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January 28, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-28

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Fi fty=F f th Year

GOP Leans Toward Jones





Edited and managed by students of the University
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Evelyn Phillips
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ne Pomering

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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
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and represent the views of the writers only.
O.NE of the most conservative bodies in the
Senate, the Commerce Committee, has voted
14 to 5 against the nomination of Henry Wal-
lace as Secretary of Commerce for the ostensible
reasons that Wallace is a "visionary" and a man
without practical ability or experience.
Wallace himself has refuted the second argu-
ment. In his testimony he reminded the Com-
mittee that as Secretary of Agriculture he di-
rected more than 12,700,000 separate loans, total-
ing more than six billion dollars, that in private
life he supervises a profitable company marketing
a special type of seed corn which he developed.
Secretary of Agriculture for eight years, vice-
president of the country for four years, he is no
upstart amateur in government. His qualifica-
tions are undeniable.
This large fuss over the financial abilities of
Wallace causes us to wonder whether we want
an accountant or a long-range planner and an
efficient administrator in the office.
The now shopworn epithet "impractical dream-
er" has been applied to Henry Wallace ad
nauseum by the Committee. This argument is as
ridiculous as the argument that he has no ad-
ministrative ability.
Henry-Wallace is probably the most practical
man of our time. He is one of the few men who
are brave enough or wise enough to say again and
again that we must not return to pre-war ruin-
ous fluctuations in the business cycle, unprece-
dented but feeble governmental attempts to deal
with "overproduction" and standards of living
under which one-third of our population had not
enough food or clothing. Henry Wallace is far
enough ahead of his time to realize that pros-
perity in China or Germany or Italy or Bul-
garia is closely bound up with 60 million jobs
in America, and that the prosperity of all coun-
tries is the only guarantee of world peace. He is
fearless enough to state that the advocates of
"good, old-fashioned Americanism" are the
greatest enemies to the security and prosperity
of post-war America.
Let us admit that Henry Wallace is a vision-
ary, that he looks into the next decades and
into the next century as few men dare to look.
But when we call him "visionary," let us pre-
fix the word "practical." His ideals are not
empty talk but the starting points for an in-
tensely commonsense program to achieve those
ideals. He has outlined ways and means of such
a program many times, and he reiterated them
once more in his testimony before the Com-
merce Committee. He has proposed plans-
hard-headed plans-to provide 60 million post-
war jobs, to promote foreign trade, to establish
a "floor" of fifty-seven million postwar jobs,
to raise wages and maintain them at an annual
guaranteed level, to expand the farm program,
to rule out monopolies, to improve housing,
health standards, education and the social
security system.
If Henry Wallace is an impractical dreamer
then the United States needs many more im-
practical dreamers and needs them badly.
Henry Wallace is fast attaining the stature
of a hero who personifies all the social and eco-
nomic aims toward which we are striving, but
a hero singularly without friends, certainly no
friends in legislative circles and few vociferous
friends among the press or public. The 14
members of the Commerce Committee who cast
their votes against him would tell us that he
lacks tact. They would not tell us that he is

disconcertingly honest that they fear him be-
cause they fear a prosperous post-war America.
The curious paradox in the thinking of our
conservative senators and their powerful friends
is that full employment, expansion of interna-
tional trade and higher wages would not ruin
business or take away legitimate profits, but

