THE MICHIGAN DAILY .WEDNESDlAY, Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Why the Nazis Broke Through Letters to the Editor ' -w i1l Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.. Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Editorial Staff . . . . . Managing Editor * . .City Editor . . . . .Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer. Business Manager BarbaraChadwick . . Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL DVERTaING BY National Advertising Service, inc. Cllege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LO ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Book Exchange What the University of Michigan needs is a student book exchange, a place where students may sell texts no longer needed and receive more than a nominal sum in exchange, a place where students may come and purchase a seme- ster's supply of books without feeling that they had just parted with their shirts. Such a Student Book Exchange had been operated by the staff of the Michigan Union and an excellent indication of its need and soundness as a financial venture may' easily be surmised from the following statistics revealed in the inclusive report of its operation during the summer and fall of 1942. 319 students brought in books to be sold; 286 students had at least some of their books sold; 891 books were sold; The refund of book sales to the 286 stu- dents totaled $1,166.33; Books were sold to approximately 300 stu- dents. Total receipts ...................$1,415.42 Net gain........................114.56 The soundness of the principle of a Student Book Exchange is indisputable. The princi- ple was clearly stated by former officers of the Union staff in these words, "the central theme has been the idea of a better price both in selling and buying, "no middle-man's profit" -in other words, the idea that the Student Book Exchange is a service, and exists for no other purpose." Or another, "The Student Book Exchange is not only financially sound, but does have a definite service value to the students of the University." The need for the revival of the Student Book Exchange is pressing, especially when we regard the high cost of living in wartime. Need of revival has been voiced by student officers and staff members of the Union for many months. No action has thus far been forthcoming. The talk-and, better yet, let- ters to the student officers of the Union and the League-must become a flow. Perhaps then "the need for a square deal in disposing of used books" will be satisfied. -Arthur J. Kraft By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 3-Those close up to the war picture are convinced that aside from faulty intelligence, there was no one single military error which brought on the swift and disastrous German break-through. Undoubtedly some intelligence officers will be disciplined or broken for failing to evaluate the concentration of German troops opposite the First Aimy about a week beforehand. But there were other factors contributing to the reverse, none of which can be laid at the doorstep of a single commander. Basically they are factors which only Gen. Eisenhower and Gen. Marshall themselves' could properly evaluate and act on. Here are some of the basic factors involved: 1-Gen. Marshall himself ordered the United States offensive which began Nov. 8, and which continued with battering-ram tactics until Von Rundstedt turned the tide against us. Marshall, visiting the battlefront in October, believed that during the winter the Germans could mobilize 100 new divisions, so it was wise for us to clear them off the west bank of the Rhine before winter closed in. 2-There was and is no disposition to doubt the wisdom of Gen. Marshall's deci- sion. However, these battering-ram tactics cost men, also tire men out. The American system is to keep divisions on the front line, bringing up fresh men only for replacements. , Thus the divisions now at the front have been fighting steadily since the landing in Normandy last June-with, of course, a lot of men coming up as replacements. Germans Rested Troops.,,. 3-This is considered an excellent system and gets results. However, the Germans immediately took out their battle troops after Normandy and sent them to rest behind the lines. The Nazi boys and old men we encountered in the Siegfried Line. made us think the Ger- man Army was shot to pieces, but it wasn't. The experienced battle troops, now refreshed after a long rest, are taking the offensive against us. 4-The War Department itself was responsible for a lot of the favorable news which gave the public a general feeling of over-confidence. One of its most important indications was that some 800,000 German troops were killed or taken prisoners during the clean-up of France, making a sizeable hole in the Nazi, army. Of these, however, about 400,000 were Rus- sian-Ukrainian labor battalions. Thus the American public had reasons to believe that a large slice of the German Army was deciraated. 