DimeDaily Sale +Y AGGWE MILLER 'auny The local "Mairch of Dimes" drive to combat infantile paralysis is moving into have beei cool the seventh day of its two weeks campaign with the sale of a special Dime Daily, The WaS1 in an effort to increase campus contributions. macher, also o "Although the nominal cost of this Daily is only a dime," Jim Plate, general equally betwee: chairman stated yesterday, "it is hoped that students will give as much over that of all money c amount as they can when they purchase their papers." 1944 non The campus goal of $3,000 is based on a dime a day contribution from every disease. Acc student and faculty member. To facilitate this drive collection boxes have been Foundation f placed in all University residences, stores, banks, theatres, and the University an increasing Hospital. towards infa The campus campaign began officially on Jan. 15. Since then coed volunteers, The increa under Deb Parry and Pat Coulter, have been taking care of the contribution boxes specialized car in the theatres, bank, and hospital, and have been contacting faculty members, therapists, mor " ill Help tenaw County drive, which J being directed by Miss Virginia Schu- pened last Monday. Funds collected in the county will be divided n the local chapter and the national foundation, with 50 per cent ollected remaining in the county. v stands as the second worst epidemic year in the history of the ording. to Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, medical director of the National for Infantile Paralysis, the large number of cases reported represents g awareness on the part of the medical profession and public alike ntile paralysis, an awareness that did not exist previously. se in tIhe number of cases poses a further problem in providing the re needed by these patients, he stated in a report., More physical re doctors skilled in the care of polio patients, more money to pur- A$ (iK Polio Victims enase the innumerable comforts for those felled by infmntie paralys ust be on hand to meet the rising tide. "The National Foundation for Infantile Paral.vsis has pledged that no victim shall go without medical care regardless of age, race, creed, or color. That pledge must be kept. Only with the unified support of the American people can it be consummated," Dr. Gudakunst stated in his report. Here on the campus all student groups, the Veterans Organization, the Daily, the Army and Navy units, have pooled their members with those of the League and Union in the present campaign to provide adequate care for each tragedy-hit child by soliciting aid. During the past summer, Michigan was one of the worst sufferers of the dreaded polio virus. The total number of cases in Michigan was more than three times the average o the past seven years and the fourth highest on record. Before the summer ended the total cases rose to epidemic proportions in many areas. (See DRIVE Page 4) I AT AAI FIGHT INFANTILE PARALYSIS aii WEATHER Partly Cloudy, Little Change in Temperature VOL. LV, No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JAN. 22, 1945 PRICE TEN CENTS Special Ticket Sale. For Kapers Is Today Male Conmmittee Representatives Will Be at Stockwell During Dinner Hour A special sale of tickets for Kampus Kapers for coeds living in the three big dorms-Stockwell, Mosher, and Jordan Halls-will be held dur- ing the dinner hour today in Stockwell Hall. Three male representatives of the Kapers committee will be on hand in the dining hall "for the convenience of all women in the dorms," accord- ing to the committee. -> ~ ___ FDR Gives Jones' ,. Post to Wallace Resignation of Secretary Asked To Make Way for Ex-Vice President By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-Jesse H. Jones disclosed tonight he has resigned as Secretary of Commerce and that President Roosevelt intends to give the job to Henry A. Wallace-over Jones' protest. The 70-year-old Texan acted at request of the President, giving up the cabinet post to make way for Mr. Roosevelt's nomination of the former Vice President, termed by Jones "inexperienced in business and finance." At the same time, Jones brushed aside a Presidential suggestion that he consider taking an Ambassadorship. The President, addressing the man he named to his cabinet four years ago as "Dear Jesse," wrote that Wallace is "fully suited" for the post. E General plans for this second pro- duction of the Kapers which will be held at 3:30 p. m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium are rapidly nearing com- pletion, it was reported, and the all student acts will be rehearsing all this week for the show. 