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December 31, 1944 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-31

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SUNDAY, DEC. 31, 1944

Churches Will Combine in Prayer
Service Tomorrow at St. Icholas

day, which will be followed by dinner
and a fell'owship hour.
There will be New Year's Eve ser-
vices in the church at 11 p.m.
Gamma Delta
There will be a traditional Luther-
an service at 7:30 p.m. followed by a
watch party until midnight.
Zion Lutheran Church.
The regular melting of the Lu-
theran Student Association will be
held at 9 p.m. for students and ser-
vicemen, and will be followed by an
address at 11:30 p.m. by Vicar
Charles Willman.
Unitarian Church
The students program will be held
from 5 to 7 p.m., and at 11:30 p.m.
there will be a special candlelight
service in the church.
A program from 10:15 p.m. until
12:05 a.m. will take the place of the
usual 5 pm. student meeting. In-
cluded in the program will be a sup-
per similar to that celebrated by the
early Christian church in connection
with holy communion services. A
dedicatio service will mark the mid-
night hour.
Mrs. Grace Sloane Overton will
speak on "Marriage and the Home"
at the regular meeting of the Guild
at 5 p.m. There will be a fellowship
meeting and cost supper following
her address. At 10 p.m. a reception
will be held for new members, and
from 11 p.m. to midnight there will

be candlelight communion in the
Bethlehem Ev. and Reformed
A 7:30 p.m. Year End Service will
precede the 10:30 communion ser-
Dr. Van Dusen
To Talk Jan. 22
At Rackham
Dean Henry Pitney Van Dusen,
Ph.D., DD., lecturing on "Religion in
Our Era," will open the Annual Pas-
tors Conference for the State of
Michigan, to be held at the Rackham
Building Jan. 22-24, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious
Education, announced.
Dean Van Dusen, Professor of Sys-
tematic Theology and Dean of Stu-
dents at Union Theological Semin-
ary, Columbia University, is slated
to deliver a series of lectures start-
ing at 2:30 p.m., Jan. 22. He is
President of the American.Associa-
tion of Theological Seminaries and
a trustee of Princeton University.
The author of "In Quest of Life's
Meaning" and "God in These
Times," Dean Van Dusen is also edi-
tor of "The Church Through Half a
Century," "Church and State in the
Modern World" and "Liberal The-
ology: An Appraisal."

.attacked by Sen. Ball.
Wheeler Asks For
Senate Peace Stand
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30-UP)-Sen-
ator Wheeler (D.-Mont.) proposed to-
day that the Senate formally pro-
claim its own peace aims, "in the
absence of the President's taking a
He filed with the Senate Secretary,
for introduction when the new Con-
gress meets Wednesday, a resolution
which would place the Senate on rec-
ord for creation of a "Federation of
European Nations."'

Ball Asks That
L. ahorl Policy
include Petrillo
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.--()-
Senator Ball (Rep., Minn.) declared
today that there should be a law to
back the government's wartime labor
policy and that it should apply to
James C. Petrillo the same as Sewell
The senator supported President,
Roosevelt's statement in seizing
Montgomery Ward stores Thursday
that what the President called the
firm's "consistent and willful defi-
ance" of War Labor Board decisions
had threatened employer - worker
confidence in the agency's machinery
for settling labor disputes. Avery is
board chairman of Ward.
But James C. Petrillo and the
American Federation of Musicians,
which he heads, also have defied the
board and jeopardized confidence in
it, Ball said in a statement.
Proposing establishment of a "le-
gal basis for action against union
defiance," he added:
"A fundamental principle of dem-
ocracy is that its rules and laws
apply equally to all. I do not believe
that is true at present as regards
enforcement of WLB directives."

Gei. Byrou Scheduled To Meet
Union Off icials in Ward Row

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Gen. Joseph Byron ar-
ranged to feet again with officials
of the CIO United Retail, Wholesale
and Department Store Employes Un-
ion. He and his labor relations of-
ficer, Lt. Col. Daniel Boland, already
have had several meetings with the
A hearing before Federal Judge
Philip L. Sullivan was set for Jan. 8
on the government petititon for a
declaratory judgment to establish
legality of President Roosevelt's seiz-
ure order and for an injunction to
restrain Ward's officials from inter-
fering with Army operations.
d. .r. d.
Ward Plants Calm
Over New Year's
CHICAGO, Dec. 30.-(/P)-A New
Year's holiday calm settled over
Montgomery Ward and Company
The Army, which seized company
properties in seven cities Thursday
under Presidential order consolidated
its position by having office facilities
installed. The company stood on its
refusal, to recognize validity of the
seizure, apparently awaiting federal


court determination of the issues.
Await Army Action
The union involved in the labor
dispute awaited Army action toward
carrying out War Labor Board direc-
tives for maintenance of union mem-
bership, wage increase with back pay
and seniority. It was Ward's refusal
to comply with these directives that
led to the seizure.
Sewell L. Avery, Ward's chairman
of the board who declared President
Roosevelt's order was without Con-
stitutional foundation and could not
be obeyed, spent several hours in his
offices, conferring with top company
Maj.-Gen. Joseph W. Byron, mili-
tary manager, spent half a day in his
office, separated from Avery's only
by the office of John Branch, Avery's
Maintain 24-Hour Control
Army officers remained at their
posts after the general and top staff
members departed. Public relations
officers said the Army would main-
tain 24-hour control of the facilities,
including the holiday week-end.
The Army position was that Avery
was free to carry on operations of
the huge mail order house other than
those in the seized properties.





