TI- 1J V C I!AAI 13, lii f WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Daughter Becomes-FDR's Aid 7 ]The Pen dulun By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-Closest person to the President as he stands at the threshold of his fourth term is no longer Harry Hopkins, no longer Mrs. Roosevelt, but his attractive, viva- cious daughter, Anna Boettiger. For about two years, Anna has been living at the White House where she has come to be not only hostess, but her father's confidant, friend and advisor. More and more personal appointments, more and more private reports dealing with important policy now pass through Anna's hands. Sometimes during a conversa- tion in his executive office, the President will pick up the phone and call his daughter in the residence part of the White House to ask her the status of a certain problem he is discussing. Anna has a good head, a refreshing point of view, and her mother's indefatigable energy. When she lived in Seattle, where her husband, John Boettiger, was publisher of the Post-In- telligencer, Anna edited the woman's page, help- ed with the paper generally and was a real asset. Came the war, and John got a captain's commission after attending the school for military government, later going to Italy. Now, however, he is back and living in the White House, where he rates probably next to Anna and perhaps equal to Harry Hopkins in the President's confidence. Ioettiger Watches Politics .. . MOST PEOPLE didn't know it, but Boettiger. despite his Army uniform, sat in on the famous White House dinner just before the Chicago convention in July, where Mayor Kelly of Chi- cago, Mayor Hague of Jersey City, Postmaster General Walker and Chairman Bob Hannegan persuaded F. D. R. to shelve Henry Wallace and take Harry Truman for Vice-President. Boettiger, still in the Arry, kees out of the limelight, isn't seen much around Washington, but is very much in the inner councils of his father-in-law, especially when it comes to Ital- ian government problems. Here this advice counts as much or more than the State De- partnent's. For years, the President cherished the idea that one of his sons might work with him at the White House. For a while, eldest son Jimmy did come down from Cambridge to act as ad- ministrative assistant to the President without salary. But Jimmy had other interests, includ- ing a beautiful nurse he met at the Mayo Clinic. who later became Mrs. Jimmy. So he left for Hollywood. Later Franklin Jr., while studying law at the University of Virginia, was around the White House frequently. Now all four boys are in the armed ser- vices and the President has fallen back on his daughter, who perhaps even more than Jimmy, always has been the apple of his eye. Negro Troops OK'd ... MEMBERS of the Mississippi Congressional delegation met last week to welcome one of their state's war heroes-Lieutenant Van T. Barfoot of Carthage, Miss., who has been award- ed the Medal of Honor, The Silver Star, the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. A soft- spoken lad who had never been out of Missis- sippi before entering the army, Lieutenant Bar- foot fought with distinction in Africa, Sicily and Italy. A little embarrassed at being surrounded by Congressmen, Barfoot told some of his experi- ences in combat and tried to answer questions. One of them finally came from Senator Theo- dore (the man) Bilbo on his favorite sub- ject. "Lieutenant," Bilbo asked, "did you have much trouble with Negroes over there?" Bilbo was set back on his heels when the Lieutenant drawled: "Mr. Senator, I found out after I did some fightin' in this war the colored boys fight just as good as the white boys. I have changed my ideas a lot about colored people since I got into this war, and so have a lot of other boys from the South. We've found the colored boys all right." Then Lieutenant Barfoot quietly volunteered this information: "Coming up to Washington on the train I went into the diner and found it full. The wait- er told me I'd have to wait, but I could see, behind a little curtain, a colored army captain sitting at a table by himself. I said, "What's wrong with that table?' The steward told me he didn't think I'd want to sit with a colored man and I said: " 'Why not? I've fought with colored men- why shouldn't I eat with 'em.' I sat with that colored captain and we had a fine chat." Senator Bilbo then launche into a long peroration about what a great friend of the Negro race he is, telling among other things, how he proposed transplanting American Negroes to Liberia. Not present at the Mississippi meeting was Congressman John Rankin. WindoQw-Dressing Diplomacy... DIPLOMATIC corps reaction to Senator "Long Tom" Connally's proposal for a world coun- cil until the United Nations organization gets underway is generally favorable-with one big if. The if is that the council be given real authority and consist of top-notch men. DiOlomats point to two other international couhcils. farmed within two years which got absolutely nowhere. They are still function- ing-in theory-and if given any power could have prevented the trouble, in Greece, Belgium and Ital . One of them, the Mediterranean Council, in- cluded the U. S. A., Britain and Russia, and was formed, in the fall of 1943, after Russia raised a row over not being included in the Italian ar- mistice ORMS. The American representative, Ed Wilson, is one.of the