PAGr rot* THE MICHIGAN DAILY- 'WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1i, 1945 __ ____ e Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Encouraging Report on China .m' Kxcp Moving f t 'I I _\ 7 " u Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Evelyn Phillips . . Stan Wallace . . HIay Dixon Iank Mantho . Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy . . Business S. Managing EDitor City Editor Associate Editor *Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Staff - Lee Amer Barbara Chadwick June Pomering . . . 'Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ecoand-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3INGB Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CmIAGo OmaeOTn *Los ANGELES ". SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: BOB GOLDMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and rpresent the views of the writers only. Kampus Kapers Given the opportunity, University students have proven themselves aware of their campus responsibilities and have shown an active inter- est this semester in campus activities for the first time in many years. This awakened campus spirit-commended in every quarter-was first manifest at the Ferry Field, Pep rally in connection with Homecoming; at the first Kamnus Kapers show; the unprecedented turnout for.the all campus election; and in the renewed support many campus organizations arc expeiencng. Although this development is heartening, it should be viewed as the beginning of greater things on campus wherein each student feels an active driving spirit to be a part of every- thing in campus life. Realizing that there is a definite need for organized student entertainment drawing upon the entire campus for talent, the Union, the League, and the Daily have combined their resources and are staging the second produc- tion of Kampus Kapers. As the committee points out "this show is for all the campus and is not for the benefit of -any group or individual. To be successful the support of every student in the University is essential." Let's keep the ball rolling and maintain the campus as it has been this term. Full parti- cipation on the part of every student is not mneh -to ask. -Paul Sislin Infantile Paralysis Once again the people of the United States are being asked to pitch in their dimes to help fight one of the most dreaded diseases, infantile paralysis. There are roughly 32,150,000 children in this country under 15 years of age. Each one of these children is a candidate fQr infantile paralysis this year. Even tomorrow one of these children might wake up twisting and turn- ing in his bed as he burns with fever and struggles to straighten spasm-drawn limbs, while only yesterday he was playing tag. going to school, or playing ball. Tomorrow his legs won't work. That is infan- tile paralysis. More children contracted infan- tile paralysis in 1944 than in any comparable period in many recent years. Because of the efforts of thousands of volun- teers, each tragedy-hit child will have evey chance for recovery through the scientific aid provided by the National Foundation for Infan- tile Paralysis. Remember this when you are asked to con- tribute to the March of Dimes. -Aggie Miller Labor Gpries? Gripes at red tape in handling labor disputes are disproved by the record of the National War Labor Board in its three years as a wartime agency. Since the beginning of the war, the WLB has handled some 362,000 voluntary and dispute By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 17-After receiving a long series of discouraging reports on China, President Roosevelt was delighted last week to get an encouraging report from Representative Mike Mansfield of Montana. Mansfield is a former professor of political science at Montana University, so before he left for China, the President said: "I've had reports from trained economists and trained military. Now I want a report on what you, an average, intelligent civilian, think of the situation." Mansfield spent two months in China, and called at the White House with his report last week. Probably the most important thing he told the President was that the rift caused by Chiang Kai-Shek's dislike of General Joe Stil- well has been healed, and that the Generalis- simo is delighted with the new team of Lieut. Gen. Al Wedemeyer. Ambassador Patrick J. Hurley and Donald Nelson. "If these men had been here a year ago," Chiang Kai-Shek told Mansfield, "We would- n't have had the bad military situation we have today." Tribute to Donald Nelson . .. THE MONTANA Congressman paid tribute, however, to the job General Stilwell had done in training Chinese troops, and said that' some of them are now giving an excellent ac- count of themselves in Burma. He referred especially to the Chinese first and sixth armies. The President asked Mansfield how Americans were now regarded in China and got the report the United States now stands "Ace's high." Mansfield went on to say that Donald Nelson had made a splendid impression on everyone and had boosted Chinese morale by promising Only what he is certain he can deliver. Congressman Mansfield was especially im- pressed at the way Chiang Kai-Shek is trying to clean up the bad spots in the Chinese do- ,mestic situation. "When Chiang sfinds something wrong," Mansfield reported, "He