TilE-1MIC-IGA N LA WASHINGTON MERRY-G O-ROUND: Byrnes at Odds with FDR T he Pendulum A By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON Jan. 11-Not many outside the White House realize it, but there is little love lost between the President of the United States and his assistant president, ex-justice Jimmy Byrnes. In fact, most of the recent rec- ommendations which Byrnes made to Congress for tightening up the war were made without consulting F. D. R. Byrnes not only made these recommendations on his own, but announced the fact in a press conference. Furthermore Byrnes flouted one of the stand- ing rules laid down by the White House in this and other administrations, not to issue policy recommendations affecting other departments without consulting the departments involved. In his recommendations to Congress, the popular South Carolina jurist abruptly threw all this to the winds. He talked about taxes without even a whisper of consultation with Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau, the man who has to handle taxes. He let loose on labor strikes without a word to Chairman of the War Labor Board Will Davis, the man who has to handle strikes. He even made a crack indirectly against Davis about handling the Petrillos in the same way as the Averys, despite the fact that Byrnes himself had advised Davis not to crack down on Petrillo when the Musicians' Union chief got out of bounds. The result is Morgenthau is irked, Will Davis is irked, and most of all the President is irked. Roosevelt's Hands Tied . .. IIOWEVER, there isn't much the President can do about it. He persuaded Byrnes to remain on the job as War Mobilizer after the National Democratic Convention in Chicago when Jimmy's feelings were hurt over the vice- presidential turn-down. He also went oer Byrnes' head to pick Stettinius as Secretary of State when Jimmy thought he was going to get the No. 1 cabinet post. So Jimmy, being one of the shrewdest men in Washington, knows F. D. R. can't fire him, and it looks as though he was going to throw his weight around. Almost every observer who watches Wash- ington work feels it is an excellent thing to have a No. 2 man around the White House to handle domestic problems-provided he is pulling to- gether with the President. The President, con- centrating on the war and foreign relations, now as never before needs such an admini- strator. Byrnes is able, astute, incluential. The trou- ble is, however, cabinet members are not quite sure at the moment whether Byrnes, when he makes certain moves, is really representing the President. Also, relations between Byrnes and Harry Hopkins are not too good beneath the sur- face; so with F. D. R. frequently away or tied up with the war, it is harder to get coordinated deci- sions than at almost any time 'in years. Note-One thing which hasn't helped the Roosevelt-Byrnes relations is the suspicion that Jimmy originated the "clear it with Sid- ney" slogan which caused so much damage during the campaign. When Jimmy aspired to be his vice-presidential running-irate F. D. R. was reported to have told him to get the OK of Sidney Hillman. Any leak from Byrnes about this probably was inadvertent, but his close friend Bernard Baruck has been given credit for helping put the story into wide circulation. Under the Dome... JOOKS LIKE SOME of the dictatorial tactics previously attributed to Democrats were spreading to the other side of the aisle. Repub- lican Leader Joe Martin cracked down on two GOP Congressmen, Clare Booth Luce of Con- necticut and Christian Herter of Massachu- setts, when they refused to vote for a new Dies Committee. He punished; them by refusing coveted places on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.... GOP National Chairman Herb- ert Brownell believes that the Republican Party should steer its own course and not tie up with the Southern Democrats. But Joe Martin does- n't agree. . . . Justice Leif Erickson will resign from the Supreme Court of Montana soon to enter the Navy. Erickson will run against Sen- ator Burt Wheeler in the Democratic primaries in 1946. . . . To improve partiamentary rela- tions, Congressman Kefauver of Tennessee, George Outland of California and Charles La Follette of Indiana, three live wires, are en route to England to revive the old inter-parliamentary union; The French Chamber of Deputies will be in on the meeting. Persuading Nazi Prisoners ... RECENTLY the Army's shrewd psychological warfare branch installed sound