1t LY at t!j WEATHER Light snow and not so cold today. Snow flurries and cold tomorrow. VOL. LV, No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1945 'RICE FIVE CENTS C RTHUR CO FlR S LUZo L DI G I -A -L .1. -L-- J. _- k I A T iw Issembly Recognition Americans U.S. Sixth Army Lands on Li 'o Honor Independents Close In . coast- Mac Arthur Wades To Ticket Sellout Indicates Capacity Crowd; On Salent "I Know Japan" To Be Speaker's Subject A ; P1 . , Kv fl ,x gayen Shore -SIhi CbonVok'VT Tickets have been all sold out since yesterday afternoon for Assembly Recognition Night, honoring outstanding independent women at 8 p. m. today in the League ballroom. "No one will be admitted to the recognition ceremonies without a ticket," Florene Wilkins, '45, Assembly president declared yesterday eve- N azi Chief Shifts Forces For Blow Leslie White To Speak at IRA Meeting Race Problems~ in U.S. To Be Topic Race problems in the United States take on a variety of forms," said Professor Leslie White, chair- man of the Anthropology depart- ment, in an interview concerning the talk which he will deliver at a meet- ing of Inter-Racial Association today at Hillel Foundation. Different Groups Ca~se Friction So many different racial groups, he stated, such as the Negroes, Chi- nese, Japanese, Filipinos, Mexicans, American Indians and so on, in which friction can arise, tend to magnify the problem. "This can be differentiated," he stated, "from the race problem' in Germany, where merely two groups, the 'Aryan' and the 'non-Aryan' are pitted against one another. Thus, out problems can manifest themselves in many differ- ent ways" Prof. White would distinguish be- tween race as a biological concept and as a sociological concept, in an attempt to get at the basis of strife between the groups. Symptoms Cannot Solve Problems "The problems," he added, "cannot be alleviated merely by dealing with the symptoms. We have to go deeper to get at the cause. Friction arises fromdsomething basic and a pro- found change would have to be brought about to do away with race strife entirely." The meeting. will begin at 7:30 p.m., and all members and their friends are invited to attend. Re- freshments will be served. SRA To Give B T's Tassion' The Student Religious Associa- tion Music Hour under the direction of Robert Taylor, '45E, will present the second part Johann Sebastian Bach's "St. Matthew Passion" at 7:30 p. m. today in the Lane Hall library. The complete Passion, which takes from three to four hours for per- formance, is being presented in a series of three Lane Hall concerts. "St. Matthew Passion" is a musi- cal setting of the story of Christ's betrayal, arrest and crucifixion. The biblical narration is interspersed with traditional German chorales select- ed and harmonized by Bach and with solo arias set to verses by Picander, who collaborated with Bach on the liberetto. The section to be per- CAMPUS EVENTS Today 19th Century text books through are on display at Uni- Jan. 19 versity Elementary School Library. Today Prof. Leslie White will address the IRA on "Ra- cial Relations in Amer- ica" at 7:30 p. m. in Hil- lel. Today Assembly Recognition at. 8 p. m. in League Ball Room. Today SRA to present "St. Matthew Passion" at 7:30 p. m. in Lane Hall. Jan. 11 Oratorical Association lecturer, Madame Wei, 8:30 p. in. in Hill Audit- orium. r_.. 1" 'x... .FA:,. in. ne xc Wining. "There will be absolutely no ticket sales at the door, nor at any other place before the event. The only way persons who do not now hold tickets may be allowed to at- tend is by being able to show that they have paid in advance for reser- vations for the program tonight," she pointed out. Brumbaugh To Speak Dr. Foburn T. Brumbaugh, whose subject will be "I Know Japan," will. be the featured speaker for the eve- ning. Mortarboard, Senior Society and Wyvern have prepared skits as part of the entertainment for the eve- ning. In addition Senior Society will tap new members for its honorary women's group. Present Scholarship, Activity Awards Certificates and awards will honor top scholastic and activity partici- pation records. Activity honors will be based on a point system, various points being assigned to