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January 12, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-12

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FRIDAY, JANt 1S, 1915

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Connally Urges Silence on International Situ


'Big Three


Expected After Jan.



Foreign Relatioins fHead's Plea Conies
Following Meeting With Roosevelt
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11--Senator Connally, after a presidential brief-
ing on foreign policy today, urgently requested his colleagues to avoid
disturbing "the delicate international situation" pending a Roosevelt-
Stalin-Churchill conference.
The chairman of the Fomeign Relations Committee led an eight-man
Senate delegation to the White Housd Conference. The Senators, pledged
to secrecy concerning their discussions with Mr. Roosevelt, waved aside
questioners or reported a satisfactory interchange of views.
The Texan issued this terse statement:
_ "Until the meeting of Roosevelt,
Adg Stalin and Churchill, I hope that
dvantages of there will be no resolutions present-
ed in the Senate or general discus-
sions which would disturb the deli-
cate international situation."
Field Day Disapproved
tank Uescribed 'iThe Texan's request apparently
was aimed against any more such
By The Associated Press field days of debate on foreign af-
DETROIT, Jan. 11-Advantages of fairs as occurred yesterday. In a
the American medium tanks over the crowded three hours, the Senate
heard Senator Vandenberg propose
giant German Tiger and King' Tiger an immediate international agree-
tanks in combat were described to ment for the policing of Germany
the Society of Automotive Engineers and Japan, and Senator Ferguson,
tonight by Col. Joseph M. Colby, likewise a . Michigan Republican,
seek support for a resolution reaf-
chief of the development division, firming the principles of the Atlan-
office, Chief of Ordnance, Detroit. tic Charter.
He said the two German tanks Vandenberg was a member of the
with their 64 and 74 tons weight were group which went to the White
formidable weapons but added: House this morning. Headed by
"The feats that were accomplished Connally, the unit customarily con-
by the medium tanks in North Africa, fers at intervals with the Secretary
Sicily, the break-through at Cassino of State on international questions,
and the liberation of France and keeping the full committee informed
Belgium could not have been accom- of the latest diplomatic developments.
plished with a tank of the Tiger Request Directed To Press
class. Connally's request to the Senate
"In fact in these battles the Tiger to soft-pedal its public discussion of
tanks were left behind, were too slow "delicate" international matters was
to head off the medium tank, M4, delivered to reporters rather than to
were restricted in movement to lim- the Senate itself and had no imme-
ited terrain and were soon helpless, diate silencing effect.
out of gas." The eight had scarcely got their
Col. Colby said the American heavy coats off from the White House trip
tank, the M6, weighing 62 tons and before Senator Wiley, a new member
built in limited numbers early in of the Foreign Relations Committee,
the war, "is now obsolete not by was making a speech on the floor.
German comparison, but by compari-
son with our own American engineer- Rev. Redman Will
ing developments."
Give Hillel Sermon
4 MONTH INTENSIVE "Earth and High Heaven," a novel
Course for by Gwethalyn Graham on the sub-
COLLEGE STUDENTS and GRADUAiZ ject of intermarriage, will be the sub-
A thorough, intensive course-start ject of a sermon to be delivered by;
in ebruary, July, October. Rev. Edward H. Redman of the
egistration now open. Unitarian Church at Hillel religious,
* services which begin at 7:45 p. m.
Regular day and evening school today at the Hillel Foundation.
throughout the year. Catalog. Services will be conducted by Rab-
PREFERRED BY COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN bi Jehudah M. Cohen who will be
THE GREGG COLLEGE assisted by Eugene Malitz, A-S, and
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D. Melvin Rackoff, '47E. Refreshments
Dept. Director. Paul M. Pair. M.A. will be served during the social hour
G' I N.M chgu Ave TiIsles1511 Chicane2.: following the service.

TOP NAVY ACE GETS MEDAL OF HONOR-Navy Comdr. David McCampbell, of Los Angeles, this.
war's top navy ace, receives congratulations from President Roosevelt at the White House after being
awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for exploits in the first and second battle of the Philip-
pines. He shot down 34 enemy planes. The pilot's mother, Mrs. A. J. McCampbell, is at right.

