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January 26, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-26

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Seventh ArmySlows




Soviets Gut Rail Es
Route of 200,000 A
Berlin Announces Other Red Units P
Upper Oder River on 125-Mile Silesiai

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Friday, Jan. 26-The'
Red Army cut the Trunk Railway es-
cape route out of half-conquered East
Prussia yesterday, sealing off per-.
haps 200,000 German troops, while
Berlin announced that other Soviet
units had pierced the upper Oder
River defense line on a 125-mile
front on both-sides of besieged Bres-
lau, Silesian capital.
The German News Agency DNB
Wallace Flas
Jones Before
Senate Group
Asks Examination of
Loan Agency Conduct
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-Henry
A. Wallace challenged Congress to-
day to find out if Jesse Jones admin-
istered the government's giant lend-
ing agencies for the good of all. For
himself, Wallace said he would do
the job for the common man and
small business.
Without naming the man Presi-
dent Roosevelt wants him to succeed
as Secretary of Commerce and head
of the multi-billion dollar RFC, Wal-
lace lashed back at Jones who yester-
day called him unqualified to preside
over such big business matters.
Proposes Investigation
Wallace did it this way-he pro-
posed to the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee that Congress investigate the
administration of the lending agen-
cies to determine if they should be
stripped- from the Commerce Depart-.
The committee is considering such
a divorce in a proposal by Senator
George (Dem., Ga.)
The day's proceedings wound up
in an -executive session after which
Chairman Bailey (Dem., N.C.) an-
nounced the committee would vote
tomorrow afternoon on the George
Wallace Promises
Wallace said he saw for himself an
opportunity to handle both tasks so
as to:
1-Help provide 60,000,000 jobs at
increased wages.
2-Set up new methods of finan-
cing for small business which he
said has been squeezed ever since the
Federal Reserve System was estab-
lished in 1913.
Polar Explorer
To Speak Here
On February 8
Capt. Peter Freuchen, Danish polar
explorer who recently escaped from a
Nazi concentration camp in his nat-
ive land, will speak on the "Epic
of an Explorer in the War" at 8 p. m.,
Thursday, Feb. 8 in the Rackham
Auditorium, under the sponsorship
of the University Non-resident Lec-
ture Fund.
Escaping from the camp in a pack-
ing case labeled "machinery," Capt.
Freuchen came to the United States;
only recently.hFreuchen wa impris-
oned when the Nazis overran Den-
mark because of his aid to German
refugeesescaping when Hitlercame,
to power. He was also in the Nazi
black list for his writings.1
Prof. Emeritus William H. Hobbs
of the Geology department will intro-
duce Capt. Freuchen. This lecture is
free and the public is invited.
Today Evening of movies, spon-
sored by Post War Coun-;
cil at 7:30 p. m. in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Today Lecture by Dr. Kenneth

G. Hance on Dumbarton
Oaks at the International
Center, 7:30 p. m.
Today Fireside Discussion on
Dumbarton Oaks, 8:30
p. m. at Hillel Foundation.
Jan. 27 Mixer dance, sponsored by

<t _
said the Russian in
Prussia, totalling more
men, had driven a we
tic coast at Elbing in o
est encirclement opera'
and had broken into
miles southeast of Dan
Not Announced by M
While Moscow did
confirm this report th
munique did announce
Briensdorf, nine miles
and Baumgarth, 12mi
In taking Briensdorf ti
the last Berlin-Kbn
Capturing more tha
and villages on the 14
gigantic push toward
Germany, the Russians
in five miles east of P
Polish stronghold and
Berlin," with the cap
zedz. Murowana-Gos
north of Poznan, als
Russians surged up to
er and prepared to c
rier in a flanking mov
142 Miles East of Berl
With the capture of
Russians now were 142
of Berlin, the closest a
on the direct road to t
ital. The Soviet army
Star, however, said so
about 125 miles from
ital, presumably to th
Pushing westward a
of the Polish Corridor
nan the Russians in
vance seized Keynia,
the German Pomerania
125 miles southeast oft
of Stettn.
Units of two Soviet Ai
total of 700 towns and
Prussia as they closed
Konigsberg, East Pruss
central base for the
Germans who have]
mately half of the 14,2
easternmost Reich pro
Stilwell Ill(
New Groui
Forces Ch
move weighted with m
pan, the War Departme
ed General Joseph W. S
mand Army ground for
Stilwell is the Ame
with the longest exper
anese military method
command of the groi
time when the task o
and training them for
sault against Japan-ei
nese or Chinese soil or
to be pressing for atten-
Stilwell replaces Gen
who has been assign
commander in the Eur
in charge of admiist]
concerning American t
The fact that both
predecessor, Gen. Lesli
ceived important ove
ments after heading th
ces strengthens specula
Stilwell's next job is lik
in the field, leading A,
in the final crushing of
Secretary of War St
scored the announceme:
new job by reading a
Lt.-Gen. Dan Sultan in
expressed regret that'
was not on hand for
reopening of the Bu
Last fall PresidentR
nounced Stilwell's rec
CBI theater because+
differences" with Gene
ang Kai-Shek of Chin

