PAGE SIX Old Book of Letters Added TO Collection Clement s Library Gets Croker Papers "It is always a satisfaction to be able to enlarge one of our manu- script collections by the addition of material which once we could not obtain," said Dr. Randolph G. Ad- ams, Director of the Clements Li- U-0-7*:w-m-Tv U-t ir-,, A:. V. - LA n CIreAu YI 1i- A14 IpA!I-1LI . _R_ .SDAY, JA. 1, 1945 a brary, in an interview yesterday. "That has just happened in regard to our collection of the papers of PATROL LEADER-Capt. Bro John Wilson Croker." Norman of Seattle, Wash., led1 first Army patrol which joi The Croker papers are the letters Third Army in Belgium. The c received and drafts of the letters tact was made south of Laro written by the man who was secre- without enemy opposition. tary of the British Admiralty from ------------ 1809 to 1830 and who was a minor literary figure among English re- f .j f, Ii viewers for a period longer thanK that. He was one of the critics who ._9 could see neither talent nor me ri( ' in the Romantic school of poers flourishing early in the century. ASLE M eeti oy Letters From King "The Croker papers were first put up for sale at Sotheby: auction Highest Award Given house in London in 1924. and the To FaculLy Member late Mr. Clements bought the larg- est and most important group of Prof. Horace W. King, a membei them," said Dr. Adams. "The Brit- the College of Engineering fac ish Museum bought some lots, the from 1912 to his retirement in 1 Pierpont Morgan Library in New was presented with an Honor York another lot, and the Univer- Membership in the American Soc sity of Chicago another. A year of Civil Engineers yesterday in later a London book dealer offered impressive ceremony at the Ann one of the volumes, a group of 51 Meeting of the Society in New Y letters from King William IV to Honorary Membership is the hi Croker, for sale at 250 pounds, or est honor awarded members of1 about $1200. That seemed too ex- Civil Engineering profession. P pensive to Mr. Clements and he did King becomes one of 37 men in1 not purchase them. nation who have received the awa Bought For $80 Among these are former Presid "We heard no more about, th,0, Herbert Hoover and General B. particular volume until 1936, when Somervell of the Army service for it turned up in New York at the A native of Big Rapids, Mich., P auction of the Getz library. We didKmg'; careerl has closely parall not bid on it, although it apparently important developments in his fi was sold at a much lower figure than In the early part of this century, it had once been priced. This win- took part in surveying the propo ter the volume turned up again in Nicaaguan canal route, and l the catalogue of a New York deal- was United States assistant engin er, and we purchased it for $80, in charbor in the Philippines. He i onable after its once inflated price. specialist in flood prevention, irri This group of letters helps fill out isitn, adthyorof-eetral trets, w our very large collection of Croker'si hae hecthor tseveraltexts w papers and brings us a King'. cor- the field. respondence of political importance." The letters are tipped in a hand- some binding of blue morocco stamp- Editor To S pea ed with an anchor device in gold. oks the ned on - che Ig r of ulty 939, rary iety an nual ork. igh- the rof. the ard. dent B. ces. rof. eled eld. he sed ater eer nila s a ga- and ich sof t Bill To Repay Municipalities Is Introduced Loss Estimuated a 30 Million Dollars n The Associated Press LANSING, Jan. 17.- Legislation which would force the state to repay municipalities for the loss in taxes resulting from Veteran's Homestead exemptions was introduced today by Senator George N. Higgins, Ferndale, Republican. State tax commission has esti- mated the loss in revenues might total $30,000,000 annually if all en- titled to the exemption obtained it after the war. Higgins said $8,352,610 worth of real estate now is exempt in Detroit. $903,200 worth in Grand Rapids and $329,075 in Pontiac. The senate withdrew its confirma- tion of Lester S. Moll, former Wayne County circuit judge, as a member of the State Civil Service Commis-, sion.hMoll's appointment had been challenged on the grounds he was constitutionally ineligible for the po- sition until a year after his judicial term expired. Actually, the senate's move was an empty gesture since the appointment did not need confirmation in the first place. To accomplish it, the chamber also withdrew its unnecessary con- firmation of William Palmer, of Grand Rapids, to the Civil Service Commission, and its necessary con- firmation of E. W. Nelson, as State Banking Commissioner. The last is expected to be re-confirmed again soon. Dean Hollister To Speak at ASC'E AMeeting Dean S. C. Hollister of Cornell University will be a guest speaker of the campus chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers which will hold a joint meeting with the Mich- igan section of the A. S. C. E. at a dinner meeting Jan. 26 in the Union. He will be followed by Dr. W. C. Steere of the Dept. of Botany who will present an illustrated talk, "Searching for Quinine in the An- des." Certificates of life membership in the A. S. C. E. will be presented to six Michigan civil engineers, three of whom, former Prof. Horace W. King, Hugh K. Hood, and Egre C. Shoecraft are Ann Arbor residents. Police Widen Murder Inquiry Alleged Threat to Solon Is Being Investigated LANSING, Jan. 17.