WASHINGTON-For about one year after Pearl
Harbor, the members of Congress who rode
Jesse Jones hardest for his failure to provide
synthetic rubber plants were the Republicans. In
various committee meetings they heckled him
unmercifully for overriding the recommendation
of the National Defense Council and refusing to
do anything about rubber.
But now the situation is reversed. Appar-
ently certain GOP Senators have short mem-
ories. It is these same Republicans who are
now supporting Jesse Jones in their fight
against Henry Wallace.
For instance, GOP Senator Owen Brewster of
Maine is leaning toward Jesse Jones in the cur-
rent fight. But as a member of the committee,
Brewster's brilliant cross-examination made
Jones look like a monkey. Brewster brought out
that Ed Stettinius, then in charge of raw ma-
terials for the National Defense Council had re-
peatedly urged, implored and demanded that
Jones begin synthetic rubber production as early
as two years before Pearl Harbor.
Brewster even showed Jones up regarding the
committee of experts on rubber as recommended
by the National Defense Council. Here is a cross-
section of Brewster's penetrating cross-examina-
Senator Brewster: The report recommended
the creation of a committee of experts to pass
on these technical questions. Did you create
such a committee?
Mr. Jones: We consulted freely with the ex-
perts of the National Defense Council.
Senator Brewster: Now did you have a com-
mittee of technical experts or did you not?
Mr. Jones: I don't know whether we had a
committee of technical experts or not.
Senator Brewster: Mr. Jones, that is a very
amazing statement:
Mr. Jones: I don't think it is amazing at all.
Senator Brewster: You don't know whether
you had a committee of technical experts or not?
Mr. Jones: I don't know what an expert is.
Senator Brewster: Well, you know what a
conimittee is, don't you?
Mr. Jones: Yes. We had a committee.
Senator Brewster: You had a committee. And
how was that composed? What was it composed
Mr. Jones: I say we had a committee. We had
a great many people working on it.
Senator Brewster: I .am seeking to find out
whether or not you undertook to constitute any
kind of committee to advise you on this program.
Mr. Jones: We got all the advice we could get
from every source.
Senator Brewster: Well, I think, then, we will
conclude that you did not constitute a commit-
tee. Is that a correct conclusion?
Mr. Jones: That is your answer. It isn't mine.
Note-Last week Senator Brewster leaned
back and smiled benignly as Jesse Jones ap-
peared before the Commerce Committee. No
embarrassing questions were asked about the
subject which still has the American public
unable to get tires.
Brownell Under Fire . .
ALTHOUGH Chairman Herbert Brownell was
finally re-elected unanimously, there was
more opposition than expected. However, the
anti-Brownell forces couldn't unite on a substi-
tute, so decided to stick with the man they al-
ready had.
Former U. S. Senator Arthur E. Nelson of Min-
nesota, a strong Stassen backer, was the first
to blast Brownell.
"We can't function under a man with Wall
Street connections who is really in there to
promote his own candidate for the presidency,"
Nelson said. "Brownell represents a defeated
candidate. All his actions will be in behalf of
Nelson then went on to suggest the selection of
a midwesterner as national chairman-a mid-
westerner from a state with no favorite son to
At this, G. Mason Owlett of Pennsylvania
jumped to his feet, quipped:
The only man who would fit that descrip-
tion is Charlie McCarthy's dummy, Mortimer
One bit of strategy planned at the last minute
by GOP bigwigs failed to come off. Brownell de-
cided to have Congressman Charlie Halleck of
Indiana, chairman of the Republican congres-

sional campaign committee, sound off during an
afternoon session, with newspapermen present,
Brilliant Suggestion Department: Maybe the
Henry Wallace-Jesse Jones situation should be
removed from the jurisdiction of the Senate
Commerce Committee and put in the hands of
the War Feud Administration.
Jones pictures himself as a little business
man which obviously puts his Houston news-
paper, bank and skyscrapers in the realm of
the corner popcorn stand.
And by the same "logical" reasoning, Wal-
lace's positions as Secretary of Agriculture, head
of the Commodity Credit Corporation and Board
of Economic Welfare is analogous to that of
janitor-at least there's as much dirt involved.

against President Roosevelt's nomination of
Henry Wallace as Secretary of Commerce. This
plan inadvertantly was knocked out by author-
politician Clarence Buddington Kelland of Ari-
zona who threatened a hot resolution during the
afternoon session putting GOP policy-making
apparatus in the hands of the Republican execu-
tive committee and congressional leaders rather
than in the hands of Brownell. Result was, the
doors were not thrown open to the press and
Halleck's remarks were heard only by a few.
One other very important decision reached
by Republicans behind closed doors was to
make a strong bid for the labor vote in 1946
and 1948. Leaders said they would appeal over
the heads of labor bosses for AF of L and CIO
rank and file support, and were prepared to
invest a. lot of money in the project.
After the meeting, Willkie follower Fred Baker
of Seattle, who helped plan the strategy of the
progressive forces, summed up results of the
meeting to one friend in this way:
"Wendell Willkie had more control over the
Republican party in death than he did in life."
To which Ralph Cake remarked that the
meeting left the Chicago Tribune crowd in its
usual position-"Talking to itself in the cor-
ner all alone."
(Copyright, 1945, by the ,Beli Syndicate, Inc.)
Tear Will Out'
N EW YORK - American conservative opinion
is not too impressive at the moment, because
it is so palably in a state of fear. The Wallace
nomination has been like a flashlight turned upon
a sea of frightened faces. The opposition to Mr.
Wallace is not merely against him on objective
grounds; it is shaking with rage and fear. So
much concentrated fear is in itself a fearful spec-
It becomes one of the features of the country,
like Boulder Dam; a manifestation worth study
in its own right.
The vast accumulation of fear in America spills
over into any receptacle which can hold it. A
bill for a modified form of national service is in-
troduced into the House, and immediately, efforts
are made to insert an anti-trades union amend-
ment. Fear, like murder, will out; the amend-
ment is irrelevant and mischievous; its only pos-
sible effect must be to delay or block passage of
the bill, but those who are afraid of unions can-
not resist, and they will record what is in their
hearts whether the occasion is appropriate or not.
The same tidal wave of fear registered itself
in the lavish affection which was piled upon
the old Dies Committee; affection offered to it
by men who would not have tolerated its slov-
enly methods in their own business for a mo-
Fear showed itself again when the Dies Com-
mittee was reconstituted "about an hour or so
after the new Congress met for the present ses-
sion; really calm and thoughtful men might have
waited a week.
BUT it is in the case of Henry Wallace's nom-
ination as Secretary of Commerce that our
vested fears have really revealed thmselves. Con-
servative opinion is really saying that this one,
slight, scholarly man could actually ruin the
country. It says that this single proposed official,
though in a position in which his every act would
be subject to the scrutiny of Congress and the
press, and though he would have to go to Con-
gress for every dollar he wanted to use, would
still, somehow, be able to reduce Pittsburgh and
Detroit to rubble, halt every railroad, and send
tumbling everything we have built in a century
and a half.
Upon what meat doth this our Henry feed
that he is grown so terrifying? Is it actually
true that this one man, by virtue of his own
decisions, in a relatively subordinate place in
government, could "change our economy,"
could wipe out the fruits of the sweat and work
of the hundreds of millions of people that have
gone into the making of America?
A country so delicately poised as that, between
ruin and salvation, would really be in dreadful
danger; in danger so great that merely reject-
ing Wallace couldn't save it. One suspects that

