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October 30, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-10-30

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*MO.fNDAY, OC. 34.~S, 1944I


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John L. Lewis Has Vital Role

World War II Veterans Give Blood

"t"o m&S '"" ""w"ia."o"S""" T"u.."""o' w~era -
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Mavis Kennedy

Editorial Staff
., . . .Managing Editor
* . City Editor
.Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

Lee Amer

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
Welcome, Class of '48
Many, many times in the last few years, new
students to the University have been told that
"this year marks one of the crucial years in the
history of the world. As young people entering
your college education, it is your duty and obli-
gation to face the issue squarely and do a magni-
ficent job."
And most always the oratory with which those
eloquent phrases are delivered makes a deep
impression for the moment, the new student
is filled with an enthusiasm that would bring
forth great effort, and then as the year pro-
gresses, interest wanes, and students are "back
to normal."
"The never before in history" phrase is usually
worked to death and as its repetition becomes
monotonous, it carries little weight. All well
meaning interests on campus extend hearty
greetings to the new class each year but always
seem to forget that they can't achieve a whole-
some, civic minded, attitude by nice sugar coated
The staff of the Daily, your campus news-
paper, extends its welcome, yes, but we feel
that a greeting this fall carries with it the
most important challenge a new college gen-
eration has been asked to face.
Without recounting in detail the horrors of
the war and the bliss we all dream of after
hostilities cease, a moment's reflection on the
problems of the next ten or fifteen years gives
a forceful glimpse of what is to come.
It is only realistic to realize that many of the
best leaders this nation has produced will not
be on hand to help fashion the kind of world
for which they have died. We pause, and it
is only fitting, for a moment of solemn reverence
for those heroic dead, but we know that we
must continue to work for the future. We are
always moving forward, never backward. Though
some have gone, there must be others to take
their place.
Among you the class of 1948 will be the men
and women who will be the leaders of this
nation and the world in 1958. Among you and
the rest of the college youth in the nation will
be found our future senators and congressmen,
our great doctors and lawyers.
But over and above these technical and pro-
fessional people and infinitely more important
as a unit are the mass of the people, those so
commonly referred to as the common people,
"the little ones."
In our nation the ultimate source of all power
is with them, Mr. and Mrs. Average Citizen.
Their wishes and their hopes will prevail. For
their decisions to be wise, for their hopes to be
realized some amongst them must be intelligent
and civic minded.
Here then lies the meaning of our "web
come." Herein is where each new student
embarking upon a college career fits. In all
the fun lies this responsibility.
To the class of 1948 WELCOME.
Evelyn PhillipsT
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Veterans Return
According to most recent estimates, there will

be approximately 150 honorably discharged war
veterans enrolled 'in the University this fall.
This makes the University of Michigan one of
the first large schools in the nation to have a
considerable number of veterans on the cam-

