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January 12, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-12

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Sir 3af


Snow Flurries, Partly
Cloudy, and Warmer



Yank Invaders Strike Forward on Li


Stimson Calls for
National Service
All Physically Qualified Men under 30 Years
To Be Called for Induction into Armed Forces
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11-(P)-Stubborn Nazi determination to fight
to the finish, and unexpected speed in getting to grips with the Japanese,
lie back of the demand for tighter manpower controls, War Secretary
Stimson said todaya
Asserting at his news conference that "measured in terms of effect-
iveness the Army is understrength," Stimson said:
"If the needs of the armies at the front are to be met, there seems to
be no escape from calling into the Armed Services during this year, sub-
stantially all physically qualified men below 30 years of age from factory,
farm and government. But when we do this the places of these young
Kmen will have to be taken by older

County Affected
R Manowe

7 p V %,-t

a I

Movement to Essential
Jobs Is Widespread
"James Byrnes' recent manpower
declaration has taken definite effect
in Washtenaw County," Lawrence
Hamberg, director of the local Unit-
ed States Employment Service branch
said yesterday.
"Within the last two weeks, there
has been a noticeable migration on
the part of workers from less essen-
tial work into critical war produc-
tion," he pointed out.
Essential Positions Unfilled
Although there is no widespread
manpower shortage in this area,
Hamberg explained, the local USES
has been unable to fill some essen-
tial positions. This is due, in part,
to the workers' reluctance to give up
jobs in manykdeferable, but now un-
essential work.
Discussing recent Washington pleas
for more workers in the nation's war
industry, Hamberg said, "There is
every indication that on a nation-
wide scale, workers are gradually
moving into essential jobs."
On the other hand, he said, more
war workers are going into the ser-
New Directives Expected
As yet, there is no information ex-
plaining the status of 4-F college
students under the much-discussed
4-F draft, Hamberg stated, but new
directives on the subject are expected
within a month.
Summing up, the entire set-up,
Hamberg asserted, "This is the criti-
cal situation that we have been told
was inevitable-losses on the battle
fronts are mounting-manpower de-
velopments within the next few
menths may have a definite effect on
the length of the present world con-
Woiiei, Needed in
Radar, Radio Plants
Women are still needed in Wash-
tenaw County's critically important
radio and radio production plants,
Lawrence Hamberg, local USES di-
rector said yesterday.
Hamberg pointed out that Wash-
ington reports indicate that Ameri-
can forces are using an inestimable
amount of radio and radar equip-
ment and local plants have been
placed on the critically essential list
in the case of both materiel and em-
Today WAA Rec-Rally at 7:30
p. m. in Waterman-Bar-
bour gyms.
Today, 'No Greater Love', Rus-
Jan. 13 sian film, shown at 8 p.m.
in Rackham building.
Today Newman Club party from
7:30 to 9:30 p. m. in club
rooms in St. Mary's Cha-
Today Union membership dan-
and ces from 9 p. m. to mid-
Jan. 13 night in the Ranbow
Jan. 13 Wrestling-Michigan vs.
Northwestern at 2:30 p.m.
in Sports Building.
9 -1

men, women and younger men not
acceptable for military service."
He insisted that the real solution
is national service legislation.,
The secretary's explanation of thel
new manpower stringency was given
while Col. Francis V. Keesling,. Jr.,
testifying on "Work or Fight" legis-
lation, was telling the House Mili-
tary Committee where Selective Ser-
vice plans to get 900,000 young men
for the armed forces by July 1. ,
80,000 For Army
January and February draft calls,
Keesling testified, will be 112,000
each-80,000 for the Army and 32,000
for the Navy-with the Army quota
going up to 100,000 for the follow-
ing four months to make the month-
ly total 132,000.
That builds up a six-months draft
total of about 750,000 with the re-
mainder of the 900,000 expected to
come from enlistments of youths in
the Navy and Marine Corps.
Draft Totals Planned
It is planned to make up the, draft
totals, Keesling said, as follows: 240,-
000 youths becoming 18 years old;
180,000 men now classified 1-A; 330,-
000 men not over 38 and holding in-
dustrial and farm deferments.
That last 330,000 is where the
manpower rub comes.
Keesling broke down the available
sources for them: 360,000 under 26
deferred for essential farm work and
100,000 in industry, including 60,000
in the Merchant Marine; 800,000
between 26 and 30 deferred in indus-
try and 265,000 on farms; 3,200,000
between 30 and 38 deferred in indus-
try and 700,000 on farms.