5-Germany's new Royal Tiger tank is super- ior to ours and we have known it. It is extremely difficult to knock out of commission. However, we thought the war was going to be over soon and that we could finish up the job with the tanks already on hand-of which we had tremendous quantities. More recently, however, we have started building a big tank which can equal or better the Royal Tiger. Robots Beat Airplanes .. . 6-Robot bombs and rocket bombs can fly in any weather whereas airplanes can't. Also they don't require men. Thus the Germans have been able to bomb us from, the air-by robots and rockets- while because of the weather we couldn't bomb them. 7-The German system is to attack suddenly with tremendous force and heavy armor in one small area. If they sat behind the Siegfried Line they were sure to lose the war eventually, so they could afford to gamble. 8-However, it remains a fact that we had advance information of great Nazi activity for about a week before the attack came, though apparently we sized it up as preparation for retreat rather than attack. Weather Note... When the House Military Affairs Committee took off from Washington on its trip to Europe, members had been told they'd fly the northern route to England, with a stop at Newfoundland, so they dressed in their heaviest underwear. A card game started, some of the members began to read and one or two went to sleep. Among those who chose sleep was Bolivar BARNABY Pagan, commissioner for Puerto Rico. Pagan slept through the pilot's announcement after the plane had been in the air about half an hour that the plans had been changed, that they would fly the southern route with a Bermuda stop. As the plane, pulled in to tropical Bermuda, only a few hundred miles from Pagan's home- land, Pagan awakened and started to dig out his wraps. He put on a sweater under his suit coat, a muffler, a heavy overcoat, a hat, gloves and spats. Those of his colleagues who noticed, decided to say nothing. They sat by and watched. When the plane landed Pagan, with amazement written on his face, marveled at the mildness of the midwinter climate of Newfoundland. "I never heard of such a thing," he said. "Why, you'd think we were way down south." (Copyright 1944, Bell Syndicate) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Intelligence Work NEW YORK, Jan. 3--Everybody is talking about the need for "better intelligence work." This is the new hobby horse on which a number of commentators have perched them- selves, and on which they will rock their way for the next few weeks across the trackless spaces of history. It is said that if we had had better intelli- gence work, the Germans would not have pene- trated into the Ardennes Forest; if our State Department had better intelligence officials, we would be able to solve the political problems of Europe; and it is remarked that if Mr. Chur- chill had had better intelligence reports, he would not have made so many errors in Greece, etc., etc. So, for a while, all of our ills will be blamed on poor intelligence operations. These fads run their courses in the field of public com- ment, and nothing can be done about them. "Poor intelligence work" makes a fine issue because it is so beautifully unfundamental. It indicates that there is nothing wrong with us that a little administrative tinkering won't cor- rect. It is certainly a comfortable view of af- fairs, to believe that if Jack, instead of Jim, had been handling the news from the Ardennes Forest, or from Athens, the Germans would not have broken through, and the Greeks would not have become embroiled in civil war. It is a comfortable theory ,but hardly a correct one. We tend to forget that there are two persons involved in every intelligence report; the official who writes it, and the leader who reads it, and that the leader wlil almost always tend to read into an intelligence report what he wants to find in it. Mr. Churchill made his error in Greece, not because he was wrongly informed that the E. L. A. S. was a "band of mountain brigands" but because it was necessary for the purposes of his policy that the E. L. A. S. should consist of mountain brigands. In exactly the same way, if some brilliant intelligence worker had reported to Mr. Cham- berlain, early in 1939, that the Nazis were planning to conquer Europe, and that it was immediately necessary for the British to form an alliance with Russia, Mr. Chamberlain would not have considered that to be very good intelligence work; he would have thrown out the report and fired its author. He wanted reports telling him that the Nazis were trust- worthy, and