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January 16, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-16

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TUESDAY. JAN. 16. 1945

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Investigation of FCC Fails


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*Th Gi ermian oldier'/

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-In its last dying
hours, the 78th Congress issued a report
which might well have been labeled: "How to
waste the taxuayer's money and the confidence
of the American people."
It was the last report of the House Committee
investigating the Federal Communications Com-
mittee. It cost the taxpayers $110,000. It used
up the time of a five-man committee of congress-
men for two years, plus dozens of FCC officials
who had to drop the work they were doing to
answer committee questions.
In the end, it reported that nothing was
wrong with FCC, praised ex-Chairman Larry
Fly, and exonerated Tom Corcoran and Ed
Noble of the Blue Network of any wrongdoing
in connection with the purchase of station
Behind the investigation was the personal
vengeance of one man-Congressman Eugene
"Goober" Cox of Georgia. The FCC had learn-
ed he accepted a $2,500 fee from a Georgia radio
station for lobbying before the FCC in connec-
tion with a wave length, and reported the mat-
ter to the Justice Department. The head of
the criminal division recommended prosecution.
Whereupon Cox, one of the most powerful
men in congress, with a whole strong of
relatives on the public payroll, initiated an
investigation of the FCC. For a time he had
a field day. He employed as counsel Eugene
Garcy, one of Roosevelt's bitterest enemies.
And with Cox himself sitting as chairman, he
rode roughshod over the FCC.
Finally, other congressional leaders realized
that Cox's thirst for blood was blackening the
name of all congressmen and they forced him
out. The probe dragged on in the less-biased
hands of Congressman Lea of California, in
the end giving all those investigated a clean
bill of health. Net result was to focus reams
of unfavorable and undeserved publicity on
Noble, Corcoran and Fly whom everyone now
concedes did an A-1 job. But more than that
it boomeranged and hurt Congress.
As long as one congressman can use the
comradery of his colleagues on Capitol Hill to
wield the tremendous investigating powers of
Congress in a personal grudge fight, the public
is not going to have much faith in our legis-
lative institution.
Street-Cleaner Congressman,.
CONGRESSMAN William J. Gallagher, the
former Minneapolis street-cleaner has been
having quite a time romping arund the capitol
since his arrival in Washington.
The other morning, Gallagher sitting in his
office alone, answered the phone.
"Is Mr. Munn there?" asked a voice in-
quiring for the congressman's secretary.
"Nope," replied Gallagher, "he ain't here.
Who's calling?"
"This is the White House. We'll call back,"
answered the voice.
"Nuts to you practical jokers," said Gal-
lagher, banging down the phone.
To his surprise, after Gallagher's secretary
returned, the phone range again and it really
was one of the White House secretaries wanting
some information.
Later the same day, Gallagher walked over
to the stately Senate caucus room, where he at-
tended the Democratic policy-making powwow.
When it was all over, he ambled out of the
room, but couldn't get his bearings.
"Hey, boy," hollered Gallagher at good-nat-
ured young Congressman Outland of California.
"How in hell do I get out of here?"
Outland smiled, showed him the way back
to the house office building. He didn't tell
the gentleman from Minnesota who he was.
Steuinius Spreads Out.,..
When Secretary Stettinius appeared before the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee to urge con-
firmation of his new assistants, he was asked
about press reports that he planned to wrest
from Leo Crowley the Foreign Economic Admini-
stration-one of the best-run agencies of the
government-and place it under new Assistant
Secretary Will Clayton, millionaire cotton king.
Stettinius replied soothingly, and tried to
convince the Senators they were unduly wor-
But last week a very significant move occur-

red that looks as if Stettinius was going right
ahead with his maneuver.
President Roosevelt called in Lauehlin Cur-
rie, who has run the FEA for Crowley, and
told Currie he could no longer spare him from
his regular job as White House administrative
assistant. Currie has long been attached to
the White House, but was loaned to help
Crowley run FEA. Now, the President said,
he wanted Currie to come back full-time.
Those who know the score around Washing-
ton, see the hand of Stettinius, Harry Hopkins
and Clayton behind this bit of presidential
diplomacy. Roosevelt has been able to spare
Currie for 17 months without any noticeable
ripple around the White House. In view of the
manpower shortage, his advisers think he could
spare him longer. But that isn't the point.
The point is that the State Department
wants to euchre the Foreign Economic Ad-
ministration under its steadily expanding wing,
Secret plan is to bring ambitious Oscar Cox,
who was the brains behind Stettinius in the
Lend-Lease Administration, over to the State
Department under Clayton. Then Clayton and
Cox would run FEA.