goes after it tooth and nail. For instance, he found that the people were upset over the way conscription was be- ing handled. So he sent his two sons out to make a quiet investigation. When 'they con- firmed the reports, Chiang personally went to the office of the Conscription Director, checked over the evidence and ordered the man jailed and court-martialled." The Montana Congressman also had an in- teresting visit with Maj. Gen. Claire Chennault, head of the fourteenth air force in China. Chennaults Teamwork.,. ASKED General Chennault," he later re- ported, "why he didn't give a build-up to his air aces as they do in other theatres, and thus give the boys credit for the enemy planes they knock off." "What I want," replied Chennault, "is a team. If we publish the statistics, the Taps will lay for our aces and destroy the team. Every man in my outfit, either on the ground or in the air, counts just as much with mec as the man next to him." The Montanan told FDR that just after he reached the United States he learned that Lieut. Col. Bill Reed of Iowa, who was the "star" of Chennault's team with sixteen Jap ships to his credit had been killed in action. Mansfield was the first non-military Ameri- can to ride over that part of the Burma road which has been rebuilt. He also spent three days in a jeep tour of the jungle. He found morale "magnificent" among the thousands of American men and the hundreds of American nurses working under difficult conditions at the end of the Allied supply line. One specially significant bit of information Mansfield brought back was that the Ameri- cans, British and Chinese now fighting to- gether in Burma are really getting along well together for the first time. He paid high tribute in his report to Major General Fest- ing, Commander of the British Fourteenth Army who is cooperating so well with our own General Wedemeyer. Festing, he said, is the sort of man the G, .s like. Note:-Mansfield tried to visit the Chinese Communists in northern China but was un- successful. He reported to President Roosevelt that Marshal Stalin was quite correct in his dealings with Chiang Kai-Shek, sent all his Chirifese relief supplies to the central govenment, none to the Communists. Capital Chaff... PRESIDENT Roosevelt's inauguratioi might have made history in more ways than one by being the first to be televised. Chief trouble was that Philco, which requested permission to do the job, did not make its request until last week. Arrangements for press and radio cover- age had already been made, and television cov- erage would have required the installation of heavy equipment and would have necessitated considel'able rearrangements. . . . Representative Chet Holifield of California has introduced a bill calling for four-cent air-mail post-cards. Service men calling the Office of Represent- ative Helen Gahagan Douglas usually get through to her even if their names are un- familiar. That's because many come in from the China-Burma-India theatre with mes- sages from her husband, Maj. Melvyn Doug- las, former Hollywood star. Former Judge William Clark of the Third District Court, which includes New Jersey, Penn- sylvania and Delaware will be reappointed to his judgeship. Clark told reporters his ap- pointment is protected by the veterans act. Greatest difficulty of Burma road engineers is to convince our own air force not to bomb the long bridges now held by the Japs. The Japs are not destroying large parts of the Burma Road they hold but U. S. airmen are. Burma engineers have coined a new word to describe jungle trails. A fairly good trail is described as "jeepable". In London they tell Americans, "you've got to understand our Winston. He believes in government for the people, not government by the people." (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: On Sen. Vandenberg By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Jan. 17-Sen. Vandenberg has made himself an exciting man. This is rather unexpected. One had always considered him to be in the category of men about whom you felt that you always knew what they were going to say next. But he has uncorked a whopper, a speech which tells us a great deal about how he has been growing, and how the country has been growing. He proposes an immediate treaty under which the major Allies would agree to use force, at any time needed, to keep Germany and Japan permanently disarmed. How simple! After all, we are fighting Germany and Japan; Ger- many and Japan are the causes of the present disaster; they are the enemies of the world. But some of us have slipped into a diffuse kind of thinking, in which we have become so concerned about keeping the Allies down, about keeping Russia down, and Britain down, and even ourselves down, that we have raised the lively pssibility of reaching no accord at all, thereby failing to keep Germany and Japan doin. Certainly, when we arrange the nations in the order in which they are to be kept down, the enemy should come first. The idea is a simple one, but it takes maturity to achieve this kind of simplicity. It is unde- veloped political thinking which adores com- pleated proposals, and is not interested in solv- ing anything, unless it solves everything. Mr. Vandenberg's proposal comes right out of the war. This is a war against the German terror and