he obtained them. A political leader will almost always choose intelligence workers in his own image, and in the image of his policy; men whom he trusts, which is to say, men who agree with him. In the case of the German breakthrough, per- haps the soundest explanation is not that we failed to outguess the Nazis, but that we failed to outplan them. They broke through because the Allies, for whatever sound reasons of weath- er and supply, were not keeping them sufficient- ly busy to keep them off balance. Intelligence work almost always seems bad when the other side has the initiative; Ger- many's intelligence officers looked like lum- moxes while we were tearing through France last summer. It is always well to seek for ex- planations in terms of high policy, and not to miniaturize downward to small and accidental factors. 1 have never believed the story that for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of the shoe the horse was lost, and for want of the horse the kingdom was lost. Any king- dom that can be lost for want of a nail is too far gone to be saved by a nail. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) War Aims , ... It was hard for me to believe what I saw when I read Ray Shinn's edit- orial in Saturday's Daily. In all frankness to Mr. Shinn, it seems tot me that he is sincere, but thatx does not change the fact that he isz wrong in a great many of his state-1 ments and opinions. Mr. Shinn is quite correct in be- lieving that there are "more than a few persons who believe that the aim of the war is to defeat Germany." I am one of these, and so are the greater majority of all Europeans, British, and, I hope, Americans. The author is arbitrary when he re- marks that "they believe that be- cause Germany has been instru- mental in fomenting the last two major wars, ipso facto Germany is the source." I do not reason that "ipso facto" Germany is to be blam- ed for all wars, but I say that she is to be blamed, directly or indirect- ly, for enough of our modern strug-i gles to account for the desire of "more than a few persons" to stop at least that menace to our peace, Mr. Shinn's next paragraph is even1 more amazing. The author says1 that "They fail to realize that the war is only a means to an end-the end of restoring Germany to itsE rightful place as an equal-even aj leader-among nations." Now, this, might be looked at from two angles: 1. Mr. Shinn says this from the point of view of the Germans. And that makes his statement correct. The Germans are fighting a war to restore Germany to what they consider her rightful place: The Leader of the World. And I don't think that we fail to realize that, or else we wouldn't be fighting to prevent it. Or does Mr. Shinn{ want this to be prevented? 2. Mr. Shinn intimates that we1 are fighting to restore Germany as an "equal-even a leader-among nations," and I venture the state- ment that he is quite mistaken. It would have been much easier to achieve that aim by just letting the Germans grab what they want- ed. We are not fighting to restore Germany to a fighting trim, we are fighting to destroy Germany's ego, her belief that she is the nation who should rule the world. I do not believe that this war is being fought so that Germany can be- come a leader of Central Europe. It would be quite amusing, in a gruesome sort of way, to have the Allies rebuild Germany as a lead- er, so that she would be able to "lead" Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, and even Poland. I say that the war is not being fought to achieve that. "Their heroes" (the Germans') "Their heroes are embodied in men like Schiller, Goethe, Thomas Mann." Here again, the author is arbitrar- ily assigning beliefs to groups of- people. Wheredid he get the right to say that Schiller, Goethe, and Thomas Mann represent German ideals better than Von Clausewitz are Nietsche? "It is difficult to imagine that the German people, will ask for or accept similar trage- dies a third time." It was difficult for us to imagine that the German people would ask for or accept a similar tragedy a second time, and yet they did. There is a point after which it does not become difficult to imagine anything. Mr. Shinn says that "there are social democratic forces in Germany today. They may not be strong now-we may not even hear of them until Hitler's col- lapse." For a moment, after read- ing this, I thought that Mr. Shinn was attempting subtle satire. I could not believe that he did not see the gaping hole in his argument, for by saying "they may not be strong now -we may not even hear of them un- til Hitler's collapse" he defeats the meaning of his statement that there are social democratic forces in Ger- many today. What he does indicate, is that, when the Germans will be defeated, there will promptly spring