our private enterprise system is sounder than
some of its defenders' arguments.
Fears which can load to extravagances such
as those do have to be put to rest, for the
health and happiness of the country. One can
understand, and sympathize with, the busi-
ness community's agitation over its postwar
future. But only a plaV for full employment
and stable trade, comparable in scope with
some of those now: being discussed in England,
can really make these agitations subside. The
plain truth is that even if business should suc-
ceed in rejecting Wallace, it will still be just as
afraid as it was before; it will merely have been
comforted for a moment., by the bedtime story
of how the good Mr. Jones bested the bad Mr.
The postwar problem will remain. The great
illumination thrust upon us by the Wallace in-
cident is that conservative opinion in America is
not really trying to end its fears, by constructive
proposals; it is merely giving mechanical expres-
sion to them.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

'HERE are many ways of betraying
your country: by actually giving
information to the enemy, by spread-
ing the enemy's doctrines of racialj
hatred and breeding disunity, by re-
placing the democratic procedure of
government by the people with gov-
ernment by the elite. There are men
who knowingly betray their country's
principles, and there are men who
sincerelyhbelieve that they are work-
ing for the good of the nation.
Of whatever variety, (and most
belong to the last class), those
Senators who are opposing Henry
Wallace's nomination as Secretary
of Commerce, are betraying the
United States, the United Nations,
and the permanent peace in the
This is strong language, and not
to be spoken lightly. But this is the
only term we can find which is
applicable, after looking at the
President Roosevelt was re-elected
on Nov. 7. The votes cast for him
were not only an expression of con-
fidence in his personal abilities, but
in his policies for conducting the
government through the war and
into the peace. Yet here we se the
anti-Roosevelt Senators trying to
force a recount, as if the American
peoplethad made a mistake which
they, the elected representatives, will
gladly irectify.
It is not important that Henry
Wallace, the man, receive this posi-
Dominie Says
OUR senior senator in congress re-
cently reversed his theory of gov-
ernment. He did it with a definite-
ness ,which brings admiration. This
illustrates two familiar principles. (1)
Any ethical result must wait upon
slow social, economic, and political
movements. The ideal is early, but
the practice late and (2) the poli-
tician is cultures town cryer. In 1807
the missionaries enroute to the orient,
in 1912 our able statesmen at the
Hague, in 1919 a president in Versaille
and in 1940 one-hundred Jewish,
Catholic and Protestant leaders act-
ing jointly were saying, "We must
make ready to assume our responsi-
bilities as a nation in the community
of nations." But only in 1947 or 1950
can that happen. Wider world organ-
ization was always ethically desirable
but that status had to wait upon the
economic fact that profits now de-
pend on a wider distribution of buy-
ing power. The senator's address
should live in history as the advent
of a new trade epoch. By the religious
it should be recorded as the belated
acceptance of an ethical trend.
This sort of an analysis is often re-
jected by religious leaders as a re-
pudiation of faith and a denial of
spiritual values. Here is where the
social Christian and the personal
Christian part company. Social Chris-
tians see spiritual values in the total
life of humanity and accept the so-
cial, economic or political manifesta-
tions as valid alongside of ethical
ones. ;Traditional Christians on the
other hand, more quick to defend the
extra-human or superhuman forces,
fail to identify dynamic factors as
found in human life. They attribute
the directive process to intervention
of the Deity. Social Christians also
find in humanity the unity out of
which all of thosehforces emerge,
while their opponents believe that
such observation is not true to fact
and therefore is spurious. This is why
social Christians are referred to in
derision by the traditional believer as
being "humanists" or "naturalists."
In the main, the social Christian
talks reform, lines himself with so-
cial movements, struggles to ident-
ify his faith with the needs of the
oppressed and finds delight in the

