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January 06, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-06

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Message Will

Dr. Goldman

Relate'Work Will Appear as
Or Fight' Plan Guest Conductor
rI g t an


Congress Will Hear
800 WAdn

r )Pcelslra Leader Will
Ilean 'U' fConcei rt a

O lu woro npeect .
I Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman, con-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-- (;P)-_ ductor of the Goldman Band of New
Capitol Hill expects President Roose- York City, will appear as guest con-
velt tomorrow to call for tightening ductor at the Seventh Annual In-
of the home front, a peace "with strumental Music Clinic to be held
teeth" to prevent more wars, and a here Feb. 3-4.
post-war goal of 60,000,000 jobs. The clinic will be jointly sponsored!
It is believed that the 8,000 word by the School of Music and~the Mich-I
"State of the Union" message will igan School Band and Orchestra
dwell especially on manpower prob- Association.j
lems, possibly disclosing his views To Conduct 'U' Band
on "work or fight" legislation. He will act as guest conductor of
Speculation turned to the Presi- the University Concert Band at the
dent's fourth-term campaign pledges Clinic here and participate in a
for a possible key to the national panel discussion, "The Challenge of
program.he will outline. the High School and College Band to
Members of Congress expect these the American Composer," to be led
recommendations: by Prof. William D. Revelli, con-
1. A world security organization ductor of the Concert Band.
with America's representatives en- Beginning his early training as a
dowed in advance with "authority member of the Metropolitan Opera
to act" in stopping aggression. House Orchestra, Dr. Goldman learn-
2. An America kept "prepared" ed at first hand the traditions of
for any threat to future peace. conducting and became familiar
3. Orderly reconversion to civil- with the correct interpretations of
ian production, when the war ends. masterpieces of the world's music.
4. Demobilization as speedily as In 1912 he organized his own band
military necessity will permit. which since then has given regular
5. A reassertion of the "economic concerts and frequent radio broad-
bill of rights" and a post-war goal casts.
of 60,000,000 productive jobs in an March Composer
economy freed of wartime controls Known also as a celebrated com-
on wages, prices and production. poser of marches, Dr. Goldman's
6. Expansion of Social Security more than 80 marches, played by
to cover new millions of persons, bands all over the world, have secur-
These were pledges of the cam- ed him the reputation of being the
paign, in which Mr. Roosevelt stres- greatest march-composer since Sou-
sed that the first consideration must sa; his "On the Mail" is second in
be quick defeat of the enemy. popularity and fame only to Sousa's
The President will hot appear in "Stars and Stripes Forever."
person. His long message will be sent In the past few years, Dr. Gold-
to the two houses. man has devoted a great deal of his
mended ay e touse rcin- time to the furtherance of the cause
mndeby the House Military of band music in the schools and col-
Commtte toget4-F' ino iar-leges of this country.
useful channels will depend upon Other guest conductors at the
what attitude the President takes Clinic will include Morton Gould,
in his annual message. who will participate in performances
Chairman May (Dem., Ky.) said with the Concert Band and Symph-
if Mr. Roosevelt recommends Na- ony Orchestra and WilliamSchu-
tional Service Legislation, it will be on '
given prompt consideration; if not, mann. * * *
the committee will push a work-or-
fight bill of its own.M
Russia's recognition of the Polish
Provisional Government at Lublin T*v*i
interposed new diplomatic stumbling T Giv R cita
blocks between the Soviet and Great
Britain and the United States. Opening a series of School of Mu-
The two latter ,countries still sic recitals, Profs. Joseph Brinkman,
recognize only the Polish govern- Wassily Besekirsky, Arthur Hackett


WAGs in Italy Share
Discomforts of Front
Associated ress War corresponadent the enemy-it's snow, sleet, fog and
Ibitter cold.
Cone Trent's on Fire
QUARTERS, Italy, Dec. 31-i(Delay-
ed)-Wacs on the job here have a The Wacs live four to a tent, and
souvenir in their orderly tents that one way to get out of having to get
proves they've been under bombard- up in the morning and build a fire
ment. in the smliall round tent is to burn
j 1 down the tent.
It's a four-inch bomb fragment
that came slashing into their tent, on#Corp.Arcille Crawford of Sara-
a recent afternoon when some .Jerry sot",'F:a., did just that.
planes were over this way. She lit, a fire in the late after-
"I was just putttilg some wood into noon- -aid overdid the job. -
the stove," related Corp. Bertha Au- When her tentmates, Corp. Murial
det of Manchester N. IH, "When thlie Sneed of Sprague, Ala., Dora Rogers
bomb fell, I plopped down on the of Newcastle, Wyo., and Daisy Jes-
ground, then this piece came sing- sup of Bremerton, Wash., "got home
ing in . . . whew!" from work," they had no home-and
Other fragments likewise slit holesvryosing littleir wardrobe.
in several other tents in the Wac o shing pthe ser-
ious. Trucks rushing up these moun-
area, but none of the women soldiers ~


YANKS WALK THROUGH SHELL-TORN BASTOG NE-American soldiers walk through a street in Bas-
togne, where U. S. troops held out against the German counter offensive in the Belgium-Luxembourg
area. This picture was made by Byron H. Rollins, Associated Press photographer with the wartime still
picture pool.