equipment at the edge of a Nazi-held port behind the Allied lines in France and offered the Germans a novel "trial surrender." The message broadcast to the Germans went something like this: "Try it out for three days. If you don't enjoy being a prisoner with us, you can return to your units." As a result of the offer, eight Nazis surrend- ered. At the end of the three days, four agreed to stay; the other four asked to go back. The Army let them go. To their surprise, how- ever, the four came back a few hours later bringing more than fifty of their tired Nazi comrades to join them in the comparatively luxurious prison camp surroundings. Note-One constant complaint of the French civilian population is we are treating Nazi pris- oners better than we are the peoples of the ?as. How To Become a Diplomat... EDDIE JAFFE, the publicity man, receiveda call recently from a millionaire client whose chief ambition that day was to get a post in the State Department. Eddie listened to his request and then grunted, "Hopeless-forget it." "Hopeless?" asked the millionaire. "Why?" "You didn't contribute money to Dewey or work against the fourth term," said Jaffe. "To get into the new State Department, that's what it takes!" (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Tnc. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Perf ectioni[sm By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YOR K, Jan. 10-The perfectionist would like to see us "end power politics," even if we have to impose our will on other nations, and use our power against them, to do so. He some- times says, innocently, that the United States is too big and mighty a country to have to stand for power politics. The perfectionist believes that we ought to call on Britain and Russia, and bang our fists on their desks, and remind them of how strong we are, and that by that method we can per- suade these countries that no one country can have its own way. The perfectionist believes in friendship and accord among the great nations. But he is disturbed because President Roosevelt -is so friendly with the other great nations, and gives signs of understanding their problems, and shows reluctance to oppose them, in their quests for friends and security. The perfec- tionist does not see how we can hope to build a real internationalaccord, unless we begin to stand up against the other countries. The perfectionist does not trust Churchill, be- cause he regards him as wedded to the last century, and he does not trust Stalin, because he regards him as too far to the left, and he does not trust Roosevelt because he re- gards him as having drifted too far to the right, judging from his -recent State Department appointments. In some of his judgments, the perfectionist may be correct. But he does not believe that these national differences are real, or that they are based on genuine national needs for security and friends. He regards these differences as instances of perversity, and he would like all the other great powers to lay aside their doubts and ambitions, at his say-so, be- cause he knows himself to be a moral man. He considers this attitude of his to be truly inter- national. THE PERFECTIONIST is in favor of inter- national agreement. But he is suspicious of treaties between Britain and Russia, Russia and Czechoslovakia, Russia and France, or any talk of a treaty between Britain and France. This is the one field in which it is not admitted that a little progress is better than none. The perfectionist wants all the nations of the world to agree to one treaty, and he will not settle for less, even during a transition period. Having set up this great goal, and it is a great goal, he clings to it stubbornly, and considers himself to be the world's only internationalist for doing so. He considers the other countries to be acting unilaterally, even when they make a treaty; and he con- siders himself the only multilateral advocate alive, even when he stands by himself. The perfectionist believes that if we can only find the right gadget, world politics will come to an end forever. He believes that there will be no ,politics after 1945, if 1945 produces a world organization. He believes in a flat future, no hills or valleys. He is a terminal thinker. He does not believe in change. He believes only in transformation, and he is not interested in less. He uses the United States as an example of successful organization of many States into one. But he glosses over the point that the United States, though it is indeed a great exam- ple of organization, has been the scene of bitter political battles ever since it was organized. The perfectionist is morally right, and we could not do without him. But he does not guard himself sufficiently against the old logical fal- lacy which might be described as jumping out of the window to prove one is in favor of fresh air. He reveals this weakness by his willingness to provoke quarrels among the allies, in war- time, in his pursuit of the ultimate, the one- and only, accord. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) On Second Thought. . .. By RAY DIXON DEAN BUNTING is hunting for women dental students, which should eventually make it much more pleasant to have work done on the molars. There would almost be attraction in extrac- tion. On second thought, it would be horrible to be placed in a position where you couldn't talk back. By BERNARD ROSENBERG A GOODLY PORTION of the Right' is devoting itself to such subject matter as: The coming war with Russia. One clergyman in Detroit discoursed recently on this very top- ic. Reverend J. Frank' Norris, for it is of him I speak, knows something about warfare in general. He helped start a small-scale battle in Detroit two summers ago-or so sociologists, Humphrey and Lee inform us in the! handbook "Race Riot." Evidently that was kid stuff. Only some thirty odd Negroes were killed then along with numerous white hoodlums. The real butchering, it seems, will occur between our allies after we have dis- posed of the aggressors abroad and the minorities at home. This may seem rather remote to l you. But, the tom-toms have been beaten for it until they (along with international cooperation) are on the point of collapsing. Disunity based upon misapprehension is ev- erywhere to be observed.- If you do not think Norris a good example, why, subscribe for awhile to Gerald IL. K. Smith's stimulat- ing paper "The Cross and the Flag." Unlike his friend, Mr. Smith was defrocked,-but for spiritual content and religious fer- vor he can really outdo anyone. Or dig up a back issue of "Social Justice," that sheet the govern- ment declared seditious without indicting the man who inspired it See if "Social Justice" does not make you tingle with divine ecstasy ' over the prospect of fighting those bloody Russians. Down in the lower brackets of pro- fessional evangelism an even more pronounced Russo-phobia may be detected. One quotation from the1 Bible and another from the "Devil's Handbook" resound incongruously through the halls as Smith or a pro- totype thereof quietly enjoins Amer- ica to go mad. A 1944 edition of Elmer Gantry sees him railing less against demon rum and more against the Kremlin. Hootch is bad, but Stalin is worse. Let's joint hands and get out the vigilantes. After all, this country needs a militant Christ- ian front to fight the "Franco way" and combat Christianity. We could revive the Black Legion or maybe' have George Deatherage released from prison. Smith, who filtered in from Louis- iana after his hero Huey Long passed away with some assistance, predicts' the America First candidate for the Presidency will win after World War II comes to an end-so that one supposes we can consolidate our for- ces for the "drang nach osten" which is to follow. Conditions could well be ripe for the kind of ignoramus whom Smith would put up in the name of America and God. He may seem like a buffoon now, especially in view of the recent election. But Hitler looked like a buffoon when the Beer Hall Putsch failed. Wouldn't it be just peachy if some anti-Soviet brass hat like General Patton or General Wood became chief executive of this nation? It seems ridiculous at the moment. However, if Roosevelt had not been, elected in 1932 we would probably be blessed with the administration i of a fascist today. The proneness to incite ill will against Russia is no special pre- serve of misguided clergymen. Hearst, as of now, blasts Russia, or anyone whom he thinks may once have drunk vodka, with all the vitality of his youth. He contribu- ted handsomely to the manufac- turing of one war and would do it again if he could. Every red-bait- ing column in his newspapers is a call to arms against the country, that more than any other has saved civilization. Nor is he alone. Far over on the other side of the political fence some socialists, if you please, who profess to hate war, are actually engaged in fomenting it. Mr. Villard, harping on the