ablest, best qualified diplo- mats in the State Department and did an A-i job. However, he lacked just one thing-enough personal prestige to buck. Rosevelt. After a short time in North Africa, Wilson saw that De- Gaulle would have to be recognized. But F. D. R. was opposed. When Wilson couldn't put across this basic point, he felt it was useless to return to North Africa. The No. 2 International Council was formed as a result of Hull's trip to Moscow, and, sit- ting in London, was to iron out political prob- lems. U. S. Ambassador Winant is the Ameri- can Representative, but he also suffered through lack of authority. The British For- eign Office or the Allied military have taken things into their: ewn hands when they wanted to surround the Belgian parliament with British tanks and ram new decrees down the throats of liberated governments. So Connally's chief hurdle will be to organ- ize a world council which can act, not merely serve as window-dressing. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate nc.) RISE OF NAZISM: German Yoth W HILE WE in the United States were smugly confident that war on earth was a thing of the past and that no nation, especially a soundly thrashed and economically poor Ger- many, would dare disturb our tranquility or that of Europe, "poor" Germany was arming, first secretly and later openly, for a gigantic war, which they thought, would place them, the master race, on top of the world. While American boys were shooting marbles, German boys were shooting revolvers, rifles and ma- chine guns. While our youth burned up the highways in gayfully decorated jallopies, Ger- man youth was hard at work, riding over field and highway on grim motorcycles and master- ing the intricacies of military aviation. While our lads were out fishing, German lads wete training for 'U' boat warfare. And while we sipped ice-cream sundaes and cokes in the corner drug store and danced for exercise, the youth of Nazi Germany, as long ago as 1934, were getting the final physical polish and punch short of military training. More than 2,500,000 German boys entered the Arbeitsdienst, a compulsory labor ser- vice, which every boy joined at the age of 18. There they were used for construction. Their bodies were hardened; discipline was tighten- ed; they worked and lived as a team. Pictures show them marching the Nazi goose- step, and when they marched they did not wear dungarees. They were bedecked in flashy uniforms with the familiar Nazi swastika arm- band. When they were not parading, they built military roads, dug canals and received thorough indoctrination in Nazi ideals. These men, later taken into the Wehrmacht to con- struct fortifications, bridges and airports, were the final step in building German manpower into one, big team. "The German boy," says Capt. Arthur Good- friend, "physically hardened and with a Nazi- doctored mind and spirit, joined the army in his nineteenth year. The laws of March and May, 1935, revived conscription and put the German Army back on its feet. By the time the rookie got into the army he had had about 12 years of pre-military training. So he felt at home in his uniform, in a barracks and with a rifle." And the German soldier knew his lessons well. Modern warfare techniques in air- ground forces and street fighting were learn-. ed by Hitler's "volunteers" who fought forj the rebels in Spain. When war actually came in 1939, the German soldier was prepared and ready to go-And he took to heart the state-' ment made in Deutche Wehr, periodical of the German Officer Corps: "The next tear will require the highest degree of brutality." The German soldier was first a fighter. He knew pacifism only as the enemy. -Arthur J. Kraft } Olt Second Thought . By RAY DIXON SNOW HAS LAIN on the campus greensward for a month now and one almost forgets that there's nice clean dirt underneath.j A grand total of $30,000 is being offered for information leading to the capture of the Ilooper killer. Ali of which is very fine, but we can't help comparing the figure with the $2,I57 Hooper w-as supposed to earn from the State during the next two years. Maybe a little more annual moola for the legislators would have eliminated the temptation to take graft and resulted in one less murder. Michigan is in a fine state-of affairs. By BERNARD ROSENBERG THREE great reform movements have left their impress on this country. Two of these, the Jeffer- sonian and the Jacksonian, rested upon an agricultural economy which fell into obsolescence with the devel- opment- of industrial America. Not until the Rooseveltian era did a na- tional administration ally itself to any real extent with the working man. Even Lincoln was elected as a free soil candidate of the Republican Party-for in his day, the admission of new territory and its status rela-1 ive to slavery were the burning issues. It isessential to keep in mind that such pi'obress as was made duriig each spurt previous to the New Deal received its impetus from an ever-expanding frontier that acted as the crucible of America. The Virginia yeomen, with their intellectial leaders and democratic institutions hadgiven us four of OMr first five tPresidents. Before they relinquished sectional su-j prehiacy to South Carolina, and in some measure after that, these same Virginians and the Physio- cratic philosophy they imbibed were mighty influential in the new vest. A way of life developed there with