THE M 1I1CHIGcAN nA11r.V .%TTR AV. IAA1_ 7 14.49 ..:. .R AA "'. .AAA. A Lw AR.I. IN JJ .fv 1 L I. i~uT.stIAp JA. 1,. 1;14) r- Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: OPA Disregarded on Car Tires- ceter to the &dtor --i I 9 1' Edited and managed by students of the University Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. velyn Phillips an Wallace ay Dixon ank Mantho ave Loewenberg avis Kennedy Editorial Staff " . . . Managing Editor «* . City Editor . . '. . Associate Editor Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer . . . Barbara Chadwick . June Pomering . . . Telephone Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. 23 -24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.54, by mail, $5.25.- Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVLiRTI3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 42O MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CILCAGO * BosTon . LOs ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO , a_ - NIGHT EDITOR: BOB GOLDMAN By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-When War Mobilization Di- rector Jimmy Byrnes stepped into the price picture last week with an order extending an- other four months the premium prices on pas- senger car tires, he completely disregarded OPA figures which show there is no excuse for these high prices. Believe it or not, on an ordinary 6.00x16 tire, the motorist will continue to pay an extra $1.30, despite the fact profits of the tire in- dustry for the first six months of last year, be- fore taxes, were 784 per cent of the average profit for 1936-39. Byrnes, however, yielded to Army friends close to the tire industry and Ok'd the continued price boost. The price premium was granted by OPA last April as a temporary measure when tiremakers pleaded use of synthetics and new types of cord might mean higher production cost. The in- crease amounted to 8.9 per cent on regular pas- senger tires, with a 12%'2 per cent differential for rayon cord. The tire manufacturers then took their time about preparing a cost study, and it required pressure from industry, Army and WPB rubber bureau to stop OPA from rolling back tire prices in October. A 60-day extension was granted in October, whereupon OPA started its own cost study. It found no justification whatsoever for the maintenance of the premium prices. In 1943, it found the big four of tires-Firestone, Good- year, Goodrich, and U. S. Rubber-showed a before-taxes profit of $288,105,941 or 799 per cent better than the average of only $36,057,- 373 from 1936 to 1939. Their profit for the first six months of 1944 ws $149,262,970, or 828 per cent better than the 1936-39 average. The entire industry was only slightly less well off. Total industry profits averaged $42,408,648 in the 1936-39 period, against $743,159,891 in 1943-743 per cent, and $166,260,518 for the first six months of last year-784 per cent. OPA, therefore, prepared to roll-back tire prices last month, whereupon Byrnes stepped in and ordered a four-month extension of premium prices. The extension, he said, was "necessary to aid in effective prosecution of the war." Significantly, Byrnes' order followed a meeting of tire manufacturers with Army Supply Chief- tain Lieut. Gen. Brehon Somervell. The meeting was called to devise means of increasing the out- put of military tires, but one of the three points agreed upon was price roll-back on civilian tires be postponed for at least 120 days. It is no secret in the industry that pressure has been exercised on the War Department to aid in beating off the OPA price roll-back. For weeks Administrator Chester. Bowles and Deputy James F. Brownlee, former distiller, who have been the staunchest inflation fight- ers in Washington, refused to buckle under. Opposed to Brownlee in Byrnes' office was Maj. Gen. Lucius Clay, who until a couple of months ago was Somervell's right hand man. Note-Keep an eye on General Clay. He is the man who is really running things as far as the Byrnes office and WPB are concerned. Mrs. Bolton Bolts... FIRST Republican caucus for members of the new House of Representatives was one of the most dispirited in years. Attendance was fairly good, but there was very little enthusiasm. Minority leader Joe Martin didn't succeed in raising the esprit de corps tremendously. He gave a typical old-fashioned between-the-halves football speech calling for the support for the GOP leadership. There was nothing wrong with the speech-it just wsn't very interesting. Mar- tin, though popular personally, has passed his peak. Some House Republicans are whispering laziness and carelessness are robbing him of the effectiveness he used to have as a speaker. There was no opposition to Martin's re-election except that Clare Hoffman of Michigan did not vote. But neither was there any particular enthusiasm. Only highlight of the entire session was the rip-snorting speech of Mrs. Frances Bolton, wealthy progressive Republican of Cleveland, Ohio, who charged the President with slighting Congress by his refusal to address the house in person and by deciding to hold the inauguration ceremony at the White House instead of the capitol. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) IDomiic eSdays RELIGION as purpose is a theme peculiarly affected by war. Three aspects must be held in mind ifrwe would survey it hastily;-its rela- tion to the will or its future, its basis in the organism and therefor its past, and the pattern it takes in human affairs. Before me is the book by Carl R. Rogers on "Counseling and Psycho- therapy" which has quite captured the field for the past two years. Neither the word purpose, will, or intention appear in the index. Though absorbed in wholes, devoted to the flow of ex- perience and intent upon cooperative re-educa- tion of the self, the author in that index men- tions neither goal, wish, nor drive. His methods are in the mood of religion and in the service of education but he deals with neither of them. Purpose, is a philosophical and religious consid- eration not a practical one. In war an imaginative plan of action or an aim is dramatized both by the sharp impinge- ment of events and the long term purpose ac- cording to which the entire enterprise and our hour to hour