Nazis Flee as
Yanks Hit by
Germans Withdraw
23 Miles in Belgium
PARIS, Jan. 11-(P)-The U. S.
Third Army threatened to cave in
the Luxembourg front with a sur-
prise stroke today that sent thou-
sands of Germans fleeing into the
woods and in Belgium the enemy
began a 23-mile withdrawal that
turned loose British patrols on a
10-mile eastward sweep.,
The Northwestern enemy anchor of
Laroche fell along with 15 other'
towns as German forces were report-
ed evacuating the entire western apex
of their Belgian and Luxembourg
Cut Enemy Positions
Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's troops
cut in half powerful box positions
southeast of Bastogne from which
three enemy divisions had been ham-
mering at his lines from the east.
The neck out of the box now was no
more than two miles wide.
Resistance in the remainder of this
area was reported collapsing rapidly
as the Germans-caught off guard
by the unexpected blow-floundered
off into the snow drifts and woods
toward the uncertain haven of Wiltz,
ten miles east of Bastogne,iwhere
other Third Army forces lie in wait.
The German High Command ad-
mitted it was quitting all the Belgian
bulge west of the Ourthe River and
front dispatches said the new line
was expected to run from Vielsalm
on the north for 16 miles southwest
through Houefalize to near Bastogne.
British Advance 3 Miles
While the British were coming up
on the west in a general advance of
three miles, the Germans had pulled
out so quickly that all contact was
lost except for a few snipers.
Tommies moved in from the north-
west in force and seized the town of
Ronchamps, only three miles south-
west of doughboys in newly-captured
On the south, Lt. Gen. George S.
Patton's Third Army in heavy at-
tacis from three sides, cut the size of
the strong Harlange box in half in
11 hours, took 400 prisoners, slaught-
ered a retreating convoy and sent
survivors floundering through snow-
drifts into the woods.

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Cag eng
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lBA 'Caes MinOdpnSsa
THE ROAD TO MANILA-Map shows relation of Manila to Lingayen
Gulf area of Luzon where American troops have established a beach-
head between San Fabian and Lingayen (arrows from flag.)
HeatoCCaitae iFl

Those figures build up a pool of
only 1,525,000 in the under 30 age Ickes Starts
group. The services are staying as
far from older men as they can get,t
but unless that attitude is relaxed, A nother B atle?
the 330,000 men would take more

than one in five of the younger group.
British Troops
CALCUTTA, Jan. 11--(P)--British
troops have captured and pushed
through the large Japanese base on
Shwebo in central Burma and are
driving on down the railway toward
Mandalay, fabled city on the Irraw-
addy River now less than 46 miles
away, an Allied communique an-
nounced today.
Shwebo, last important enemy re-
sistance center north of Mandalay,
was entered four days ago by Allied
troops, who later overran its airfield.
Today's announcement said the city
"is completely in our hands and our
troops have advanced south of -the
Other British forces were reported
storming Budalin, 60 miles north-
west of Mandalay on a branch rail-
way between Monywa and Ye-u. The
Japanese garrison was resisting from
bunkers concealed in thick under-
growth. Indian troops near the west
coast of Burma occupied Ponnagyun,
steamer station 14 miles northeast
of the island port of Akyab, which
was seized last week without a fight.

Army Penetrates
Nine Miles Inland
Sixth Force Seizes Nine More Towns
As Japanese Fail to Reinforce Troops
By The Associated Press
12-American invaders of Luzon, punching seven to nine miles inland from
their 25-mile-wide Lingayen Gulf beachheads, have seized five more towns
and terminals of four main highways and a railroad leading to Manila.
They found the first appreciable opposition at their deepest spearhead.
Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger's Sixth Army units have been advancing for
tAo days as far and as fast as reasonable caution and the movement of
supplies has permitted.
Yanks Take 9 Towns
The Yanks have now taken nine towns and more than a score of

Secretary Of interior
Calls Lilienthal Names
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Secre-
tary Ickes (who, as everybody knows,
hates fights) says he doesn't want to
start anything but TVA Chairman
Iavid E. Lilienthal is a great, big
At his news conference today, the
Secretary of the Interior said he had
read an article by Lilienthal praising
the 'Tennessee Valley Authoi'ity and
hinting that any future river author-
ities should follow the TVA pattern.
"Mr. Lilienthal," said Ickes, "is
one of the best-and I might add-
one of the busiest propagandists the
United States of America has pro-
Mindful of President Roosevelt's
warning to officials to beware of
controversies or quit, Ickes then
turned to his Assistant Secretary,
Mike Straus, and inquired:
"I haven't started a controversy,
have I?"
"Wait and see," replied Straus.
The Ickes' swipe was directed at a
government official with whom Ickes
technically has no formal relation.
But Ickes and Lilienthal represent
and head the two outstanding types
of power authority.

