MQP AY, JAN. 2, 1945
Western Conference Coaches Confer in Ch
Selection of Successor
For Griffith Discussed
Fritz Krisler, Karl Lieb,'Jug Wilson
Are Prime Candidates for Position
Michigan Sextet
Registers First
Win of Season
Hockey Team Leads
Sarnia in Each Period
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Jan. 20-Western Conference athletic directors and fac-
ulty representatives met for eight hours here today, but did not consider Scoring their initial victory of the
selection of a successor to John L. Griffith, late commissioner of the 1945 season, Michigan's hockey team,
Midwest's largest athletic circuit. spurred on by Captain Ted Greer's
"We discussed, informally, several candidates, but found we sort of scoring streak. defeated a powerful
had the cart before the horse," Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson, athletic di- Sarnia sextet, 4-3.
rector at Northwestern University and a member of an executive committee Throughout me contest the Wol-
now administering the commissioner's office, said. vernes were never on the short side
of the scoring column. Greer made
Ile said plans for broadening the
powers of the commissioner were
discussed, along with salary of the
commissioner and other details of
the office. He explained the "cart
before the horse" statement by say-
"We didn't feel that any candidate
for the office would accept the posi-
tion until he knew what his dutiesI
would be and what the salary wouldj
be. For that reason, there was no
serious discussion of any candidate.
Just when a commissioner may be
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V '203 Last Liberty
the initial goal of the tilt in the last
elected was not determined before
the meeting ended tonight."
He said proposals for broadening
the commissioners power, and for
an increase 'in the salary, were
drafted and will be studied by both
athletic directors and faculty rep-
resentatives. When finally passed
upon, at a later meeting, they will
be incorporated in the conference
code, which has been unchanged
since 1941.
At present, the duties of the
commissioner are assisting the
conference in the enforcement of
eligibility requirements and in
propagating the ideals of sports-
manship. The office serves as a
clearing house for reports of sup-
posed violations of conference
regulations and as an agency for
investigation of such cases.
However, the commissioner has
been without authority to make rul-
ings or to enunciate authoritative
constructions of conference legisla-
Whether proposed changes in the'
conference code, as it affects the
commissioner's office, would be that
broad was not made public by Wil-
While Wilson would not say what
candidates for the commissionership
were discussed informally today, it
was reported Wilson himself, H. O.
(Fritz) Crisler and Karl Leib of Iowa
were top candidates for the job.
few minutes of the opening period,
when he made the first of his three
unassisted tallies. Greer's other un-
aided goals were made in the second
and third 'stanzas.
Upton, Sulentich Set Up
With Herb Upton and Carl Sulen-
tich doing some nice setting up,
Greer went in for his only assisted
tally of the evening near the end of
the first period.
Greer is the third man in Michigan
hockey history to score all the Maize
and Blue points in a tilt. The other
two are: Coach Vic Heyliger, when
he tallied five to bring a victory to;
the Wolverines over a London squad,
and John Sheriff, when he made
three kills to win a contest over the
Chathon sextet several years ago.-
Sarnia's scoring came in the sec-
ond and third periods. In the second
stanza Jim Butler made a beautiful
shot that whizzed by goalie Dick
Mixer. In the last few minutes of
the same period, Lee Berry made a
long chance shot which passed Mixer
almost unnoticed. Sarnia's third and
final tally of the evening came in the
closing minutes of the tilt, when
Steward Cousins made an unassisted
Sarnia Penalized in Third
Throughout almost all of the third 1
period Sarnia had one man in the
penalty box, while Michigan had
only one man off the ice for two
minutes. The Wolverine offender was
Bob Henderson who was put off the
ice for high-sticking.
If penalties are an indication of
how much fighting a man putinto
the contest, Henderson was the fight-
ingest man on the field as he was put
out of the game three times. In the
first period he was penalized for
high-sticking and boarding. In the
third period he was again ejected
from the contest for high-sticking.
John Jenswold and Bob Upton
must be commented for the fine
brand of hockey they played last
night, although they did not tally.
Mixer also should be praised for the
fine job of goal-keeping he did last
Saturday night. Only one Sarnia
goal was entirely his fault, that was
the long shot by Perry.
Coliege Sports
Seen To Have
Bright Future
Change in Status of
4-F Athletes Regarded
To Have Little Effect
By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 20.-Despite
uncertainty over the status of 4-F's,
tiere is no pessimism among the
nation's athletic heads as to the
prospects for intercollegiate sports
this year. As for after the war. theirj
enthusiasm just knows no bounds.
The recent conventions of the Na-
tional -Football Coaches Association
and the National Collegiate Athletic
Association offered a good cross-sec-
tion opinion as to the future of col-
lege sports. If there was a "Gloomy
Gus" in the crowd he was well hid-
The only question mark raised as
to the ability of college sports to
continue during the war applied to
the small colleges.
Robert (Pete) Vaughan, veteran
coach and athletic director at Wa-
bash College in Crawfordsville,
Ind., expressed the sentiments of
most of the small college coaches
when he said:
"We have a naval unit at Wabash
i but if and when that is withdrawn,
I'm not sure what we could do. But
the manpower problem is particu-
larly acute in schools such as ours."
