Purdue and Notre Dame play De Paul this week-end, Mikan will ward and Bill Johnson and freshman more than ever be a marked man. The usual procedure of his opponents In a formal statement released to- Bob Sullivan at the guards. i ouetomnt ur ibtbcueti evsoeohrmn dyafter his first business confer- Chance For Revengeist use two men to guard him, but because this leaves one other man daywithr hibsinessae - ManwertheWge fairly free, Coach Clem Crowe of Notre Dame may start 6 ft. 8 in. Bill ofnte clthea 76ya ldBro Meanwhile, the Wolverines will getj- of the club, the 76-year old Barrow a chance for revenge Saturday night Roberts in an effort to thwart the scoring prowess of the big boy, while said: I told him the could not bath in their contest with the Iowa team Purdue will rely mainly on speed. as chairman of the Board of Dire-a which beat them by a close- 29-27 However, it is unlikely that Mikan will be stopped to any length tors as long as my health would per- mar t s ee s ao The H iawk this week - or any other week for that matter, for he has been a mit.He aidI culdhav an oficehave suffer~ed a loss to Illinois since;- mit. He said I could havetheir game with Michigan, and have marked man all season and has tallied 232 points on field goals against I wanted. assorted conpetidion, and has succeeded in caging 58 out of 92 free "As my policy is never to interfere, won from Indiana. Otherwise, the throws. I am sure we will get along without Iowa team boasts a 4-1 record n the any friction. I told him that he Conferencc so far. Regardless of the defenses which are devised to halt the scoring of should be president and run things The Iowa quintet will again boast any player like Mikan, if he is well coordinated and knows how to handle andI wpldsta inan dvioryca-a trio of veterans from last year's I and I wo ld stay i an advisory ca- i Te ruterunsruas yn s himself on the court, it would be next to impossible to stgp him because pacity. I will support him when he Big Ten runer iup squad i high- his height will stand him in good stead at some course of the game, is in the right, but when he is wrong scorg forwar captains Ned Postels and Jack Spen- and it is usually in the critical moments when the opponents begin to get I will simply keep my mouth shut." at sNe otl ndJc pn excited and panicky. cer. The Wilkinson brothers, Herb e and Clayton, will complete the five. Therefore, it would not be surprising at all if Mikan began to SHOWS START AT I Ives and Postels play in the forward whittle away the points separating him from top rung in the scoring berths, while Spencer and Herb Wil- column so that he would be perched in first place at the end of the cur- 12 Noon - 2:53 - 5:58 - kinson team at guard. Clayton Wil- rent season. 9:02 P.M. kinson will fill the center spot. No Advance in Prices! Army Defeats West - Yirxinia in Last Hal CLASSIFI ED ADVEBTISIN W EST POINT, N.Y., Jan. 31L--~~~~ (k)-The rangy West Virginia Moun- -------- ---- - ----- - jdresses, suits, and coats. Opposite taineers gave Army's basketball team LOST AND FOUND Stockwell Hall. Phone 2-2678. Starts Today! a scare before succumbing 73 to 47 - - - - - --- before 3,000 cadets and soldiers in LOST: Shakespeare's complete works1 HELP WANTED the Academy field house today. and economics Syllabus, Fri- Paced by their brilliant and versa- day in Natural Science Auditorium. HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and tile captain, Dale 1 -1ll, who rung u I Please return to GCne Cordt, 726 fountain, Excellent hours. Better twenty-one points, the Cadets put I Oakland 21513. pay. Witham Drug Co. 601 S. on a terrific second half coring -Forest. H is fi rs t p r0od u C t 1O1 surge to overwhelm the Mountain- I LOST : Probaly in League, brown wal- --------------- -i hers let containing $18, keys and identi- WANTED--Housekeeper, family of since Gone With The -- --- fication card. Please retturn to three, laundry out, no children. 111" -, n Xf ---- Elba Molina,1212 Hill. 2387. Call 2-1592 enter Sat- rman ched- neers Naval n pany I. ,gue- Phi Delta Delta u vs. 3:30; Chi, Beta mega, Sigma Rob-s Fores- ony andi sportsmen thr ougn oute country urged promp-t steps be taken to curb wagering on intercollegiate sports. The grand jury, in session until midnight last night on instructions of Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, handed down an indictment charging Harvey Stemmer and Henry Rosen with con- spiracy to commit the crime of lar- ceny and defraud divers persons who would make money bets with Stem- I mer. The five players involved---Bernard Barnett, Larry Pearlstein, Jerry Green, Robert Leder and Stanley Si- mon-also were named as co-conspir- ators but were not charged with any crime. In testimony before the grand jurythe players said they had re- ceived money from Rosen and Stem- mer on agreement to throw the game scheduled against Akron UniversityI in Boston tonight. The quintet, all regulars except Pearlstein, already have been drop- ped from the basketball squad. Fur-i ther action by the school will be taken tomorrow when the faculty- student athletic committee convenes. Leder is a member of the committee and also head of the College Men's Athletic Association. -- --- A two-mile relay quartet composed ters vs. Golden Bears. I ti '\'\\1\\\°\1 t t t\\1 l\Zli t l\\\ t ar f 1A lf.,Pf//NN , 1/l0 lfi4 40, , . 4 wV fl(1anau" ie tec(.d v Y. t 3I j~ 'I t .. r :u .. :. " ,,,, DI I LOST: Brown and white striped Parker fountain pen on campus. Call 22591. Gerri Psciuk. I ----------------________---- ~- - ---- - --- - - LOST: Grey and gold Eversharp 641 pen and pencil. Lost separately. Reward. Phone 2-2868. LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street.{ White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729. LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches, long with topaz attached. Lost inI or near Rackham on Washington up to parking lot. Family heirloom. Substantial reward. LOST: Plain gold cross on black rib- I bon--in Union . swimming locker room. Sentimental value. Tele- phone 2-2914 or 4483 evenings. LOST: Gold and onyz Marine CorpsI I ring. Union lounge, Saturday. Re- ward. Call 2-1583 after six. LOST: Alpha Delta Phi fraternity pin. Smith Peninsular on back. Phone Chuck Ness 7758. Reward. LOST: String of pearls Monday be- tween Romance Language, Mosher I Rnll n..rn,1r Contac tBt.ty Ab.. 1 WANTED: Assistant cook, experience not necessary if capable and will- ing to learn. Meals furnished-61 day week. Vacation with pay. Ap- ply Miss Tomlinson, University { Health Service. 2-4531. WANTED-Housekeeper. GIRL WANTED for clerking after- noons and Saturdays. Apply in person. Goldman Brothers, 214 South State. WANTED WANTED: Anyone interested in en- rolling in a new course to be taught next semester, call Jinx Johnson, 4145. The course to be taught is "How to Get the Shaft"- or "The Green Banana." Flowers ... Are your answer for o 0 perfect gift, There is noth- Sing nicer or more appropri- Ending Today Mhia Since L ONG TOMS - blasting unseen targets - are directed by voices flashing through this artil- leryman's radio telephone "switchboard." His FM - :et can operate on 120 crystal controlled channels, any ten selected instantly by push-buttons. Using its many channels,he connects the battalion commander with spotters up front and in planes; then with battery commanders wbo focus tremendous Ii e- tower. Hle's helping soften tlhe hard road ahead, As the nation's largest producer of communica- tions and electronic equipment, Western Electric turns out vast quantities of telephone, radio and de- I I 16~ % 1A 1-1- K i' ~Ir .mlv iW, -