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January 12, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-12

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TLHE 'dI1CIiC f . r~1L i1 4

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Fifty-F fth Year

La Guardia for Labor Post?

K ee p M oving

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips .
Stan Waiice
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho .
Dave Loewen berg
Mavis Kennedy

. Managing Editor
City Editor
. . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assbciate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
'ss Staff


Lee Amer . .
Barbara Chadwick . .
Jme Pomering . . .

Business Manager
AssocIate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $450, by mal, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
New Bud uret
WHEN PRESIDENT Roosevelt's fourth war-
time budget was submitted to Congress it
was discovered that appropriations set aside for
jobs, education, medical care and financial as-
sistance for veterans constituted one fifth of all
'expenditures for other than war activities."
This bdget which did inot differentiate be-
tween expenditures for veterans of this war
and those of other wars is needed to cover
expenses for increased pension costs occa-
sioned by losses in the service; for recent
legislation increasing coverage and liberal-
izing payments to veterans of former wars
and to their dependents; and to carry out the
provisions of the Servicemen's Readjustment
Act of 1944-the so-called G. . Bill of Rights
which covers a wide range of aides for vet-
erans of this war.
Before criticism is advanced for this enor-
mous jump in veteran appropriations it must be
remembered that there has been an increase in
war deaths aid insurance must be paid out to
cover national service life insurance policies
which are held by almost all service men and
women. The costs of education, readjustment
allowances and loan guarantees will jump. The
G. I. Bill of Rights is partly responsible for
this, but the advantages to be gained by this
new ruling will more than make up for this
tremendous sum.
It can be assured that this is one part of
the budget which is being put to the best
use and will bring many advantages to those
veterans who will make up one-tenth of the
population at full tide and will constitute
almost one fourth of the labor forces.
-Liz Knapp
P Ili nes
WHEN THE JAPANESE phase of the war draws
to a close, we will once again be faced with
the problem of Philippine Independence. But
the events in the Far East since December 7,
1941 has altered the picture for both Americans
and Filipinos and now both seriously question
the wisdom of the McDuffy-Tydings Act of 1934
providing for Philippine Independence.
As the situation stands now, there are two
possible roads for American territories to fol-
low: 1) They may be granted eventual inde-
pendence as has been considered in the case
of the Philippines. Z) They nmay eventually
become states in the Union as has been con-
sidered for Hawaii - and Alaska, but so far,
this has not occured in non-contiguous terri-
tory settled by Americans with American
democratic institutions.
It is quite evident that neither of these roads
would be acceptable to both Arericans and
Filipinos in light of existing conditions. Filipinos
will always be fearful of being singed by thea
rays bf the Rising Sun and Amercans will eter-
nally be bound to maintain defense against
agression in the South Pacific area. And the
Filipinos would unquestionably resent an Amer-
ican "big stick" held over their heads in event
of Independence.
Statesmen have recognized the implications
of either course and have suggested the adoption
of a third road for American dependencies, espe-
cially the Philippines to follow, namely the even-

tual attainment of some sort of dominion status
as exists in the relationship between the United
Kingdom and her dominions. Rominion status
would prevent American domination of the Phil-
ippines without depriving them of protection by