'Doe' Fielding is M. C. Highlighting the two hour show will be Doc Fielding, the. campus favorite, serving as master of cere- monies and he indicated yesterday that he will have "a few surprises for the campus Sunday." Orhe story of University tradition will be told in song by the 60 voice Women's Glee Club under the lead- ership of Jean Gillman. Old cam- pus melodies that carry campus spir- it into future years will be rendered by the all girl choir as well as some specialty numbers. Novelty Dances Bev. Wittan and Dot Murzek are' preparing some new, and novel dance numbers for the show which will be{ perform'ed for the first time in Ann Arbor. Both Miss Wittan and Miss Murzek have had wide experience in dancing and dance direction while on campus.x An all girl trio, some specialty in- strumental numbers, the music of Bill Layton and his campus orche- stra featuring Judy Ward as vocal- ist, and other outstanding campus talent will combine their efforts to produce a show, which the commit- tee calls "one that will be remem- bered Second Production Kampus Kapers was first intro- duced to campus last November as the result of a long unanswered need here for an all student entertainment activity in a 4ihter vein. Capitol Expects Assurance oii Big Three Meet By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-Presi- dent Roosevelt is expected to take extraordinary precautions to reas- sure Congress about the results of his projected conference with Chur- chill and Stalin. Even more this year than in pre- vious wartime sessions the Chief Executive evidently desires to avoid, or offset beforehand, any possible charges of secret agreements or spe- cial deals withheld from the Ameri- can people and Congress. After both the Moscow conference in the fall of 1943 and the subse- quent Big Three meeting at Heheran, Mr. Roosevelt and former Secretary of State Hull went to considerable lengths to emphasize that there had been no secret arrangements. AlIliesPush' Nazis Back In Ardennes Patton Batters Troops From West and South By The Associated Press PARIS, Jan. 21.- The Germans were retreating to the Siegfried Line tonight from the shattered stump of their Ardennes salient in a storm of artillery fire as the US. Third Army surged ahead nearly five miles and Allied armies struck along 300 miles of the western front. Lt.-Gen George S. Patton was bat- tering from the west and south against what once was the Belgian bulge-now shrunk to 150 of its once 1,000 square miles-and raking with shell fire the fleeing troops and ve- hicles trying to get back into Ger- many from northern Luxembourg at Vianden Lt.-Gen. Courtney H Hodges, First Army some28 miles north had closed from north and west to within three miles of St Vith. without whose ex-3 cellent roads and railways many Germans might be trapped. Nowhere did the Germans .fld positions more than ten miles west of the Siegfried Line along the axis of their deepest penetration, which had cani ed almost 45 miles west toward the Meuse. - The French First Army's surprise offensive rolled on across southern Alsace's snowfields, although the scope of its advance -was massed by censorship to make the most of the' surprise achieved when the push opened Saturday. SMALL BALL OF FIRE: WAR AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press EASTERN FRONT-Reds take Tannenburg, scene of German World War I victory, move within 200 miles of Berlin. WESTERN FRONT - Nazis withdraw troops from Ardennes salient to fight French near Strasbourg; Yanks advance to within three miles of St. Vith. ITALY-Eighth Army takes sev- eral points along Senior River; Germans don British uniforms to attempt infiltration of Allied lines. AII--Allied planes hit Mann- heim, Aschaffenburg, Heilbronn. PACIFIC-American forces on Luzon take Tarlac; British invade Ramree Island off West Burma. Preuss To Talk On Dumbarton. -Photo by John Hor th NINETEEN YEAR OLD VICTIM-Marion, one of the many polio victims at University Hospital, is pictured in the "iron lung" which she has occupie d since stricken with the dreaded disease in Sep- tember. Marian was attending college in Ypsilant i and working at the Willow Run Bomber plant when she was taken ill. She is one of the many sufferer s of infantile paralysis who is being treated at University Hospital with funds and equipment supp lied by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Yank Forees Take Tarlac,6 Russians Slash 19 Miles Inside A ~ /!1~AT iL4A IaIL- n A1v1nes 1 toI ULIte llvilnll , Two U. S. Coluns Take Railroad Hub LUZON, Monday, Jan. 22-P)- American liberation forces