JIE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 194: aratroopers Take Over Deserted Belgum Farms By KENNETH L. DIXON ! Associated Press Corresponldent up as far as good turns are con- BELGIAN FRONT, Jan. 21.-(De- cerneds layed)-Despite the fierce fighting Fought Four Invasions which has been waged on this front Charlie loves farms and farming, ever since von Rundstedt's break- but in the last two years there hasn't through, a few parachute troopers of been much time for such interests as the 82nd Airborne Division have his 504th Parachute Infantry regi- found time to do a little farming. ment fought through four invasions Their motives have not been en- in six areas. tirely unselfish, but even so guys like There were plenty of farms in Sgt. Charles E. Heyser, Gettysburg, Africa, Sicily, Italy, France and Hol- Pa., can turn their badges right side' land but they usually were well tend- ed by their owners or else too ravaged by war. But here in Belgium, it's abr Veterans been differe. Many farms-weil stocked with cows, chickens and sheep-have been Council Give left untended as civilians fled before 'T .the German panzer push. Charlie found such a farmand it at least will Three 'oi m1s be in good order when its Belgian owner returns. February Discussions Gets Up Early To Prepare Community It's still dark and cold these morn- ings when Charlie gets out of his To Receive Servicemen bedroll and goes over to his farm. Before the sun peiaks over the West- The Veterans' Council in coopera- ern front, the Belgian cows have tion with the Social-Civic Educa- been milked, chickens fed and' the tional Committee of the Adult Edu- barns cleaned out. Trhe stock is cational Council of Ann Arbor will watered and turned out to pasture. present a series of local forums, Cows Non-Cooperative planned to prepare the community Charlie's isn't the only farm on for returning veterans during Febru- these Belgian hillsides where cows ary at the three junior high schools were left locked in stalls, milk sour- of the city, it was announced yester- ing in pails, and chickens abandoned to their fate by fleeing owners. A -tdder the leadership of Clark Tib- Military Police platoon set up a Pris- bets, director of the University ser- oner of War cage in just such a site. . WHAT A SMALL WORLD l' IS: Father, Son Are United in Italy 4 -A. P. Wirephoto SECRETARY OF WAR Henry L. Stimson (left) and General George C. Marshall, army chief of staff, leave a three-hour session of both houses of Congress at the Congressional Library in Washington, D. C., during which they made a secret war report. Students To Air Campus Faults But before the prisoners could be Student awareness to problems on herded into the barn, a bunch of our campus will be discussed under cows had to be herded out, and they the direction of the Reverend H. L. didn't coop erate too much.tedrcino teRvrn .L Amnt~r Frmandsmh Pickering following Saturday Lunch Amxrateur Fa Hands A rush call went out for a farmer, and Pfc. Tom Neverdahl of Menomi- nee, Wis., a motorcyclist, arrived. He sized up the situation. "'T'hese cows need to be milked," said Ton. "Then if we are going to keep them around well have to clean up a place for them." Tom got Steve Debrow, Bridgeport,I Pa., to help with the milking, but other tasks fell on the shoulders of some boys whose previous farming connections consisted solely of seeing newsreel shots of political candidates pitching :thay. Pfc. George Apen of (182 Green St.) Brooklyn, drew what might be referredto as a bovine latrine detail. Pfc. Louis Mikrut of South Wood St. Chicago, was assigned the job of driving the cows 200 yards down the road to a water trough every day. Not taking any chances, Louie' herded them along with his sub- machinegun. Also, he and George kept the cows covered each morning while Archie Stringer, Hauma, La., let them out of their stalls. Hillel Will Hold Service Togniht Students To Conduet Ifiitial Reform Rites In an experimental departure from the traditional, weekly Conservative service, the Hillel religious committee has arranged to hold Reform and Conservative religious services both of which begin at 7:45-p. m. today at the Hillel Foundation. The Reform Service, to be con- ducted by Barney Laschever, Made- leine Levenberg, Charlotte Shapiro and Bennett Shulman, will be held in the Foundation chapel. Ruth Wol- kowski, at the organ, and Rita