Capital Chaff ..,,
Congratulations to Miami Beach, Florida, on
helping convalescing servicemen and their fam-
ilies to find apartments. Apartment-hunting in
overcrowded Miami is tough, but in recent weeks
a small group of citizens secured 146 apart-
ments for service men, also organized a house
hospitality committee for opening Miami homes
to returning service men, built a snack bar at
the local Y. M. C. A. and signed 175 merchants
out of 250 in the military area with hospitality
pledges, which means cash discounts to soldiers.
Orchids to the soldiers canteen organized by
the citizens of New Philadelphia and Dover,
Ohio. These two adjoining towms have the
distinction of being about the livest of any
cities in the U. S. A. Not on a main railroad.
So they have stationed their elaborate can-
teen ten miles away at the nearest trunk line,
and keep it going night and day.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Lend Lease Aid
NEW YORK, Jan. 16-There is a regrettable
American tendency (as the New York Her-
ald Tribune remarked the other day) to believe
that we can step out of the war anytime some-
thing about it doesn't quite suit us. This text
can stand many illustrations.
An organized group made demand on the
State Department last Thursday that we cease
lend-lease aid to Russia, unless Russia agrees
to behave in a particular fashion toward the
The members of this group probably buy
war bonds in satisfactory amounts, on the
theory that they are saving their country, and
the lives of its sons; they probably feel that
they must give blood, that they must work.
But let a political question come along in which
deep emotions are entngled, and all the musts
become perhapses; suddenly we can choose
whether to help Russia or not; suddenly we
can do whichever we like.
This "in again, out again" attitude toward the
war shows up strongly in the isolationist section
of the press. That pres dutifully tagged along
when the Sixth War Loan Drive began; it print-
ed the appropriate cartoons, urging purchase
of bonds, as a life or death matter. But in the
heat of last week's debate over foreign policy, one
such "nationalist" journal cracked winningly
that our soldiers will come home "sick of fight-
ing other people's battles and having their own
country bled white via lend-lease, without even
thanks from the beneficiaries of lend-lease."
The war is a life-and-death matter one week,
and a plain case of fighting "other people's bat-
tles" just a few days later. In again, out again.
ANUMBER of American liberals, too, seem to
feel that they can pronounce the war to be
a people's war on some days, and on other days
declare it to be no such thing. They are for-
ever giving the war good marks and bad marks.
Their feeling seems to be that unless we are
free to pull away from our allies, to "get tough"
with them, we have no hope or method for
forcing them into an effective world organiza-
The exact reverse is true.. .We are going
to get along with our allies, not because we
hold over their heads the terrible threat of
separating ourselves from them, but because
we can't separate ourselves from them. We
are going to get along with them precisely
because we must, precisely because there is
no other way; and they shall get along with
us for the same reason. We shall end up
in the same world organization because we
are in the same boat.
The way out lies, not in threatening Russia,
but in understanding her need for security on
her western borders; not in threatening Britain,
but in understanding her serious postwar econ-
omic problem. And every time an American
publicist, regardless of his politics, raises, how-
ever obscurely, the warning that we may pull
away from our allies, he hurts the chances for
world organization. He hurts them because if
it is possible to separate, then it is possible; if

we can, we can.
But we can't, We are going to have to help
solve Russia's problems and Britain's problems,
because these are our problems, too; because
we sink or swim together. We have no choice
but to try to understand. Our threat of sep-
aration is unreal. It is unreal because the war
is real.
(Copyright. 1945. New York Post Syndicate)
On Second Thought,.
THE HOOPER case has all the elements of a
murder we ever heard of except a beautiful
woman-and one of those might show up before
very long,
Don't let anyone kid you about Michigan
being a graft-ridden state. It looks as though
it is, but at least we've got enough courage to
expose it.
The Russians start the big push through Pol-
and and change the subject of conversation
from politics to Poletics.

