PAGE TWO 7 -4T I C 1-11 C' A N 1-1 A-1 V-UAA. ~kjkL) ~~ L] Lj 'gATTT1T1-bAV TA41 9A,.144A United Campus Interest Warrants Reforms in Election Mach inery J, I STUDE NT INTEREST in campus elections was indicated beyond any doubt yesterday when 1,700 cast ballots giving their choices for the Victory Ball committee and represent- ative on the Board of Control of Student Publications. The polling places were jammed all day. Students showed that they do have a definite interest in campus politics and that they are interested in their student gov- ernment. But-- There were many obvious faults with the way in which the election was conducted and the methods used in handling the avalanche of ballots. For many years the impression has been that students, in general, were apathetic, that they were not interested in campus elections. Consequently the machin- ery for handling these elections has degenerated until, as illustrated yesterday, the most slip-shod methods imaginable were used in securing petitions, presenting the candidates to 1. T EPOLLING PLACES were not open long enough. The an- nounced time for the election was from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Many students complained that they did not vote because of insuffi- cient time between classes. They said they would have voted had the polls been open later in the afternoon. What was worse, how- ever, one of the polls actually closed at 1:45 p. m. or 15 minutes earlier than scheduled. This is inexcusable. 2. THERE WAS NOT ADEQUATE man power put in charge of the polls. Confusion was king. Most of the time there was only one man behind the desk and it was a physical impossibility for him to check all identification cards and guard the ballot box against stuffing. Some students were forced to wait as long as 15 minutes to get a ballot, time which they could not spare between{ classes. One polling place actually ran out of ballots and there was a delay before mo)re could be secured. 3. VOTING INSTRUCTIONS were not clear and there was much misunderstanding. Even those in charge of the polls did not seem to know exactly what was to be done. One of the commonest misconceptions concerned marking of the ballots. Many students were told that they HAD to vote for five V-Ball candidates or their ballot would not be counted. This was defi- nitely an error. It should have been made clear that a student may vote for as few of the candidates as he wished without injur- ing the validity of his vote. 4. 'SSUES IN THE CAMPAIGN itself were noticeably missing. Even the campaign was noticeably missing. Most students had very little information upon which to make their choice among candidates. In general, candidates were known to only a small percentage of the student body. It almost seemed as if students were expected to base their decision on how they were told to vote by outside sources, on any slight knowledge they had of the candi- dates, on how many times they had seen the candidates' names on campus bulletin boards or, even, how phonetic and appealing the candidates' name happened to be. HIE SET-UP for handling elections, as it exists today, looks very well on paper. Eligible students who wish to run for a campus office are asked to submit petitions stating qualifi- cations and ideas to the Men's Judiciary Council. This council passes on the petitions, sets the date for the election and super- vises counting of the ballots. But these general provisions are not backed up with specific rules and regulations and the result has been CONFUSION! We wish to make these specific proposals, then, for the conduct of future elections: 1. POLLS SHOULD BE open from 9 a. in. to 5 p. in. 2. AT LEAST TUREE men should be in charge of the polls. t 3. r IlERE SHOULD BE someone of authority stationed at the poll at all times to see that the election is conducted in a fair and democratic manner. This person should either be a com- pletely neutral member of the faculty or, better still, an officer from the Ann Arbor police department. 4. CANDIDATES SHOULD OE required to have statements of their qualifications and ideas for carrying out the duties of the post which they seek published in The Daily. 