Russo-Polish land disput to the complete discredit of Rug:sia. says in effect, "Horrors no, I do not want war." Just distrust Russia, re- fuse to work with her, cavil over boundaries, accuse the Soviet of ex- pansionist desires, etc.. but my good- ness don't expect war." War we shall have if this groundswell of distrust ever erupts as official policy. The State Department is not altogether unreceptive to it. Former Under- secretary of State.Adolph Berle, soon to be Argentine Ambassador, is on record in favor of a "cordain sani- taire"-a group of states adjacent to Russia acting as buffers against that country. I am not arguing the merits or demerits of the USSR. My feeling in fact is that the Great Experi- ment has failed in many important ways. But so much I know: if we alienate the major continental power of Europe, whose heart lands are crucial in the balane of world power, there will be no peace on this earth in our time. ,1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) huss. Report on Special Services- Dean C. S. Yoakum. Statement About the Library-Director W. G. Rice. Memorandum from the Inter- impossible to have them i*ady by Jan. 15, but the Payroll Department will gladly give any individual the figures his or her receipt will contain when finally prepared. The deadline for having these completed forms in PmnnrrPC'hnnd is JTn '1 1945 it Curriculum are due Jan. 20. Re- port blanks will be furnished by cam- pus mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255, W. Eng. Bldg. epioyees nana s span. ., ii uL national Center-Dr. E. M. Gale.,I Attention Engineering Faculty: Subjects Offered by Members of the it is anticipated that those for Un- Ten-week reports below C of all Council. Reports of Standing Com- versity employes will be sent to them Navy and Marine students who are mittees: a few days earlier. H . Wagner not in the Prescribed Curriculum; Educational Policies-W. C. Olson; also for those in Term 5 in the Pre- Student Relations-C. H. Stocking State of Michigan Civil Service scribed Curriculum are to be turned (Four Reports) ; Public Relations- Announcements for Child Guidance in to Dean Emmons' Office, Room K. K. Landes; Plant and Equipment Psychologist 11, $230 to $270 a month, 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than -J. H. Cissel. Bacteriologist 1, $180 to $220 per Jan. 20. Report cards may be ob- Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary month, Dockman B, $125 to $145 per tained from your departmental of- month, Social Worker A2, $165 to fice. The following resolution was adop- $185 per month, Laboratory Guard A, ted by the Regents at their meeting $150 to $170 per month, Liquor Store on Dec. 29, 1944, and is now in force: Manager Al, and 1, $180 to $220 per thte Dep larment minar meetin of Resolved, That it is expressly for- month, Vocational Education Fore- Metallurgical Engineering today at bidden hereafter that any University manship Conference Leader IV, $360 4 p.m. in Rm. 3201, East Engineering department or official shall either to $420 per month, Vocational Visual. Building, Mr. L. E. Brownell will directly or indirectly approach an Education Consultant IV, $360 to speak on "Electric Strain Gauges;" employee of any other department $420 per month, Prison Psychiatrist followed by Mr. D. V. Doane on the with inducements or suggestions the V, $440 to $550 per month, Indu- subject "Stresses in Surface Hard- natural result of which would be to strial Hygiene Engineer II,. $230 to ened 'Steels." Anyone interested is cause such approached employee to $270 per month, and Industrial Hy- I cordially invited to attend. desire transfer or to become dissatis- giene Engineer III, $280 to $340 per fled with his or her present position. month, have been received in our In all cases where the transfer of an office. For further information stop Seniors in Aeronautical, Electrical, employee is desired, the official de- in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Ap- f Mechanical, and Structural Engi- siring the transfer should first con- pointments. neering: A representative of the Bu- s lt the head of the department in ,'eau of Aeronautics, Washington, D. l which the employee is currently serv-I ing, or, in cases of clerical positions, the Office Personnel Committee. Nothing herein shall be held to, modify the By-laws Sec. 3.06 with respect to the duties and powers of the Office Personnel Committee. I Mail is being held at the University Business Office for the