growing independence of persons.
Orthodox Christians, aiming to be
directly loyal to the altar or the
priestly ministries as well as more
alert to scripture as the immediate
source of motivation, identifies
faith with worship and views hu-
man life as flowing in two streams,
the one sacred and the other sec-
ular. Such believers find their de-
light apart from the growing inde-
pendence of persons and are apt to
preach the meaning of dependence.
While they mean a dependence on
the Deity their emphasis invariably
is used by property holders to just-
ify the established order, to per-
petuate the servility of the masses,
and to retard society in its hard
climb from the ideal or ethical
starting places to social, economic
and political stations on its way to
Utopia. An idealist can speak, the
language of progress; but the real-
ist must punctuate it.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education


tion in this government, either to
assure his political future or to pay
a political debt. But it is vitally im-I
portant that the policies which he
stands for, which were upheld by the
people in the election, be put into
practice in each department of the
government, in order that we may
build the sort of prosperous post-war
America envisioned by every citizen.
If Wallace and all the followers of
the Economic Bill of Rights, of Dum-
barton Oaks, of strengthening United
Nations unity, of insuring 60,000,000,
post-war jobs were really the ideal-
ists they have been called, they would
want to have nothing to do with the
Commerce Department, and its ma-
terialistic concerns with loaning
It is precisely because Wallace-
and the Common Men he repre-
sents-is not a dreamer, is not a
Utopian idealist, that he is being
opposed so vigorously by the same
men who oppose every move to
plan a peacetime America which
includes in its bounties all citizens:
workers, farmers, small business-
men. Wallace stands for winning
the war and building the peace on
the same foundations: cooperation
among all groups in this country,
and among all nations fighting
fascism, based on assurance that
men's human rights will be real-
ized-the right to a job, to a decent
house, to equal educational oppor-
tunities, to electricity and indoor
plumbing, yes, and to a quart of
milk for his kids, Cin the post-war
Defeat of Wallace will mean that
the policies adopted by the majority
will give way to the narrow, tradi-

tional, ill-conceived, plans of the de-
feated minority. It will mean that
there will be less chance for accep-
tance of the President's program: of
Missouri Valley Authority, St. Law-
rence project, establishment of a
Peace Production Board, and work-
ing out of the Dumbarton Oaks pro-
posals to insure a peaceful future for
the world.
His defeat can only serve to teach
us a lesson: that it is not enough to
work and vote on Election Day, but
that we must all know what our rep-
resentatives are doing every day, and
we must constantly inform them of
our opinions so that they can cast
truly representative votes. But we
have had too many chances already
to learn this lesson. And too much
is .at stake to learn it now. When the
soldier vote was bungled, and the
anti-poll tax law defeated, and the
Dies Committee reincarnated- we
should have learned.
It is not too late even now to do
what peoples all over the world are
fighting for the right to do: tell
our Senators how to vote on the
George Bill and on Wallace's nom-
ination. And this isn't a matter
just involving you or your friends:
it actually involves the lives of
your children and their chances for
growing up in a calm and produc-
tive nation.
Michigan senators are Arthur H.
Vandenberg and Homer Ferguson.
Their address is the Senate Office
Building, Washington, D.C. It is
their duty to listen to their con-
stituents, just as it is your duty to
let them know your opinions. This
is their chance of proving their
faith in the future.