5. COUNTING OF THE ballots should be adequately supervised and performed by completely neutral authorities. If these suggestions are carried out, both the student body and candidates would be assured of a ; fair and well- handled election. Students have proved that they are inter- ested in campus politics by their turn-ott at the polls yester- day. It is the duty of those who are in charge of elections to assume the responsibility of seeing that they are conducted on the highest level and with the greatest efficiency possible. -Evelyn Phillips --Stan Wallace --Ray Dixon I the campus and handling the actual ballot-taking ing. and count- These definite faults can be pointed out: Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: French Politics Are Doing Well The Pendulum 5 s .... T > : _- = . " -- - - ,z _ z . ,t, - -a _ ' , 2 1 ----=-"=-- "yi Edited2 and managed by stu dents of the University of Iichgan under the authority of the Board In Con rol of Student Publications. Editoral Staff Evelyn Phillips . . . anaglng Editor stan Wallace . . City Editor Ray Dixon . . . . Associate Editor Sank Mantho . . . . . Sports Editor ave Lobewenberg . . Associate Sports Editor gkvs Kennedy . . . . omen's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer . . . . . Business Manager Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ;pr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- pulication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FARMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. French Suffrage SOMETIMES we overlook the- fact that all countries do not permit their women to vote. We may think of ourselves, and naturally assume that the "weaker sex" is given the franchise in most other parts of the world. Well, this is not true. Even the United states has been slow nationally to gant total enfranchisement to all its qualified citi- zens. Individual states have permitted women to vote in certain elections as far back as 1848, but not until shortly following the First World War did we have universal voting standing for both men and women. All this is quite evident. Now let's draw a parallel. French women will be going to the polls for the first time in the local elections this spring. Registration reflects that there will be a large number of them, too. What parallel does that draw? Well, maybe none, but "emancipation" of the American woman came after World War I, and now we have "emancipation" of the French woman in 1945 during World War II. This will be the first time in the history of France that its female populace will be able to vote. Large registration does not mean that they are showing their profound grati- tude, but according to a New York Times report from Paris "the Communists have been very active in developing civic sense among women and they appear to have attained much sue- cess." Which reminds me of an "axiom"; Let George do it. It seems in modern Leftist France this has changed to let the Com- munists do it. -Betty Ann Larsen House Commnittee REP. ALBERT J. ENGEL (R.-Mich.), is to be congratulated for bolting from party lines by voting against a bill, which was passed Wednesday to make the House's Committee on $By DREW PEAR$ON 3yVASHINGTON, Jan. 6-Out of the various dark spots in the European political picture -Greece, Poland, Belgium-there is one country where things are going reasonably well politic- ally-France. One very important chapter of the inside story on French-American political operations can now be told. It shows that the British and the U. S. Treas- ury had a lot to do with the successful outcome of the French situation. What happened was that before the Allied invasion of Normandy F. D. R. didn't particu- larly like Gen. Charles De Gaulle, and his State Department advisers didn't either. Some officials suspected that the State De- partment was misinforming the President on De Gaulle's intentions. At any rate, things got so bad that on June 4, two nights before the invasion, De Gaulle withdrew 180 French civil officers who were to accompany the Allied landing parties. Whereupon Prime Minister Churchill, deeply disturbed, summoned French Gen. Josephs-Pierre Koenig to 10 Downing Street in the middle of the night, and begged him to change De Gaulle's mind. Koenig said it was impossible. Churchill then routed Alfred Duff Cooper out of bed, rushed him off to plead with De Gaulle, who finally agreed to permit 20 French officers to accompany the Allies into Normandy. In return, Cooper promised De Gaulle that the British would urge the U. S. State Department to adopt a more reasonable attitude toward the French leader. F.D.R~. Invites DeGaulle.,. CARRYING OUT this promise Churchill sent Roosevelt a strong but friendly cable advis- ing that the Allies could not help dealing with De Gaulle and urging that De Gaulle be invited to Washington. Roosevelt promptly agreed and cabled De Gaulle, then in Algiers. De Gaulle waited briefly, then accepted the invitation for July 6. Meanwhile, Roosevelt asked the State, Treas- ary and War Departments to ,prepare a pro- gram that he could present to De Gaulle. The War Department, represented by far- sighted Assistant Secretary Jack McCloy, urged full recognition of De Gaulle, claiming it was necessary for military reasons. But the State Department, represented by Jimmy Dunn, argued that the President would never agree. Dunn was quite stubborn and claimed there was no use even discussing the matter with Roosevelt. Peacemaker Morgeulwtau...