N SUNDAY'S account of the growth'
of Nazi military power, the ex- 135,000 boys each year. Many of
cerpts taken from "The German Sol- these boys used their skill to great
dier," prepared by Capt. Arthur advantage in 1940, when Crete was
Goodfriend and issued by the editors inaded and captured largely by Ger-
of The Infantry Journal, traced the mans carried in giant glider tans-
revival of the German military ma- ports. Later, when Hitler renounced
chine after the World War had dealt the disarmament clauses of the Ver-
it the most severe blow it has ever sailles Treaty, real planes were added
met. The material presented, de- to the equipment of the Flying Corps.
signed to better acquaint readers! "But airplanes and gliders are
with what went on in Germany after just one part of the picture. The
the last war, traced military prepara- National Socialist Party enrolled
tions only in their incipient state. almost 300,004 boys in motorized
The material ended with a descrip- units. Automobiles, trucks and
tion of the training of German boys, motorcycles - 5,000 motorcycles
started as early as 1923, to achieve each year-were donated to the
German domination of the world by motor units, and 1,300 repair shops
force. It continues with a detailed were set up to maintain them. In-
disclosure of the actual training and dividual families had no cars, but
equipment used in the nationwide the Nazi Party had plenty-enough
preparation of Hitler Youth for a to settle the Army's transport prob-
war which these same boys, now lem when the war finally broke.
grown members of Germany's le- "Other boys of 16 to 18 were taken
gions, are fighting today. into the Hitler Youth Navy. And
"In 1939, the Hitler Youth be- tens of thousands of others plugged
camne an irregular part of the army away at the fundamentals of the
and was put under the Storm infantry--marching, care and use of
Trooper section of the Nazi Party. weapons, tactics and many other
The Hitler Youth received enough subjects that prepared boys to be-
rifles to enable 30,040 of its best come soldiers.
shots to compete in national rifle "Before all this took place, Ger-
matches. In Obermatzfeld, there many's regular army was busy too.
was a modern firearms school to Those 100,000 men were drillingI
which the boys were sent. The and studying. And the high com-
Nazi Party supplied its youth with nand, quiet and unknown, was
10,000 revolvers a year. burning midnight oil over the maps
"A special unit of the Nazi Party of neighboring lands.
was formed, called the National So- "At 11 a.m., Monday, Jan. 30, 1933,
cialist Flying Corps. It was given Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of
enough gliders and teachers to train Germany.
"In January, 1935, General Goer-
Navy Nurses ing, commander of the Luftwaffe,3
had about 1,000 planes ready for
TN ITS grace-and in the face of a action, 44 new airfields built, and
sickening shortage of nurses in hundreds of trained pilots.
the armed services-the Navy decides "Germany's heavy industry start-f
that nurses already in the service may ed the big job of conversion to war.
marry. And why, if one may ques- Books were burned. The universities
tion the bizarre ways of Admirals in were Nazified. A four-year plan was
Washington bureaus, is the Navy still launched: its purpose was to make
unwilling to accept nurses who have Germany self-sufficient in food, raw
committed the offense of getting materials and all the other materials
married before enrollment? If a mar-= of war. And the German people were
ried woman in the one instance be a never allowed to forget for a minute
proper officer and gentleman, why why all this was being done. The
may she not in the other? Will some object-and Hitler made it very. clear
sea lawyer please explain? -was just one thing: 'PEACE.'" I
-St. Louis Post Dispatch -Arthur J. Kraft

LAST evening Vladimir Horowitz
presented to a capacity audience
a performance that climaxed pre-
vious concerts of this season. Super-
latives in any form would probably
undermine the exalted state of this
reviewer. Horowitz is without doubt
one of the few great pianists of our
A rather heavy group of selec-
tions was initated by the rarely
programmed Variations on the
aria, "La Ricordanza," Op. 33 of
Czerny. Many depreciators of this
superb artist, after expecting an in-
finiate number of highly pedantic
variations, were probably begrudg-
ingly surprised to hear a simple
group embellished with only the
usual garnishings. Virtuosity, by
this select clan, is too often con-
fused with exhibitionism. Horowitz
may respond to the title of virtu-
oso but never to that of exhibi-
tionist. This was proved last night
by the infallible execution and
praical interpretation effected in
a thoroughly intellectual study of
each selection.
The above aduiation was especially
inspired by theexquisitely played
Waldstein Sonata. Too frequently
the later sonatas of Beethoven are
executed with an over abundant use
of the pedal coupled with a blurring
of complex passages. Such was not
the case with last night's version.
Counter melodies and ornamentations
were independent of such cloudiness.
The sensitive second movement was
marred only by the consistent cough-
ing that seems to be psychologically
contagious when commenced by an
unsuspecting victim. '
The second half of the recital
continued the worthy standard set
up by the artist in the previous
portions. Unlike many pianists who
feel they must let their emotions
run away with them when per-
forming Chopin, Mr. Horowitz
maintained perfect control.
The concert 'came to a close with
the pianist's arrangement, of The
Stars and Stripes Forever.