FDR Requ
Son's Pron
Col. Elliott Roosevelt w;
by his dad today to b

cape MacArthur's
(azisTroops Take'
iered Clark Field
n Front
FrontAirstrips Are Rich
vaders of East Prize in Campaign
than 2,325,000
dge to the Bal- By The Associated Press
ne of the great- GEN. MAC ARTHUR'S HEAD-
tions in history, QUARTERS, Jan. 26, Friday-Clark
Elbing itself, 30 Field, whose 13 airstrips constitute
zig. one of the richest prizes in the
Pacific war, was captured Thursday
not officially by southward driving' Yanks along
nott ffiialywith adjacent Fort Stotsenburg while
e Soviet com- other columns pushed even deeper to
the capture of within a scant 40 airline miles of
east of Elbing, Manila.
es to the south. This climax of a campaign which
he Russians cut hats yet to run into any concentrated
igsberg Trunk Japanese opposition during a push of
more than 70 miles from Lingayen
n 1,500 towns Gulf avenged one of America's major
th day of their setbacks of the Pacific war.
the heart of Field Is Strategic Base
drove to with- Clark Field, where Japanese dive-
oznan, western bombers wiped out Gen. Douglas
i "Gateway to MacArthur's main air strength in the
ture of Swar- Philippines in early December, 1942,
lina, 10 miles thus facilitating Nippones conquest
o fell as the of the archipelago, gives the Ameri-
the Warta Riv- cans a land air base to help blast
ross that bar- open landing beaches on the coast of
ement on Poz- China.
Maj.-Gen. Oscar W. Griswold's
in 14th Army Corps, moving so fast
f Swarzedz the that the Japanese were unable to
miles due east mass dfenses in ridge areas where
nounced point they had labored for months, shot
he Reich cap- motorized columns well beyond Clark
newspaper Red Field.
me units were Moving for quick use of the air
the Nazi cap- center. Griswold sent patrols into the
e southeast. nearby hills from which. Japanese
cross the base could impair the field's usability.
north of Poz- Drive Is On
a 10-mile ad- Today's communique supplied oth-
22 miles from er details which made clear the drivel
n frontier and toward Manila is on in earnest. While
the Baltic port planes blasted Corregidor and Cavite1
naval base in the Manila area to
krmies seized a soften up the capital's defense zone,r
vilalges in East columns moving south on the left of
in steadily on Clark Field flanked Mt. Arayat on1
ian capital and the west. That mountain is the only1
outnumbered good defense barrier for the enemy
lost approxi- down the central Luzon plains on the
83-square-mile shortest route to Manila.
vince. Infantrymen of the 14th Corps
were ferreting the enemy and his
guns out of hillside caves from which
he failed to defend the largest and
most highly developed military avia-,
tion center in the Philippines.-
r( d The Yanks, seizing the field early
yesterday morning, found few Jap-
anese but numerous land mines and
ief booby traps.
Most of what was once a strong
25-UP)-In a Japanese garrison of several thou-
eaning for Ja- sand troops had fallen back into the
nt today nam- hills east of the field, where they
tilwell to com- were being pounded by American ar-
ces. tillery.
rican general-
ence with Jap-
s. He assumes Haiti a Product
nd forces at a
f reorganizing Of TwoCutre
r a major as-
ther on Japa-i
both-appearsDuvaler Says r
eral Ben Lear, "The elite of Haiti must work to
ed as deputy blend the moral and religious concep-l
opean theater tions of the illiterate with their own
rative matters high ideals, thus producing a cul-c
roops. ture worthy of a people who foughtt
Lear and his valiantly for their freedom," Fran-s
e McNair, re- cois' Duvalier, native of Haiti, stated-
rseas assign- irr a lecture yesterday.
.e ground for- The civilization of Haiti is a mix-
tion here that ture of French and African culture,
ely to be back Duvalier pointed out. 'He criticized
nerican troops the upper classes of the country who
Japan. are inclined to forget their African
imson under- background, giving themselves over
nt of Stilwell's entirely to French influences; theyc