- T THIS POINT Secretary Morgenthau step- ped in with a compromise plan. He pro- posed giving Dc Gaulle enough power to deal with French civil affairs, but leaving the door open for the French people to choose their own leader at a future date. He also urged that De Gaulle's Liberation Committee be recognized as the "De Facto Authority" ,in France, also that it have the power to issue paper money. Dunn, however, claimed that there would be no use'in even presenting the plan to the Presi- dent. Ordinarily, such a State Department veto would have ended the discussion, but Morgen- than persevered. He offered to approach the President personally. This was agreed and he saw F. D. R. on July 5, one day before De Gaulle's arrival. To Dunn's surprise, the President ok'd every- thing and said he would present the pro- gram to De Gaulle next day. This he did. De Gaulle was delighted. U. S. French rela- tions took a sharp turn for the better, and have continued that way ever since. Note-Jimmy Dunn is the man whom Stet- tinius promoted to be Assistant Secretary of State in charge of all European affairs. Capital Chaff.. REPRESENTATIVE George Outland of Cali- fornia has left for London for an on-the- scene study of British policy. . . The Army recently announced that it had to cut the BARNABY I number of nurses per field hospital from 120 nurses to 105 per thousand beds-the fact, how- ever, is that even last summer hospital units went out with as few as 60 nurses. The number of nurses is too small for 'round-the-clock watch, and many doctors have had to fill in. .. The Yugoslavs and Greeks feel more bitter toward the Italians than they do toward the Germans.., . Italians were used to garrison large parts of these countries. . . . Paul Porter, new FCC chairman, refused to conduct his first com- mission meeting. Handing the gavel to Ewell Jett, who had served as acting chairman from the time Larry Fly left until Porter caine on the job, Porter said: "You show me how it's done. I'm just a neophyte." Poorly Paid Congressmen , . . r HE STRUGGLE experienced by many Con- gressmen to make both ends meet in Wash- ington, and also the steady retirement of A-1 officials from public life because they cannot take the financial sacrifice, has an interesting parallel in the early days of the nation. Some of the founding fathers, being honest men and without private fortunes, found it im- possible to live on their government salaries and were threatened with imprisonment. For instance, the great revolutionary war hero, Gen. William Moultrie was imprisoned for debt. Also, the first Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, James Wilson, had to flee Pennsylvania to escape his creditors and was about to be served with extradition papers in Edenton, N. C., when lie died. Also, John Rutledge of South Carolina, one of the chief drafters of the constitution, was threatened with imprisonment for debt and only remained out of jail through the suffer- ance of his creditors. Today, U. S. Congressmen, Cabinet mem- bers, and Federal judges remain relatively among the poorest paid public servants in the world. A U. S. Ambassador to London is paid .17,500, while the British Ambassador to the United States is paid $80,000. A U. S. Supreme Court Justice gets $20,000, while a New York State Supreme Court Jus- tice gets $25,000. Franco Spain FRANCO Spain's pretensions of neutrality, and occasionally of friendship for the Allies, are of such transparent phoniness that nobody should be fooled. The reaction to recent events, as reported to the New York Times by a Madrid correspondent, shows plainly enough where of- ficial sympathies really lie. The Spanish press, the reporter says, u- presses considerable concern over the new French-Russian treaty. Following the estab- lished Fascist line, it views this as a danger- ous symptom of Communism's march to power, and discusses at length what one pub- lication calls "the Red-infiltrated committees of liberation" over Eurone. Another popular topic is the Nazi drive on the Western front, which brings forth large headlines, promi- nent display of German communiques and dire announcement of Allied disaster.