By T' e Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 12, Friday-Rus-
sian Stalingrad veterans overran the
entire Angyalfold district in north-
eastern Budapest yesterday, driving
to within 20 blocks of the Hungarian
Parliament Building in the center of
the city and winning control of
approximately four-fifths of the
burning capital, Moscow announced
last night.
Red Troops Repulse Attack
Simultaneously, in fierce fighting
on the snow-covered hills west and
northwest of Budapest, other Soviet
units for the fourth straight day
repulsed large German infantry and
tank forces attempting to break
through to the rescue of the weak-
ened and desperate Axis garrison,
the Soviet communique said.
A midnight supplement, telling of
the struggle west of the capital, said
the Russians killed 900 Germans in
two repulses during the day and
knocked out 19 tanks and seven arm-
ored troop carriers.
Soviets Claim 16,000 Killed
In ten days' fighting to relieve the
capital the Germans have sacrificed
almost 16,000 men killed, and ap-
proximately 650 tanks on the basis
of Moscow's accounts.
Forty miles northwest of Budapest
Soviet troops were reported fighting
in the outskirts of Komarno, stra-
tegic Slovak communications base on
the north bank of the Danube, but
the communique did not mention the
battle for that six-way rail town
only 83 miles from Vienna.
Steadily herding the battered Ger-
Hungry Pup Eats
25 License Plates
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Jan. 11.-(R)-
A pup of undetermined ancestry but
with a notorious liking for soybean
products in the form of 1944 Illinois
license plates ran afoul of the law,
Police officer Lee Estrop spied the
dog gnawing away at a license on a
parked car and took the animal into
custody. City Street Commissioner
Frank Lock estimated it had de-
stroyed 20 to 25 plates in three weeks.
Lock said the dog would be held
ten days, awaiting an owner.

mans back into the center of gutted
Budapest, the Russians captured a
total of 150 square blocks yesterday
in Pest, the half of the capital lying
on the eastern side of the Danube.,
Reds Capture 1,000 More
One thousand more prisoners were
taken on Wednesday, making a total
of more than 9,600 since the Russians
broke into Budapest proper more
than two weeks ago.
Politics in China
Is on Spritual,
Moral Standard
"Chinese political philosophy is
concerned with moral and spiritual
satisfaction rather than material
contentment," Madame Wei Tao-
ming, wife of the Chinese ambassador
to the United States, stated yester-
day in an address sponsored by, the
Oratorical Association.
Madame Wei participated in the
Revolution of 1911 which established
the Chinese Republic. The revolu-
tionary purpose, she stated, was to
take the best from Chinese and West-
ern cultures. China was just recov-
ering from the struggle when she
had to take up arms against the
enemy. Madame Wei pointed out.
"Had the Chinese not resisted so
vigorously atthe time of the Jap at-
tack on Pearl Harbor who can tell
what the situation might be today,"
she added.
Plans are being laid now for ex-
pansion of educational opportunities
to reach people in even the remotest
regions, Madame Wei said. The plan
of the Ministry of Education calls
for compulsory education with an
eye to abolishing illiteracy in China,
she continued. Before the war there
were 41,000 Chinese college students
she stated, and in 1941 the number
increased to 51,000. Now, she said,
they number more than 60,000.
"The revolutionary struggle of al-
most half a century has made the
Chinese people conscious of the need
for democracy in their own country
and peace in the world, she con-

The 48-hour advance has carried'
the Americans well south of the maze
of swamp country at the mouth of
the meandering Agno River and
across the river line along which the
Japanese might have been able to
make a delaying stand.
Only on the extreme left flank,
along the Pozorrubio Road, have the
Americans run into anything more
than isolated and quickly eliminated
sniper resistance.
Contact Near Pozorrubio
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com-
munique today made the rst mention
of "combat contact" near Pozorrubio,
at the end of the deepest spearhead
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Jan.
11-Carrier planes are "attacking
the enemy off the coast of French
Indo China," Adm. Chester W.
Nimritz announced tonight and it
seemed highly probable that a
Japanese fleet was the target.
east of the San Fabian landing
beach. He gave no indication of the
severity of the fighting there.
The original 15-mile beachheadss
were widened to at least 25 miles
with the capture of the mouth of the
Agno, which empties into the Ling-
ayen Gulf west of captured Lingayen
Nine miles represented the deepest
point of penetration in the time
covered in the communique. Sinces
the communique always lags 24 hours .
behind operations it was probable
patrols had driven deeper since then.
Stiffened Resistance
The first stiffened resistance was
at the left flank east of the San
Fabian beachhead. There the Sixth
Army troops had seized the road
junction town of Manaoag and were
advancing northward toward Pozor-
rubio when they enconntered the
enemy force.
Pozorrubio is on the route to
Baguio, summer capital of the Phil-
ippines and possibly the seat of Jap-
anese leaders. There was no indica-
tion of the severity of the fighting.
Germans Shift
Troops to Italy
ROME, Jan. 11-(P)-The Ger-
mans have transferred troops from
Norway to strengthen their lines at
the extreme eastern end of the Ital-
ian battleline and Adolf Hitler has
ordered present positions there held
"at all costs," the Allied Command
announced today.
The importance attached by the
enemy to this sector was deduced
after an Eighth Army counterattack
on an enemy patrol on the south
bank of the Reno in which ten pris-
oners were taken. They were mem-
bers of the 710th Division, which
headquarters said was newly brought
to Italy from Norway, and they told
of Hitler's orders to hold the Reno
River line "at all costs."

