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November 02, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-02

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Time for a Change?






Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . .. City Editor
Ray Dixon . . . . Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . .. - Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennecly . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer Business Manager
Telephone 23-24.1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches creited to It or
otherwise credited in this newspaper, All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194344
Editorials published in The Michigan
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Fiffty-Fifth Year
The Michigan Daily is entering its fifty-fifth
year of publication today and at the same
time is beginning its ninth senester of publica-
tion during the war. All the wartime responsi-
bilities which are ours, we, as the senior editors,
understand and will gravely undertake to meet.
The Daily has a long and illustrious history
of service established by students for the Univer-
sity community. We take this opportunity to
assure you that the high standards set up in the
past will be maintained by the staff for you,
the students of today.
We feel it our duty to serve the University
community in a double capacity: first, to give
the students and members of the faculty as
complete and comprehensive coverage of the
University and campus events as possible, and
second, to present an accurate, honest and un-
biasted picture of our nation and our world at
war. These things are not easy to do, but we
set them up as goals worthy of our best ef-
We will welcome expressions of opinion from
students and faculty at any time in the hope
that these thoughts will help us give a fairer
representation of current views on our campus.
To these things we pledge ourselves and also
ask your sincere interest in order to serve the
University in the best way possible as a stu-
dent newspaper functioning in war time.
-The Senior Staff
Bicycle Rule
Everyone on campus during the summer and
previous semesters must certainly be aware
of the hundreds of bicycles tearing along
the diagonals and other paths on campus. Any-
one with eyes can see the destruction that bicy-
cles have wrought on the lawns when impatient
riders steer them around pedestrian traffic.
Bicycles are a constant threat to all who walk
on the campus and the damage done to the
grass, not only mars the face of the campus,
but results in costly repair work.
There exists a rule forbidding bicycle riding
across campus but few know about it and no one
enforces it. The rule is necessary but it must
be complemented by more practical provisions
for those, who living far from campus, ride
bicycles to and from class.
For these people, I think that the Uniiver-
sity ought to construct at all four corners of
the campus bicycles racks to accomodate at

least 30 bicycles each. Students riding to
campus from far away residences will be able
to park their bicycles at one of the four racks
and walk through the diagonal to classes. This
will eliminate the danger of injury to pedestrians
from bicycles and will further curb the costly
damage done to the campus lawns.
-Arthur Kraft

Twelve years have' passed since 1932, during
the first four years of which the basic economic
philosophy of the American people had to be
abandoned, and government regulation sub-
stituted if we were truly to have free enterprise;
12 years during which America followed late in
the path of the other democratic natigns in
inaugurating a policy of social security and
recognizing the right to collective bargaining.
By 1936 these major reforms had been enacted
in law. America had achieved its economic
metamorphosis, and in recognition of the work
of the first Roosevelt administration, re-elected
it by the greatest electoral majority received by,
any caididate since 1820. But as this era of good
feeling gave way to the era of ill will, so dissen-
sion and bickering became part and parcel of
the succeeding two terms of the Roosevelt Ad-
ministration. -
New Deal is Old
The New Deal had grown old; old not in
the sense that, breaking all precedent, it had
served three terms in office under the same
leader, but old in the sense that its days of
reform were ended, that there was constant
bickering over spheres of authority among the
host of administration-created agencies; old
in that ,since the Supreme Court reorganiza-
tion fight of 1937 the executive was having
greater and greater difficulty in getting along
with his party supporters in Congress, until in
1944 his workC had been denounced on the
floor of the Senate by the Democratic leader
in that House.
When in July of this year the Democratic
party was called on to choose its Presidential
candidate, it was forced to turn again to Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, the only leader it has found,
despite its having been in power for the last
12 years.
Both major campaigns have been marred by
mud-slinging. But ..in comparing these cam-
paigns, it appears that Dewey's has been char-
acterized by an attempt at straightforward
analysis and presentation of the issues before
the people.. Speech by speech he dealt with
labor, post-war reconstruction, foreign 'policy.
In each case he made his position clear. In
contrast the Democrats have resorted to Sher-
woodian humor, smug dismissal but no dis-
proof of Republican charges, a revival of 1932
campaign issues, and a large helping of vague
generalities presented in the manner of an agi-
tated Cheshire cat,, vainly trying to regain its
famous purr and smile.
Democrats Say
Thus far in the campaign we have been led
to believe: That only the Democrats, by using an
exclusively Democratic military strategy, have
waged a successful war in Europe, and that if
given four more years time, will do the same in
the West Pacific, to the everlasting glory of the
Democratic party. That in only eight years,
with the advent of the war bom in 1940, the
Democrats have rescued us from economic chaos.
That if re-elected, the Democrats will speedily
try to relieve racial discrimination in the armed
forces, although four years of intense military
consciousness have so far produced little action
in that line. That, in answer to Dewey's de-
tailed promise of post-war employment, Roose-
velt has given us placid but vague assurance that
if he is re-elected, there will immediately be
provided 60 million brand new jobs, notwith-
standing that between 1932 and 1940 a Demo-
cratic administration, complete with WPA,
PWA, and CC, had provided only 10 million
jobs. (When he promised this job bonanza last
Saturday night, Roosevelt saw no need to men-
tion that in 1940 10 million persons were still
Old Style Campaign
Roosevelt, who in July refused to campaign in
a usual sense, has indeed reverted to his most
common style of amused amazement at any
questioning of his infallibility. His formula still
is to dismiss a vital issue with a joke (it has
worked for him before, so why not again?) His
only hopes of re-election are that he is now
in office and that he is a war-time president.
Dewey has been criticized for lack of "na-
tional experience"-criicized perhaps because
New York State is his job, and he has spent
most of his time and interest in doing that

