FIGHTY INFANTILE PARALYSIS ur AMF W a a m I S1ir N'j tt WEATHER Increased Cloudiness Warmer and Light Snow VOL. LV, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS O Reds B * *0 American Yanks DriveW Down Central F Luzon Plain Panipanga Province Penetrated in PushW By The Associated Press. Wallace Motorized American patrols, press- fled to t ing down the central Luzon plains toward Manila, now are operating in La the region of Clark Field, the biggest dent Ro air base in the Philippines about 40 Jon miles northwest of the capital, Gen. Loan A Douglas MacArthur reported late He Wednesday. succeed TheGeneral estimated that in the ator Pei two weeks since the invasion of Lu-_ zon the Japanese have suffered ap- roximately 14,000 casualties-6 ,449 17 dead, 423 captured, 7,200 wounded . a American casualties total 3,145- 657 killed, 187 missing and 2,301P wounded. Patrols Near Clark Field The Yanks on the west flank of theJ central plains continued their war of movement and swept through the All town of Bamban and its airfield. The A motorized patrols pushed on south of To Mabalacat to near Clark Field ad Fort Stotsenburg. This represented Final the first penetration of Pampanga completi province, gateway to Manila. The tion ofI Americans dispersed Japanese motor two ho patrols and sniper nests. which w In the Rosario sector near the Lin- day in a gayen Gulf beachhead on the north Sales: -toughest spot the Yanks have dicate t] bumped into-heavy naval guns re- for the s lentlessly reduced fixed hill defenses. at the Corregidor Hit USO an American- airmen flew in close sup- tickets port of the ground forces. They also hit Corregidor Island, at the entrance to Manila Bay, with 45 tons of ex- plosives, setting off major explosions and fires. Baguio; the summer capital in theBenguet mountains north of Rosario, was raided as were Subic and Dasol Bays on Luzon's west coast. Referring to American casualties General MacArthur said "every pos- sible strategic and tactical ingenuity{ is being successfully employed to hold our losses in men to an absolute mini- mum. Heavy bombers continued to ham- mer Formosa on the north and the Borneo oil fields far to the south. American Superfortress and carrier plane attacks against the Japanese4 homeland, strategic Iwo Jima 750 miles south of Tokyo, Korea, Formosa and the Ryukyu Islands were reported Wednesday by Washington and Tok- yo. Committee Will eported Four Miles from Breslau * * * * * * * * * * Forces Smash allace Is Unqualified r Post, Jones Warns Calds Ex-Vice-President Unfit for Connnerce Job, Testifies at Senate Committee Hearing By Tie Associated Press kSHINGTON, Jan. 24-Jesse Jones capped his long feud with HenryI by declaring flatly today the former Vice President just isn't quali- take over his job as administration banker. ck of experience," the big, gray-thatcher Texan testified in Presi- osevelt's proposed cabinet change. es said he still regarded himself as Secretary of Commerce and dministrator until Wallace is confirmed. studiously avoided mentioning Wallace,. nominated on Monday to him, until he was questioned sharply by a Wallace adherent. Sen- Nearer Prof. Preuss Reviews Plan For Post-Wara 'Roots,, Branmches, of to Clark Field pus Kapers parations tny Finished -Student Prograin Be Staged Sunday preparations are nearing ion for the second produc- Kampus Kapers, featuring a ur all student talent show, ill be held at 3:30 p. m. Sun- Hill Auditorium. reports through yesterday in- hat tickets are still available how. They may be purchased Union, the League, at the d at campus bookstores. All remaining after this week's They squared off in a duel of sharp exchanges climaxed when Pepper ask- ed Jones if he thought Wallace could handle his job. The banker said he didn't think so and Pepper tried to get more "factual data" for that opinion. Chewing gum and cupping his ear from time to time, Jones was ques- tioned at some length after he read a 350-word statement in which he warned that "untried ideas" and "vis- ionary planning" in his job could wreck the country. The session consumed more than three hours and the committee recess- ed until 10:30 a. . Thursday when Wallace will have his say. Until he was irked by Pepper's questioning, Jones never mentioned Wallace's name but he left no doubt of whom he ,was speaking in his sharply-worded testimony before the Senate Commerce Cormittee. The hearing was on a bill by Sen- ator George (D.