WASHINGTON, OCT. 29-Many political ob-
servers believe that one man and one man alone
will have more influence on the final outcome
of this election than anyone else in the U. S. A.
-and he is not Franklin Roosevelt or Tom
He is John L. Lewis.
Lewis is attempting to control half a million
members of his powerful United Mine Workers
in the two key coal-mining states of Pennsylva-
nia and West Virginia.
In the last election, he attempted to do the
same for Wendell Willkie, but failed.
Willkie confided to friends at the time
that he did not know whether Lewis' support
did more to helD him or hurt him.
But this time Lewis has been more adroit. He
did not plunk for Dewey at the last minute, but
planned his strategy well in advance at the Cin-
cinnati convention of the United Mine Workers.
Also, he has an added factor to help him-
namely, the national coal strike and the fact
that the President took over the mines.
In the end, the miners got most of what they
wanted, but some of them are still irked. Lewis
has been playing up his resentment.
Both Pennsylvania and West Virginia went
for Roosevelt in 1940. But this year they are
reported very close.
A few thousand votes one way or the other
would carry them for either Dewey or FDR.
Dewey's advisers admit privately that in order
to win he has to carry both New York and
Pennsylvania. At present they are hopeful of
carrying New York-though since the Presi-
dent's trip through rain-soaked New York City,
last Saturday, Republican chances have some-
what lessened.
Little Things Count
NEW YORK, OCT. 29-Last week-end may
have been the turning point in the presidential
Mr. Walter Lippman came out in support of
Mr. Roosevelt on Saturday.
The President toured New York City that day,
and in the evening delivered his major foreign
policy speech at the Waldorf.
Next night, Mr. Russell Davenport, Wendell
Willkie's 1940 campaign manager, gave us a
strong speech on behalf of the President's re-
On Monday morning Senator Ball declared
for Mr. Roosevelt.
There are elements of high drama in this
accumulation of events, in this freshening tempo.
These are not isolated incidents. One thing
is leading to another. This is a story, and a
great story.
Curious Technique
It is the story of the at least partial failure
of Mr. Dewey's campaign technique.
This has been, by and large, the technique of
picking fly-specks out of pepper.
Mr. Dewey works small and close, like a
watchmaker. But it is an inappropriate method,
it is like a watchmaker working on a railroad.
Thus Mr. Dewey is forever discovering some
tiny flaw, a little mark, a nick in the steel rails,
and he is invariably filled with a vast myopic
delight at his discovery.
But just as he points with pride to it, and
claps his hands with joy over what he has
found, the midnight express goes roaring
safely by, quite disregarding the tiny nick in
the rail.
Thus in his oratorical Grand Tour of Europe,
during his Herald Tribune Forum speech, Mr.
Dewey held Romania close to his eye, and found
that we had let a Russian Marshal sign the
Romanian armistice for us.
Of course, the Russians had let Eisenhower
sign for them in Italy, but Mr. Dewey disregard-
ed that. He had found his scratch, his nick,
and he clung to it.
Then Mr. Dewey held Germany up close to
his eye, and discovered that Mr. Morgenthau
had scared the Germans into fighting us.
That was all he saw in Germany.
United Nations Stand

But then at the end, after all this close hand
work, if you just looked up and contemplated
Europe, there were the United Nations, still
standing, and the war still being won, and the
midnight express still roaring by, with Mr.
Dewey looking down as if he had dropped a
dime somewhere.
The fault is partly due to Mr. Dewey's mech-
anical and almost pathetic dependence on or-
ganization, on "staff work," on that little group
of ex-newspaper men in the Albany hotel suite
who burn the midnight oil and perpetually col-
lect smart "points."
But you cannot produce insight by factory
methods; you cannot manufacture understand-
ing on an assembly line. Somewhere in the
picture there must be an integrating personal-
ity, who can make unity out of diversity, who
can actually reduce confusion for us.
That is why there is almost a stampede of
Willkie Republicans toward Mr. Roosevelt. For
regardless of how Mr. Willkie would have
voted, those who followed him know that he
was a world-maker, not a watch-maker in
the wrong job.j
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

