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January 28, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-28

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ciovi y and fCorn-r

VOL. LV, No. 70



- --- -- - -----

Reds Reach Brandenburg,










is from Berlin
Russians Head for
Heart of Germany
Nazis Announce Second Arsenal of Reich
Knocked Out by New Soviet Advances
. TheA...a... Pr...

Manila-Bound Yanks

Take Angeles




* *



* *

Sixth Army
44 Miles from
Island Capital
Doughhoys Greeted
By Cheering Crowd
By The Associated ress
LUZON, Jan. 2, Sunday-Capture
of the Pampanga province town of
Arigeles, 44 airline miles from Manila,
by southbound Sixth Army Yanks
was disclosed today in a field dis-.
patch after Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's communique had reported the
14th Corps was approaching it in
Enthusiastic Welcome
In a dispatch dated Saturday from
Angeles, Spencer Davis, Associated
Press War Correspondent, told of
tanks clattering through the central
plaza while crowds cheered and a
dignified matron shouted, "God bless
Angeles, on the main Manila-Bag-
uio highway, is a scant ten miles
northwest of San Fernando, the cap-
ital of Pampanga province. It is on
the road which leads between two
swamplands just southwest of San
Fernando, the shortest route to Man-
No Damage to Town
Davis' descriptive of the gala scene
made it evident there was not even
a semblance of fighting in the town.
Girls in flashing print dresses and
wooden sandals headed a column of
the Filipino Peoples Anti-Japanese
Army (Hukbalahapas), waving flags
of the United States and the free
Yanks entering Angeles passed a
sign reading in English:f
"Prohibit to pass this road except
Japanese army."
Orchestra To
Give Concert
Next Sunday
Featuring a galaxy of band selec-
tions by Morton Gould, Dr. Edwin F.
Goldman, William Schuman, Tschai-
kowsky, Rachmaninoff, Holst and Ar-
nold, the University Concert Band
under the direction of Prof. William
D. Revelli will climax the Seventh
Annual Band and Orchestra Clinic
to be held here with its annual mid-
winter concert at 4:15 p. m. next
Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
Guest conductors Morton Gould,
conductor-composer of radio fame,
Dr. Edwin F. Goldman, America's
foremost band leader and William
Schuman, contemporary composer,
will participate in the concert.
The Concert Band, opening its pro-
gram with two of Gould's composi-
tions, "American Legion Forever" and
Rhapsody, "Jericho" will play the
young composer's popular March,
"American Salute." Gould will con-
duct the band in this selection, based
on the tune, "When Johnny Comes
Marching Home.''
Dr. Goldman will lead the band in
one of his most famous numbers,
Frand March, "University," written
as a tribute to the 100th anniversary.
celebration of the founding of N.Y.U.,
while Schuman will conduct the band
in the performance of his own com-
position, "Newsreel ."
Both Dr. Goldman and Gould ap-
peared here with the Concert Band
in 1940 at the Band Clinic of that
year and the annual spring concert,

Today Kampus Kapers will be
held at 3:30 p. m. in Hill
Today University Symphony Or-
chestra, Gilbert Ross Act-
ing Conductor, will pres-
ent a program at 8:30

Fun-Seekers To View Kapers Today

-Photo by John Horeth
PAGING HARRY JAMES-Bill Layton, popular cam pus band leader, tries hard to keep a friendly smile on
his face as 'Doe' Fielding, king of campus comedy, s ets the art of trumpeting back two centuries with
this lusty blast. Both entertainers will highlight th e second Kampus Kapers show at 3:30 p. m. today in
Hill Auditorium.