state job well. Before he became president,
Roosevelt had the same job.
The New Deal has outgrown its usefulness.
An administration which the New York Times
admits needs a thorough housecleaning can-
not cope with the manifold problems of post-
war reconstruction. One man diplomacy ad-
ministered 'with the weapon of executive
agreement can make no peace suitable to the
American people, much less to an unconsulted
-Monroe Fink
-Raymond Shinn


The current presidential race has so many
sidelights that it is difficult for the voter to
come to an honest and wise decision. Over and
above the expected personality slurs and "politi-
cal generalities," there are a few fundamental
points that the intelligent citizen can grasp and
evaluate to his own satisfaction.
Candidate Dewey struck the central note of
his policy Tuesday night when he asked that
we . . "Direct all government policies toward
the goal of full employment through full pro-
duction at a high level of wages with an incen-
tive for the business man to succeed."
Utopia How?
For. this noble statement of a goal Governor
Dewey is to be commended but when we look for
the means by which he wants to attain his
utopia, we find no answer. The big question is
This same goal the Republican party stood
staunchly for in the roaring '20's and yet. we
lived to regret the methods used. By the
traditional GOP "green light method" which
attempts to give everybody just what they want,
we experienced economic convulsions which
practically ruined our economic structure. Dewey
advocates, and his party heartily supports him,
a free enterprise which would permit freedom
for anybody to do whatever he wished regard-
less of the best interests of the nation.
We have only to remember the activities of
former president Herbert ,Hoover when he was
Secretary of Commerce. Through his Trade
Associations, all industry was organized into
councils-a forerunner of the NRA which Dewey
so caustically denounced Tuesday night-which
set prices for all interests in a particular in-
Here were Mr. Dewey's "government cartels"
organized and fostered by his GOP predecessors
and which he now claims to disavow so loudly.
Here was his "fair treatment to all" in operation
that keptthe small businessman swamped under
by big business monopoly when the farmer,
whom he now culls as a lover, could not purchase
city goods because of the price.
'Green Light'
Yes, this was Republican "green light" free
enterprise that worked for the personal gain
of the few and to the eventual desperation of
the entire nation. '
Dewey knows as well as any thinking Ameri-
can that the classic economyof Adam Smith has
not worked in the past and will not work in the
future. He knows it must be modified an con-
trolled and gives lip service to this principle
first introduced on the national level in 1932.
Yet, is it conceivable that Dewey will be able
to follow this progressive line when the Re-
publican Party is riddled with Adam Smith
Dewey also had the unmitigated nerve to
shout that Roosevelt has read the GOP plat-
form and has said "me too." In reality it is
Mr. Dewey who has said "rne too" to all the
reforms that the New Deal has brought into
being in the last 12 years.
Dewey has repeatedly come forth with his
"me too" on every domestic reform that this
country has seen under the Roosevelt Adnini-
stration. He supports collective bargaining,
and social security, and all the rest. The Re-
publican party now yells "bravo" but our mem-
ories are not so short that we can't recall that
all these might have been instituted in the 12
Republican years following the first world war.
The reform movement in this country which
Dewey now praises was completely sidetracked
and retarded by the GOP presidents before
Back to Normalcy
Because it is not good politics and because
it arouses a distinct odium, the Republicans have
failed to drag out Harding's slogan of "Sack
to normalcy." But in effect that is just the
line the Republican candidate is using.
It was bold and imaginative leadership that
brought this nation out of the depths of Re-
publican chaos in 1932. Roosevelt gave a new
faith and a new spirit to the nation then. It
wasn't a question of how or when or why.
"We must do the job, we will do the job"
And now again within 12 years the nation
faces an even bigger and more important task.
And again bold and strong leadership will lead
the way to security and prosperity at home.
All through the campaign we have heard "yes,