Jeffersonianism as its inspiration. Similarly, the impulse behind Jack- son's reform program was a product of that agrarian liberty which had, been nurtured on America's frontier. Yeomanry in the west as in Virginia, stimulated this process. Independent' farmers, many of whom had but recently gained freedom from inden- tured servitude, tilling their small tracts of land, hewing away forests, building homes, setting up educa- tional systems, subduing the ele- ments, and working side by side-had woven a strand of freedom into the warp and woof of America that could not easily be torn asunder. Uncouth in some ways but bas- ically humanitarian, Jackson seem- ed to personify the movement that had propelled him into office. A libertarian outlook emerged with this President, from the backwoods and hinterlands where the con- tamination of Negro slavery had never spread, where men learned brotherhood and came to believe in it. In general there can be no doubt that frontier equalitarian- ism hastened what has been the partial democratization of this country. But there is the rub: we have yet to attain full democracy and the frontier is gone, gone geographically forever. The old solution associated journalistically with Horace Greeley is inapplicable to the new problem. One remembers the Keynsian argu- ment for pump priming a decade ago. It pointed to the disappearance of the frontier, the declining birth rate, and the absence of new inven- tions. With particular emphasis on the first of these, Henry Wallace, heralded the New Deal'in 1934 when,.; as Secretary of Agriculture, he wrote a book called "New Frontiers." It suggested artificial stimulation of the economic machine by government expenditure of public funds, for the rejuvination of our land. IN A SENSE this New Deal plan was aborted by the .war. In another sense it was vindicated. For, see-we are engaged in deficit spending, eco- nomic planning, and government in- tervention in business-without any visible sign of imminent bankruptcy. Who talks today of balancing the budget? Has anyone the temerity to protest against the fabulous appro- priations Congress makes daily? Of course not. The United States has since the war literally bought itself out of unemployment and into pros- perity. Not only is the worker receiv- ing more money than ever before but corporate income, over and above federal taxes, has this year soared to an all time high. Some gloomy economists tell us this is just a joy ride and the Unit- ed States is headed for the bust that follows every boom. They are probably right, too. But what really gives one a sickening sensation in his stomach (and elsewhere) is that they need not be right, that just as we have intelligently mo- bilized our resources for war we can marshal .them for peace. The C.I.O. has proposed that what is now the War Production Board be supplanted by another committee, the Peace Production Board. This is the best proposal to come from organized labor since its inception. That it. will be disregarded, and it will be disregarded, is a comment of sorts on the contemporary scene. i :: ,r ., ,T - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Mon. at 2-Mon., Feb. 19, 8:00-10:00 Mon. at 3-Thu., Feb. 22, 8:00-10:00 Tu. at 8-Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30 Tu. at 9--Wed., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30 Tu. at 10-Tues., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:30 Tu. at 11-Mon., Feb. 19, 2:00-4:00 Tu. at 1-Sat., Feb. 17, 2:00-4:00 Tu. at 2-Thu., Feb. 22, 2:00-4:00 Tu. at 3-Tues., Feb. 20, 2:00-4:00 Conflicts, Special-Sat., Feb. 24, 8-10 Special Periods, College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: Time of Examination Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 61, 62, 91, 92, 93, 153-Mon., Feb. 19, 10:30-12:30. Chemistry 55-Mon., Feb. 19, 8:00- 10:00. English 1, 2; Economics 51, 52, 53. 54-Tues., Feb. 20, 2-00-4:00. Botany 1; Zoology 1; Psychology 31--Wed., Feb. 21, 8:00-10:00. Sociology 51, 54-Thu., Feb. 22. 8:00-10:00. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32; German 1, 2., 31, 32-Fri., Feb. 23, 2:00-4:00. Political Science 1, 2--Sat., Feb. 17. 8:00-10:00. School of Business Administration: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Forestry:Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indi- cated on the School bulletin board School of Music: Individual In- struction in Applied Music. Indi- vidual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elec- ted for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the School of Music. School of Public Health: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will bc indicated on the School bulletin board.j To Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: There will be a special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22, in Rm. 1025 Angell #Hall, to continue the discussion of ; for research which use rationed items. In order that the University may be properly registered with the Local Ration Board, it is requested that you report to Mr. W. W. Buss, Rm. B124, University Hospital, by Jan. 22 the quantities of rationed foods you anticipate using from Jan. 1, 1945 through Dec. 31, 1945. The points are granted by quar- terly periods of three months each. Therefore, please indicate the quan- tities you need for each quarter under the following classications: 1. Processed Foods. 