-Ga.) to divorce the RFC and other big lending agencies from the Commerce Department. It was offered because some Senators are loathe to confirm Wallace ex- cept for the routine duties of the cabinet post. His nomination has been sidetracked pending considera- tion of the George Bill. Jones said the government's lend- ing agencies conduct the biggest busi- ness the world ever has known and postwar adjustment will have to be handled even more carefully "in or- der not to destroy our entire business and financial structure." CAT Graduation Exercises To Be Held Saturday Commencement exercises for 26 Navy and 25 Army officers, graduates of the Civil Affairs Training School at the University, will be held at 10 a. m. Saturday in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The first class to have completed the six month course, the CATS have been trained in the language char- acteristics and countries of Far East- ern peoples and in the principles of military government of that area. The program was arranged by the Provost Marshal General and the University. Col. Robert Hall, recently returned to the geography department from the Far East, Prof. Marvin Niehuss of the Law School faculty, director of emergency training and vi'ce presi- dent of the University will speak at the graduation ceremonies. Guests of honor will be Dr. James Adams, University provost, Dr. Clar- ence Yoakum, dean of Rackham school of Graduate Studies, Capt. Woodson Michaux, Navy command- ant and Lt.-Col. Reginald Miller, commandant of Army forces in Ann Arbor and of the JAG School. Dumnbarton' Discussed "The sovereign power of each na- tion will be used in cooperation with other powers in an international peace organization," Dr. Lawrence Preuss of the State Department ex- plained in a speech last night to an audience which filled the Rackham Lecture Hall to capacity. Discussing "Roots and Branches of Dumbarton Oaks," Dr. Preuss said that a new spirit prevails and that the emphasis on sovereignty is no longer negative. Prof. Preuss is responsible for the treaty which would create an inter- national court for war disputes. This proposal is now before the govern-: ments of the United Nations with the England, the only objector.C Still Not Agreedj Although all proposals regarding world peace were not agreed upon, Dr. Preuss pointed out, those who framed the proposals at Dumbarton Oaks were determined to achieve "the maximum of what is desirable within the scope of what is obtainable." "The core of the international or- ganization, Dr. Preuss said, "will be the security council." He said that its main functions will be settlement of disputes and action in regard to aggression. "The Dumbarton Oaks proposals are fundamentally American, said Dr. Preuss, explaining that they were conceived in our own State Depart- ment. He said that experts from various branches of the government have worked on the issues of a peace plan for 21, years. "Therefore Amer- ican delegates to the conference had many months of preparation behind them," he explained. 'Fundamentally American' Dr. Preuss predicted that a United Nations Convention will be held some time this year. Proposals of all gov- ernments will be examined at that time, he said, and the proposed char- ter will be filled out. "No segment of American public opinion," he said, "will be neglected." "The arm of the government will be strengthened," said Dr. Preuss, "if the American people back the propos- als." Cautioning, however, that total agreement is unnecessary, he urged that criticism of the peace proposals be made known and articulate. In addition, Dr. Preuss is enthusi- astic about the reorganization of the State Department under Edward Stettinius "There is new spirit in the Depart- ment since Stettinius took over," he declared, "He is a most democratic man and has a sincere desire to draw into the department all the talent he can get." Haitian Speaks On Native Land' "The Culture and Civilization of Haiti" will be the topic of a lecture to be delivered by Francois Duvalier, of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at 4:10 p.m. today in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The lecture will deal with the psy- chological behavior of the upper and lower classes of Haiti, from ethno- graphic and historic standpoints. Duvalier will discuss the mixture of French and African culture which is evident in the country. He will ex- plain the influences of these two cultures on the people of Haiti. Duvalier, who is specializing in public hygiene here, is the author of "Les Cendances d'une Generation," and former co-editor of the Scientific and Literary Revue of Haiti. YANKS GO HUNTING IN LUXEMBOURG-Pfc. Clinton Calvert (left), of Bayard, Neb., and Cpl. Roy Swisher, of Washington, D. C.. return from a hunting trip in the woods of Luxembourg with their bag of one deer and two rabbits. They are members of