that is a fine program but I can do it better."
But not once in all his utterances has Mr.
Dewey ever demonstrated how.
The issues are too grave and the future
security of the nation is too important to
trust America's future to an unproven and
uncertain leader!
-Ray Dixon
-Stan Wallace

(Continued from Page 3)

Freshman Health Lectures for'
Men: Fall Term-1944. It is a Uni-
versity requirement that all entering
freshmen are required to take, With-
out credit, six lecturesin community
and personal health and to pass an
examination on the content of these
lectures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also required
to take the course unless they have
had a similar course elsewhere.
These lectures will be given in Rm.
25, Angell Hall at 5 p.m. and repeated
at 7:30 p.m.. as per the following


e No. Day
note that attendance
and roll will be taken.


Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 13
Nov. J.
is re-

Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
Director, Health ServiceC

Social Chairmen are reminded that
requests for all social events must be
filed in the Office of -the Dean of
Students on the Monday before the
event. They must be accompanied
by written acceptance from two sets
of APPROVED chaperons and in the
case of fraternities and sororities, by
approval, from the financial adviser.
Approved chaperons may be 1) par-
ents of active members or pledges,
2) professors, associate professors or
assistant professors, or 3) couples
already approved by the Office of
the Dean of Students. A list of the
third group may be seen at any time
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
Eligibility Certificates: Certificates.
of eligibility for extra-curricular ac-
tivities can be issued at once by the
Office of the Dean of Students if
each student will bring with him the
latest blueprint or photostat copy of
his record.
Women's Glee Club: All eligible
students are urged to try out for the
Women's Glee Club on, Thursday,
Nov. 2, or Friday, Nov. 3, from 4 until
5:30 in the Kalamazoo Room of the
Women's League.
General Library Hours: Until fur-
ther notice, the General Library will
be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily,
except Sunday. Sundays hours will
be 2 to 9 p.m. Over-night books may
be returned without penalty until
9 a.m. daily.
Rules governing participation in
Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities:'
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a pub-
lic performance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office in a class or other
student organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely
is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility; At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for ,any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the. Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of. the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all'
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement
to exclude all others from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairmen's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the

first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any pub-
lic activity.
Eligibility, First Year: No fresh-
man in his fist semester of residence
may be granted a Certificate of Eli-
A freshman, during his second
semester of residence, may be grant-
ed a Certificate of Eligibility pro-
vided he has completed 15 hours or
more of work with (1) at least one
mark of A or B and with no mark of
less than C, or (2) at least 2% times
as many honor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1. E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-
Eligibility, General: In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least 4 C average
for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of X
and I are to be interpreted as E until
removed in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. If in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the X or I cannot be removed promp-
tly, the parenthetically reported
grade may be used in place of the X
or I in computing the average.
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Special Students: Special students
are prohibited from participating in
any public activity except by special
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs'
Extramural Activities: Students
who are ineligible to participate in
public activities within the Univer-
sity are prohibited from taking part
in other activities of a similar na-
ture, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
Physical Disability: Students ex-'
cused from gymnasium work on
account of physical incapacity areS
forbidden to take part in any public
activity, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
In order to obtain such permission,
a student may in any case be re-c
quired to present a written recom-;
mendation from the University1
Health Service.
General: Whenever in the opinion
of the Committee on Student Affairs,i
or in the opinion of the Dean of the
School or College in which the stu-
dent is enrolled, participation. in a
public activity may be detrimental
to his college work, the committee
may decline to grant a student the
privilege of participation in such1
Special Permission: The special
permission to participate in public
activities in exception of Rules V,
VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the
Committee on Student Affairs only
upon the positive recommendation of
the Dean of the School or College to
which the student belongs.
Discipline: Cases of violation of
these rules will be reported to the
proper disciplinary authority for
Officers, Chairmen and Managers:
Officers, chairmen and managers of
committees and projects who violate
the Rules Governing Participation in
Public Activities may be directed to