Drew Pearson says:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12-White House advis-
ers have been staging a quiet campaign this
week to put Mayor Fiorello La Guardia across
as the new Secretary of Labor.
So far the President has been unable to find
the right-or willing-person to step into Miss
Perkins' shoes and "The Madame" is intent on
leaving. Some of the President's friends, there-
fore, think La Guardia is not-only a natural, but
could be persuaded to take what is the most
thankless job in the cabinet.
The labor post is being hard to fill because
pThssible appointees will have to step int the
middle of the hot CIO-Afl row, in which they
are sure to offend one side or the other. La-
Guardia, however, is used to stepping on
people's toes, doesn't care how many people
he offends, and will ride roughshod over
any group he thinks is wrong.
Moreover, the Little Flower's political pros-
pects as Mayor of New York for a fourth term
are not bright. The Republicans, and nomin-
ally he is one, say they won't nominate him
again. The Democrats, toward whom he leans
nationally, oppose him locally. La Guardia's
popular following is just as large as ever, but
he will have a tough time being re-elected if
So you may find the fiery Fiorello coming
back to his old haunts, Washington, where he
once served as one of the most efficient hard-
hitting representatives ever elected to Con-
Secret Democratic Caucu s...
THEY WEREN'T talking about it publicly, but
several Democratic Senators were hopping
mad last week when, in secret caucus session,
Texas Statesman Tom Connally told them to
check with the Foreign Relations Committee
before forming conclusions or taking a stand
on foreign affairs.
Connally held forth at some length to as-
semfbled Democratic Senators as chairman of
that committee. He appeared to be trying to
re-establish the prestige lost by his committee
when it railroaded the six state department
nominations through last month, only to have
the full Senate toss them right back at Con-
nally and his committee for further considera-
.Connally's remarks were addressed princi-
pally at the neW me bers. "Freign rela-
tions," he explained, "are an extremely com-
plicated subject today ad I hope, before you
declare yourself or commit yourself in any
Way, you'll give our Committee a chance to
reach some important concltsions and to help
you personally."
The Democrats, as one of thern put it, sat
"silent as a tomb, but not meek as a lamb."
Not only were there murmurings about Con-
nally, but there was no enthusiasm among the
new Senators over the leadership of Senator
Kenneth McKellar, of Tennessee, who was elect-
ed president pro tem of the Senate. There was
a strong feeling that the Senators who really
should be heard from are those who aided in
the campaign last year. Connally and MKel-
lar were not active, whereas Senators like O'Ma-
honey of Wyoming, Pepper of Florida, Kilgore
of West Virginia, Guffey of Pennsylvania, really
went down the line, working night and day to
re-elect Roosevelt to his fourth term.
Note-One of the freshman Senators whom
Connally lectured was Fulbright of Arkansas,
former Rhodes Scholar and University Presi-
- dent, who knows more about foreign affairs
than Tom eyer thought of knowing. It was
Fulbright who forced Congress and Connally
to adopt an international cooperation reso-
lution last year.
The British Diplomatic Game ...
THE LONG, LEAN gracious Earl of Halifax
emerging from a one-hour session with the
President last week, told news men he had come
to wish F. D. R. a Happy New Year and present
him with a book as a gift.
"Did you discuss Drew Pearson's column with
the President?" Halifax was asked.
"No," he replied.
"Did you discuss it with Mr. Stetttinius?"
"Are you sure you didn't discuss it with

Stettinius?" repeated the questioner.
"No," said Halifax, somewhat more icily.
"But, Mr. Ambassador," he was reminded,
"only ten minutes ago Mr. Stettimius said you
did discuss it with him."
"Did he?" answered the Ambassador. "Well,
i must have-I tniust have talked to him about
it--er-on the telephone or something."
One Republican's Viewpoin....
REPUBLICAN National Comniittee publicity
expert Lee Clhesley was sitting with a group
of friends discussing politics the other day.
One of them was trying to console Chesley on
the Dewey defeat in November.
"Just think, Lee, if Dewey had been elected,
you'd be busy as a beaver now working your
head off trying to jam everybody into the
inaugural proceedings and not having half
enough tickets to go around."
"Yes, I know," replied Chesley, "But it
would be worth the effort. I have been wait-
ing so long to see the inside of the White
House, I think if Roosevelt were smart, he'd
invite a few of ors Republicans in for dinner,