Gift of Girl Fr
Safe Jumps fo
Associated Press Correspondent
IN BELGIUM, Jan. 6.-(..P)-That
pair of pink and blue pajamas has
done it again for Capt. Albert E.
Milloy of Hattiesburg, Miss., a para-
trooper. So it's about time to tellj
their story of charm.l
It should be explained that the
pajamas are charmed-not charm-
ing-although, on the other hand,
I certainly have no intention of mak-
ing any snide remarks about any,
paratrooper's wearing apparel. They
may be charming to him, but that's
strictly a personal matter.
Has Fought in Many Countries
Anyhow, Albert has fought this
war for a couple of years in some
half dozen different lands which is
enough to make the ordinary guy
slightly superstitious, if not more so.
And paratroopers generally are con-
sidered somewhat extraordinary in
the matter of living on luck.
A member of the 82nd Airborne
Division, Captain Milloy now is help-
ing buck back the German bulge into
Belgium, which is where the most
recent incident occurred-but that's
getting ahead of the story.
Back in Ft. Benning, Ga., in what
now is known to members of the
82nd as "the old country," Albert
received this pair of pajamas from
Miss Frances Barron, a Hattiesburg
girl who, according to Albert, has
brown hair and "makes the average
pin-up girl look puny."
Jumps in Pajamas
Came the morning when he was
scheduled to make his first jump
there. He overslept. Rudely awak-
ened at the last minute, he pulled a
pair of coveralls over his pajas and,
thus attired a short time later, he
yelled, "Geronimo," and hit the silk.
The jump was successful. Not be-
ing one to crack such an obvious
omen of good fortune in the teeth,
Milloy promptly made the pajamas
a permanent part of his jumping
Since then, he has donned the
pajamas before jumping into at least
six countries including Sicily, Italy
and Holland. He has spent 275 odd
days in combat and has had more
close calls than any six men could be
expected to survive. He gives the
pajamas all the credit.
Shortlyafter the Salerno jump, a
155 mm. shell struck squarely in the
roof of his dugout. "It was a nice life

iend Promises
r Paratrooper
while it lasted," groaned Albert to a
sergeant lying alongside him in that
split second as they awaited the
blast. But it was a dud.
Magic ,Still Works
At the Anzio beachhead, the pa-
jamas were frayed and worn, but still
their magic worked. Three times
there, Albert had houses collapse on
top of him from shellings and various
things. His hair got mussed.
Most of the time overseas, Captain
Milloy commanded C Company of
the 504th which had the lowest cas-
ualty rate in the regiment. When he
was transferred to another company,
they begged him to leave his miracu-
lous pajamas hanging in Company
C's orderly room.
Famous Article Stays with Him
Gently, but firmly, Albert explained
that Frances had given those pajam-
as to him-and that he would as soon
leave his right arm nailed to the wall
as those threadbare pajamas.


'= ':4

Horowitz Searches for Piano
MusicbyAmerican Writers

Frankena To Be
Guest of Honor
At Coffee .lour

Vladimir Horowitz, Russian-Ameri-
can pianist, who will be heard in the
i sixth Choral Union Concert at 8:30
p.m. Monday at Hill Auditorium, is
searching diligently for piano music
by American composers.
He finds that there are surprisingly
few compositions of concert length by
Americans, but he feels that the
smaller pieces are excellent. "Ameri-
cans have a wonderful sense of style,
structure and melody," he believes.
Began at the Age of Six
Horowitz, who made his American