Hy- man, who will sing the anthems, will provide the religious music for the service. The Conservative service, conduct- ed by A-S Eugene Malitz and Melvin Rackoff, '47E, will be held in the assembly room. Walter To Be S.R.A. Guest Dean Erich A. Walter of the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts and Mrs. Walter wil be the guests of honor at the Student Reli- giousAssociation Coffee Hour at 4 p.m. today in the Lane Hall library. Dean Walter is being invited as part of the new Coffee Hour program of inviting professors so that stu- dents may meet and know their pro- fessors on a more informal basis than is possible in the classroom. at 12:15 p. m. tomorrow at Lane Hall- The topic was suggested by the statement of Dean Henry P. Van Dusen when he pointed out in his address Monday that too frequently thinking students, who are anxious to solve world problems, overlook in- justices on their own campus. Those wishing to attend Saturday's cost lunch should make reservations by 6 p. m. today by calling 4121, ext. 2148. St. Andrews To Hear' Rev. Voegli Sunday Arriving here from New York where' he preached at. the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the Rt. Rev. C. Alfred Voegli, Bishop of the Episco- pal Missionary District of Haiti, will' be guest preacher at 11 a. in., Sunday in St. Andrew's Church. Bishop Voegli, born in Hawthorne, N. J., received an LL.B degree from the New Jersey Law School in 1925. While Dean of St. Luke's Cathedral. Ancon, Panama Canal Zone, he was elected Bishop of Haiti and was con- secrated December 16, 1943. Besides tle service in the morning, Bishop Voegli will address the Can- terbury Club for studentsand ser- vicemen at 6 p. in. in the Student Center, 408 Lawrence St. That the world is a small place after all, was discovered by Col. Hall G. Van Vlack and his son, Sgt. Hall G. Van Vlack, Jr., USAAF gunner, when they met far away from their home to have Thanksgivig dinner to- gether at Bari, Italy. The story was mailed to The Mich- igan Alumnus telling of the curious circumstances surrounding the meet- ing of the father and son. Colonel Van Vlack is a former University, man having graduated in 1910 in the School of Medicine. Sergeant Van Vlack's description of his experience which he mailed in a letter to his mother begins: "My co-pilot awakened me at 9 and gave me to understand that I1 was to report to the orderly room as the CO of our group wanted me on. the phone. While I racked my brains trying to remember having given aid and comfort to the enemy or knifed a major, the sergeant got him on the phone. 'This is Sgt. Hall Van Viack speaking, Sir' . . Sergeant do you have a father in the Army?' . . . 'Yessir!' . . . 'A colonel in the Medical Corps?' .. . 'Yessir!' I was so excited then I didn't know what was up but after the colonel got through explaining to me, hie explained to the sergeant in the orderly room. "All I knew was I was going to see Dad. Still dressing, I picked up my pass from the sergeant who had to run to give to me and who told me I would pick up my ride to Bari, where Dad was, at the control tower on the field. I got out there quickly, checked with the control tower per- sonnel and discovered that the plane from our squadron had left ten minutes before." This happening succeeded in mak- ing Sergeant Van Vlack spent an un- happy half hour before he was sent back to the tower just in time to see a B-17 land. He followed in- 4 structions and walked over to the plane where the pilot informed him it was the private plane of Majoi General Twining, commanding the 15th Air Force, and that lIe had sent it over to fly Van Vlack back to Bari S"It was a converted four engine bomber equipped for comparative luxury-four bunks, a study table, and comfortable chairs, besides, a plexiglass window. I'd be quite content to set up housekeeping in it. I don't think I expressed sur- prise or pleasure to anyone-just accepted it, apparently, as one of those tinmgs due a buck sergeant in the Air Force. But I was speech- less. He discovered that Colonel Vain Vlack's was in Bari as the result ofa hurried trip from his Balkan relie administration headquarters to th side of a frien who was ill. Colone Van Vlack is principal medical office: for the relief efforts of the Allie nations in Greece, Yugoslavia and Al r, U . S. At Wax' F is Will Be Presented t It Movies on "The United States a 2 War," will