-(W)-Investi- gators moved on many fronts tonight in search of the "ride" slayers of Senator Warren G. Hooper, one of the key witnesses in the Carr grand jury investigating charges of state governmental graft. Police in Jackson disclosed they were inquiring into the story of a witness that a man had threatened Hooper in a Bay City drinking house because of theSenator's companion- ship with a woman, while special grand jury prosecutor Kim Sigler announced here that officers planned to bring in for questioning two wit- nesses whose testimony may be ma- terial. Meanwhile, he said, a search of underworld haunts proceeded in sev- eral cities for known gunmen who might have been hired as profes- sional killers to seal Hooper's lips from testifying. In circuit court here, counsel for Floyd Fitzsimmons, Benton Harbor lobbyist, read into the court record a statement that he believed the kill- ing of Hooper has cast "a cloud of suspicion" over Fitzsimmons "to the extent that no charge any court could make could clear the mind of the jury of suspicion and prejudice" if he were brought to trial as sched- uled Jan. 29 on a charge of attempt- ing to bribe a legislator. Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr, whose one-man grand jury had in- dicted Fitzsimmons and announced that a "confession" by Hooper in another case had made the Senator a valued witness, denied the defense motion for postponement of the trial, The defense attorney, Fred R. Walker of Detroit, later filed with the j county clerk a formal notice that he would attempt to establish an alibi for his client as of Feb. 20, 1941, the day on which former Rep. Gail Han- dy of Eau Claire contends Fitzsim- mons offered him a $500 bribe. Murphy Proposes - 'Tell Time by Stars' LANSTNG Jan. 17-UP)-Ren .Y4 ,,, ASSOCIATED PRESS PuCTURE- NE WS q PATON- Forces under command of Lt. Gen. George 8.1 Patton, Jr., shown in a portrait, made in France, were prominent in checking the Nazi counter-' offensive, r. r F i J I F I G H T E R S R E A C H S E A-Ending a five-day march, three advance scouts of the Fiji regiment attached to the U. S. Marines reach Bouganville's western beach. '1 t Prof. Vincent To Talk Today Prof. E. T. Vincent of the Depart- ment of Mechanical Engineering will speak today on "The Critical Analy- sis of the Modern Diesel Engine" at a meeting of the Western Michigan section of the Society of Automotive Engineers in Muskegon, Mich. Prof. Vincent recently led a dis- cussion. on "Developments in Piston Research" at the national meeting of the S.A.E., held in Detroit. 11 ere J arn. ZJ Eliot Janeway, prominent young jouvnc list and student of foreign and domestic affairs, will speak on "New Horizons for Democracy" at 8:30 p.m. Jan. 23 in Hill Auditorium. Janeway, a. former editor of Time magazine and now one of the editors of Life and Fortune, has recently interviewed leading industrial, labor, and political figures throughout the country. With the information ob- tained through these discussions as a basis, he will talk about the domestic scene. M N E W S P A R' H A T -While Spar Eileen Van Dree (top) wears the old style hat, Spar Elizabeth Hall models the new gar. rison cap authorized for optional wear in the USCOWR. W A R'S P A T H IN ATH ENS -Greek civilians pick their way between a wrecked building and some of the barbed wire defenses set up by British forces in Athens, FRONTS COMPARED: Artillery, Nature Makes 1 ,a German Warfare Different 4 By WILLIAM F. BONI PARIS, Jan. 10-(Delayed)--(AP)- Changes in wartime sometimes, are made too swiftly and completely to be accepted with total equanimity. One afternoon you may be crouch- ing in a shallow slit trench at a Belgian crossroads watching Ger- man shells burst in the village just beyond American troops working their way up a hill. Four-Foot Snowdrifts The next afternoon you and your driver, Gordon Confrey, Milford, N. H., are bucking four-foot snow- drifts in an open jeep with a balky distributor and chains which break four times in the 10-hour ride from First Army Headquarters to Paris. Only 24 hours later you are sit- tinig in the American Red Cross "Rainbow Corner" listening to an AEF band beat out familiar rhythms for a crowd of soldiers and their girls. Thinking of sharp contrasts, your mind drifts to another-that between the war against the Japanese and this war against the Germans. In broad aspects it's the same war against aggression; in individual parts they are two separate and dis- tinct wars. War of Contrasts The difference lies largely in ar- tillery. On the Western Front-any time you are merely as far forward as division headquarters-you are like- ly to come under shellfire. In New Guinea and Burma and with a far lower chance of casualty than on the Western front. "There's a hell of a lot more stuff flying through the air around here," explains Australian correspondent Geoffrey Hutton, who came here from the Pacific. Western Front Is Stable On the other hand, the Western front from day to day is usually a fairly stable proposition. Accurate maps permit you to reach division or regimental command posts with- out straying into trouble. They have situation maps in the Pacific, too, but generally they are dotted with question marks or terse notations that Japanese patrols and snipers have been active here or there along the jeep lanes. The first two weeks of Von Rund- stedt's push brought conditions on the Western front closer to those encountered in the Pacific war. From the correspondent's view- point, the two wars are entirely dif- ferent in personal comfort. Correspondent's Viewpoint This is a winter war and for the fighting men it is bitterly brutal business. But, while the correspond- ent may get half-frozen and dirty, in his quest for news, generally at night he returns to a hot meal and sometimes a hot bath-and some- times even a bed with a real mat- tress and sheet. Correspondents in the Pacific tra- vel lighter than those over here. The jungle hammock, with perhaps one blanket, is ample on the island fronts. Also in island warfare there 4 IBO N D S E L L E R-Gertrude Niesen (above), who plays a strip-tease artist in a Broadway musical, personally sold more than $850,000 in bonds during the sixth war loan campaign, Y E A R ' S F I R S T S U 8-uss Stickleback, first sub of 1945 launched at Mare Island navy yard, Shield shows Yakima county, Wash., citizens' war bond purchases financed it. 4 S LJPPOPwT TF