- Another item of evidence that Spain still clings loyally to the Axis is the speech of Lord Templewood, formerly Sir Samuel Hoare, a few days after his retirement as British Am- bassador to Madrid. Here was a veteran ap- peaser, one of the ardent advocates of friend- ship with Franco, telling the House of Lords that Spain,-during the greater part of his stay there, was virtually a German-occupied coun- try, where the Gestapo spied on him, attempted to buy off his staff and stirred up anti-British riots. The state of affairs in Spain must have been bad indeed to bring denunciation from this advocate of temporizing policies. These are just a few among the many straws in the wind to indicate that the Span- ish regime is just as pro-Axis as in the days when Franco used to congratulate Hitler openly on his victories. By BERNARD ROSENBERG ENGLISH literature is full of fallen women. They make good subject matter, for we are proverbially inter- ested in them. But, perhaps not until Shaw's play, "Mrs. Warren's Profes- sion," was any attempt made to understand their position in our society. It was much easier to be sanctimonious about the whole prob- lem. These things should be kept in mind when one reads "The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders." The book itself tends to become drearily episodic about half way through, and degenerates altogether after that. Couple this with two other objections the modern reader would naturally raise, i.e., general plotlessness and undue indulgence in sermonizing. This forms a fairly substantial basis for negative criti- cism. , If the style were a trifle more inflated and somewhat less pedes- trian, it could easily be likened to that of those peerless Elizabethans, Lily, Nashe, et al. Picaresque in approach (if there is such a spe- cies as the female rouge) this book has no climax, does not tell a specific story, but rather unwinds one incident after another to the point of supersaturation. "MOLL FLANDERS" is one of the milestones in English letters. Like "Pamela" and "Tom Jones" this novel is read by most people less for its intrinsic value than because it presaged certain literary innovations of our day. Thus, much has been made of the attention given to real- istic detail in "Moll Flanders." The language is properly commonplace considering Moll is supposed to be her own narrator. She makes a sufficient number of rhetorical er- rors and mixes her tenses often enough to createbthat realism for which Defoe has been so often laud- ed, the kind of realism he manifested in his better known "Robinson Cru- soe.. Of course none of this begins to stack up with the reproduction of life men like Dreiser have achieved more recently. However, the effort is not bad for the eighteenth cen- tury when novelists had no Zola from whom to learn. Otherwise the injection of humorous repar- tee is more than welcome in a work that too often becomes an apparently endless recital of per- sonal mishaps. Moll, herself, is capable of a bon mot like "Well, at last I found this amphibious creature, this land-water thing called a gentleman-tradesman." r'HE GROSSEST LIE in the book is Moll's statement, "But it is not of my talent to preach"--which appears on page 52 of my luridly illustrated edition. For it is the fact that she preaches uninterruptedly from first to last that makes this novel so maddening to read. No sooner does she engage in an act of promiscuity-much to her own in- ward horror-than out pops a warn- ing, "Now girls, don't you follow in my footsteps." Does she become a pickpocket? Beware, then the dan- gers of thievery, ye chaste damsels.! VEN the Hays Office which n- poses just such restrictions on Hollywood ("Crime does not pay," tra-la)-or puritanical Mr. Hays, himself, would not have tolerated the implausibility of Mol's belated reformation. A sinner all her days, at seventy she emerges as the soul of virtue and presumably settles down; to soulful decrepitude. Throughout, Defoe allows Moll to chide herself unmercifully for innate wickedness. Because he would have us believe she is im- moral by nature, temptation ev- erywhere proves to be stronger than her virtuous tendencies- such as they are. No# this is a most untenable view, one whichI Defoe himself unwittingly belies in the course of the novel. Upon making a temporarily happy llai son for her, Defoe has Moll ex- claim, "How happy had it been for me if I had been wife to a manI of so much honesty and so much affection from the beginning." Touchee! That is precisely the point: from the beginning social forces, not innate wickedness, for} there is no such animal, made Moll what she was. Deserted at birth by a prostitute mother who was also the product of a bad society, and left to shift for herself, without ayschooling, what in the nature of things, could be expected? Why, exactly what occurred. Defoe con- futes his own thesis-and we are indebted to him for it. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, JAN. 6, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 51 Publication in the Daily official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all m iei- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten fori to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices Applications in Support of Research Projects: To give Research Commit- tees and the Executive Board ade- quate time to study all proposals it is requested that faculty members have projects needing support during 1945-'1946 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 9, 1945. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Sec- retary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. All Graduate Students interested in forming a graduate social organi- zatiori, please see Miss Kelly in 1008 Rackham. From 10 to 12 a.m. today will be absolutely the last time for those who have turned in their petitions for Orientation Advisors to inter- view. Women Students: A number of articles which have been found in Barbour Gymnasium have been turn- ed over to the Lost and Found De- partment, Rm. 1 University Hall. These include bracelets, rings, pins, a pair of glasses, fountain pens, a scarf, and mittens. Lectures French Lecture: Professor Michael Pargment of the Romance Language Department, will give the second of the French Lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais on Tuesday, Jan, 9, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of the lec- ture is: "Anatole France." Tickets for the series, of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languages (Rm. 112, Romance Lang- uage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture. These lectures arc open to the general public. All servicemen are admitted free of charge, An All-Brahms Program will be tasies, Op. 116. The general public is invited. Ereiis Tody Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors this evening, Jan. 6, from 8 to 10 p.m. if the sky is clear, to observe the planet, Saturn. Chil- dren must be accompanied by par- ents or teachers. Coming Events Michigan Youth for Democratic Action is holding a party on Sunday, Jan. 7 in the Women's Athletic Building from 7 p.m.-10 p.m All veterans, servicemen and students are cordially invited. Michigan Christian Fellowship: The Sunday meeting of Michigan Christian Fellowship will be held at 4:30 in the Fireplace Room in Lane Hall. The King's Heralds, a group of young people from the Highland Park Baptist Church, will be here to present a complete program. There will be instrumental music-marim- ba, trombones and cornet; also a vocal quartet and duet-and a mes- sage for you. Come and join us for a time of fellowship The regular meeting of the Luth- eran Student Association will be held this Sunday afternoon at 5 in Zion Parish Hall. Prof. Howard McClusky will be the speaker and sipper Will be served after the program at 6. Zion Lutheran Church- Regular worship service at 10:30 a.. Trinity Lutheran Church-Regu- lar worship service at 10:30 a.m. Hillel's Cost Supper will feature Mr. Albert Cohen of the Vocational Guidance Service of Detroit. Fol- lowing the supper which will be held at 6 .p.m. Sunday, Mr. Cohen will discuss "Methods of Choosing Ca- reers." The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Jan. 8 in the West Lecture Room of Rackham Building, at 8 p.m. Dr. Margaret Johnston, Research Associate in Internal Med- icine, will talk on "Sodium Chloride Requirements for Hard Work in Hu- mid Climates." Churches First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur- on. Rev. C. H. Loucks Minister. Roger Williams Guild House, 502 E. Huron. Saturday, Jan. 6: 7:10, Choir rehearsal in the church; 8:30, To- boggan party; meet at guild house. Sunday, Jan. 7: 9, Breakfast at the guild house; 10, Study class. "The Idea of Right and Wrong 11, Wor- ship service, "The Secret of Spiritual Success"; 5, Roger Williams Guild. Rev. Redman will speak on "Under- standing Unitarians"; 6, Supper will be served. First Church of Christ, Scientist 409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "God." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A convenient reading room is main- tained by this church at 106 E. Washington St. where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read. bor- rowed or purchased. Open daily ex- cept Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until 9 p.m. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning wor- ship. The Rev. Frederick Eugene Zendt will speak on "Living Our Faith." 5 p.m., Guild Sunday Eye- ning Hour. Mr. Frank Littell, newly appointed director of the Student Religious Association of the Univer- sity of Michigan, will speak on "Per- sonal Religion and Social Con- science." First Congregational Church: State and WilIiain Sts. Minister, Rev. L.A. Parr. Director Student Work, Rev. H. L. Pickerill. Director of Music, * 1 :} i i I A. V -St. Louis Post ]span cat 1 I1 r 11 1 111 1:::z- By Crockett Johnson The police, the proprietor of the fur store, the insurance people, I ,I- If you had those Gnomes I! take the furs out of our HB -er-don't know exactly. ut the important thing When I've apprehended and secured the culprits, I'll turn them over to