attitudes are shaped. Within the past three months we in the United States seem to have lost direction. Before the political campaign the four freedoms, our democratic way, the Atlantic Charter and a reconstructed world engaged us rather generally. The liber- als won an election, apparently at the expense of the basic purpose of both the war and the peace. Human advantage is about that fickle. Only a purpose seated in, growing out of, or seeking to complete the intention of God can hold mankind to a noble course of hope or action. The research by Hugh Hartshorne, able re- ligious and character educator, published with Hale and others, sets forth four patterns of be- havior which determine the ability of the youth in a transition experiences. Certainly for the millions who moved suddenly from the deep dull and methodical minimum code of a depression up to the glamorous, swift and cateclysmic ways of war is a transition which should require the winning pattern. What was the winning pat- tern of transition according to their extensive search? It was purpose. Those scholars predicted success for youth who acted on purpose, could decide, were social, and had insight. For the youth with whom none of these patterns of be- havior were well developed, before the transition experience, they predicted failure. Such glimpses behind the scenes introduce the fact that in war the immediate, the prac- tical, the mechanical, the main chance, the device or instrument gets over emphasized. In- trinsic values, the sublime nature of human life, the good, the true, the beautiful and even meaning itself are slighted. Here is a task which no one of us can delegate to officers and leaders in the United Nations, nor wait for our statesmen to suggest nor forego, pending the discretion of a committee. Purpose, on the part of a person, is between God and man's soul. It is a vital living thing complete in it- self. Morale is the group-living of an experi- ence for which all would die, if need be. Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education T AM tired of living in the last two centuries of political thought. We who reason must move on. We must quit thinking in terms of the past. We must unhitch the horse from our political buggy and attach one of the many more modern means of propul- sion. Here and there there have been concrete steps into the future. Some have achieved their desired ends, Some have failed. These steps have been economic-not political. Social security, minimum wage laws, and federal and state housing projects are some I might mention. When we speak of these four freedoms, freedom from fear, free- dom of worship, freedom of speech, and freedom from want, we must realize that two are mostly polit- ical, one is religious, and that only one is economic. That is thinking in terms of the past. We know now that without freedom from want the others have little value. The Germans had the first three in some measure after the last war, but they risked them all and lost them to someone that promised them freedom from want. I should not need to emphasize the last point. But we who claim to be intellectuals sometimes forget that he who is not an intellectual can not live very well on the kind of food that is only good for thought. We waste our time when we try to pro- vide freedom from fear, freedom of worship, and freedom of speech for those-and I fear they are in the majority-who can -not condemn the existing administration so eloquently as we, and who can not go to church because they have no shoes. Yes, I am exaggerating. But the value of the first three freedoms has been exaggerated for years. It is time someone took notice of the fourth freedom, freedom from want, to the exclusion of the other three. Do I de- sire the other three? Why certainly, but if I were as the poor of so many countries are today and were in the past I would not be asking for paper and pencils platforms and churches, no, I would gladly sell all those for a plow with which to produce food and a carpenter's tools with which to make a shelter. And I would ask to be shown how to use the things that I had to the best advantage. Read that last paragraph again. Doesn't it give you an idea? And that idea to put it a little more bluntly is just this-it is the job of the in- telligent including those who spend their time overthrowing governments or parties, writing long works on the evils of political systems (including letters), and expounding of speech and the written word, it is their job to teach the unfortunate how to make the most out of what they have under the existing government to show the existing government that it will be better off when all its people are prospering, to show the rich that as the wealth of the poor is increased so is their wealth expanded, and to eliminate not the government, not the system which is used by the govern- ment, but the individuals who are so stupid that they can not see that in the long run to help their neighbor will help themselves. If you were to. shovel the snow from your neighbor's walk he might think you were crazy, but you then could not break your neck when the snow turned to ice and you had to use his walk. And since you are not an "isolationist" you must use his walk. THE biggest task that we have is to show the ignorant how to make better use of what they have --and I' don't mean their organs of speech or their right to vote. I realize that many of you who are so interested in the plight of the peo- ple of the nation are not technicians or educators, are not adept in any art but thinking and writing, and when I suggest such a program to you you recoil because you are not equipped to act in such a plan. There are many of us who are equipped and who are working, knowingly or not, in that program or this world would see no progress. Since you can not do these things which are necessary you must take on a bigger burden. You must or- ganize those of us who are doing the work into a vast force working to- gether towards the same goal. You must train yourselves to aid the ex- isting government even if it sup- presses the first three freedoms so that it may give to the people this fourth freedom, freedom from want. You must never foster, aid, or con- duct war