Hamill Contest To Be Opened;
Hopwood Competition Begins
Announcement of two contests was made yesterday, one by the,
English department opening the thirteenth Freshman Hopwood Contest
to freshmen interested in creative writing, the other by the history,
political science and economics departments offering a prize of $100 to
the author of the best essay concerning pertinence and modernity of
ancient thought in the field of social science.
Freshmen Writers Writer of Best Essay
Eligible'for Prizes To Be Given $100

IRA Tt) Upar


i-WtJ -_vitA "' was injured.
Tents Are Cold
R acial Talk The story of this small detachment
R acia Talkof Wacs, mainly employed in comn-
"Racial Relations in America" will I munications, could be called: "From
be discussed by Professor Leslie a palace to a tent'"
White of the anthropology depart- After four months in North Africa
they landed in Naples on Nov. 15,
ment at a meeting of Inter-Racial 1943. For a few months they lived

tain highways bring rations, am-
munition and soldiers--but no femi-
(lift a Total Loss
Pfc. Dorothy Carpenter of New-
port News, Va., unwrapped a Christ-
mas package, looked at the contents
tnd sadly shook her head.
"People at home," she commented,
"have the strangest ideas of what

Association at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
at Hillel Foundation.
All members and their friends are
asked to attend, by Herbert Otto,
president. Refreshments will be
IRA is now making plans to con-
duct a survey on Negro housing in
Ann Arbor.

in nn T ,Ain" wntn:a r.

in an ItaliaI palace. we want or can use."
As advanced headquarters moved The gift was a box of bubble bath
forward, this group, commanded by -the stuff what whips up into mil-
Lt. Vivien Watson of Waynetown, lions of tiny bubbles in a hot bath-
Ind., moved with it and into tents. tub. In these mountains, there isn't
These tents are pitched at the mo- any bathtub. Bubble baths aren't
ment, high up in the Appenines. Life practical in a helmet, and they don't
is a saga of mud when it rains, but work in the headquarters' shower
now-and it's no miiltary secret to bath either.

ment in exile in London. A meet-
ing of the Big Three, Roosevelt,
Churchill and Stalin, may help
iron out the situation.
General George C. Marshall, Army!
Chief of Staff, asserted the Allied
counter-offensive against the north-
eM flank of the German re-penetra-
tion into Belgium "is just getting
Layton's Band
To Play Tonight
Leader Promises New
Scores of Top Tunes
Marking its first 1945 appearance
at an all campus dance, Bill Layton's
orchestra will again be on hand to
provide dancing entertainment for
students and their guests from 9
p.m. to midnight tonight in the
Union Ballroom.
Layton has promised a variety of
hit tunes including Ray Noble's "The
Very Thought of You" and "Once
In a While." In addition, requests of
weekly dance-goers for old favorites
will also be played.
Among those occupying tonight's
spotlight will be Judy Ward, the
band's feminine vocalist, and Ray
O'Rourke, trumpet player.
Also to be featured will be Cliff
Hoff and his tenor sax, and Swight
Daily, first alto player. Daily is the
composer of the orchestra's theme
Union dances are held every week-
end during the semester, both Friday
and Saturday nights. Tickets may be
purchased by Union members at the
Travel Desk of the Union, and sales
will be limited to one ticket per

and Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, faculty
members, will present an all-Brahms
program at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Profs. Besekirsky and Brinkman
will play the "Sonata for Viola and
Piano," Op. 120, No. 1; which will
be followed byba group of six Ger-
man songs to be performed by Prof.
Hackett, tenor. These Brahms sel-
ections include "An die Nachtigall,"
' Sonntag," "0 wusst Ich doch dem
weg zuruck," "Auf dem Kirchhofe,"
"Wir Wandelten" and "Botschaft."
Mrs. Okkelberg will close the pro-
gram with a rendition of Brahms'
"Fantasies," Op. 116, which includes
several capriccios and intermezzos.
Knight Says
U.S. Fails To
Face Reality
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 5.-(A)-John
S. Knight, president of the American
Society of Newspaper Editors, today
asserted that the United States had
not come to grips with wartime reali-
ties in domestic or in foreign affairs.
To anyone who has seen a bit of
the war, the first impression on
coming back to America is one of
extreme unreality," he told an audi-
ence of 200 Miami business men.
As examples, Knight mentioned
delays in war production caused by
labor disputes and strikes, and criti-
cized statements from high places
hinting that the war soon would be
Commenting on the role of news-
papers now and after the war,
Knight said: "I know from experi-
ence that there is too much political
censorship being practeed. We don't
get the truth about certain situa-
tions, and that is one of the reasons
why I am making this fight, with
other members of the American
Society of Newspaper Editors, for
world freedom of news.