my threatened to cave in Luxem-
bourg front with a surprise stroke,
sending thousands of Germans flee-
ing. Enemy begins a 23-mile with-
drawal in Belgium.
PACIFIC-American troops on
Luzon Island penetrate nine miles
from their Lingayen Gulf beach-
GREECE-British armored for-
ces pursue ELAS guerrillas, drive
within ten miles of Lamis, 90 miles
from the capital.
CBI THEATRE-Superfortresses
wing over Malay Peninsula for
their second smash at Singapore
drydocks and vital naval instafla-
JAG School To
Graduate Class
Officer Candidate To
Receive Silver Star
Commencement exercises for 86
members of the Ninth Officer Can-
didate class and for the 23 members
of the 20th Officer class of the JAG
School will be held at 4 p. m. today
on the Law Club parade ground.
Concurrent with commencement
exercises, Officer Candidate JamesI.;,
Hardy, a member of one of the
graduating classes, will be presented
with the Silver Star by Maj.-Gen.
Myron C. Cramer, Judge Advocate
General of the U. S. Army. Cand.
Hardy was awarded the Silver Star
for gallantry in action as a member
of a wire repair team last July in
To Be Commissioned
Members of the graduating officer
candidate class will be commissioned
second lieutenants in the U. S. Army,
and half will receive immediate rec-
ommendation for promotion to the
rank of first lieutenant. Members of
the 20th Officer class already hold
commissions ranging from second
lieutenant to lieutenant-colonel.
In addition to the graduating clas-
ses and Gen. Cramer, those present
at the commencement exercises will
be members of the 10th Officer Can-
didate class, the Eighth Contracts
and Readjustment class, Lt. Sher-
man T. McDowell, (18th . C.) aide
to Gen. Cramer, and Mr. George S
Holmes, Chief, Technical Informa-
tion, JAGO, Washington, D. C.
Banquet at Allenel
A banquet will be held at 7 p. m.
in the Allenel Hotel for members of
the graduating classes. Gen. Cramer,
Col. William H. McCarty, Command-
ing Officer, Section one, Sixth Ser-
vice Command, Lt.-Col. Reginald
Miller, Commandant of the JAG
School, the faculty of the JAG
School, Gen.. Cramer's aides and
members of the University faculty
will also be present at the banquet.
Formal commencement exercises
will be held at 10 a. m. tomorrow in
Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall. Gen. Crain-
er will deliver the baccalaureate ad-
dress. Graduates will also be ad-
dressed by Col. Miller and Dr. .
Blythe Stason, Dean of the Law
School. At the conclusion of the
exercises, diplomas will be presented
to the graduates by Gen. Cramer.
Ingram Renews
Buzz Bomb Warning
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11--(-Ad-
miral Jonas H. Ingram, Commander
In Chief of the Atlantic Fleet re-


T i

Exploratory Tour Made of Campus Underground Tunnels.


Through heat sometimes reaching
120 degrees, four Daily reporters
made an exploratory trip yesterday
through the underground tunnels
which carry heat and water to all

"This is the first time in three
years that I've been in the tunnels,"
our guide said as he led us down the
ladders to the dirt floor of the sub-
station, a virtual cobweb of pipes,
.. 11. 1......1.1.... - -,, I, ... - .. - 1 --

age depth of ten feet. At some points
the tunnels, the first of which was
laid about 50 years ago, reached a
depth of 30 feet.
A Leak Discovered
,x~-.; m..,_; ~ -.-+1cA~MQ

Crouching low to avoid wires and
pipes overhead, we formed a "daisy-
chain" when one light switch failed
to function, and carefully picked our
way through a 150-foot stretch of
f-~ +11- - r -ml i - --m"Q+ t . my ,l

rooms above were all that separated
us from the people in the first floor
Beneath Mason Hall, we crawled
between several pipes, coming out
imlo n -l - an rrhic-rfnn o

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