the Japanese terror; it must be fol- lowed by a peace which demobilizes these ter- rors. But judging from the conversation one hears around, and from some of the things one reads, the idea has been growing up among us that the logical consequence of a war against Germany and Japan is a peace directed against Russia and Britain. In our thinking about a postwar world organ- ization, we have considered every country in the world to be an equal menace; we have indiscri- minately lumped peace-loving nations and war- loving nations together, as being all in need of the earnest ministrations and close surveil- lance of the world cop. Yet the major Allies, the United States, Britain, Russia, China and France, do not have bad records in this field; all of them have, in the last twenty years, shown a desire to avert and avoid war. We have confused ourselvs, at least a little bit, on the Dumbarton Oaks question by phras- ing it in our minds this way; "How are we going to stop the peace-loving nations of the world from committing aggression?" That question is, to a certain degree, unrealistic. Sen. Vandenberg's proposal may take some of the tension and nervousness out of our think- ing about a world organization, by leading us back to our real problem, which is the future of Germany and Japan, two countries which have clearly tried to knock the rest of the world in the head. We are all agreed that Germany and Japan have earned bad records for themselves; but we have not sufficiently noted that the Allies, by fighting the war-makers, have earned good records for themnselves in the chronicle of our times, and are entitled to be proud of those records, and to receive a certain consideration on account of them. Certainly the Allies are not the danger to peace that our enemies are. We need a world organization to curb all; we must have it; but this problem does not lie at the same level of necessity as the problem of curbing the obvious war-makers. There is a danger that the Senate might rat- ify a treaty based on the Vandenberg proposal, then consider its job done, and refuse to go on to a world organization. But once the Senate gives the President the power to use troops against Germany and Japan, at any time, with- out a declaration of war, the Senate is finished with isolation forever; it will become extremely sensitive to any and every threat to peace. And a second point; Vandenberg has not changed' in three years from an isolationist into the man who made this speech, merely by communing with his soul. He has been pushed toward change by a changing country. That country does not intend to stop growing, nor to let the Senate or any other of its rep- resentative instrumentalities stop growing, either. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) By ANN FAGAN GINGER "Oh, the courts are always at least twenty years behind the times." "So you're going to be a lawyer. Have you learned to talk out of both sides of your mouth yet?" "The main problem in law is who gets the money. and why." "The law puts property rights before human1 rights."t The United States Supreme CourtV is no longer appealed to as an all-o knowing Body, and the law and the - legal profession are frequently con- sidered to be little better than cheap political tools for making money and gaining public office. Instead of - being one of the noble and most im- portant and worthy pursuits of men, working with the rules made by so-Y ciety is scoffed at as a joke.f This is a stern condemnation of our whole social system: thef fact that a group of people or-; ganized into a political unit can-' not agree upon a definition of "justice." Cannot respect theF institutions and men provided to, determine the equity in a particu- lar case. Have no respect for eachl other, and no respect for the lawt made by the group.C And the curious thing is that, in the past seven years, a change has been taking place in many courts ine the country, particularly in the U. S. Supreme Court, so that such conclu- sions are doubly bad, since they areI dangerous to the whole social struc-l ture, and are unfounded in fact. The rules of a society must be1 fixed, at least for a given period of1 time, and men must live by those rules if the society is to accomplish its purpose of providing for the wel- fare of its members. Laws arel therefore established, and courts of law, and men are trained as law-.. yers. It is a bad thing that at var- ious times in the past, some courts have not served the needs of the people, have not demonstrated their understanding of the democratic process, have been too much con- cerned with the "neatness" of their legal arguments. And some court' have occasionally forgotten that the legislative bodies are closer to the citizens, and the laws passed by such bodies deserve careful con- sideration before being declared in- valid by a more "objective" depart- ment. But in this term of the Supreme Court, we can see a completely opposite trend; the members of the Court are living as citizens in 1945, are concerned with the problems we are all involved in: uniting all the segments of theI nation to win the war and make the peace, and build a prosperous nation of well-paid workers. The Court declared, on December 18, that the agreement by Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen to restrict