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January 10, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-10

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Roosevelt Presents Tentative Budget Plan PofSKeiston
Of 83 Billion Dollars For Next Fiscal Year n Argentina

WDNESDAY, JAM 10, 1945
Will Talk
Jan 17

ovn it

Quebec organist
Rep. Rabaut To
Make His Bid
For Judgeship
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-(U)-Stat-
ing that "I think it's time the Demo-
cratic party rewarded a winner in-
stead of someone who tried and
didn't make .it," Rep. Rabaut (D.-
Mich.) today announced his candi-
dacy to the judgeship of the Federal
District court, Detroit, left vacant by
the death of Judge Arthur J. Tut-
Rabaut referred to the recent un-
successful candidacy of Arthur Kos-
cinski for Michigan Secretary of
State. Koscinski, supported by the
Polish Democratic members of the
Wayne County Delegation, is now a
candidate for the judgeship.
Rep. Hook,. Ironwood Democrat,
said that while he would not actively
back any candidate because he was
not from Wayne county, he believed
"They couldn't make a better choice
than Koscinski."
It is traditional that President
Roosevelt defer to the wishes of the
state's Democratic congressmen and
national committeemen in appoint-
ing a new judge, though his choice is
[subject to Senate confirmation.

Bernard Piche,
Organist, Will
Give Recital
Professor at Quebec
School Will Play Here
Prof. Bernard Piche, organist at
the Cathedral of Trois-Rivieres and
professor of organ at the Provincial
Conservatory of Quebec, will pre-
sent the first organ recital of the
year at 4:15 p. m. Sunday in Hill
It has been the custom, since the
installation of the present organ in
3Hill Auditorium in 1928, of Prof. Pal-
mer Christian, University organist,
and the School of Music to invite
distinguished guest recitalists from
other cities each year. Other recit-
als by members of the School of Mu-
sic faculty will follow Prof. Fiche's.
His program will include the Bach
"Toccata in F major,".also a Bach
"Chorale" and a "Fugue in C ma-
jor," in addition to numbers by
Franck, Gigout, Rameau, Le Begue,
Vierne, Widor, Dupre and Tourne-
The recital is open to the public.
T'' Deba ters
Speak onPanel
Returning Veteran' Is
Saline Forum's Topic

", ward K
Slight Vehicle n
1 Union,
J <Y? ' Iof La S
Decline oted oday.
The s
State Survey Reveals olowin
Small Wartime Cut Jan. 31
LANSING, Jan 9.-A')- Gus T. Feb. 7
Hartman, Deputy Secretary of State,
said today the number of registered
motor vehicles in the state has showy. Mar. 7
a relatively small decline, despiteI
wartime automobile shortages. Mar. 14
He said a year-end survey discloses Ma. 29
rr there are 1.663,936 licensed motor
vehicles in the state, a reduction of Apr. 4
only 30,375 from a year ago, and thatI
the revenues from licensing the ve-
hicles totaled $21,325,681.27, a reduc- PrOf.
SEWELL AVERY tion of $268,341.89. ! omranrc
... Ward Ex-ecutive
1 turnedr
DECISION: Reliious iMet meBue
W -V -d IsCle O Rico. ri'tri

Spanish lecture series will
th the address of Prof. Hay-
>eniston on "Impressiones de
ntina' to be given at 8:00
Wednesday, Jan. 17, in the
Ann Terbrueggen, president
)ciedad Hispanica, announced
series will also include the
g lectures:
Lt. Col. Miguel Burset"Puer-
to Rico: Mezela de Cultu- '
Prof. Arthur Aiton "Rela-
ciones entre Latina-america
y los Estados Unidos."
Senorita Blanca Alvarez "La
Famila Venezolana."
Prof. Charles Wagner "Cante
Sr. Francisco Villegas "Be-
portes en Costa Rica."
Prof. Irving Leonard "El
Viaje de Sarmiento por los
Estados Unidos."
Keniston, chairman of the
ce Language department, re-
recently from a two-year stay
nos Aires. Col. Burset, now a
of the Judge Advocate Group
npus, is a native of Puerto
Prof. Aiton, of the history
rent, has spent some time in
ica, and has travelled through
Alvarez, a student here, is
Caracas, Venezuela. Prof.
~al GOP Club
cts Officers
ijower Voting Age
Group Resolution
e annual nieeting of the Ann

Goes Before
Federal Judge
CHICAGO, Jan. 9-VP)-The task
of deciding whether President Roose-
velt acted within his constitutionally
lawful authority when he ordered
the Army to sieze Montgomery Ward
and Company properties was placed
in the hands of Federal Judge Philip
L. Sullivan today.
When the thunder of the lawyers'
oral arguments ceased, it developed
the decision will not be forthcoming
for about two weeks.
Seizure occurred after Ward's re-j

The meeting of the International
Council of Religious Education, slat-
ed to be held in Columbus, Ohio, Feb.
5-10, has been called off in accord-
ance with a governmental order pro-
hibiting nation-wide conventions, Dr.
Blakeman announced today.
Dr. Blakeman, head of the Re-
search Section of the Council, stated
that the work of six of the seven
groups will have to be carried on
through the mail, while the seventh,
in charge of coordinating the cur-
riculum of 42 Protestant denomina
tions, may be allowed to meet.