or revolution except to pre- vent military aggression against a weaker people or yourselves. (I as- sure you, if you are shoveling your neighbors walk, he will not start a fight-at least, not until you are done.) If you follow my program you will eventually achieve every one of the four freedoms. You may never live to see that glorious event. How- ever neither will you ever read in the morning paper that the boy you saw only a couple of months ago died in battle on foreign soil. LeRoi E. Hutchings, Grad. I ai a Editorials published in The Michigan'Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Polish Reforml PLANS FOR sweeping educational reforms, calling for compulsory public school attend- ance until the age of 18, universities open to all youth and a wide system of scholarships, for- mulated by the Polish Underground Labor Movement and the Polish Teachers Underground' Convention indicate that it is possible for a people under the stress of war to prepare for peace. The program takes a realistic approach to the' problems of education in a democracy. It in- cludes plans for adult as well as youth training, providing in addition for the betterment of the position of teachers. Poland is moving forward and will not be held back by the groups who formerly bound her with the ties of semi-feudalism. The peasants and workers of Poland are politic-, ally conscious enough to argue that the school curricula in post-war Poland must conform to the "democratic spirit." The underground movements state unequiv- ocally that "The full development of the spirit- ual values of individuals and social groups, the creation of new cultural values, and the gen- eral progress of the nation depend upon the growth of economic democracy." The recognition by the Poles of the interdepen- dency of education and economic security marks admirable progress. Their support of the Lub- lin government demonstrates further that that government represents the interests of the people. --Betty Roth I1 DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN, (Continued from Page 2) What Is Post-War Status of Germany To Be? ble for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participation before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation above), the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each appli- cant to present a certificate of eli- gibility (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all others from participa- tion. Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III, Probation and Warning: Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any pub- lic activity. IV. Eligibility, First Year: No fresh- man in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eli- gibility. A freshman, during his second semester of residence, may be grant- ed a Certificate of Eligibility pro- vided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2%/ times as many honor, points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Cer- tificate of Eligibility if he was admit- ted to the University in good stand- ing. V. Eligibility, General: In order to receive a Certificate of Eligibility a student must have earned at least 11 hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding sum- mer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C average for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E until removed in accordance with Univer- sity regulations. If in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promp- tly, the parenthetically reported grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligible under Rule V may participate only after having received special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. Admission to School of Business Administration Spring Term: Appli- cations should be submitted prior to Jan. 15. Application blanks available in Rm. 108 Tappan Hall. All Graduate Students interested in forming a graduate social organi- zation, please see Miss Kelly in 1008 Rackham. Lectures French Lecture: Professor Michael Pargment of the Romance Language Department, will give the second of the French Lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of the lec- ture is: "Anatole France." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languages (Rm. 112, Romance Lang- uage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture. These lectures are open to the general public. All servicemen are admitted free of charge. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Mark Whitezel Bills, education; thesis: "The Relative Equality of Education- al Opportunity in Twelve Represent- ative Michigan Counties," Tuesday, Jan. 9, 9:30 a.m., at 4019 University High School. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. At the Seminar in Special Func- tions on Tuesday, Jan. 9, 3:00 p.m., in 317 West Engineering, Professor Rainville will speak on "General Sys- tems of Polynomials." Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 10, in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Anti-Biotics" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Concerts An All-Brahms Program will be presented at 8:30 this evening in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, by four faculty members of the School of Music. The program Will include Brahms' Sonata for viola and piano, Op. 120, played by Wassily Besekir- sky, Professor of Violin, and Joseph Brinkman, Professor of Piano. Pro- fessor Arthur Hackett of the Voice Department has chosen six songs as his contribution to the program, and Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, Professor of Piano, will be heard in Brahms' Fan- tasies, Op. 116. The general public is invited. Organ Recital: Bernard Piche, Guest Organist, will be heard in re- Christian Fellowship will be held at 4:30 in the Fireplace Room in Lane Hall. The wing's Heralds, a group of young people from the Highland Park Baptist Church, will be here to present a complete program. There will be instrumental music-marim- ba, trombones and cornet; also a vocal quartet and duet-and a mes- sage for you. Come and join us for a time of fellowship. The regular meeting of the Luth- eran Student Association will be held this afternoon at 5 in Zion Parish Hall. Prof. Howard McClusky will be