show us the place, and tell us something about
his troubles. Maybe then we wouldn't be so
eager to jump on him."
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, nc.)
Nazi Morale
NEW YORK, Jan. 12-We hear a lot about
"German morale" from persons who are in
no position to know anything about it; great
and earnest speculations as to whether the Ger-
mans are despairing, or sad, or merely a little
blue. The isolationist press often says that we
are stupidly "improving German morale" by our
slogan of unconditional surrender; it remarks
that this slogan makes the Germans fight more
desperately, etc.
Most of these discourses are based on a pro-
found misconception as to the nature of mor-
ale. Morale is not desperation, Morale is
confidence that we can solve our problems.
The unconditional surrender slogan certainly
does not increase Germany's confidence that
it can solve its problems.
But when one American, such as Senator
Wheeler, gets on the air and demands that we
give up the unconditional surrender slogan, and
that we offer terms to the Germans, that speech
must increase Germany's confidence that it can
solve its problems.
It indicates to Germany that some Americans
want a more considerate approach to the Reich
than others do; it opens up that tiny chink of
hope on which morale is based; it can onl en-
courage the Germans to hang on in the hope
that more Americans will turn against the un-
conditional surrender policy.
AT THE SAME TIME, Senator Wheeler's ap-
proach would seem to hurt our own morale.
It does not do our morale any good for us
to be told that our policy is "brutal" and
"costly"; that it is "asinine" and "an obvious
mistake"; and that Dumbarton Oaks is a grim
hoax." These statements destroy hope when
they reach the ears of the impressionable;
they may make some of us think that our
leadership is stupid and inept and asinine,
that our hopes for world accord are only a
joke. Such remarks close up our own chink
of hope, the hope on which our own morale
is based; if these comments become general,
our world would cease to make sense, and
when the world ceases to make sense, morale
The proposal that we ought to try to make
the charging Panzer divisions in the Belgian
bulge stop short by offering them softer, or
better, or more definite peace terms is a wild
pitch, indeed. Such an offer would be much
more likely to make the German troopers feel
that they had won a point, and that if they
only fought more, they might win more.
It would tend to convince them that their war
effort makes sense; that there is a pattern un-
derlying their hopeless lunges; that they are
not without a plan. For "better" peace terms
to follow immediately after the German offen-
sive would be to make that offensive a success.
BUT GERMAN MORALE will not crack on
successes; it will crack on failures; it will
crack when Germany is finally convinced that
Hitler has no plan. Let us not be fooled by
Germany's desperate last stands, etc., into be-
lieving that German morale is good. The Ger-
mans fought desperately at Stalingrad, but if
their morale had really been good, if they had
been confident that they could solve their prob-
lems, if they had had the high swinging planful-
ness that goes with genuine morale, they might
have retreated at Stalingrad months before the
showdo fn, and reformed their lines, and held
a large part of their gains.
Desperation led them to surrender; morale,
and all that it implies, might have saved their
Our problem is to convince Germany that
Hitler has no plan. But the possible effect of
some statements by our own prophets of gloom
is to tend to convince us, at just this critical
moment, that we have no plan, that our lead-
ers are stumblebums, swinging wildly in a
void; that we don't know Where we are going;
that the hope of peace is a myth. The result

must be to make some of us feel that the
blackness of empty night is descending over
us, rather than over Germany. He who toys
with morale toys with dynamite; in this field
it is well to know one's business.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)
On Second Thought .
WAR MOBILIZATION Director Jimmy Byrnes
doesn't care if you have a hot time in the
old town tonight (providing you keep the tem-
perature down to 68 degrees.)
Jimmy wants to keep the home fires burning
and those are the hard, coal facts of the
Therefore, sez he, it's fuelish to feed the fire
more than necessary.

I T CAN'T TRULY be called "enter-
tainment," because it is not a
relaxing thing to sit quietly in a well-
upholstered theatre-seat and Watch
men make the mistakes which are
responsible for a stranger sitting
beside you, instead of your husband.
But this is not a condemnation.
It is high praise. It may mean that
the mistakes won't be repeated; that
the next generation won't need to
sit so.
"Wilson" deserves a dramatic
review, because it is a movie, not
a history lesson. And it would come
off very well under such treatment.
But the most important point is
not that it is a movie, but that it
is a history lesson, and 20th Cen-
tury Fox is to be heartily congratu-
lated for recognizing the need of
such a lesson at this particular
moment in America's history.
One detracting feature is the de-
gree to which history is "personal-
ized." The fight over ratification of
the Versailles Treaty, with its accom-
panying proposal for a League of
Nations, becomes little more than a
personality clash between Wilson, the
hero, and Sen. Cabot Lodge, the heel.
Agreed, movies consist of the actions
of people, but if the industry can
produce a "Fantasia," a "Lady in the
Dark," and a super-horror "Frank-
enstein," it can surely discover a way
to represent facts and motives and
an over-all view of the political,
social and economic conditions of a

As in all history, a coloring was
given the picture by the presentation
and omission of particular incidents.
As a record, it is unfortunate that so
much time was spent on scenes at
the party nominating conventions.
so that there was no room for the
stirring Senate debate following Wil-
son's request for a declaration of war,
in which Old Bob LaFollette, Lindy's
liberal father, Borah, Wheeler par-3
ticipated. Nor for scenes showing
the terrorism engendered by anti-
German propaganda. Of union-
smashing. Supreme Court decisions
upholding violation of fundamental
civil liberties for the sake of the
"emergency." The imprisonment of
another great man of- the decade:
Gene Debs, Socialist candidate for
President. And that only brief men-
tion was made of the charge that
this country was fighting an imper-
ialist war to protect Morgan's heavy
investments in the British Empire.
BUT ALL THESE are minor facts.
And the main stream can :e
missed by no movie-goer. Not even
by the most rabid of isolationists; so
they better stay away.
idealism for a truly integrated
United States taking her proper place
in a unified League of Nations to
finally settle problems which are not
idealistic at all: the same basic ques-
tions which have racked the peoples
of all nations for a time: how can
we get enough to buy food and cloth-
ing and pay the rent, and still live at
peace with our neighbors?