each activity. Ira M. Smith, University Registrar, will present the scholastic awards., During the evening the winner of the Assembly theme song contest will be announced. Entries will be judg- ed by Frances Bostwick, '45SM, Bev- erley° Solorow, '46SM, Rose Derderian, '46SM, and Jean Gilman, '45SM. Coeds To Sit By Houses Coeds will sit with their houses, according to the seating plans al- ready drawn up. Refreshments will be served following the program. Patrons for the event include Pres- ident and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth- ven, Registrar and Mrs. Ira M. Smith, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Jeanette Perry, Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, Miss Ethel McCormick, Margery Hall, '45, Peg Laubengayer, '45BAd, and Florene Wilkins, '45. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS- Philosophy of Disc ussed byI Prof Michael Pargment, of the French department, discussed the philosophy of Anatole France in the second French lecture yesterday, held under the auspices of Le Cercle Francais. Anatole France, widely-read French novelist, is commonly criticized as a skeptic. Far from being a fault, this skepticism was France's fundamen- tal virtue, Prof. Pargment contended; it precludes the violence of fanati- cism. Those who tolerantly admit that they themselves are not infalli- ble do not commit the crimes against humanity of a Hitler or a Robes- pierre. France taught that men should be tolerant, humble, humane; WA R A T A GLANCE By The Associated Press PACIFIC FRONT-Tens of thou- sands of Yanks land on Luzon. Gen. MacArthur wades ashore with first assault groups. B-29's hit Nippon targets. WESTERN FRONT-Americans clash with Germans in blinding blizzard-Montgomery advances to Laroche. U. S. Third gains. RUSSIAN FRONT-Reds take more than half of Budapest. By 'ie Associated Pre s PARIS, Jan. 9-American dough- boys and tanks drove through a par- alyzing blizzard today to within less than three miles of the Germans' last main supply and escape high- way in the Belgian salient, and to- night Field Marshal Von Rundstedt was reported hurriediy snu tling ar- mored forces from the Bastogne area to meet the threat to his lifeline. A field dispatch from Roger Greene of the Associated Press tonight de- clared that "The next 12 to 24 hours may provide the turning point in theI great battle that began Dec. 16 when Von Rundstedt launched his surprise blow." The American forces threatening the enemy's only lateral highway out of the potential trap were pushing through snowdrifts four and five feet! high south of the potential trap were pushing through snowdrifts four and five feet high south of the cap- tured villages of Provendoux and Ottre. PHILIPPINES 0 100 Laoag Aparri Buguey STATUTE MILES / Tuao Vigan Palanan C -Baguio Pacific Ocean Lingayen Baler Tarlac ,LUZON Cabanatuan Clark Field POutLO -.- K - 3- is, L IA N ILA t BAAA - Lamon Bay CORREGIDOR Nichols-- CATANDUANES -ild .- -' Batangas _Naga,-- Calapan =- Legasp. MINDRO '- - MINDORO BURIAS Bulan TABLA ' SAMAR V-. z_- MASBATE a LUZON, PnILIPPINES-Map shows the Philippine group, including Luzon Island, where Gen. Douglas MacArthur brought the U. S. Sixth Army ashore on the Lingayen Gulf Coast Wednesday, at approximately the same points that the Japanese forces invaded the island early in the war. Choral Union 1Co.n1ce11%rt Wil Feature Vladimir Horowitz Ideal Tank-Terrain for Push to Manila By JAMES HUTCHESON Associated Press Correspondent GENERAL MACARTHUR'S HEADQUARTERS, Philippines, Wednesday, Jan. 10-Tens of thousands of U. S. Sixth Army forces, accompanied ashore by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, landed Tuesday along 15 miles of Lingayen Gulf coast on Luzon Island from an 800-ship convoy and pushed deep into flatlands leading 120 miles south to Manila over ideal tank-war country. Tanks were among the equipment put ashore in strength to make possible a powerhouse offensive. Japanese Cleared From Beaches From the beaches, cleared of Japa- nese by fierce warship shellings and Yanks surged inland over the same crescent of sand dunes the Japanese +sTw. employed three years ago. The inva- sion scene now is dry and suited for a war of movement. A field dispatch, disclosing that MacArthur already has set up head-gea t C ycle uarters on Luzon, said the landgs were on the southern extremity of the gulf which includes the city of Lin- I By The Associated Press gayen. WITH GEN. MAC ARTHUR ON LUZON, Jan. 10.