employment of Negro workers was invalid, even though that agreement was reached on the basis of collective bargaining. E The same day, the Court main- tained that an employer can not en- ter into a closed shop agreement with an independent union, even if that union won a plant election, if the union has an exclusionary policy toward members of other unions who wish to join. January 8 the Court invalidated a Texas law requiring paid labor union organizers to register with the Sec- retary of State before soliciting for members, saying it was an attempt- ed regulation of the right of free speech and free assembly. These three decisions help to clear the air for a sound, just at- I titude toward labor-managementa cooperation after the war. And they make quite clear that laws1 are not passed to be mangled by technicalities. They are passed to insure fair treatment of citi- zens in their basic task of earning a living. According to a decision handed :- down January 2, thewage-hour law applies to piece-rate workers, as well as to workers paid by the hour. Again, the principle of the law is being put into practice. And in Chicago, Judge Joseph Graber of Superior Court has order- ed dissolution of a charter for the Gentile Co-operative Association, on the grounds that it is "absolutely contrary to the ideals of our form of government, arraigning one class, against another, building up preju-, dice and intolerance of one' group( against another." sThe Courts DO move, as the people move. As our ideas become clear, point by point, as we learn + what is basic to democracy, thet decisions of the courts moret closely represent, not only the will of the people, but the desires of the framers of our Constitutionalr system. --- __ covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be ini- cated on the School bulletin board. Ji.~r School oif Music: Individual In- struction in Applied Music. Indi- Vidual examinations by appointment vill be given for' all applied music .70 7 1, eourses (indivi il ins ruction) elec- ted for credit in any unit of the - -- - - - University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at Isoltionism . . . the School of Music. PPARENTLY. Mr.Rosenberg, School of Public Health: Courses A RENTL, M'. RoPedum" 1not covered by this schedule as well Judging from his "Pendulum" in i as any necessary changes will be The Daily, January 11, would have indicated on the School bulletin us close our eyes, stop our ears, and board. wish for something good-that good __r_. old American policy that has got us into so many messes including un- Important Notice in re Rationing preparedness at the beginning of two of Certain Materials for Research: wars. Yet Mr. Raseanberg would Stricter rules and regulations govern- burst his auditory canal proving he ing the rationing of "Processed is not anisolationist. Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have now No ne nis right.mindisst gone into effect. This applies to all No one in his right mind is stand- laboratories and departments manu- ing on the sidelines clasping his I facturing or car ying on research hands in fiendish glee over a pros-i work, and to the feeding of animals pect of friction with Russia. Be- for research which use rationed items. cause some of us have overcome the -1In order that the University may be ostrich in us and are willing to face properly registered with the Local facts regardless of their implication Ration Board, it is requested that is weak proof of error. It is one you report to Mr. W. W. Buss, Rm. thing to criticize a conclusion; it is B124, University Hospital, by Jan. 22 another thing to prove it wrong. the quantities of rationed foods you Please, I am not an exponent of G. anticipate using from Jan. 1, 1945 L. K. Smith nor have I ever seen through Dec. 31, 1945. a copy of "The Cross and the Flag." The points are granted by quar- I don't search out Hearst publica- terly periods of three, months each. tions nor have I ever seen a copy Therefore, please indicate the quan- of "Social Justice." I have never tities you need for each quarter heard Reverend J. Frank Norris under the following classications: preach on any subject nor have I 1. Processed Foods. 2. Meat, Fats, ever heard "the lower brackets of Oils and Canned Fish. 3. Sugar. professional evengelism" ranting Laboratories or research projects against Communism. But I do be- failing to make this report may lieve that anyone who says that expect to find themselves denied Russia has not given us cause for their necessary supplies. questioning her integrity is either blind and deaf, ignorant, or dis- Food Sanitation Lectures: The last honest. lectures of the present series on Food If you wish to get an eye-opener. Sanitation will be given in the Audi- read Peter the Great's dream con- torium of the W. K. Kellogg Building tained in his famous will and see today at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. how carefully Stalin has followed The speaker will be Melbourne and is following Peter's intrigued Murphy of the University Health counsel. Service. 