The failure of this sincere ideal-
ist DOES NOT MEAN the final
failure of his purpose . . Because
men must go on living, so they will
continue to try to find the answers.
But it means that it is taking
longer than it might have done.
And it is taking more out of all the
people: more in loss of life, loss of
nerve, loss of security, loss of gen-
tleness, loss of serenity.
One thing for which we can be
thankful: the men who are fight-
ing this war, the workers who are
making the weapons of war, the
women who are waiting for the
war to end, the manufacturers
who are more interested in free-
dom than in profits, The Peaple
are not idealists this time. They
have ideals. But they are not
This is their saving trait. Idealism
about wars can lead only to disillu-
sionment. And the road back from
disillusionment is the high wide and
desperate one of the 1920's and '30's.
This time we know the facts of the
fighting. What freedom means, not
only in contrast to German and
Japanese dictatorship, but in con-
trast to the home variety of race
riots, lynch-law, bossism.
And this time we know the facts
of peace. We know the very places
where we can go wrong. We know
the remedies. And we have the will
to use them.
Watching "Wilson" now, can be
the antidote for watching a similar
movie, "Roosevelt," twenty-five years
from now.






FRIDAY, JAN. 12, 1945
VOL. LV. No. 56
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell lall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Members of the University Coun-
cil: There will be a meeting of the
University Council on Monday, Jan.
15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All members of the
Senate may attend. The agenda is
as follows:
Approval of the Minutes of Nov.
13, 1944. Report on Government
Contracts-Vice-President M. L. Nie-
huss. Report on Special Services-
Dean C. S. Yoakum. Statement
About the Library-Director W. G.
Rice. Memorandum from the Inter-
national Center-Dr. E. M. Gale.
Subjects Offered by Members of the
Council. Reports of Standing Com-
Educational Policies-W. C. Olson;
Student Relations-C. H. Stocking
(Four Reports); Public Relations-
K. K. Landes; Plant and Equipment
-J. f. Cissel.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Mail is being held at the University
Business Office for the following
people: Arehart, Ethel; Bradley,
Sarah Grace; Butcher, Charles;
Cetschman, George F. J.; Chrest, Dr.
and Mrs. Clarence P.; Crunigan, Dr.
A. J.; Cuttrell, June; Franke, Wesley
C.; Forrest, Marguerite P.; Giller,
Bea; Girvin, Donald, Jr.; Gligeroff,
Thomas G.; Gould, Georgia; Hamil,
Margaret; Hayase, Tom; Hollinger,
Daniel; Krug, Mrs. Joe; Leiberman,
Carol; McCloskey, Dr. Mark A.; Max-
well, Katherine; Milton, Charles;
Myers, Dr. Muriel; Niervin, George;
Ohberg, G. E.; Parre, Mrs. Jerry;
Porter, Susan; Prescott, F. H.; Pur-
cell, Bernard; Rich, Townsend; Rich-
ardson, Steve; Rigg, Betty; Rimmer,
Mrs. William; Robinson, E. R. Jr.;
Sieben, Glen; Seigler, Violet; Stumpf,
Caroline Y.; Sister Sylvia; Thorn-
ton, Dr. O. R.; Troeschels, Dr.;
Truesdale, Mrs. Beverly; Professor
and Mrs. Robert VanSickle; Vonn
Toon, Miss Bobby Ray; Walcott,
Gloria:Wurdock, Beatrice.
City of betroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Technical Aid
(Male & Female) (Business Admin-
istration) (General) (Medical Sci-
ence), salary $37.54 to $38.81 for 40
hour week, and $48.80 to $50.45 for
48 hour week, and Jr. Engineering
Aid (Male & Female), salary $42.54
to $44.08 for 40 hour week, $55.30 to
$57.20 for 48 hour week, have been