message from are inclined to segregate themselvess
Burma which from the masses, when they should
Vinegar Joe" endeavor to educate them. The elite
the triumphal should assist the lower classes to at-
Erma road to tain a more modern occidental civil-
ization, Duvalier declared.
Roosevelt an- Voodooism was the religion of low-
all from the er classes, he stated, who form the
of "personal great majority of the population. This
ralissimo Chi-mystic religion, transferred from Af-
Srica, consists of the personification of
the forces of nature, the lecturer not-
ed. Catholicism was brought in bys
stse French, he related,and the reli-
gion of Haiti is a mixture resulting
notion from these two influences.
. 25.- (P)- Brazilian Educators
as nominated ..
e a brigadier- To Visit 'U' Today s
n+^- - A 1-%;



stamug 1. llenstein
~oterdm snabrvck " annovor .,
Arhm *Poznan WRSAW SsedlcZe~
.~LIM a Dusseldorf "' ,E~adom *Lublin
BEGUMAc ologne " Leipzig Dresden ILESiAlce
sErfurt C zestochowa w
Jr ren Opp* VAeIn V POLAND
elanlu' Krakow~'
Dc28arlsruhe *000isen
Ssuna rno 4I
QnbBratsslava Losonc
Munich Unz Vicnich Komarom"
!),Ion; Beflor# Base; Salzburg Buda e

.,. *

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...wmm 11

GERMAN TROOP MOVEMENTS--Large open arrows, indicate German troops movements reported
by RAF pilots who have participated in attacks on e astbound German motor transports apparenty carry-
ing men from the Ardennes front through Dusseldorf and Hannover toward the Russian front. Ar-
rows show allied drives on the eastern and western f ronts (heavy lines). Shaded area in west indicates
Allied gains in the reduction of the Ardennes salien t, and shading in the east shows Russian gains in the
current offensive.


More Than 1,000 Students Buy
Tickets for Kampus Kapers
v- ___________________________________

Student interest in the second pro-
duction of Kampus Kapers which will
be held at 3:30 p. m. Sunday in Hill
Auditorium reached a new high yes-
terday as more than 1,000 tickets
were sold.
General ticket sale will continue
today and tomorrow at the Union,
the League, for servicemen at the
USO, and in a campus bookstore.
Tickets To Be Sold Sunday
All remaining tickets will be placed
on general sale at 3, p. m. Sunday at
the Hill Auditorium box office. There
will be no reserved seats for the. pro-
Seven all student acts will be fea-
tured in the two hour entertainment
Anyone interested in reviewing
motion pictures for The Daily
please contact Evelyn Phillips be-
tween 3 and 5 p. m. today or to-
morrow in the Student Publica-
tions Building.
show providing an afternoon of
"lighter enjoyment needed in these
times," in the words of Assistant
Dean of Students Walter B. Rea.
Painting the picture of campus
life in traditional song, the 60 voice
Woman's Glee Club will be featured
in the show. Headed by Jean Gill-
man '46, the all coed club will sing
some old campus favorites as well as
some specially prepared numbers.
Bill Layton To Play
With Bill Layton and his campus
orchestra supplying the music for
the show, Kampus Kapers will pre-
sent a variety of acts composing a
Britain's ATS's
Will Go Abroad
LONDON, Jan. 25-(,P)-A short
stocky Auxiliary Territorial Service
Sergeant--the collar of her heavy
army overcoat turned up against the
biting wind-stood outside the forces'
canteen today and snapped, "How
can Lady Astor or Sir James Grigg
know how I feel?"
The ATS girls who have been tak-
ing soldiers' jobs at home since the
war began now will be ordered over-
seas. They are the British equivalent
of the American WAC.
Lady Astor told Commons yester-
day that it was "positively insulting
to them to say that they should not
go abroad, to serve their country the
same way as the men are doing."
Defending the decision, War Sec-

rounded program of fun, songs, danc-
ing, and comedy.
The production is under the guid-
ance of a central committee repre-
senting the Union, The. Daily, and
the League. These three organiza-
tions sponsored the premier of this