All this is why so much attention is being
paid to Pennsylvania.
If John L. Lewis can swing enough of the
United Mine Workers, the state probably will
go to Dewey. If he can't swing them, Pennsyl-
vania will go to Roosevelt.
So in this election it won't be "as Maine goes,
so goes the nation," but perhaps "as John L.
Leis goes, so goes the nation."
Robot Bombs
Even today few people outside high Army
circles know the full scope and ambition of the
German High Command regarding robot bombs
and Hitler's plan for the destruction of England.
It now is established that Hitler began to
plan for the robot bombs as early as the sum-
mer of 1943, nearly 18 months ago.
Apparently he figured that the bombard-
ment could bring about the complete anni-
hilation of London, be so effective that an.
Allied invasion would be prevented.
To that end, German airplane production was
curtailed and everything was concentrated on
robot bombs.
One hundred launching platforms were erect-
ed along the coast of France near Calais. Each
platform was capable of launching two bombs
an hour or about 5,000 bombs a day.
That the program failed is due only to one
thing-the incessant, tireless, dayin-and-
day-out rain of Allied bombs.
Every time a robot bomb was launched, the
Allies discovered the platform and endeavored
to bomb it out of existence.
Today, the Nazis are still so fanatical regard-
ing robot bombs that they are launching them
from airplanes at sea. German two-engined
Heinckels fly within range of London and let go.
Today, only a few robots are hitting London
every 24 hours. Hitler, who is getting very short
on aviation gasoline, is losing much more for
each bomb lost.
We may not know the full truth until the
end of the war, but many War Department ex-
perts believe that the landing in Normandy
saved even the United States from a siege of
Nazi robot bombing.
When American engineers penetrated 15 kilo-
meters past Cherbourg, they found a giant
rocket bomb launching site covering several
square miles, camouflaged and about two-thirds
Figuring the slope of the platform and the
direction in which it was aimed, engineers
estimated that any rocket bombs launched
from it would carry far beyond England.
Experts don't really believe it possible, but
the only alternative target would have been
the United States.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
War Chest Drive
First all-campus drive to aid a war-worthy
cause, the annual War Chest campaign, began
last week and ends this Saturday.
The University goal this year has been set
at $23,000. Only $10,000 has been collected
thus far. The majority of the remaining
$13,000 must be contributed by students dur-
ing the coming week.
Publicity given the campaign in newspapers
and magazines all over the nation during the
month of October has educated most of us
to the needs which the War Chest fulfills. The
campaign takes place only once a year and is, in
effect, a consolidation of 24 money-collecting
drives. These are the supervised agencies through
which your War Chest contribution is spent:
Ann Arbor Community Fund
USO (United Service Organizations)
United Seamen's Service
War Prisoners Aid
American Field Service
Allied Jewish campaign
American Relief for Czecho-Slovakia
American Relief for France
American Relief for Italy
American Relief for Norway
Belgian War Relief Society
British War Relief Society
Friends of Luxembourg
Greek War Relief
Philippine War Relief (of the U. S.)
Polish War Relief
Queen Wilhelmina Fund
Refugee Relief Trustees

Russian War Relief
United China Relief
United Lithuanian Relief Fund of America
U. S. Committee for the Care of European
United Yugoslav Relief Fund
Combining the drives of all these organiza-
tions into one War Chest Campaign is a boon
to Americans who want to be sure that they
distribute their donations where they will do
the most good and where the need is greatest.
The War Chest can be trusted to see that
funds which they collect reach the right people
at the right time and that they are used in

Pictured are five veterans of
World War II donating blood at
the Red Cross Blood Bank. Part
of the recently established Veter-
ans Organization at the University,
the men are, from left to right,
Alexander LaMako (on the bed),
Bob Lyndh, Leonard Cavanough,
Tom Patton and Alvin LaVine.
These men have already done their

part by serving in the armed ser-
vices of our nation but they are
ever willing to do more. The Red
Cross Blood Bank should be con-
sidered an individual responsibil-
ity by every student on the*campus,
along with many other vital war
activities. There can be no ques-
tioning the importance of the
Blood Bank as the thousands of

seriously wounded-can testify. The
campus unit will be open the sec-
ond Thursday and Friday° of every
month at the Women's Athletic
Building and you should hold one
of those days open for your contri-
bution to the Red Cross Blood


MONDAY, OCT. 30, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 1
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
Identification Cards: All students
who attended the Summer Term
should show their identification
cards at the time of registration in
Waterman Gymnasium.
Automobile Regulation: The Uni-
versity Automobile Regulation will
become effective at 8 a.m. on Thurs-
day morning, Nov. 2. All students
who require driving privileges are
urged to apply for the same at the
Office of the Dean of Students, Rm.
2, Unive'sity Hall, prior to Nov. 2.
Eligibility Certificates: Certificates
of eligibility for extra-cilrricular ac-
tivities can be issued at once by the
Office of the Dean of Students if
each student will bring with him the
latest blueprint or photostat copy of
his record.
Social Chairmen are reminded that
requests for all social events must be
filed in the Office of the Dean of
Students on the Monday before the
event. They must be accompanied
by written acceptance from two sets
of APPROVED chaperons and in the
case of fraternities and sororities, by
approval from the financial adviser.
Approved chaperons may be 1) par-
ents of active members or pledges,
2) professors, associate professors or
assistant professors, or 3) couples
already approved by the Office of
the Dean of Students. A list of the
third group may be seen at any time
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
Freshman Health Lectures for
Men: Fall Term-1944. It is a Uni-,
versity requirement that all entering
freshmen are required to take, with-
out credit, six lectures in community
and personal health and to pass an
examination on the content of these
lectures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also required
to take the course unless they have
had a similar course elsewhere.
These lectures will be given in Rm.
25, Angell Hall at'5 p.m. and repeated
at 7:30 p.m. as per the following