the speaker and supper will be served after the program at 6. There will be a Cost Supper fol- lowed by a Vocational Guidance talk today at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, at 6 and 7 o'clock re- spectively. Reservations can still be obtained for the supper. The public is cordially invited. Michigan Youth for Democratic Action is holding a party this eve- ning in the Women's Athletic Build- ing from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. All veterans, servicemenand students are cor- dially invited. Professor Dow Baxter will give a slide lecture "On and Off Alaskan Trails" at the International Center tonight at 7:30. Coming Events The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Jan. 8 in the West Lecture Room of Rackham, Building, at 8 p.m. Dr. Margaret Johnston, Research Associate in Internal Med- icine, will talk on "Sodium Chloride Requirements for Hard Work in Hu- mid Climates." The Prescott Club: There will be a short, informal meeting in Rm. 300 Chemistry at 7:15, on Jan. 9. It is, important that all members be pres- ent. Refreshments will be served. Sigma Rho Tau: Members of the Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau will meet Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Rms. 319-323 of the Union. Practice groups will prepare a discussion of the educational pro- gram necessary to secure recognition of the engineer as a professional man, in preparation for the Detroit Conference of Jan. 13. The Inter-Racial Association will sponsor a lecture by Prof. Leslie White on "Racial Relations in Amer- ica," Wednesday, Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m. at Hillel Foundation. Everyone wel- come. Refreshments will be served following the discussion period. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 7:30 p.m., in Am. 316 of the Michigan Union. A motion picture dealing with the sub- ject of Air Flow will be shown. Aero- I 4 .1 v SHOULD LIKE to present a few notes to v clarify my stand on the position of post-war Germany, at the same time answering the criticism recently directed against it by Miss Fay Ajzenberg. Let me say first that I obviously have a high respect for the Germans, just as I do the Russians, the British and the Americans, but that I feel there is quite an ample differ- ence between being pro-German and being necessarily pro-Nazi. I believe unquestionably that Germany by nature and by virtue of her geographical loca- tion and her economic status must be at least an equal among nations. I have no desire to see Germany become the Leader of the World, just as I have no desire to seeAmerica or Britain or Russia become the Leader .of the World. But Germany can be a leader in the co-oper- ative sense, The whole world apreciates Ger- manl contributions to world culture, German inventive artistic genius, German mechanical skill and ,technical brilliance. German ability,,, can much more happily for themselves and for all of us be directed along those lines. But the Germans cannot be directed to any line except stagnation if we allow a strong, or harsh, AMG to set up more than a tempo- rary provisional administrative government in Gerniany following the war--if we allow the AMG to have any desire foremost except to get out of Germany as quickly as possible. Germany cannot rule the world, any more than any other single nation can. Whatever hopes the Nazis had in that direction are now There are approximately 100,000,000 persons in Germany. Yet Miss Ajzenberg and her ilk would attempt to make vassals out of the whole lot of them-subject all of north central Europe to the misguided "liberalism (?)" of the AMG. In demanding the suppression of Germany after the war, Miss Ajzenberg wants merely to go back 80 years in history to the Reconstruc- tion period following the American Civil War: THAD STEVENS and Charles Sumner cried, "Revenge! Atonement for the atrocities per- petrated by the South on the North!" The South was subjected then to 13 years of military rule, while the brilliantly-guided North-abetted by a bevy of carpetbaggers and scalaways- forcibly tried to "re-educate" the South to the North's way of thinking. 'Twas a fine job, which even today has left nothing but bitter- ness and resentment in the hearts of the South- erners, the most striking manifestation of which is the doctrine of White Supremacy. And which has in addition effectively retarded the social, educational progress of the South ever since. We can gain nothing by seeking vengeance on the Germans. What lives have been lost are lost forever; what they have done under the Nazi rule is irrevocable. Ours should not be an eye-for-an-eye policy. We need not copy the system of the Nazis by trampling on those whom we have in our power. If we persist in assuming the attitude of gods, then let us re- member the first principle of divinity: To forgive. The reconstruction of Germany must be an ex ression of the people themselves. I main- tain still that there are democratic forces in Germany-and I don't believe I am being either subtle or satirical when I say they are still latent. Germany has been one of the birthplaces and centers of social democracy; she has produced men who have spread those principles throughout the world. Perhaps Miss Ajzenberg believes that the Ger- man people have had their chance. Perhaps she believes that the Allies after the last war did not return the power of government to the same ruling clique they had just defeated. Per- haps she does not believe that those who hewed the wheels for Hitler's bandwagon are but a small, though still powerful, minority of the German people-a people two-thirds of whom are of the laboring classes. The majority of the Germans are of the stock that produces democratic forces. They must be encouraged-they must be given the greatest opportunity to work out their own government for themselves--a government not as of the victor and the vanquished, but one that will much more easily lead to the goal of world co-operation among equals. -Ray Shinn '4 -1 4" ,, I BARNABY By Crockett Johnson - L The cops didn't find them hot !fus e tahe i tatshd That fellow Baxter claims But, Sables, if he convinced the cops- 'I _________________ The police are satisfied now I rl 4' 1