have cap- tured Tarlac, provincial capital 65} airline miles north of Manila, head-I quarters announced today. Tarlac, a highway and railroad hub, is 22 miles north of Fort Stots- enburg and Clark Field, once the principal U. S. Army ports on Luzon Island. Constant Target The airfield has been the almost constant target of American Army and Navy planes since the Yank in- vasion forces first moved into the Philippines with the landing on Leyte Island last Oct. 20. City Taken Friday Occupation of Tarlac put the Am- ericans 43 airline miles inland from the Lingayen Gulf beachhead, where the Yanks landed on Luzon Jan. 9. The city was taken Friday by two American columns, which also scooped up two nearby airdromes. Frontline dispatches said the city was left a smouldering ruins by the Japanese who evidently had doused every house with gasoline and then applied torches. Tarlac was a scene of complete devastation, its Filipinof inhabitants stunned and homeless. La Paz Captured The Americans came down from Santa Ignacia, on the right flank of the Liberation front, and also took Victoria and La Paz, northeast A ftpr z iV Yer.Q f Tn- i n'h Soldier Recomi Bq KENNETH L. DIXON Associated Press Correspondent ON THE BELGIAN FRONT, Jan. 18.-It took nearly six years and transfers through six outfits for Capt. James V. Johnston to reach combat but once he did the pint- sized ball of fire from Portland, Ore., became a literal legend on the west- ern front in less than six weeks. Weighing 127 pounds (with equipment) and standing five feet, five inches tall, heso distinguished himself in his first action that on the third day he was given tem- porary command of his battalion when the commander was wound- ed. In the last two months he has commanded an infantry battalion four times-a job which calls norm- ally for at least a lieutenant-colonel. He has ld shalf a dozen "march fire" assauts which consist of firing from the hip on the run as the ria m e.kni f o f ove io and southeast, respectively, of Tar- lac. es Battle Leo den la The Japanese made a counterat- -_tack Thursday night on American positions at Moncada, town of the second lieutenant in the reserve Manila north highway in the center corps and joined the 15th Infantry of the invasion thrust, but were Regiment. bloodily repulsed, the communique He served with the Amphibian said. Command, Army Air Force, and the With the two new airdromes cap- Infantry Replacement Training Cen- tured at Tarlac, the Americans now ter at Fort Benning, Ga., before jom- have five fields on Luzon for further ing the 84th Division last March. devastating thrusts at Japanese sup- In his first action near Geilen- ply lines and troops. kirchen, Germany, shortly after he was ordered to take over the: outfit, he was ordered to pull a D B company out of a trap. He crawled ate LPU Uean 1,200 yards across an open field under heavy machinegun and snip- liemainsen er fire. After dark, he guided the I whole outfit safely to a reinforced The Acquaintance Bureau, set up position. under the auspices of the League and Near Gereonsweiler, Germany, he the Union and designed to promote led an attack which jumped off at' h no addsgedt$rmt almd Byaoonhek helthumedoectfriendship among students, will con- 6 a.m. By noon he held the objective, tinue functioning from 3:30 to 5:30 after killing 20 G erm ans and captur- p. m . f ncton daysrom dnesdays-5 nd0 ing 86 prisoners. p. in. on Mondays, Wednesdays and During the Mullendorf attack he Thursdays in the Union lobby for led the way, running and firing ma- men and, for women, from 2:30 to _,__d_ t wyr g r m-aP4. j.- .. 5-30 n. m. on the same day in the German Silesia Tannenberg Falls as Reds Hit at Beslai' By The Associated Press LONDON, Jan. 21.-Triple Russian invasions of Germany have smashed 19 miles inside German Silesia and' clamped a pincers on East Prussia from the south to east, taking famed Tannenberg, Premier Stalin an- nounced tonight in three orders of the day. 56 Mile Front The invasion of German Silesia, the "Ruhr of the east." was ham- mered in on a 56-mile front, top- pling five towns, and carrying within 47 miles of the Silesian capital of Beslau. The Red Army now stands 214 miles southeast of, Berlin, and 195 miles due east from the Nazi capital. A new invasion of East Prussia from the south has plunged into that Junkers province to a depth of 16 miles on a 50-mile-wide front, cap- turing both Tannenberg and Neiden- burg, Stalin announced. Tannen- berg, burial place of Von Hinden- burg, was the scene of the great German victory over Russia in the first World War. Gumbinnen Captured The offensive into East Prussia from the east has captured Gumbin- nen, 65 miles east of the capital of Konigsberg, Stalin disclosed. Red Army units in the southern invasion of East Prussia were only 83 miles from Danzig, threatening to pinch off all of East Prussia. The powerful invasion of German Silesia captured Kreuzburg, 49 miles from Breslau on the Oder River, and Pitschen farther north, just 214 miles from Berlin. 