4 I I Russian philosophy in the focusj of a beacon of evidence forces me to treat with concern the grow- ing influence of Russia in the Balkans, throughout Europe and in the Middle East. in the light. of all the evidence incriminating Russia, I think the Rosenbergs, who we would all like to believe are right in thinking us wrong, should at least hesitate before condemn- ing those compelled by their inter- pretation of events to sound the cry of warning: "Lest coming sud- denly he find you sleeping. I say unto all, Watch." -Arris J. Mills '45 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLElTIN WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 60 Publication in the Uaily Official Bul- ietin is constructive notice to all inem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. an. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m' Sat- urdays). 4 All food-handlers employed 'in commercial establishments arc re- quired by City Ordinance to attend a series in order to obtain a food- handler's card. All persons concerned with food service to University students \Who have not previously attended are asked to attend this lecture. The general public is cordially invited. All Graduate Students Interested in forming a graduate social organi- zation, please notify Mliss Kelly at the Graduate School, Rm. 1008. Tryouts for the French Play will be held today from 3 to 4 and tomor- row from 3 to 5 in Rm. 408, Romance Language Bldg. Any student with some knowledge of the French lang- uage may try out. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal for broadcasts and residence hall con- certs. Date selected for Ensian pic- ture. Selection of quartets contin- ued. Tryouts of new members. All men on campus invited. Academic Notices Seniors: Coallege of L. S. & A.; Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of March graduates including candi- dates for the Certificate in Public Health Nursing. have been posted on 4 1 4 sV- I ''''"the bulletin board in Rm. 4, U.H. If College of Literature, Science, and your name does not appear, or, if the Arts, College of Pharmacy, School included there, it is not correctly of Business Administration, School of spelled, please. notify the counter Education, School of Forestry and clerk'. Conservation, School of Music,- School -of Public Ijealth; Fall Term. Schedule of Examinations, Feb. 17 to Feb. 24, 1945. Exhibition, College of Architecture Note: For courses having both lec- and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by tures and quizzes, the time of exer- prominent artists, loaned through cise is the time of the fir'st lecture tproMnetmatissMoaenedrthrough p lo o th wek i - Ithe Museum of Modern Art, New period of the week; for cour'ses hzay- York City, Ground floor corridor, ing quizzes only, the time of exercise Architecture Building. Open . daily is the time of the first quiz period.19 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan. Certain courses will be examined at 29. The public is invited. special periods as noted below the regular schedule. To avoid misun- derstandings and errors, each stu"- 1 ? 1ents Today den t should receie ntification fron EI Js lea his instructor of -the time and place A meeting of the University of of his examination. Instructors in Michigan Section of the American the College of LS&A are not permit- Chemical Society will be held today ted to change the time of examina- at 4 p.m., in Rm. 151 of the Chemis- tion without the approval of the try Building. Dr. Herbert C. Brown Examination Committee. of Wayne University, will speak on Time of Exercise Time of Exam. "Steric Strains." The public is cor- Mrn nt8 RTh; poh 229 103 n i1.230 dially invited. r r t r tI I- Mon. at 9-Sat., Feb. 17, 10:30-12:30 Mon. at 10--Fri, Feb. 23, 8:00-10:00 Dr. Maurice L. Moore, Director of M. at 11-Tues., Feb. 20, 8:00-10:00 Organice Research for Frederick Mon. at 1-Wed., Feb. 21, 2:00-:00 Stearns and Company, Detroit, will Mon. at 2-Mon., Feb. 19, 8:00-10:00 present an illustrated lecture on Mon. at 3-Thu., Feb. 22, 8:00-10:00 "The Development and Use of Sul- Tu. at 8-Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30 fonamides as Intestinal Antiseptics," Tu, at 9--Wed., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30 in Rm. 303, Chemistry Building, at Tu. at 10--Tues., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:30 4:15. Pharmacy students and all Tu. at 11-Mon., Feb. 19, 2:00-4:00 -others interested are cordially invited Tu. at 1-Sat., Feb. 17, 2:00-4:00t t Tu. at 2-Thu. Feb. 22, 2:00-4:00 Biological Chemistry Seminar will Tu. at 3-Tues.- Feb. 20, 2:00-4:00 be omitted today. In place of the Conflicts, Special-Sat., Feb. 24, 8-10 seminar, students will please attend Special Periods, College of Litera -the lecture by Doctor Maurice L. ture, Science, and the Arts: Moore on "The Development and Use Time of Examination of Sulfonamides as Intestinal Anti- Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 11, 31, septics," at 4:15 p.m., Jan. 17, in Rm. 32, 61, 62, 91, 92, 93, 153-Mon., Feb. 303 Chemistry Building. 19, 10:30-12:30. - Chemistry 55--Mon., Feb. 19, 8:00- The Veterans Organization will 10:00. meet tonight at 7 p.m., in the Base- English 1, 2; Economics 51, 52, 53, ment. Lecture Room of Lane Hall. 54-Tues., Feb. 20, 2-00-4:00. Organizational details for The March notanv 1'- 7:0logv 1: Psvehologv f nime sramnnin andthe mauetion i BARNABY t The big shot agreed to offerJ I k $2,500 reward for those I I I And I'll have 49,997 n;, =1 loft Wh,+,_ 3y Crockett Johnson: I Mr. O'Malley, the phone j