Last Tickets for
Kam pus Revue
On Sale at 2:45
Acts Feature Talent
Of over 90 Students
Campus enthusiasm generated since
the announcement of the second pro-r
duction of Kampus Kapers indicates
that a fun-seeking student audience
will pack Hill Auditorium when the
show begins at 3:30 p. in. today.
General ticket sales during the
last ten days have been a barometer
showing an increasing height of in-
terest for the show.
Approximately 1,500 tickets re-
main for the production and these
will go on sale at 2:45 p. m. today
in the Hill Auditorium boxoffice.
Hailed as an all campus show for
all the campus, the Kapers will fea-
ture a student cast of more than 90
in the following acts:
*DOCTOR EMCEE-Doc Fielding
as master of ceremonies.
*BILL LAYTON and his band with
special arrangements highlighting an
instrumental quintet.
tan and Dot Murzek in special dance
Women's Glee Club headed by Jean
Gillman will paint Michigan tradi-
tion in song.
LIFE"-One act playlet by Tady
Martz and featuring members of JGP.
-Trio of cadet nurses, Mary Greg-
ory, Marcia Ely, and Rae Pierce.
Judy Ward, featured thrush with
Under the leadership of a com-
mittee representing the Union, The
Daily, and the League, these seven
student acts have been rehearsing all
week for a gala production today.
Thecommittee urged all those who
haven't purchased tickets yet "to
come on down to Hill Auditorium for
there will be seats for everybody."
Tickets will remain on sale at the
Union, the League, and the USO
until noon today. All proceeds from
the show will be divided between the
local USO center and the student
Bomber Scholarship Fund
Aunt Ruth Asks for
Unciamaoged Dailies
Aunt Ruth Buchanan, who spends
much of her time sending Dailies to
servicemen overseas, has expressed
appreciation previously for the co-
operation she has received from both
students and members of the faculty
in contributing them.
She states, however,' that several
have been torn and damaged, and
would prefer papers that are in bet-
ter condition.

Navy Airmen Down 70 More Jap
Ips 68 Planes in Daly's Work

Ryukyu Toll Added
To 125,000 Tons Lost
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Jan. 27.
-The Navy announced tonight
that carlier- based planes sank or
damaged 70 Japanese ships and
vessels and destroyed or damaged
68 planes Jan. 21 in the Ryukyu
Islands a day after they sank or
damaged 125,000 tons of shipping
at Formosa.
The Navy previously had an-
nounced the attacks but gave only
preliminary accounts of destruction
to planes at Formosa.
Tonight's recapitulation said more
than 300 enemy planes were account-
ed for Jan. 20 at Formosa, with 47
shot down, 102 destroyed on the
ground and 162 damaged.
In the Jan. 21 attacks, centered
on Okinawa Island, four Nipponese
ships and 25 vessels were sunk, five
ships and 36 small vessels damaged.
"The two-day operations cost
our forces 15 carrier aircraft lost
in combat," Fleet Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz said.
The carrier assault on FormosaG
Jan. 20 resulted in the sinking of
60,000 tons of shipping, including
six oilers and four medium cargo j

LONDON, Sunday, Jan. 28-The Red Army surrounded the big western
Polish stronghold of Poznan yesterday and Berlin announced that Russian
troops had raced on 43 miles southwestward across the snowswept plains
and reached the German Brandenburg frontier within 98 miles of Berlin.
Striking 50 miles northwest of Poznan other SoviEf tank columns be-
gan attacking Schneidemuhl, German fortress four miles inside Germany
and 135 miles northeast of the Reich capital, the German radio said, as
the Russians began deploying on a road arc facing straight toward the
heart of Germany.
In southern Poland another Soviet
army toppled the big industrial city of Na
Sosnowiec and a cluster of nearby ZLs R e u
factory towns just opposite the Ger-
man portion of Silesia, and Berlin an- IrlU.
nounced that all work had stopped in e
this area which is second in import- e fore Yanks
ance as a Nazi arsenal only to the