Indicative of the feeling among the
coaches, however, was a statement by
Fritz Crisler, Athletic Director at the
University of Michigan, when he
said. "College sports are out of the
Crisler even predicted an improve-
ment in the caliber of sports played
in 1945 over that of 1944 and he is
one who says he can see little differ-
ence in the quality of wartime sports
from that of pre-war years.
Harry Stuhldreher, Athletic Direc-
tor at the University of Wisconsin,
had the same idea.
"College athletics have passed the
critical period," he said.
As a matter of fact, the biggest
worries ofthe men who direct col-
lege sports are not manpower and
slumping quality but commerciali-
zation of athletics and a resultant
increase in gambling and possible
inroads by professional football.
Charley Bachman of Michigan
State insisted college football should
attempt to match the pro leagues'
job of "selling" their brand of foot-
ball to the public.
low Wyatt, who spent most of the season on the bench with a sore arm,
concentrates on getting his arm in condition for a more active career in
'45 at his big farm near Buchanan, Ga. Here the six-foot righthander
feeds a balky calf as mamma looks on without concern.
Pair of Losses over Week-End
Knocks Cagers from Running9
Wednesday, January 24, 8:00 P.M.
305 South State Street
Michigan's basketball team ran,
into more than a little trouble over
the week-end, losing two -games on
successive nights and all but remov-
ing itself from the red-hot race for
Western Conference honors.
Friday night, the Wolverines lost
to Iowa, the current Big Ten leaders,
but not before they had all but run
the Hawkeyes off the court. Playing
a slow, cautious brand of ball cal-
culated to befudrlle the fast-breaking'
Hawkeyes. Michigan led most of the
wAy before succumbing to a desper-
ate Iowa comeback. 29-27.
Iowa Scoring Thi ottled
In holding the undefeated Hawks
to a mere 29 points the Wolverines
did something that no other team
has been able to do all season-
throttle the Iowa scoring machine.
Previous to the Michigan tilt, Coach
Pops Harrison's whirwind quintet
had averaged 67.5 tallies per contest.
Their lowest previous total was 41
for a single encounter.
The Wolverines also succeeded in;
bottling up Dick Ives, leading Con-
ference scorer last season, who went
into the fray with a 14.3 average per
game. Against Michigan, however,
Ives was able to hit the hoop for
only two field goals.
Murray Weir Stars
But while holding Ives in check
Michigan did not succeed in stop-
ping an unheralded substitute for-
ward, Murray Weir, who totalled 11
points. It was Weir's three straight
goals in the final minutes with his;
team behind, 27-22, that cost the
Wolverines what might have been'
the biggest upset of the season.-
The following evening, the Wol-
verines took on Ohio State for the!
second time this season and fared
even less well than they did in the
first encounter, going down 61-47.
When the two teams met earlier,
Michigan forced the game into over-!
time before losing, 44-41.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's quintetI
was no match for the Bucks Saturday
as the Ohio representatives led from
the opening tip-off and steadily in-
creased their margin. Using 13 men.
Coach H. G. Olsen's squad had little
trouble thwarting a Wolverine bid,
in the second half and 'von going
Risen Is Top Scorer
Once again it was Arnie Risen, the
altitudinous Buckeye center, who did
the greatest damage, scoring 11
points, seven below his total in thej
first tilt. Even though Risen was not
quite as effective as in the previous
encounter, his teammates provided
more than enough scoring punch to
decide the issue.
The double defeat leaves Michigan
with a Conference record of two wins
and four losses with the season half
completed. Barring a miracle, there-
fore, the Wolverines have little hope
of grabbing even a share of the Con-
ference laurels. They are, however,
in position to throw the race into
even greater chaos, as they meetj
Iowa once more and Northwestern
twice, and both teams have definite
eyes on the Big Ten bauble.
Next week-end, Michigan has only
one game booked, a return match
with Indiana at Bloomington. The
Hoosiers already have gone down
once before the Wolverines although
they managed to extend the issue
into the dying seconds by coming
from behind at the last minute. Two
quick baskets then transformed po-
tential defeat into a 54-53 triumph
for Oosterbaan's men.
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The lanky pro held a one-strokef
margin over five golfers deadlocked
for second place at 66.j
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Review of 4-F Athletes May
Decide Fate of 1945 Athletics
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Jan. 21-Both professional and intercollegiate sports sat
back today and wondered what the next few weeks would leave them in
the way of material to continue competition.
A War Department order Saturday called for review of all 4-F ath-
letes now in competition.
Professional sports, baseball and football in particular, had most cause
to worry over the order, because the majority of their players either are
4-F or players given medical discharges.
Baseball had the biggest worry. A large number of professional
football players, who compete but once a week, have been working in
wa plants. Baseball players, with a game every day, are unable to I
take such jobs.
Baseball began to trim its sails Saturday when Leslie M. O'Connor,
executive secretary of the major-minor league advisory council, announced
that clubs may conduct an ivory hunt among the more than 300,000 junior
American Legion players between Feb. 5 and June 1.
O'Connor, modifying a recent edict by the late Kenesaw Mountain
Landis, commissioner of baseball, said relaxation of the ruling was made
with consent and cooperation of Legion baseball officials and "solely
because it is desired to aid minor league operations in the present emer-
A representative of the national football league, biggest and oldest4
professional grid loop, said he did not know whether the order would
force suspension of play.
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