be presented by the Post u War Council at 7:30 today in th y Rackham Amphitheatre. "Desert Victory" will picture th , strategy of the Eighth Army in th . African campaign. ALBUMS OF Sl! HOW TUNES Current Hits and Old Favorites BLOOMER GIRL Oiw rial Cast of Broadway Production Decca 381 $6.82 bania, a job which will be taken over by UNRRA following the war. The father and son had dinner at an officers' club. "There were about 24 of the men with whom Dad works," the Sergeant said in his letter. "Two or three colonels, a bunch of lieutenant colonels and majors, and a smattering of cap- tains. The captains were so out- ranked that they clung to corners and looked very repressed. Be- sides these Americans we had a British brigadier general and sev- eral of their colonels. A Major Cox asked me if I was impressed with all the brass, I acknowledged Ithat I was. Cox said, 'Fine--now forget about it.' It was a regular Thanksgiving dinner, even if the Italian waiters did try to serve the mince pie first. "We went up to our room in a hotel. It was an unheated room and rather poor by our standards but it did have a basin with running water and taps marked 'Freda' and 'Colita.' There was plenty of colita water but of course, the freda tap just dripped amiably when I tried it. We had uo wear our overcoats in that frosty room. "Dad is doing a life work in three years over here," Sgt. Van Vlack continued in his letter, "a much, AT THE 'kADIO & RECORD SHOP 715 N. UNIVERSITY -jf .. 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST AND FOUND LOST: Phi Delta Theta pin-inscrib- ed with M. G. W. on back. Call Marj Lit'tlefield, 4759. LOST: Marson striped Schaeffer life- time fountain pen. Reward. Call Rtuth Jacobs. 2-4471. LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two' weeks ago, vicinity of Hill s8re et. White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729. LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches long with topaz attached. Lost in or near Rackham on Wasiingon up to parking lot. Family heirloom. Substantial reward. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and fountain. Excellent hours. Better pay. Witham Drug Co, 001 S. Forest. MAN WANTED: Part time work. Evenings 90c per hour. Apply in person. Goldman Bros. Cleaners 214 So. State St. WANTED SINGLE MAN wishes apartment, sim- ply furnished, in or outside Anr Arbor. Will occupy by Feb. 28 Permanent. University grad. In- active army officer. Technically __ - - - - - - - - - - employed. References. Has car. Will pay $40 to $60. Write Box 10, Mich. Daly. MAN WANTED: Part time work Evenings 90c per hour. Apply in person. Goldran Bros. Cleaners 214 So. State St. FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS in Pittsfield Village. Unfurnished apartment homes now available Light airy apartments, each com plete with electric refrigerator, 4- burner gas range, automatic ho water, etc. All city conveniences a hand. Rentals from $50 to $6 lmonthly. Drive out Washtenaw Road to Pittsfield Village or go by bus, which stops right at the vil lage. 6 minutes from Ann Arbor Privately owned and managed Available to selected tenants re gardless of occupation. Open daily 9 a. in. to 5 p. in. Sundays, 3 p. m. to 7 p.im. OKLAHOMA Original Cast of Broadway Production Decca 359....... KERN: GEMS FROM MUSICAL SHOWS Soloists with Victor Light Opera Co. C-31 GERSHWIN MEMORIAL ALBUM Soloists with Victor Light Opera Co. C 29. MUSICAL COMEDY FAVORITES A ndr Kostelanet: and His Orchestra M 430 M 502 And in smaller albunns, Dodgers and hart, Rudolf I Victor Herbert, Melodies of the Thirties, and many c Operated by Musicians for Music-Lovers 205 East Liberty Phone I X~5.25 t $6.82 $ 5.77 $3.67 $3.67 U rim1, others. p a. s 4 a 3675 .- U- Michigan TWO FEATURES "ADVANCE NOTES" SAVE TIME +1 on Long Distance Calls With long distance telephone lines crowded to capacity these war days, it helps a lot if you jot down in advance of your call all the things you want to discuss. In that way, your conversation alIs o WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! DAY OR NIGHT! Continuous from 1 P.M. NOW thru Saturday! is speeded and calls are shorter. They cost less, too. And if the operator asks you to limit your call to 5 minutes, please try to do so. Such a request means the lines are extra-crowded. : tj (AA'BE ATrJO"HHDIA' I t ,Fivr flin"Ove -,. t 4 .'' I E I - 11 l 1. 1