the 4th Signal Company of the 4th Infantry Division. UNION EDUCATOR. Post-War Industy Needs More Federal Cn Soviets Push Ahead Along Entire Front Thrust Across Vital Oder River Barrier See PICTURE, Page 4) By The Associated Press LONDON, Thursday, Jan. 25-Rip- ping through German Silesia and East Prussia at blitzkrieg pace, the Rums- sians yesterday captured Oppeln, up- per Silesian capital, and reached within 41/2 miles of Breslau amid re- ports that they already had crossed the Oder River line and had snapped shut the war's greatest trap on East Prussia. In westernmost Poland, against ap- parently stiffening opposition, the So- viet forces nevertheless plunged ahead a dozen miles in the neighborhood of Poznan on the most direct path to Berlin, 137 miles west of Poznan. Sixth Army in Drive Four orders of the day by Premier Stalin and a long midnight commu- ique broadcast from Moscow dis- closed the continued sweeping scope of the Russian mid-winter offensive and announced thatda Sixth Army had joined the great drive. The Germans themselves anonunc- ed that the Russians had thrust tanks and patrols acros the Oder River in Silesia but contended all had been wiped out. A Reuters dispatch from Moscow said the Russians had estab- lished "at least one bridgehead" across the river which guards the heart of Germany. While Moscow did not confirm this breaching of the Nazis "last-ditch" line, the nightly communique said that Marshal Ivan S. Konev's First Ukraine Army group had extended its frontage on the east bank of the Oder and among more than 200, German towns captured was Margareth, four and one-half miles southeast of Bres- lau, chief city of the industrially-im- portant province. Oppeln Taken Earlier Stalin had announced Ko- nev's capture of Oppeln, 48 miles southeast of Breslau. The German radio said all women and children had been removed from Breslau and that every man in the- city from 16 to 60 had been called into the People's Army. The gaulel- ter of Silesia declared Breslau was a fortress to be defended to the utmost. Shortly after disclosing the .Rus- sians' Oder crossing and the immi- nent peril of Breslau, the German DNB agency broadcast that the battle for East Prussia had "become some- what acute, with tank columns of the Second White Russian Army "reaching the district of the Vistula estuary southwest of the port of El- Bing, last land escape route from East Prussia. -Photo by John Horeth DOC FIELDING .. to MC Kapers IF M ~ IJ~1 1 V IUP U It general sale will be available at 3 p. in. Sunday in the Hill Auditorium School IFinanmcial Needsr box office. Net proceeds, from the show will be{ Will Be Considered divided between the local USO cen- ter and the Bomber Scholarship Fund, Final report of the state's public the committee pointed out. Officials school financial needs for the next of the USO have indicated a need "for biennium will be prepared today by additional funds" at this time. the Legislative Subcommittee of the Bomber Scholarship Fund origi- Michigan Public Education Study nated in the spring of 1942 and now Commission, scheduled to meet at contains more than $40,000. It was 2 p.m. in Rm. 304 of the Union, designed to provide needed funds for The report will be submitted to the University veterans when they re- 26-man Commission, meeting in the entered school, and some now on Union tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. campus have received benefits from Clair L. Taylor. a member of the Ithefunds Michigan department of public in- Led by Doc Fielding as master of struction, will serve as chairman for ceremonies, the Kapers will star sev- the subcommittee meeting. Dr. Eu- en all student act's in a variety of gene B. Elliot, superintendent of numbers, including music, singing, public instruction, will direct the dancing and instrumental specialties. session Friday. A special skit written by Tady The Education Study Commission' Martz and featuring nine members formed by Governor Harry Kelly, is M' and feaurig nhe members composed of state farm bureau, CIO, of JGP will highlight the show while and education leaders. Bill Layton and his 12 piece campus orchestra will be musical hosts for the afternoon. CAMPUS EVENTS A dance team made up of Dot Murzek and Bev Wittan will be in- Today Rev. A. J. Muste will cluded in the show. Both girls have .speak on "What Is Hope had many years experience For a Permanent Peace" "The government must take an ever expanding part in industry after the war," Mark Starr, Educational Director of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, said in an address sponsored by the economics department yesterday. Our productive mechanism is beingj so speeded up by the war that we1 shall be facing entirely new situa- British Second. Is Within Three, Miles of Roer PARIS, Jan. 24.