200 Miles to Berlin Berlin was but siightly more than 200 miles ahead of the Soviet steam-' roller farther north battering thro- ugh central Poland, and other Rus- Oaks ProposaI Mayor To Honor State Department Member Dr. Lawrence Preuss of the State Department will highlight an Ann Arbor Dumbarton Oaks Week with a lecture at 8 p.m. Wednesday in lec- ture hall of the Rackham Building. - Mayor Leigh J. Young will issue a proclamation today honoring Dr. Preuss, whose talk on Roots and Branches of Dumbarton Oaks is being co-sponsored by Post-War Council and the League of Women Voters. Local groups in town will meet throughout the week and will dis- cuss problems of world peace. Next Sunday churches will devote ser- mons to the Dumbarton Oaks issue. On leave from the political science department, where he is an associate professor, Dr. Preuss has been with the State Department since 1942. He attended the Dumbarton Oaks con- ference last September as technical advisor to the American delegation. Dr. Preuss will explain how the Dumbarton Oaks proposals came into being and will outline their main provisions. He will also discuss fu- ture plans to put the proposals into effect explaining how the American people can participate in the forma- tion of a world organization. SRA Sponsors Van Dusen Talkgy "Student Leadership in the War and Post-war world will be discussed in an address by Dean Henry P. Van Dusen, newly elected president of Union Theological Seminary, un- der the auspices of the Student Re- ligious Association, at 8 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. As a leader in education and in world Christianity, Van Dusen has He cited the Iowan's vigorous cam- paigning during the 1944 election drive and declared he "deserves al- most any service which he believes he can satisfactorily perform." Correspondence Told Jones made public the correspond- ence which was dated yesterday, the day of the fourth term inauguration. There was no comment from the White House on Jones' release of the letter exchange between him and Mr. Roosevelt. Nor would Jones elaborate on the situation, telling reporters through an aide that his letter "spoke for itself." Wallace could not be reached for comment. Senator Taft (R.-Ohio), chair- man of the Republican Senate Steering Committee, said flatly he did not think Wallace qualified for the job if it involves handling re- construction Finance Corporation matters. Senator McCarran (D.-Nev.), a member of the Commerce Com- mittee, said that Jones had done a splendid job as head of the lend- ing agencies, holding RFC losses to "an insignificant sum." "I have never seen anything to in- dicate that Wallace is 'qualified by training, experience or ability for the Commerce and RFC post," he added. Strong Precedent Another member of the committee, Senator Brewster "(R.-Me.), said: There is strong precedent for the President to have his own cabinet. At the same time the appointment may present'the fundamental issue of financial soundness." Eliot Janea To Speak On De mocracy Eliot Janeway, prominent young journalist and student of foreign affairs will speak at 8:30 p. m. Tu- esday in Hill Auditorium on the topic "New Horizons for Democracy." A native New Yorker, Janeway at- tended Cornell University and the London School of Economics. He has been special adviser to many corporations and government bodies and has spoken 'professionally for a number of years. He has contributed widely to magazines and periodicals, among them Harpers, The Nation, New Re- public, Asia, Virginia Quarterly Re- view and the New York Times. For- merly a business editor of Time, he is now a special writer for Life and Fortune. Interviews with important indu- strial, labor, and political leaders throughout the country have enabled Janeway to appraise the nation's present and post-war capacities in the economic field. Bowling Alleys To Open Week-Days CAMPUS EVENTS Today Special Dime Daily Edi- tion for Infantile Paraly- sis. Drive. Today Dean Henry Van Dusen will talk on "Student Leadership in the War and the Post War World" at 8 p. m. in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Jn. 23 Eliot Janeway. writer for