For the thirteenth year freshmen
interested in creative writing have
the opportun'ity to enter the Fresh-
man Hopwood Contest offering prizes
of $50, $30, and $20 in three fields:
essay, prose fiction, and poetry.
The contest, which closes at 4 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 16, is open to all fresh-
men enrolled in a composition course
in the English departments of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and College of Engineering.
Contest Rules Listed
The rules of the contest state that
in the field of essay the entry should'
not exceed 3,000 words; all non-fic-
tional prose is considered in this.
division. Prose fiction entries are
limited to 10,000 words and no more
than ten poems may be entered ir
the poetry division. More than one
field may be entered.
To facilitate the work of the judg-
es, who are Profs. Arno L. Bader an
Louis I: Bredvold, of the English-
Dept. and Dr. Frank E. Robbins
Director of the Urfiversity of Michi-
gan Press, the contest committee wilr
read all of the entries to eliminate
unacceptable material.
Results Next Spring
The winners in the Freshman
Hopwood Contest will bea ublished
in The Michigan Daily early in the
spring term and winning manu-
scripts will not be eligible for a minor
award in the spring contest. The
committee also announces that pri-
zes may be redistributed in the event
that the merit in a partcular field
makes such redistribution desirable.
Prize-winning entries in previous
contests are on file in the Hopwood
Room and may be examined between
2 and 5:30 p.m. from Monday to
ICancel Conventions?
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 - () --
JamesF.nByrnes proposed tonight
the cancellation of conventions
scheduled after Feb. 1 unless they
are in the war interest.

Announcement of the W. J. Ham-
mill prize of $100 for the best essay
concerning the pertinence and mod-
ernity of ancient thought in the
fields of history, economics and poli-
tical science was made yesterday by
Palmer A. Throop, chairman of the
Contestants may choose any one
of the following topics: The indi-
vidual and the state; relationships
between political systems, ethical
values, and the concepts of personal
property; or theories of relationships
between human ecology and politi-
cal systems.
Consult Committee
The classics of thought are to
form the basis for the discussion of
these topics. Contestants are re-
iuested to consult with any member
f the committee before writing the
essay, which is to be between ten and
twenty thousand words.
Dpen to Undergrads
The contest is open to any Uni-
rersity undergraduate and essays
nust be submitted by April 5, 1945,
Ln order that the award may be an-
nounced at Honors Convocation.
In addition to Prof. Throop, Wil-
liam B. Palmer of the economics de-
partment and Prof. Joseph E. Kal-
lenbach of the political science de-
partment will serve on the commit-
Conlon Gets Promotion
Prof. E. W. Conlon, on leave of
absence from the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering, has been
promoted from lieutenant-comman-
der to commander. Com. Conlon is
with the Bureau of Aeronautics. USN,
in Washington, D.C.
LOST: Brown Mouton lamb fur coat.
Parker "51" in pocket. Lost in
League January 2 at 3 p. m. Lib-
eral reward. -No questions asked.
Call Betty Beck, 2-4561.
LOST-Just before vacation, three
strand pearls. Reward. Call Louise
at 26989.
LOST-A set of Gross Anatomy notes
were lost. Reward if returned to
Gerald Drew, 120 N. Ingalls.
the fire at the University Golf
Course Club House last fall must
be filed with the offices of the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics on Ferry Field prior to
January 17, 1945 to receive con-
sideration. H. O. Crisler, Director.
FOR GIRLS-Large room with twin
beds near campus. Telephone 5438.

l li: - ___ -- -_





(Continued from Page 2)
Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave. Harold
J. DeVries, pastor. 10 a.m., Univer-
sity Bible Class. Ted Groesbeck,
leader. 11 a.m., Morning worship.
"While He Lingered" message by
the pastor. 7:30 p.m., Rev. Charles
Morris of Belleville will speak.
First Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m., Morning worship service. Ser-E
mon by Dr. Lemon "See Over YourI
Load." 5 p.m., Westminster Guild
discussion will be given by the Rev-:
erend James Van Pernis who will
introduce a new series of topics on
"Living Religions of the World."
Supper will follow.
University Lutheran Chapel: 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
at 11. This Sunday the Rev. Alfred
Scheips will preach on the subject,
"A Lesson from the Wise Men."
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WANT a Sobotta-McMurrich Atlas
and Textbook of Human Anatomy.





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