Costa R
In th


Arbor Young Republican Club held
2ISC Student Survey Iyesterday in the Council Room of
the City Hall officers were elected
S ows Course Trend for the coming year.
John Rae is president; Mark May-

. Four members of the University fused to comply with War Labor
Debate Squad participated in a sym- Board directives for maintenance of
posium on "The Returning Veteran" union. membership, wage increases
at the Community Forum in Saline and related provisions. Strikes de-
yesterday. veloped in Chicago and Detroit and
Dr. Kenneth Hance, coach of the the President acted on the ground
debate squad, acted as moderator, the labor dispute would cause inter-
and participants included Mary Ellen ference with the war effort.
Wood, Betty Lou Bidwell, Harriet Army forces, meantime, under Maj.
Risk, and Margaret Farmer. An au- I Gen. Joseph W. Byron continue to
dience discussion followed the panel. operate 10 retail stores, three mail
The debate was conducted under order houses and three warehouses
the auspices of the University Exten- in Chicago, Detroit, St. Paul, Denver,
sion Service and the speech depart- Portland, Ore., San Rafael, Calif.,
ment. and Jamaica, N. Y.

EAST LANSING, Jan. 9-VP)-In aj
survey of undergraduate ideas of
wartime and postwar education,
most of 600 Michigan State College
students questioned have reported the
war has not turned them from the
courses they would have followed in
The survey snowed 429 students
said that if war took them from col-
lege they would return to pursue the
same course of study as their present


'It Wasr
IN GERMANY, Jan. 7-(Delayed)
-(P)-This is an account of combat,
straight from the combat soldier.
It's the sort of thing you hear scores
of times as boys come out of this
or that bloody fight.
Lt. Jack Melton of Dallas, Tex.,
was in the Hurtgen Forest fight. His
face was bearded and haggard. This
is what that tall, gangling, Company
I Texas had to say after the battle
was won-when he was asked what
it was like:
"It ,was tougher than the Nor-
mandy hedgerow fighting. The
whole damned place was alive with
mines. Kraut artillery and mortar
fire were the heaviest I've ever
ducked. To top it off, the weather

rouwher Than Normandy,' Officer Says


ne, vice-president; and Joyce Gru-
baugh, secretary-treasurer. Charles
Menefee. Noel Milham, Irene Garter,
Herbert Benz, Herbert Goetz, and
Clyde Fleming were elected to the
Board of Directors.
The group passed a resolution to go
on record to the state Young Re-
publican's Club as lowering the age
limit from 21 to 18 for membership.
Club Will Endow
Armenians At 'U'
In an effort to aid education the
Detroit Armenian Women's Club gave
jn initial endowment of $1,920 to
help students of Armenian parentage
complete their education.
The income from the gift can be
granted only to a student above the
rank of freshman, or to one in the
graduate or professional schools.
III --___-___-

was just what Adolf ordered-two I tempts to get through the minefields,
weeks of sloppy rain and snow. but they were unsuccessful. Finally
"We were full of vinegar that first a patrol pulled the company through.
morning, back to the wars after a It was Stan and Hatcher and Hinik
month's "rest" of Luxembourg de- and Trusty and Stevens who did it.
fense. We'd relieved a badly tired
outfit the night before and were all "It was one hell of a series of
set to jump at dawn. firefights after that. Jerry was
"We did jump-more crackin' and always hidden in pillboxes or be-
poppin' than you'd see at a Western hind log bunkers. Artillery and
movie. Then after a few hundred small arms couldn't push 'em out,
yards there were explosions all So our doughboys guided tanks to
around. All of us knew then- that the bunker flanks and flushed out
some of our boys had hit mines. Snip- Krauts by the hundreds.
ers let go from the edge of the wyoods. "But it wasn't just the rifleman
Then it came-kitchen sink and all, who was the hero. Take those "Q"
Jerry threw in 120 mortars and 150 boys who were carrying supplies of
artillery pieces on our sector alone. food and water. They carried it
Everyone reserved himself a crater through that hellish forest of twist-
after the first few minutes of shell- ed trees for more than 4,000 yards.
ing. -And the litterbearers-sometimes
"It was the damndest feeling of it took six hours to evacuate one
helplessness. We couldn't move casualty.
ahead a few feet without mines "And somebody should write a
popping or Jerry throwing more book about those wiremen. Our bat-
heavy stuff. We had to stay there talion's wiremen laid more than 40
for days. Even when hot food came miles back and forth over that 3,1001
up, only two or three men would yards. I still can see Jaconette andl
risk the artillery to grab. Printz panting after they worked a
"The Engineers made several at- line clear up to our forward com-

pany's C. P., and found it alreadyI
had six breaks. They mended them,
and on the way back found that the
artillery had opened another three
breaks. They worked 16 hours with-
out a moment's relief.
"You seldom laugh up there, but
when you're safe you can't help it
when you get to thinking about
some of the crazy things that hap-
pened. Take Paul Boesch. Paul
is a looey over at Company G. le
splattered Krauts all over the
streets of Hurtgen and led his mcen
through the heaviest forest fight-
ing-then gets called back to the
rear on some administrative mat-
ter and falls down stairs.
"Then there's that private of Com-
pany A, a boy named Isserman from
Philadelphia. He was tired as hell
one night and decided he'd lie down
beside a sandbag. When he woke 'cp,
he found the sandbag was a dead
"It seems funny that you remember
little things like that. But may be
it's for the best. Somebody said the
other day that history would remem-
ber the battle for Hurtgen Forest and
one of the boys said that history
might remember it, but he wanted
to forget it."


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