SUNDAY, JAN. 28, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 70
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
To Members of the Faculty, Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts: There will be another special
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 29, in
Rm. 1025 Angell Hall, to continue
the discussion of the Combined Re-
port of the Curriculum Committee
and the Committee on Concentration
and Group Requirements. A large
attendance is desired.
College of Engineering, Schedule of
Examinations: Feb. 17 to Feb. 24,
1945. Note: For courses having both
lectures and quizzes, the time of
exercise is the time of the first lec-
ture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the time of ex-
ercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and laboratory work may
be continued through the examina-
tion period in amount equal to that
normally devoted to such work dur-
ing one week.
Certain courses will be examined
at special periods as noted below the
regular schedule. All cases of con-
flicts between assigned examination
periods must be reported for adjust-
ment. See bulletin board outside of
Rm. 3209 East Engineering Building
between Feb. 1 and Feb. 7,, for in-
struction. To avoid misunderstand-
ings and errors, each student should
receive notification from his instruc-
tor of the time and place of his
appearance in each course during
the period Feb. 17 to Feb. 24.
No date of examination may be
changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.
Time of Exercise Time of Exam.
Mon. at 8-Thu., Feb. 22, 10:30-12:30

House Heads: Women students liv-
ing in League Houses and converted
fraternities have until Monday, Feb.
5, to notify their house heads if they
intend to change their residence.
- University Lecture: Dr. Gustav E.
von Grunebaum, Professor of Arabic,
University of Chicago, will lecture on
the subject, "The Arabian Nights and
Classical Literature" at 4:15 p.m.,
Wednesday, Feb. 7, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of 'Oriental Languages and
Literatures. The public is cordially
Orchestra Concert: The University
of Michigan Symphony .Orchestra,
Gilbert Ross, Acting Conductor, will
present a concert at 8:30 tonight in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The pro-
gram will open with Haydn's Sym-
phony in D major ("The Clock"), to
be followed by Wagner's Siegfried
Idyll. It will be concluded by Sym-
phony in D major, Op. 36, No. 2, by
The general public is invited.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Lewis,
violinist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Jan. 30, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A- stu-
dent of Professor Gilbert Ross, Miss
Lewis will play compositions by Pug-
nani, Bach, Mozart, and de Falla.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Memorial Christian
Church (Disciples) Hill and Tappan,
at 5:00 p.m. Following the supper Dr.
Preston A. Slosson will speak on "The
Religion of an Historian." Miss Bev-
erly Paul will lead the worship service.
Those coming promptly from Kampus
Kapers will be served.
The Turkish Student Club of the
University of Michigan will play host
for the program at the International
Center tonight at 7:30.
Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 4:15
p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Build-
ing. "The Relation of Serum Proteins
to Immunity - Protein Nutrition as
a Factor in Immunity" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Sigma Rho Tau: All members of
the Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma
Rho Tau are required to be present
for the Ensian picture Tuesday, Jan.
30, at 7:30 p.m. in Rms. 319-323 of
the Union. Black or dark ties should
be worn. The support of non-profit
extensions of public utility services
will be discussed. New opposing teams
will debate upon peacetime military
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action will meet Monday, Jan. 29, at
8 p.m. in the Union, Rm. 302. There
will be a discussion on affiliating
with the national American Youth
for Democracy. All members are




at 9-Sat., Feb. 17, 10:30-12:30
at 10-Friday, Feb. 23, 8-10
at 11-Tuesday, Feb. 20, 8-10
at 1--Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2-4
at 2-Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10
at 3-Thursday, Feb. 22, 8-10
at 8-Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30
at 9-Wed., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30
at 10-Tu., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:30
at 11-Monday, Feb. 19, 2-4
at 1-Saturday, Feb. 17, 2-4
at 2-Thursday, Feb. 22, 2-4
at 3-Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2-4


Draw. 2, 3-*Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10.
E.M. 1, 2, C.E. 2, Draw. 1-*Satur-
day, Feb. 17, 8-10.
M.P. 2, 3, 4, French-*Monday,
Feb. 19, 10:30-12:30.
Economics 53, 54-*Tuesday, Feb.
20, 2-4.
M.E. 3-*Wednesday, Feb. 21, 8-10.
Surveying 1, 2, 4-*Thursday, Feb.
22, 8-10.
E.E. 2a, Span., Ger.-*Friday, Feb.
23, 2-4.
Irregular, Conflicts or Make-up-
*Saturday, Feb. 24, 8-10.
*This may also be used as an
irregular period, provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed
schedule above.

Ftby. .urn
down that radio.
I' thphone.

. I 11

it ttR

Now I can hear you, John.
Barnaby has had his radio
tuned in to those daytime
erinl dramn nl mornma-i

Copyright,1945, Th. Nw.papr PM, lt
Strange, that they interest
him ... But if they help get
his mind off that imaginary
Fairy Godfather, it's fine-

By Crockett Johnson
Hush, m'boy.. . This is very
heartrending ... And "ife' j
Full of Eightballs" comes on
next. Then "Electra Jones"-


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