-(/P)-The British Second Army made advances of up C to 2,000 yards today and pulled with- in three miles of the Roer River at three points inside Germany while the U.S. First and Third Armies methodically continued ironing out the Nazis' flattened Ardennes salient' against stiffening resistance. The French First Army's attack ate the southern end of the long front also progressed steadily, securing several crossings of the Ill River, but! in northern Alsace the Germans sharply increased their pressure on the U.S. Seventh Army and it was i disclosed that the American with- drawal. announced yesterday, had amounted to an average of seven to eight miles. The new positions of Lt.-Gen. Al- exander M. Patch's Seventh Army was indicated roughly as a line run- ning southeastward from Reiperts- willer throu-vi Niedermodern, Hage- nau and Bischolz to Bischwiller. Several thousand civilians were evacuated in the withdrawal, more than 8,000 by train alone. Priorities were given FFI and public officials believed in most danger of reprisals from the Germans. The veil of secrecy was lifted slow- ly from the French assault, disclos- ing that it involved "Allied" troops under Maj.-Gen. Jean de Lattre de Tassigny. The drive was headed gen- erally eastward against the Rhine bank corridor north of Colman. "A rider being tacked on to the Manpower Bill by people who don'tJob Survey understand the significance of the closed shop," was the description CoBnduca~~-tedI Starr gave the proposed anti-closed. e d cte shop amendment to the Manpower Bill. Sociologists To Make "The closed shop is necessary to see that labor-management agree- Study of Ann Arbor ments are carried out. The closed The Sociology department, under shop is not a monopoly and not tyr- the leadership of Dr. Amos H. Haw- annical," he said, explaining that ley, will conduct a sample survey in men who don't want to work under Ann Arbor tomorrow, to determine the advantages of the union shop areIpos free to choose employment in non- Thea job opportunties there. union shops. IThe main objectives of the survey, unio shos. }which will be taken at the request of --"-_ ____- businessmen, public and private ag- Dean Edimonson To encies and the Chamber of Com- merce, are: Speak at Port Huron 1. To estimate the amount of job opportunities in the peacetime econ- Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School omy on the basis of opinions of of Education will speak on the part employers in Ann Arbor. of youth in 1910 and now at noon 2. To compare that estimate with today before the Rotary Club of Port wartime and pre-war employment by Huron at the Junior College there. type of industry. At 8 p.m. tonight he will speak at 3. To observe changes in the com- the commencement exercises of the position of the labor force in respect Port Huron High School on "Ameri- to sex, race and age. ca's Faith in Education. 4. To estimate the opportunity for Dean Edmonson will also deliver handicapped persons in post-war the commencement address Feb. 1 at employment. Cooley High School in Detroit. Students of the sociology depart- ----- --- -ment will conduct the survey, and each one will carry credentials for identification. tions after the war, some of which can be solved only with intensive and extensive government aid, Starr said. Production Problems "If we don't solve these problems, 'it can happen here,' if we drift into the post-war period with lack of bread," he continued, "we will pay for it by losing our liberty." "We've got to do some things through government which private enterprise can't do. We shan't starve because individual initiative has only a small pill for a large earthquake," Starr added. Emphasizing that the trend is to- ward a mixed private-collective econ- omy, Starr warned that we must at the same time be careful that our- collectivism does not carry with it the evils of regimentation. "We must combine our planning with strict adherence to a bill of rights," he said. Anti-Closed Shop Amendment at 7:30 p. in, in Lane Hall. Today Dr. Lawrence Preuss of the State Department will discuss the Dumbar- ton lals Proposals at an informal meeting at 4:15 p. m. in Rm. 1025, An- gell Hall. GETS MARLENE DIETRICH'S GARTERS: Buck Dawson, Former 'U'Oddity, Rides on Western Front Hillel Will Hold Special Library Staff Meeting Pnt. an 4i n1. , - 1-.r n . ara .flo mn 'to,' Buck Dawson rides again on the prize in a forthcoming U.S. 82nd Air- in France. He was the first one to During his sophomore year, Buck around the ballroom, gaily waving a