up numerous "democrats" who, "of course" couldn't o anything and/or had been misled, but now were will- ing to do'all they could to establish democracy in Germany. In other words. Germans suddenly turn dem- By Crockett Johnson ocratic when the wind blows that way. "Nothing humanitarian will be ac- complished" if we are rude to the Germans, says the author. Some- thing humanitarian will be accom- plished-humanitarian towards the rest of the world no longer involved in bloody wars with Germany. Mr. Shinn then bows his head in sorrow, and mutters "Germany has lost, her prestige among nations." Is it not a rather mild way of put- ting it? I should say that the setniments of the war-torn coun- tries, of the families with their beloved killed, is a bit stronger than that. And, while I do not= want to be nasty, I would like to remark that I am sure that Ger- many is glad that it has not lost her prestige with Mr. Ray Shinn, of the Daily staff. ;-Fay Ajzenberg, '46E On Second Thought By RAY DIXON If you're still suffering from a New Year's eve hangover, it might please you to know that FDR (wh conceived the idea of two Thanksgiv- ings a few years ago) is jealous a, the dickens because Michigan wa: first to think of having two New Year's eves. On Saturday students hollered happy new year in Unionison and on Sunday night the same stu- dents sung a chorus of Auld League Syne. So many predictions went wrong during 1944 that newspaper editor. and radio commentators all over th( country were afraid to come right out and say that this new year is going to be a happy one. It seems the best we can do is hope. Cutting cross campus yesterday,a we heard one shivering sailor tell another that Ann Arbor is the only place in the world where polar bears sit by the stove to keep warm. Wise Words ~ APANESE militarists industriousl3 foster the myth that the Mikadc knows everything, is divinely in- spired, infallible in judgment and never makes a mistake. So now ...the Emperor opens the Diet with a rescript containing this sentence: "The war situation is be- coming more critical." Many other utterances of the Sor of Heaven are going to be refuted. but there's a mouthful with all the authority of divine inspiration and infallible judgment behind it. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch retary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. The last day of interviewing for Orientation Advisors will be Thurs- day. Jan. 4, from 5. Lectures Mr. J. 0. Almen of the General Motors Research Laboratory will be here to give a lecture on "Fatigue in Machine Parts," on Thursday, Jan. 4, in Rm. 311, West Engineering Building, at 3:45 p.m. This meeting is open to anyone interested, but should especially be of interest to graduate students, sen- iors and faculty. Academic Notices Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for February: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School, today, between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a re- quirement for the certificate. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held this afternoon at 4:15 in Rm. 2033, Kellogg Building. Dr. Philip Jay, Associate Professor of Dentistry, will discuss various fac- tors, including nutritional, in "den- tal caries." Please note change in location. Speeded Reading Course: The speeded reading course will resume at 5. All who registered for this course are expected to be in atten- dance for the remaining sessions. Admission to School of Business administration Spring Term: Appli- ,ations should be submitted prior to Tan. 15. Application blanks available in Rm. 108 Tappan Hall. Concerts Faculty Concert: The first faculty c'oncert of the season will be given at 8:30 Sunday evening, Jan. 7, in Lydia Hendelssohn Theater. The program will consist of compositions by Brahms and will feature Professors Beserkirsky, Hackett, Okkelberg and Brinkman. pbl ted Te general public is invite. ti r I. Pe trillo N ONE of the corrupt newspapers smearing the President for ask- ing Petrillo to lift the ban on record making states the main fact: the law is on Petrillo's side; he has been up- held in his position in every court Ex-NAMzi employee Geo Sokolsk says FDR was "on his knees" before Petrillo; Herald Tribune referred tc "abject appeal." These are samples of irresponsible journalism. In Fact DAILYOFFICIAL ]BULLE TIN WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 48 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Ange1 Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, Jan. 6. Reports cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports; they should be returned to the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards for reporting sophomores, juniors. and seniors should be returned tc 1220 Angell hall. Midsemester