appear before the Committee on
Student Affairs to explain their neg-
Academic Notices
To All Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary

estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, Nov. 10, from 4 to 6 p.m.in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be used.
Anthropology 157, Evolution of
Culture, will meet in Rm. 2054, Nat-
ural Science, on Friday, Nov. 3.
Thereafter it will meet in 35 Angell
English 197: Students who have
been accepted for English 197 (Sen-
ior Honors Course) will meet in 3217
Angell Hall, Friday, Nov. 3, at 5 p.m.
W. R. Humphreys
English 211g, the Pro-Seminar in
American Literature, will not be
offered this year. Students who elec-
ted this course should see me about
changing their programs.
N . N. E. Nelson
English 297: Students in my sec-
tion of this course will meet to
arrange hours Friday, Nov. 3, at 4:15
in Rm. 3216, Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
Choral Union Concerts: Helen
Traubel, distinguished Wagnerian so-
prano of the Metropolitan Opera,
will open the season in the annual
Choral Union Concert Series, Satur-
day night, Nov. 4, at 8:30, in Hill
Auditorium. She will present a pro-
gram of songs and arias, and will be
assisted by Coenraad Bos at the
The public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time, since the doors will
be closed during numbers. Holders
of season tickets are further request-
ed to detch coupon No. 1 before
leaving home, and present only this
coupon for admission.
Other coneerts to be given in this
series are:
Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell,
Conductor, Sunday, Nov. 12. (this
concert will begin at 7 p.m. promptly
and will be broadcast nationally and
by short wave. Audience must be
seated before the opening of the
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, Friday,
Nov. 17.
Simon. Barere, pianist, Monday,
Nov. 27 (Mr. Barere will be heard
instead of Josef Lhevinne, previously
Carroll Glenn, violinist, Tuesday,
Dec. 5.
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge
Koussevitzky, Conductor, Monday,
Dec. 11.
Vladimir1Horowitz, pianist, Mon-
day, Jan. 15.
Dorothy Maynor, soprano, Satur-
day, Feb. 3.
Westminster Choir, John Finley
Williamson, Conductor, Sunday, Feb.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, De-
sire Defauw, Conductor, Monday,
March 19.
Season tickets (10 concerts), tax
included: $14.40, $12.00, $9.60 and
$7.20; and individual concerts, $3.00,
$2.40; $1.80 and $1.20 each. May be
purchased at offices of University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial

On the night of the concert the
box office at Hill 'Auditorium will
open at 7 o'clock.
Charles A. Sink, President
Ruckus Night tonight at the USO.
University Press Club: Members of
the Faculty are urged to assist the
University by providing accommoda-
tions for visiting Michigan newspa-
per editors and their wives, who will
be guests of the University during
the meetings of the University Press
Club Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Nov. 9, 10 and 11. Rooms will be
needed for Thursday and Friday
nights, and the existing housing
shortage has preempted many of the
facilities used in past years. Anyone
able to assist is asked to write to
D. H. Haines, Dept. of Journalism,
212 Haven Hall, stating the number
of accommodations available and
whether or not they may be occupied
on both Thursday and Friday night.
The delegates will of course expect
to pay for their entertainment.
F. E. Robbins
Appointments are being made for


By Crockett Johnson

War Chest

No extraneous matters must influence
the election, gentlemen. If the war's
doing that, there's only one fair thing
to do isn't there? Call off the war!

I've said that in my editorials, Too late,
too. But I'm afraid it's too late- Colonel
It's only
1938 by,
my watch.





.oprht 94 f..dPulictins

1*- 91-14 O'lli-M7

You're right, A.A., as usual.. . A
cable just arrived from Munich.
a /7



Today opens solicitation of students for the
War Chest drive to which all students are being
urged to contribute generously for by Monday
the remaining $13,000 of the $23,000 quota set
for students and faculty must be raised.
Booths in the League and Union will be
opened for the convenience of all students and
hnlmp , niimwi h . wleni tod hv rpnrefbe lent-


How can yov win the election going

Chancellor Hitler has a watch like I

I' ost precocious child I've


I .

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