2. Meat, Fats. Oils and Canned Fish. 3. Sugar. Laboratories or research projects failing to make this report may expect to find themselves denied their necessary supplies. All Students, Registration for Spring3 Term: Each student should plan to register for himself according to the alphabetical schedules for March 1 and 2. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. Registration Material, College of L. S. & A., Schools of Ed- ucation, Music, Public Health: Students should call for spring term registration material at Rm. 4, University Hall beginning Jan. 22. Please see your aavisor and secure all necessary signatures be- fore examinations begin. Registration Material, College of Architecture: Students should call for spring term material at Rm. 4, University Hall beginning Jan. 22. The College of Architecture will post an announcement in the near future giving time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. Registration Material, School of Forestry and Conservation: Registra- tion material should be called for beginning Jan. 22 at Rm. 2048, Nat- offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower daily; and in the lobby of the Rack- ham Building preceding each con- cert. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by prominent artists, loaned through the Museum of Modern Art, New York City. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through .aJ. 29. The public is invited. Events Today At the regular Seminar meeting of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3201 of the East Engineering Building. Mr. M. J. Sinnott will speak on the subject "Photographic Meth- ods for Engineers." All persons in- terested are cordially invited to attend. The Geometry Seminar will meet in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall at 4:15. Professor Anning will speak on Inte- gral Distances. Tea at 4. Kappa Phi, Methodist College Wo- men's Club, will hold its meeting today at the church on State St. Pledge meeting at 5 o'clock. Supper at 5:30 followed by a program on "Illiteracy." The Ensian pictures will be taken at 6:15. Alpha Phi Omega will hold a meet- ing in the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. All members are requested to attend. Alpha Phi Omega extends a special invitation to this meeting to I .y. R- JA I the Combined Report of the Curricu- lum Committee and the Committee on Concentration and Group Re- quirements. A large attendance is desired. School of Education Faculty: The January meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, Jan. 22, in the University Elementary School Li- brary. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Important Notice in re Rationing of Certain Materials for Research: Stricter rules and regulations govern- ing the rationing of "Processed Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have now gone into effect. This applies to all laboratories and departments manu- facturing or carrying on research work, and to the feeding of animals ural Science Building. Robert L. WilliamsI Assistant Registrar All Graduate Students Interested in forming a graduate social organi- zation, please notify Miss Kelly at the Graduate School, Rm. 1008.. The last tryout for the French Play will be held today from 3 to 5 in Rm. 408 of the Romance Language Bldg. Any student with some knowledge ofI the French language may try out. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Gustav E. von Grunebaum, Professor of Arabic, University of Chicago, will lecture on the subject, "The Arabian Nights and Classical Literature" at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 7, in the Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the De- partment of Oriental Languages and Literatures. The public is cordially invited. any faculty member interested in becoming a faculty advisor of the fraternity. Will those attending please come promptly as the Engi- -neering Smoker is at the same time and some members would like to attend this smoker. Attention Engineers: All engineers are invited to a smoker, sponsored by the Engineering Council, to be held at the Michigan Union this eve- ning at 7:30. Freshmen and trans- fer students are especially urged to attend. The purpose of the smoker is to acquaint the students with Engineering organizations and how the individual may participate in these extra-curricular campus activi- ties. Short talks and exhibits will be presented by the different organiza- tions. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert will be held in the r Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build- ing at 7:45 p.m. The program will 'feature Szostakowicz's Symnhony No. 't 4 fetureSzosAkoVUw1iez's1l J fr itnv y NV. Concerts 1 5, Prokofleff's Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, and Stravinsky's Fire Bird The Budapest String Quartet, made Suite. All graduate students are cor- up of Josef Roismann and Edgar dially .invited to attend. Ortenberg, violinists; Boris Kroyt, viola and Mischa Schneider, violon- Co m E e t cello, will give three concerts in the II Ev nts Fifth Annual Chamber Music Festi- Geological Journal Club meets in val, Friday at 8:30, and Saturday at Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at 12:15 2:30 and 8:30, in the main Lecture p.m. on Friday, Jan. 19. Program: r t t i y BARNABY By Crockett Johnson i ... " .re e e .r .. . I 1,, I f . . - , . . , .. . - - ---) f