Tonnage damaged was listed at
65,000, including three destroyers,
one large troop transport, four large
oilers, one large cargo ship and one
medium cargo ship.
The communique supplemented
Nimitz's report of Jan. 22 which told
of the destructio aof 140 Japanese
aircraft in the air and on the ground
by American Navy planes in the Jan.
20 blow at P'ormosa. Approximately
1.Afl ether enemy planes were dam-
This operation included attacks on
various airdromes, on the Japanese
naval base at Takao, and on the
neighboring Pescadores and Sakishi-
ma Islands.
Fire Damages
City Residenc~e
Fire, breaking out in the home of
Miss Mary Jane Loughlin at 709
Dewey Ave. at 8:50 p.m. yesterday,
destroyed front room furnishings.
The alarm was turned in by a pas-
serby in the absence of the resident.-
Firemen arrived in time to prevent
spread of the flames to other rooms.
The house was empty at the time of
the blaze.E

BASKETBALL-Mich. 47, Indiana
SWIMMING-Mich. 51, Purdue 33.
HOCKEY-Mich. 6, Brantford A.
C. 4.
WRESTLING-Mich. 21, Purdue
For details of these and other
sports events, see pages 6 and 7.
Army Off icer
Is Sentenced
Helped French Woman
Sell ]bootleg Cigarettes
PARIS, Jan. 27.--(P)-An Ameri-
can Army officer convicted of par-
ticipating in a black market deal on
cigarettes today was sentenced to
ten years at hard labor and was dis-
missed from the service.
Testimony at the general court
martial held at the Oise section
headquarters showed that the offi-
cer, Second Lt. Marvin Davis, of
Philadelphia, Pa., had consorted
with a French woman in Rheims
and helped her to put through four
black market deals in American cig-
arettes. The sales netted them 174,-
000 francs (about $348) it was dis-
closed during the trial.
The prosecution headed by Capt.
'Clem H. Block, of Grand Rapids,
tMich. also charged Davis with theft
of government property. Davis ad-
mitted he had receivd 30,000 francs
as his sare from the woman and
said he had sent two-thirds of this
home by money order.
In Paris, the court martial trying
nine enlisted men of a U.S. Army
iailway battalion for selling Army
supplies in the black market failed to
reach a verdict after two hours of
deliberation and adjourned until
Sunday afternoon.
Gen. Lull Asks for
More A r my Nurses
W A mTTM ONm.ta Tn.97- R -

Ruhr district on the Allied Western
Four Miles From Konigsburg
Breaking completely the formidable
Masurian lake defense line in East
Prussia two other Soviet armies pour-
ed into the heart of that tottering
Reich province and drove to within
four miles northeast of Konigsberg,
its capital, with the seizure of Neu-
hausen, the Moscow Communique an-
Berlin said that Soviet tank spear-
heads had reached the frontier town
of Zbasyn, 98 miles southeast of Ber-
lin, and were being followed swiftly
by swarms of motorized infantrymen
who had by-passed Poznan.
The Russians were seeking to top-
ple Schneidemuhl, southern anchor
of a 125-mile miniature Siegfried
Line extending up to the Baltic
coast, break into German Pomerania,
and dash to Stettin at the mouth of
the Oder river 90 miles farther north-
west, the Germans said. Stettin is
the port of Berlin.
Near Lezno
In a wide arc from captured Chod-
ziez in the north down through Buk,
the Russians were only from eight to
26 miles from the Brandenburg fron-
tier, Moscow disclosed, and Berlin
said the southern anchor of this line
was at Lezno, 130 miles southeast of
'U' Symphony
To Give First
Concert Today
Presenting its first concert of the
current season, the University Sym-
phony Orchestra, conducted by Prof.
Gilbert Ross, will open its program
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre with Haydn's pop-
ular Symphony in D major ("The
The Symphony Orchestra, reor-
ganized this year under the direction
of Prof. Ross, head of the violin de-
partment of the School of Music, is
composed of approximately 50 stu-
Other selections on the program
include "Siegfried Idyll" by Wagner
and Beethoven's Symphony in D
major, Op. 36, No. 2.
Since coming to Ann Arbor from
Smith College in the summer of 1942,
Prof. Ross has appeared often in
recital. He has also organized and
conducted the University String Or-
chestra as a supplement to the Sym-
phony group.
The concert is open to the general