SLondon Paper

debut with the New York Philhar- Prof. William Frankena of the
monic Symphony Orchestra on Jan. Department of Philosophy and Mrs.
12, 1928, began to play the piano at Frankena will be the guests of honor
the age of six. at the Student Religious Association
Born in Kiev in 1904 of a cultured Coffee Hour in the Lane Hall Li-
and artistic family, Horowitz was brary from 4:00 to 5:30 p. m. today.
given his first music lessons by his This inaugurates the Coffee Hour.
mother, a musician and graduate of policy of extending a special invita-
the Conservatory at Kiev. From the tion to one faculty member to be the
ages of twelve to sixteen, Horowitz guest of honor each week. The pur-
studied with Sergei Tarnowsky, and pose of this new plan is to provide a
then entered the Conservatory. He means for students to meet their,
graduated from the Conservatory at favorite professors informally.
the age of eighteen, after two years Prof. Frankena, who received. his;
of tutelage under Prof. Felix Blumen- Ph. D. at Harvard, has been with the
feld, a pupil of Rubinstein. philosophy department here since
bHas Toured Europe 1937. Recognized as one of the na-
He made his concert debut imme- tion's leading young philosophers,
diately after his graduation, and Prof. Frankena has published such
subsequently toured Russia and all articles as "Our Belief in Reason" in
the countries of Europe. During his Papers of the Michigan Academy and
tours he played with the first orches- "Obligation and Value in the Ethics
tras of the world and was honored by of G. E. Moore" in a book entitled
royalty. "The Philosophy of G. E. Moore"
Illness caused him to leave the 1 edited by P. A. Schilpp.
concert stage temporarily in 1935. Hostesses Deb Stoll, '48, and Joyce
The American public did not hear Siegan, '46, will serve cookies and
from him again for five years. HIe coffee.
returned to the concert stage in fe
January of 1940, and since has toured
the United States several times and
made hundreds of recordings.



Says Germans
To Buzz-Bomb
LONDON, Jan. 9 -P)--The Ger'-
mans will V-Bomb the United States
to help hard-pressed Japan, the Lon-
don Daily Express said tonight.
The newspaper stated that the
Nazis also want to show off their
new terror weapons and would bomb
the United States "for malice and
vanity" as well as to help the Japa-
The Germans have stated that the
bombardment of Liege and Antwerp
by V-weapons has been increased
four-fold during the last few days
and soon would be further intensi-
Newman Club
To Hold Party
The Newman Club will hold a par-
ty from, 7:30-9:30 p. m. tonight in
the club rooms in St. Mary's Chapel.
The feature part of the evening's
entertainment will be a magic show
presented by John Burt, Navy V-12,
and dances by Bev Wittan and Dotty
Dotty Uhl, Ted Smith, and Doris
Heidgen are on the committee for
the affair.
There will be refreshments and

MON., JAN. 15, 8:30
Hill Auditorium
A limited number of tickets
are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society
Burton Memorial Tower.

-,.... -.
f ,.
, .



County Divorce
Rate Increases
Washtenaw County Clerk's records
just compiled reveal that the coun-
ty's divorce rate has been increasing
for years and soared to 395 for the
year ending December, 1944.
A total of 584 divorce suits were
filed from December 1943 to Decem-
ber 1944, with 395 representing the
number of divorces granted.
"Already there has been a marked
increase in the number of divorce
suits filled since New Year's Day,"
Circuit Judge George Sample said
yesterday. Within an eight day peri-
od, 24 suits have been filed.
"It is appalling," was the judge's
only comment.

Skating Slacksr
Man-Tailored by 'King of Slacks'
Specialists in Skating Togs
1 001 wool plaid slacks made to keep you
warm as toast while you skate.
Slacks iri small plaid of blue or brown.

R i

i ,



Slacks in large plaid
black & red, and

of brown & green,
green & yellow.


... In the Casual Shop



The regular open house will be _ _
held tomorrow night. )ing

_. ____.. .w
___ _ __


- A


"ON THE BEAM" girls are g
for this "zooming"
\ \
4 /

sport CASUAL

Rob Wbit's HairSrts
To keep you snug in the crispest of skating weather.
65% wool, 25% rayon, 10% rabbit's hair with cardi-
gan neckline and short sleeves. In Kelley, natural,
melon and blue.
Suede Jackets
Velvety-to-the-touch suede jackets in green, red,
brown, ton, wine, or blue.
10.95 to 39.95
Wool T ilored Shirts
Pure wool tailored shirts in melon, green, blue &


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All Sizes
AAA to C

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Shop Monday 12 Noon to 8:30 P.M.

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