-Completion of a Find 11 Jap Snipers great personal and military cycle At one point, only 11 enemy snip- began on northern Luzon today. ers could be found in an hour's hunt. General Douglas MacArthur land- Covered by salvos of bombarding ed with his powerful army on the battleships and exploding bombs of same Linp.venbhs. ontonwhich f b t Vladimir Horowitz, Russian-Amer- ican pianist, will be heard in the sixth Choral Union Concert at 8:30 p. m. Monday in Hill Auditorium. ' Fre Horowitz was born in Kiev in 1904 SA natote France of a cultured and artistic family. His father was an engineer, and his P ror. iarg m en;mother a musician and graduate of the Conservatory of Kiev. He was one of three talented children; his this was his basic philosophy, Prof. I sister also was a gifted pianist. Pargment stated. He began to be a pianist at the Critics have also argued that the age' of six under the watchful tute- works of Anatole France have had lage of his mother. His second teach- a demoralizing effect on his readers. Ier was Sergei Tarnowsky, under Prof. Pargment pointed out, in re-- whose guidance he remained from futing this argument, that the disci- his twelfth to his sixteenth year. He ples of France have demonstrated in then entered the Conservatory in World War I their valor and belief Kiev, where he studied under Prof. in life. Felix Blumenthal, until his gradua- The style of Anatole France, clear tion two years later. and musical, is one of his chief vir- His uncle, a music critic of Khar-j tues. The charm of his writing lies kov, arranged for his debut there. in the author's whimsical, artistic After his first concert he toured Rus- approach to life, Prof. Pargment sia. Subsequent tours took him to said. His greatness lay in his ability ' Germany, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, t to see the flaws in society without Holland, Italy, France, Spain, Bel- condemning it. 'gium, and England. Horrowitz made his American de- but on the night of January 12, 1928 with the Philharmonic-Symph- ony Orchestra in Carnegie Hall. Ill- ness caused him to leave the concert stage temporarily in 1935. He was not heard by the American public for five years. He returned to the concert stage in January of 1940. Ruthven Tea To Be Held Today The first Ruthven Tea of the new year will be held from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. today at the home of President and Mrs. Ruthven. This week's special guests will be the women of Martha Cook, Kappa Delta and Kappa Kappa Gamma sororities, and the men of Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Phi Epsilon fra- ternities. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-(VP)- Flames seared the Tokyo target area after today's two-way smash at the Japanese homeland and the great Formosa island base by scores of America's Superfortresses. carrier and land planes which drove the enemy's main forces inland, they got ashore on the south and east sides of Lingayen at 9:30 a. m. against light opposition. MacArthur Returns Within two hours after the first transports had disgorged the soldiers to landing boats, following a dawn shelling of the areas, MacArthur was back on the island where he fought the losing battles which opened the Pacific war. Greatest Naval Operation Use. Vice-Admiral Kinkaid Heads Giant Landing By The Associated Press ABOARD ADMIRAL KINKAID'S FLAGSHIP, Lingayen Gulf, Philip- pines, Jan. 10.