received in our office. For further
information, stop in at 201 Masor
Hall, Bureau ' of Appointments.
Important Notice in re Rationing
of Certain Materials for Research:
Stricter rules and regulations govern.
ing the rationing of "Processes
Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have no
gone into effect. This applies to all
laboratories and departments manu-
facturing or carrying on researeb
work, and to the feeding of animal,
for research which use rationed items
In order that the University may be
properly registered with the, Loca
Ration Board, it is requested that
you report to Mr. W. W. Buss, Rm
B124, University Hospital, by Jan. 2f
the quantities of rationed foods yor
anticipate using from Jan. 1, 1949
through Dec. 31, 1945.
The points are grantednby quar-
terly periods of three months each
Therefore, please indicate the quan-
tities you need for each quarte
under the following classications:
1. Processed Foods. 2. Meat, Fats
Oils and Canned Fish. 3. Sugar
Laboratories or research project
failing to make this report ma.
expect to find themselves denies
their necessary supplies.
Withholding Receipts for 1944
Income Tax: Numerous requests hav(
been received by the Business Offic(
for withholding receipts showing
total wages paid. and total income
tax withheld (Form W-2) from indi-
viduals desiring to make final incom
tax returns by Jan. 15, 1945. Th(
work involved in preparing severa'
thousand of these receipts renders it
impossible to have then'i ready b3
Jan. 15, but the Payroll Department
will gladly give any individual the
figures his or her receipt will contain
when finally prepared. The deadline
for having these completed forms ir
employees' hands is Jan. 31, 1945 but
it is anticipated that those for U-ni
versity employes will be sent to their
a few days earlier. H. P. Wagnei
Attention all members of Phi Eta
Sigma! Pictures will be taken for the
Michiganensian Jan. 14, at the Mich-
igan Union at 3 p.m.
Academic Notices
Seniors: College of L. S. & A.:
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health: Tentative lists of
March graduates including candi-
dates for the Certificate in Public
Health Nursing have been posted on
the bulletin board in Rm. 4, U.H. If
your name does not appear, or, if
included there, it is not correctly
spelled, please notify' the counter
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Ten-week reports below C of all
Navy and Marine students who are
not in the Prescribed Curriculum;
also for those in Term 5 in the Pre-
scribed Curriculum are to be turned
in to Dean Emmons' Office, Room
259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than
Jan 20. Renort cards may be ob-

Organ Recital: Bernard Piche, Or-
anist of the Cathedral of Trois-
Rivieres, Quebec, will appear as guest
,rganist in Hill Auditorium at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, Jan. 14. He has
arranged a program to feature com-
positions by Bach, Franck, Gigout,
Rameau, LeBegue, Vierne, Widor,
Dupre and Tournemire, and will play
ne of his own compositions, "Rhap-
sodie sur 4tNols." The recital will
be open to the public without charge.
Choral Union Concert: Vladimir
Horowitz, Russian pianist, will give
the seventh program in the Choral
Union Series, Monday night, Jan. 15,
at 8:30. His program will consist of
numbers by Czerny, Beethoven,
Rachmaninoff, Prokofieff, Chopin,
Samuel Barber, and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
till available at the offices of the
,University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and at the Hill
Auditorium box office after 7 o'clock
on the night of the concert.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by
prominent artists, loaned through
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York City. Ground floor corridor,
Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan.
29. The public is invited.
Events Today
SRA Poster Club meets this after-
noon at 3:30 in Lane Hall, to be fol-
lowed by Association Coffee Hour.
All interested in artistic expression
are invited. No talent required.
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta will hold a guest
tea, Saturday afternoon, Jan. 13,
from 3 to 5 in the West Conference
Room of Rackham. All members are
cordially invited to attend.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have a sleigh ride Saturday night
and all members who wish to attend
are asked to meet at the Parish Hall,
309 E. Washington St. no later than
9. Reservations must be made by
calling Emil Hahn, 4348.
The regular Sunday afternoon
meeting of the Association will begin
with the program at 5 and supper
following at 6. Mr. Charles Will-
mann. Vicar of Zion Church, will
speak on the Liturgy.
Initiation to Phi Eta"Sigma will be
held Jan. 14, in Rm. 302 Michigan
Union at 1 p.m. Any initiates inter-
ested in running for office please
report at 12:15 p.m.
Ameeting for special permission
girls and those living in private
homes in Ann Arbor will be held on
Monday, Jan. 15 at 4 p.m. in the
Michigan League. The room for the
meeting will be posted on the League






Personal hygiene rules to
don't care how often Gen.
gets his feet wet wading

the contrary, we
Doug MacArthur
ashore on new

- ..- . -r Sfr y


By Crockett Johnson


No. I've no word vet rom

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