TUESDAY, JAN. 16, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 59
Publication in the Uaily Official Bid-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Mall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Important Notice in re Rationing
of Certain Materials for Research:
Stricter rules and regulations govern-
ing the rationing of "Processed
Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have now
gone into effect. This applies to all
laboratories and departments manu-
facturing or carrying on research
work, and to the feeding of animals
Allied Unity
"THE VITAL and lasting interests
ofnthe Soviet Union, Great Bri-
tain and the United States," said
Radio Moscow Tuesday night," de-
mand consolidation of their unity
during the concluding stage of the
war and also after victory is won."
Mr. Churchill and Mr. Roosevelt
have said as much in recent weeks.
But this is the first word from the
Kremlin, by way of a controlled'
Soviet information medium, that
Russia, too, is anxious to fill in the
political cracks in the rock of
Allied solidarity.
In the brief history of Big Three
military alliance, there has been
much expertizing on the direction of
Soviet foreign policy. Some commen-
tators brand it without relief as
grasping and domineering. Others
maintain that Rgussia as well as
Britain pursues two policies--the one
nationalist, the other international-
ist, depending on the way the other
powers move. Whichever is right,j
there is invariably an "inspired"'
Russian voice raised, at every dan-
gerous moment in Big Three rela-
tionships, for the basic principles of!
collective security.
The Muscovite voice just heard
from might have carried more au-
thority had its medium been
Pravda or the even more official
Izvestia. But its intent is clear:
No differences of opinion among
the Allies can "change the basic
alignment of forces," the Big Three
alignment in peace as well as war.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch'
By Crockett Johnson

for research which use rationed items.
In order that the University may be
properly registered with the Local
Ration Board, it is requested that
you report to Mr. W. W. Buss, Rm.
B124, University Hospital, by Jan. 22
the quantities of rationed foods you
anticipate using from Jan. 1, 1945
through Dec. 31, 1945.
The points are granted by quar-
terly periods of three months each.
Therefore, please indicate the quan-
tities you need for each quarter
under the following classications:
1. Processed Foods. 2. Meat, Fats,
Oils and Canned Fish. 3. Sugar.
Laboratories or research, projects
failing 'to make this report may
expect to find themselves denied
their necessary supplies.
School of Education Faculty: The
January meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, Jan. 22, in the
University Elementary School L
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Tryouts for the French Play will beI
held todayrand Thursday from 3 to 5
and tomorrow from 3 to 4 in Rm.
408, Romance Language Bldg. Any
student with some knowledge of the
French Language may try out.
A cademnic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Casting for the
Speech-English Department one-act
play bill will be held this afternoon,
froin 2-5 o'clock in the speech fra-1
ternity rooms, 4th floor Angell Hall.
Men. are especially needed.

Sigma Rho Tau: Members of the
Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma
Rho Tau will meet at 7:30 p.m., in
Rms. 319-323 of the Union. Debate
topic: Should the federal govern-
ment adopt a system of compulsory
military training for all citizens in
the post-war period?
Post-War Council Seminar Group:
There will be a meeting tonight at
7:30 in the History Seminar Room in
Haven Hall.
The Cercle Francais will meet to-
night at 8 at the Michigan League.
Mr. Richard Picard, of the Romance
Language Department, will give an
informal talk on France. Miss Ruth
Whittemore, of the Music School,
will sing a few French songs. Games
and group singing.
The Christian Science Students'
-Organization is holding a meeting
tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the
Michigan League. All are welcome to
COnng Events
A meeting of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held on Jan.
17 at 4 p.m., in Rm. 151 of the Chem-
istry Building. Dr. Herbert C. Brown
of Wayne University, will speak on
"Steric Strains." The public is cor-
dially invited.
Dr. Maurice L. Moore, Director of
Organice Research for Frederick
Stearns and Company, Detroit, will
present an illustrated lectureon
"The Development and Use of Sul-




fonamides as Intestinal Antiseptics,"
E xnibl nttsoin Rm. 303, Chemistry Building, at
Exhibition;' College of Architecture'4:15, Wednesday, Jan. 17. Pharmacy
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by students and all others invited to attend.
prominent artists, loaned through crilynvtdoate.
the Museum of Modern Art, New Inter-Racial Association: There
York City. Grou~nd floor corridor, Ine-ailAscto:Thr
Architecture Building. Open daily will be a meeting Wednesday at 7:30
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan. p.m. in the Union.
29. The public is invited. - -
Research Club: The January meet-
ing of the Club will be held in the
Events Today Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
" ding, Wednesday evening at eight
Orchestra Rehearsal: The Univer- o'clock, Jan: 17, Professor Carl D.
sity of Michigan Symphony Orches- LaRue will read a paper on "Studies
tra, Gilbert Ross, Acting Conductor, on the Growth and Regeneration of
will meet in Hill Auditorium at 4 Plant Embryos and Endosperms in
p.m.. today. . Culture" and Professor C. C. Fries a
.-_paper on "Some Illustrations of Mod-
There will be a meeting of the ern Linguistic Principles and Tech-
Post-War Council in the soda bar of niques."
the Michigan League at 4:30 today.
Plans for next semester will be dis- La Sociedad Ilispanica announces
cussed. All those interested in the that the first lecture in the annual
council are invited to attend. series will take place Wednesday eve-
- -- ning at eight o'clock in Rm. 316





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