Jap-Held Iwo
Is Shelled b
U.S. Navy Units
Liberators, B-29's Blast
Island Simultaneously
By The Associated Press
TERS, Pearl Harbor, Jan. 25.-An
American naval task force shelled
Iwo island in the Volcanos Tuesday
while Superfortresses and Liberator
bombers also attacked the eight-
square mile enemy island with more
than 187 tons of bombs, Adm. Ches-
ter W. Nimitz announced today.
B-29's Strike Third Time
It was the third time in two
months 'that the Marianas based
B-29's had joined ships of the Pacific
Fleet in a coordinated sea and air
blasting of the fortress island 7501
miles south of Tokyo.
The attack was the sixth surface
force shelling of the steadily-ham-
mered island in the Japanese defense
system guarding the southern sea
approaches to the homeland.
The Superforts dropped 117 tons
of bombs in Tuesday's attack on
Iwo's airstrips.
Shipping Is Hit
The Liberators hit shipping off
the island as well as airdromes from
which the Japanese have been able
to make occasional air strikes at Sai-
pan, the base for B-29 raids on Tokyo
and other Japanese cities.
The Liberators dropped 70 tons of
explosives, starting fires visible 15 to
20 miles away.
Three American planes were dam-
aged by meager anti-aircraft fire.
One of these was lost but most of its
crew was rescued.
The communique did not specify
whether the lost plane was a Super-
fort or a Liberator.
'Severe Damage' Inflicted
The task force probably was com-
posed of cruisers and destroyers. It
inflicted "severe damage" on Iwo's
defense installations, the communi-
que said.
One Japanese cargo vessel was hit
during the shelling and exploded.
Two other vessels were left burning.
A Tokyo radio broadcast last night
reported the shelling of Iwo, saying
the task force was composed of four
cruisers and eight destroyers. It
claimed heavy damage to the cruiser
and admitted but slight damage on
the island as a result of the bom-
In Eletions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25-(P)-The
AMr'- th .aam a-non.tin-s-. 1 +lsn

Nazis Attempt
Four Breaks
In Moder Line
Yanks Fight Hard
In Severe Weather
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Jan. 25 - The Germans
opened up in northeastern France to-
day with what may be their last of-
fensive in the West, but it was check-
ed by savage U. S. Seventh Army
counterattacks after it had broken
across the new American Moder River
line at four points.
The attack rolled out at dawn along
a 20-mile front, with three crack
armored divisions pacing at least
three others in an assault which no-
where gained as much as two miles.
A front dispatch said hard fighting
raged tonight with the Americans in-
flicting punishing losses.
Nazis Battle Southward
Charging out under cover of thick
weather as they did in the ill-fated
Ardennes campaign, the Germans
were battling southward as deep as
15 miles into Alsace. On their west
flank they were 12 miles from the
vital Saverne gap supplying French
and American forces on the Rhine.
The Moder River, to which Lt. Gen.
Alexander M. Patch's army had re-
tired under mounting pressure from
an enemy reinforced by at least one
armored division hustled down from
the Ardennes, was crossed at four
points from two to five miles west of
the American anchor at Haguenau
Troops Hit Near Haguenau
German attacks flamed east of
To the south the Germans lashed
back at the French First Army which.
is attacking from both north and
south against the Colmar pocket
south of Strasbourg, and the fight-
ing was as bitter as it was inconclu-
The British Second Army, seizing
seven more towps as deep. as ten
miles into Germany, was within a
mile of the Cologne Plain River bar-
rier of the Roer and three miles
from the borderline stronghold of
Roermond in Holland.
The Germans have speculated that
the next big Allied push may come
from this sector, where the U. S.
Ninth Army on the British right
flank already stands at the Roer, is
rested, and is in position to spring to
the attack.
DeGaulle Wants
French Forces
Placed on Rhine
PARIS, Jan. 25--P)-Gen. De
Gaulle told a press conference today
that "France does -not intend to fin-
ish this war without the assurance
that the French Army will be installed
permanently along the length of the
Rhine from one end to the other."
The head of the provisional French
government said regretfully that
France had not been invited to the
Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin Confer-
ence. He also explained that France
does not intend to recognize the Lub-
lin Committee as the Provisional Gov-
ernment of Poland-at least, not im-
Appearing in the glacial confer-
ence room of the War Ministry in a
huge army overcoat and rubbing his
hands frequently to keep them warm,
De Gaulle declared that French troops
must be placed along the Rhine after
the war "not only for French secur-

ity, but for the security of Western
Europe and even the security of the
He told 200 Frech and foreign cor-
respondents that the history of the
past 100 years has shown that this
was necessary and explained 'that
France had suffered too much in this
-war not to claim the guarantee.
Dealing with the Polish political
question, De Gaulle said:
"France wants Poland herself to
choose her government. Up to now
have the Polish people had a chance
to manifest their intentions and de-
sires? I do not think so. So,*we
shall see."
Prof. Hance to Talk

-Photo by John Horeth
.. .to sing
type of student activity on campus
last November when more than 4,000
students attended.
All proceeds from this show will be
divided between the local USO cen-
ter and the student Bomber Scholar-
ship Fund which is designed to pro-
vide needed funds to Michigan war
veterans returned to school.
Four Lit School
Posts Are Open
Petitions for Senior
Offices Due Tuesday
All students who will graduate in
February, June or October, 1945 are
eligible to become candidates for
four senior posts in the literary school
and vote in the election on Friday,
Feb. 9, according to Jim Wallis,
president of the Men's Judiciary

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