Third Army 'Takes 11
Towns, Reaches Reich
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, Jan. 28-Troops of
the U. S. Third Army reached the
German frontier at five places yes-
terday after sweeping up 11 Belgian
and Luxembourg towns in gains of
nearly four miles as the harassed
Germans withdrew behind the na-
tural barriers to Germany all along
the Western Front.
The Third Army, in pushing to the
Our river in several places, emu-
lated the U. S. Ninth Army and the
British Second Army, which have
Northern Sector: British and
Americans closed up to Roer river,
springboard for future offensive;
Americans only 25 miles from Dus-
Central Sector: Americans swept
to Luxembourg-German frontier on
23-mile front against no resistance;
others mopped up more towns in
Belgium close to the German bor-
Alsatian Sector: Amerians drove
Germans back to starting line of
latest attack in Haguenau area;
French menaced Colmar.
reached the east banks of the Roer
River system to the north. Thus,.
three Allied armies are poised on
the banks of river barriers to the
Nazis Out of Luxembourg
Rooting the last Germans from
Clervaux, once a German anchor in
Northern Luxembourg, Third Army
divisionsfengulfed all.but a mile and
a half of the skyline highway to St.
Vith, and squeezed the enemy back to
within a mile or two of the Siegfried
Line along a 23-mile front.
One force reached the Our river at
the Belgian-German border nine and
a half miles south of St. Vith, where
a cluster of four villages were quickly
mopped up.
Other forces ranged along the Our
farther south at the Luxembourg-
German border. There was little re-
sistance except-on the extreme south
flank, where reconnaissance forces
knocked out a Panther tank and two
self-propelled guns before withdraw-
ing from Weiler, two miles west of the
Germans Weak in Alsace
The enemy's northern Alsatian ven-
ture, which this week threatened the
province's capital of Strasbourg, eb-
bed so low that U. S. Seventh Army
forces were able to make only patrol
contacts along the 20-mile front as
they plowed through deep snow
The only activity reported was
mopping up in Schillersdorf, 22 miles
northwest of Strasbourg, and there
was a feeling on that front that the
German scheme to break across the
Moder River line in an attempt to
reconquer Alsace had been frustrat-
The main forces of the U. S. Ninth
and British Second Armies were
swinging up to the Roer River sys-
tem at the gateway to the Ruhr.
Lit Post Petitions
Deadline Is Tuesday
Tuesday at 5 p. m. is the deadline
fnr n---nn f r P nncimna4 ant.

World Student Service Fund
To Aid War-Stricken Colleoes


Students in war-stricken coun-
tries are counting on students in
American universities and in many
other Darts of the world to work with
them, to help keep them alive and
thinking about the creation of a
better world," Bobbie Simonton, for-
mer World Student Service Fund
traveling secretary declared yester-
day in an interview of the IWSSF
drive to begin on campus next week.

Miss Simonton said, "colleges there
are continually being forced to pull
up their props and move farther in-
land. Right now, I know of ten Chi-
nese universities on the move, five of
which have moved before.
"In none of these universities do
the students have sufficient or sat-
isfactory food. In some cases as
many as four students are forced
to sleep under one blanket. The
scarcity of books is appalling. One


Speech Department To Offer
Skin of Our Teeth,' Feb 7-10

"The Skin of Our Teeth," a com-
edy by Thornton Wilder, to be pres-
ented in four performances Feb. 7,
8, 9 and 10 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre will be the next major dram-
atic offering of the campus season
the Department of Speech has an-

mankind, but he does not let this
interfere with thescomic picture of
man as he progresses through the
ages. He incorporates a small dino-
saur and a small mammoth in his
cast; he provides that the flood shall
interrupt frisky goings-on at Atlantic
City; he uses funny lantern slides to.
depict the advance of the glacial ice;
he has Mr. Antrobus report by tele-
- -r-h h hnhoe il - -rn -nA+h

Called "Sensational"
Acclaimed on Broadway as,
cn-,, 1 I hP Sin o .u

a "sen-

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