following people: Arehart, Ethel; Bradley, Sarah Grace; Butcher, Charles; Cetschman, George F. J.; Chrest, Dr.' and Mrs. Clarence P.; Crunigan, Dr. A. J.; Cuttrell, June; Franke, Wesley C.; Forrest, Marguerite P.; Giller, Bea; Girvin, Donald, Jr.; Gligeroff, Thomas G.; Gould, Georgia; Hamil, Margaret; Hayase, Tom; Hollinger, Daniel; Krug, Mrs. Joe; Leiberman, Carol; McCloskey, Dr. Mark A.; Max- well, Katherine; Milton, Charles; Myers, Dr. Muriel; Niervin, George; Ohberg, G. E.; Parre, Mrs. Jerry; Porter, Susan; Prescott, F. H.; Pur- cell, Bernard; Rich, Townsend; Rich- ardson, Steve; Rigg, Betty; Rimmer, Mrs. William; Robinson, . R. Jr.; Sieben, Glen; Seigler, Violet; Stumpf, Caroline Y.; Sister Sylvia; Thorn- ton, Dr. O. R.; Troeschels, Dr.; Truesdale, Mrs. Beverly; Professor and Mrs. Robert VanSickle; Vonn Toon, Miss Bobby Ray; Walcott, Gloria: Wurdock, Beatrice. Withholding Receipts for 1944 Income Tax: Numerous requests have been received by the Business Office for withholding receipts showing total wages paid and total income tax withheld (Form W-2) from indi- viduals desiring to make final income I tax returns by Jan. 15, 1945. The work involved in preparing several thousand of these receipts renders it By Crockett Johnson United States Civil Service an- nouncement for Laboratory Mechan- ics, salary $1,752 to $3,828, has been received in our office, 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. i . { The United States Civil Service1 Commission gives notice that Jan. 22,1 1945, will be the closing date for ac-I ceptance of applications for the fol- lowing examinations. Astronomer, $2,433, Chemist, $2,433, Chemist Aide, $2,190, Meteorologist, $2,433, Pharma- cologist, $3,163 to $5,228, Toxicologist, $3,163 to $5,228, and Physicist,! $2,433 to $6,228. Applications mustI be filed with the United States Civil{ Service Commission, Washington 25, p.C., not later than that date. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. City of Detroit Civil Service An- I nouncements for Technical Aid (Male & Female) (Business Admin- istration) (General), Medical Sci- ence),salary $37.54 to $38.81 for 40 hour week, and $48.80 to $50.45 for 48 hour week, and Jr. Engineering Aid (Male & Female), salary $42.54 to $44.00 for 40 hour week, $55.30 to' $57.20 for 48 hour week, have been' received in our office. For further ! information, stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. Admission to School of Business Administration Spring Term: Appli- cations should be submitted prior to Jan. 15. Application blanks available in Rm. 108 Tappan Hall. Lectures Mme. Wei, wife of China's ambas- sador to the United States, will speak this evening at 8:30 in Hill Auditor- ium on "China After the War." Mme. Wei is presented by the Oratorical Asnciatinn as the fifth number on C., will interview seniors graduating in February and June, on Thursday, Jan. 11, for positions of P-1 trainee engineers. Interviews will be held in Room B-47 East Engineering Building. Interested men will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulle- tin Board, near Room B-47 East En- gineering Building. Events Today The Geomet-y Seminar will meet today in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall at 4:15. Mr. Leisenring will speak on "Non-Euclidean Polygons." Tea at 4. A.S.M.E. Student Branch Members: There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan Union. Profes- sor A. F. Sherzer will show his col- ored movies of the Eastern Arctic Region. Membership pins and cards will be distributed to new members and there will be election of officers. Engineers and Faculty invited to the movies at 8 p.m. The Regular Thursday Evening Concert will be held at 7:45 p.m. in Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build- ing. An all Tschaikovsky will be featured including the Romeo and Juliet Overture, Piano Concerto No. 1, and Symphony No. 6. All graduate students and servicemen are invited to attend. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold an important business meeting tonight at 8 in the Michigan Union. Tickets for the lecture series which will be- gin next week, will be distributed to members. A program of Latin-Amer- ican songs will follow the business meeting. Coming Events BARNABY. I doubt if Gnomes[As I was saying, the thieves carried off those phoned me, believing I know Of course, I called the police 3 I at once. And we're laying a That private detective has a badge exactly like one I 1 t gn-,h, I