reports should name. those students, freshmen and upper- class, whose standing at midsemester is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemestei examinations. Students electing our courses, butj registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which then are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. Applications in Support of Research .arnii4g. mrT uiv Reenah nmmit- Events- Today Chemistry Colloquium will meet at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 303 Chemistry Buil- cling. Harry Freund will speak on "Separation of Hafnium and Zircon- ium bytFractional Precipitation." All interested are invited. The Veterans Organization. of the University of Michigan will meet this evening at 7 p.m., in the Basement Lecture Room of Lane Hall. In addition to regular business, affilia- tion with Veterans In College Inc., a national organization of veterans in college will be discussed. All veterans are urged to attend. Mortar Board will meet tonight at 7:15 in the League. All members must be present. U.S.O. Meeting: There will be a meeting of the Junior Hostesses of Regiment X, tonight at 7:30 at the LISO. Please notify if unable to attend. Coming Events The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet on Thursday after- noon, Jan. 4, at 4:15 in the West conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Abraham Herman will discuss some phases of the recently, pub- lished "Survey of Language Classes in the ASTP." Professor Michael S. Pargment will speak "On Learning a Foreign Language." Graduate students and all who are interested are cordially invited. At the regular Seminar meeting of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering on Thurs- day, Jan. 4, at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3201, East Engineering Building, Mr. L. E. 3rownell will speak on "Electric Strain Gauges;" followed by Mr. D. V. Doane on the subject "Stresses in Surface Hardened Steels." Any- one interested is cordially invited to attend. The A.I.E.E. will meet Thursday evening, Jan. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 246 West Engineering Building, Mr. J. S. Needle, instructor in Electrical Engineering, will discuss "Induction Heating." The talk will be supple- mented with demonstrations. Re- freshments will be served. Alpha Phi Omega service fratern- ity will hold its first membership meeting in the Michigan Union, Thursday, Jan. 4 at 7:30 p.m. All members are reques'ted to be present. All students who have had Scouting experience and are interested in joining Alpha Phi Omega are cord- ially invited to this meeting. Alpha Phi Omega also extends a special invitation to the meeting to any faculty member who is desirous of becoming a faculty advisor of the fraternity. The Executive Board of the Inter- Racial Association will meet Thurs- day at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Permission has been granted by ,,. Reactionaries P RIME MINISTER Churchill's actions of the past weeks seem to indicate an unfortunate trend. Granted that Mr. Churchill's aim is to preserve the predominant position of the Brit- ish Empire in world politics, it is nevertheless highly deplorable that he is doing so in this manner. By supporting factions who represent at best, the Catholic Church and other groups in the self-styled center, at worst "former" fascist reac- tionaries, Churchill is sacrificing the hopes and help of democratic and liberal elements to that oft-invoked god of the alibiest, Expediency. President Roosevelt's present evasive attitude in answering newsmens questions regarding American foreign policy in the Mediterranean area only adds to the confusion and distrust prevalent among sincere democrats. Unless FDR is carrying on American foreign affairs single-handedly it seems obvious that he is repeating the error of avoiding committments Good old Orion' Saying he was giving up hunting' Then jamming the trading pos that niht with f urs- ROBBERS hid those furs there' 2-30 'I I'll tell the cops. They've been asking Pop where all the rest of the furs are- Robbers2 C Cushlamochre '0 ops? e, But-the cops searched that shed. Why didn't they find- t liquidated the trading post early in the morning 0r 5 1 I Itf _ So I moved the other furs-- Exhausting task, too. I could carry only a few at a time- To what seemed a safe place. Your father's cellar? 0 Copyght 144 54 l Pbhation - I've read all the cases on the shelf in the drugstore, and- Mr (YAMalleuv The Your old Fairy Godfather will find a way to absolve your dad, Barnaby. Mmm. - _ . _ 1 !_ , . _!.. - r _. , 'i Warn him to say nothing. Until l bring a battery of competent counselors, who, , ,.-a Every GOOD lawyer limits his lucrative practice exclusively to the defense of comely young u.r - .m r#ar :. nna e -n A E II I