, I H E -N-f li 1-11 f--,, A N D A I LY JAN, 11, P THE MICJ'TTGATh~ DAILY 1HUR~DAY. JA 4. 11~ I r C RA gig, r 'I'e r J ra A t I LINGAYEN GULF TOWN ON LUZON, YANK INVASION TARGET-The town of San Fernando lies on the shore of Lingayenn Gulf, on Luzon, in the Philippines, in this pre-war aterial photograph. Gen. Douglas MacArthur has announced the invasion of Luzon, most important of the Philippine Islands. 11T'A LI1A N U NIV E R SI TY R EOQPE N S -A crowd in historic, Piazza del Campo attends reopening of University of Siena, ltaly,,which dates back seven centuries." A IN CO NGCR E SS--William JT. Gallagher (above), pensioned Minneapolis street worker, was electe d on the Democratic. ticket to a v at in the house of repre- Sejlt'fives of the 79th congress,; F I RUIN G H I D D E N G U N' - Soldiers of Lt. Gen. Alexander Patch's Seventh Army fire at the enemy with a camouflaged artillery piece after crossingthe Lauter river into Germany. 'CHFU TE DR ESS -Peggy Alexander. USAO trouper .back from. the South Pacifics, wears u. dress made from para~chute silk by Sgt.,Dominick Fola for a blind date -with o service man. G 1 Do 0 G S H 0 E S --Cpl. Charles W. Williams of Portland, Ind., fits his war dog with a pair of custom made shoes, devised after it was found that long hikes over Burma jungle terrain cut the dogs' feet .badly. G i CONVOY I N F A R E A S T--Silhouetted by banks of clouds and light from the setting sun, an Allied convoy, moves along somewhere on the, Indian Ocean, bound for the bighting fronts. THUNDERBOLT roar away to attack A T T A C K -.. From a forward air strip in Burma, RAF Thunderbolts enemy communications and facilities. Fellow airmen watch the takeoff. .j .1' I ) .... - - ~... -*.--,'-6-A-- 1: ,'...r,;.:,>r":z..;. ;;.:H; ": -..,...Y. ,' -,._.',e".:-. "+: rrr . 'c':.., '!'..: ks:,,,, . "':".? % ;::;ii: > r' '"": ... ..' ..,x ...... - ... .. _i r._a.. e._x__d___.. a... w:.ur :":::...{R...' r:....:.r.,..........""'-- ---.a.S.. :x. a+:f::G:-:.:;:": :"]:;"::...,. a+. a..:.,-z.". _..-1{"'.} f>. >r:.., ..