- In the greatest amphibious operation of the Pacific war an invasion fleet of some 800 ships under Vice-Adm. Thomas Kin- kaid weathered the most deadly air attack the Japanese could contrive to return Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forces to Luzon Island. The giant convoy, one-third larger than the force which invaded Leyte, was under enemy observation from the time it started. Japanese air- craft waited for the convoy tol ap- proach Luzon before attacking then struck with the fury of desperation. The brunt of the strike fell on the advance force, a heavy bombard- ment group of pre-Pearl Harbor bat- tleships, escort carriers, cruisers and destroyers which shelled beaches at Lingayen City and San Sebastian town to destroy coastal batteries three full days preceding the land- ings. Japan poured the main body of its Philippine invasion force more than three years ago, to start in earnest the campaign which carried Nippon to itsheight and lowered the United States to its depths of its military prestige. Takes Same Route Returning to Luzon, to guide the fulfillment of the dream which he steadfastly believed could end and should be made true, MacArthur GEN. MAC ARTHUR'S HEAD- QUARTERS, Philippines, Jan. 10., Wednesday- (P)- Wearing his famed campaign hat and five stars on his collar, Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur returned to Luzon with his assault troops Tuesday morning. Two torpedoes from a midget submarine missed his ship as the convoy headed for the landing. MacArthur then rode upon the engine box of a landing craft and waded knee-deep in water onto the soil of Luzon he left nearly three years ago. He hit the shore about two hours after the first wave. MacArthur talked with privates and generals alike and expressed himself pleased with the way the operation was proceeding. retraced much the same route by which he left Luzon as the first drama of the Philippines was moving inexorably toward its final tragic act on Corregidor. Once the great American armada began disembarking troops and guns at Lingayen this morning Japan's Luzon force was as powerless to pre- vent the American landing as was MacArthur's virtually isolated force to block the Japanese onslaught at the same place Dec. 22; 1941. Japan Tries Everything Before the great American armada, composed of and protected by Kin- kaid's seventh fleet, completed its daring progress through waters fenc- ed by enemy - held islands and through the China Sea, Japan tried practically everything in her waning but still dangerous power to smash the American assault. GEN. BRADLEY ON THE THWARTED GERMAN DRIVE: 'May Materially Affect Nazi Ability To Resist' By The Associated Press WITH THE 12TH ARMY GROUP, Jan. 9-Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, breaking his silence regarding the German counteroffensive which was aimed at splitting the Allied line in his 12th Army group sector, said to- day that -the now-thwarted enemy move "may materially affect the Germans' ability to resist."j Gen. Bradley, who was awarded the bronze star by General Eisen- hower today for his part in halt- ing the Germans, stated at a press conference that Germany's ability to prolong the war may have been reduced, but added quickly that this did not mean the Allies could "assume the Germans are on the verge of collapse." There is much hard fighting ahead, Bradley warned. Bradley told newsmen covering his group headquarters that in leaving BATAAN, WE'RE HERE! Yank Liberation Forces Strike Largest Land Mass in Islands By Th'ie Associated Press When American liberation forces hit Luzon, main island of the Philip- pines, they tackled the largest land mass in that archipelago and hub of Japan's war-stolen gains in the south and southwest Pacific. As the Japanese demonstrated in, the months immediately following their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Luzon is well suited for open warfare in which tanks and other mechan- ted naval base at Cavite, also on the bay; the Navy yard at Olongapo on Subic Bay northwest of Manila; Fort Stotsenberg, the Army base at Clark Field airdrome; and other Army cen- ters in the Manila area. Japanese Lose Thousands American Army and Naval air- power has been thrown against Luzon time and again with the Yank pilots concentrating on air- elds, rail supply lines. troop concen- (AP Wirephoto by radio from Stockholm) FIVE GUYS WHO DON'T AGREE WITH GEN. B RADLEY-The lad on the left with the nose is none other than that man, Adolf. Way on the right is h is Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop. The a _ t--..,.a- -- +..- -F I,, ..h+ M - ~incM:--a m -l 4 --a - an ..ra In] m d - a ._ . I I