quired and roll will be taken.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D
Director, Health Service
Rules governing participation int
Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on s
committee or a publication, in a pub-
lic performance or a rehearsal, or it
holding office in a class or other
student organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely
is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester andtsum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until hi
eligibility is affirmatively establisheds
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility
Participation before the opening o1
the first semester must -be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above).
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement
to exclude all others from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairmen's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any pub-
lic activity.
Eligibility, First Year: No fresh-
man in his first semester of residence
may be granted a Certificate of Eli-
A freshman, during his second
semester of residence, may be grant-
ed a Certificate of Eligibility pro-
vided he has completed 15 hours or
more of work with (1) at least one
mark of A or B and with no mark of
less than C, or (2) at least 2% times
as many honor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0) .
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-
Eligibility, General: In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C average

Dominie Says
Jesus thought in terms of the
family. He called all men brothers
and God, father. TbPhbeatitudes
. make humanity a family where the
other comes first, the strong bear
the infirmities of the weak and there
is forgiveness. Gentle virtues, such
as humility, forgiveness, meekness
and love take the central places.
But there are powerful forces
necessary to perpetuate a race. The
drives: (a) hunger, a vast egotism
1clutching at air, food, wa ,ter to
sustain being. (b) There is the
herd instinct, a tremendous love
of security in the pack, causing the
offspring to gang up and by sheer
number save itself from extinction.
(c) There is reproductionthe
determined blind will of the race
of every living thing to perpetuate
its kind.
_ These drives are pushing forward
in the child or youth with millions
of horsepower. He must act. He is
"set on a trigger ready to go- off"
says Herrick in "The Thinking Ma-
chine." For lack of an ideal~ which
can supply direction, grow purpose
and bring unity, to utilize these
drives, to redeem, to make rational
and to spiritualize them--the indi-
vidual goes off at random. WX call
these random explosions in society
mischief, faulty conduct, destructive
activity, uncoordinated movement or
evil ways. They often result in de-
linquent character.
This year in Michigan, as in other
states, five to ten boys and girls in
each 1,000 of the adolescent age will
1appear in court, delinquent, Since
it takes aboutten problem children,
so-called (which are in reality prob-
lem parents or parents who for some
reason are unable to mature their
own offspring successfully), to de-
liver one to the court, it becomes
plain that there are 50 to 100 in every
1,000 of our boys and girls who are
problem children. This does not
mean that they are low in mentality.
It may be that their mentality is so
far above that of their parents and
their teachers that they think too
fast for the directing agents, think
too readily for their playground,
learn too cleverly to be challenged
by the group life and the family they,
are in. That is, delinquency is as
often caused by a family and school
lag as by a personal and intellectual
What of religion in this situa-
tion? It is the function of the ideal
to pull forward on the personality
where the ideal is made attractive,
where there is a lofty adventure
wooing the child or youth with a
power at least as strong as those
several drives which are pushing
him from behind, there is a move-
ment toward integration, a passing
of impulses into sentiments. If
these sentiments can be deepened
into habits, they will then move on
into dispositions. This is the route
toward character, constructive
purpose and religious personality.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Special Students: Special students

such a way that our
allies reap the greatesta
This is our chance
suffering as a resultc
war of all time. We
help if the need was
When approached next

fighting men and our
possible benefit.
to aid those who are
of the most disastrous
would not hesitate to
right before our eyes.
week by representatives

Lecture No.
Please note


Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 13
Nov. 14.

of the War Chest Campaign, let us give gener-
ously and let us be thankful, for the privilege
of being able to give.
Ray Dixon

that attendance is re-I


By Crockett Johnson

Well, back to the old conference There's a persistent
table, gentlemen . . - Now what's belief that, because

But there's no connection. A war
is a war. And an election is on-

Let's appeal to our opponents'
spirit of fair play, gentlemen.







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