Dress up


your Wurdrobe
SOFT LINES in beautiful suits of gabardine,
flannel, or shetland. Fashions that forecast
a dress up winter, and just right when spring

'7 ,/

rolls around too. Cardigan or dress-maker

styles -- all to flatter the figure.


darks, checks, plaids.
Ca er la ,anard

Editor's Note: Contributions to this col-
umn have been printed without excep-
tion throughout the fall semester.xOur
aim is to bring to the attention of
University students and alumni know-
ledge of the activities and whereabouts
of Michigan men at war should be ad-
contributions we receive rrom students
and faculty, the more codpletely we
will be able to fulfill this purpose. News
of Michiban men at war should be ad-
dressed to The Military Editor, The Mi-
chigan Daily, Student Publications
Building, 426 Maynard.
Recently returned from the China-
Burma front, where he successfully
completed 51 missions and survived
a three-day ordeal when his P-40
was shot down inside Jap lines, Cap-
now troop commander at the Fourth
Air Force's Paine Field (Wash.).
While serving in China with the
Fourteenth Air Force, Capt. Black-
stone was officially credited with
shooting down three enemy planes.
In May, 1943, he was transferred to
India, where he served as director
of training and chief tactical advis-
or of an American-Chinese Training
In describing the tactics of the
Fourteenth Air Force Capt. Hol-
lis used the highest praises in
crediting its commander, Gen.
Chennault, stating that his princi-
ples "have produced results in
safety to our flyers and losses to
the Japs."
The Fourteenth Air Force, he
says, has used airpower "as in-
fantry, as machine guns and as
artillery. Often times," he states,
"we had to make un for the Chi-
nese Armies' lack of heavy weap-
ons and have played the role of
heavy ground weapons for them.
They (the Chinese) are courag-
eous defensive soldiers, but they
lack offensive firepower."
Marine First Lieutenant FRANK
M. MURPHY, recently returned from
the South Pacific wheredhe partici-
pated in 40 raids as a dive bomber
pilot with the "Bombing Banshees"
squadron, is now stationed at the U.
S. Naval Air Station at San Diego,
Lt. Murphy operated from Bou-
gainville, Emirau and Green islands
against enemy installations on Bou-
gainville Island, Rabaul, New Brit-
ain and Kavieng, New Ireland. Al-
though his plane was hit by anti-air-
craft fire on 10 raids, he escaped in-
jury and completed the missions.
An Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air

Medal has been awarded to 1st Lt.
PAUL C. MARINCE, a former stu-
dent at the University, for "cour-I
age, coolness and skill" while parti-
cipating in bombing attacks upon
war plants in Germany and upon'
Nazi military defense points and'
communication lines in supporting'
Allied armies in western Europe.
Lt. Marince, who left the Uni-
versity to join the AAF in March,
1943, is the pilot of an Eighth
Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress in
the 385th Bombardment Group.
gator on an Eighth Air Force B-17
Flying Fortress and a student at
the University prior to entering
the armed forces in January, 1943,
has been promoted from the rank
of second lieutenant to first lieu-
Lt. Yianilos holds the Air Medal
Hi hiights
O n Campus . .
Veterans Invited ...
Campus veterans will be the guests
of Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action (MYDA) to be held from 7 to
10 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 7 in the
Women's Athletic Building.
The get-together, supplemented by
a floor show and refreshments, will
provide an opportunity for veterans,
students and servicemen to get ac-
quainted, Belle Rosenthal, president,
said. She invited veterans, students
and service men to the party !
Faculty Artists ...
An all-faculty group composed of
Profs. Joseph Brinkman, Wassily
Besekirsky, Arthur Hackett and
Maud Okkelberg of the School of
Music, will present a joint recital,
featuring selections by Brahms, at
8:30 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 6 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Profs. Brinkman and Besekirsky
jwill perform the Brahms "Sonata for
Viola and piano, Op. 120, No. 1,"
while Miss Okkelberg, pianist, will
play Brahms' "Fantasies, Op. 116."
Prof. Hackett, tenor, will complete
the all-Brahms program with a vo-
cal selection.
The recital is open to the public.
7 1* I


1i~i1% /lea 'e

with two Oak Leaf Clusters. He is
attached to the same Bombardment
Group, the 385th, as is Lt. Marince.
This group is a part of the Third
Bombardment Division which was
cited by the President for its now
historic England-Africa shuttle
bombing attack in August, 1943 upon
the Messerschmitt aircraft plants at



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But, as Coach
"Nothing is

Weber said,
definite or

final about this tourna-
TED GREER, star cen-
ter and high scorer on last
season's hockey team was
elected captain of the
1944-45 sextet to become
leader of Vic Heyliger's
first Michigan ice squad.
Greer a member of the
Naval ROTC is a native of
Wayzata, Minn. who won
his letter in football this
fall. He was approached
by the Detroit Redwings,
professional hockey club,
early in the season.
MEETING the Univer-
sity of Wyoming for the
first time a week ago Sat-
urday, the Wolverines de-
feated them 38-30 as
Walter Kell, Michigan
guard scored 21 points to
take the lead in the indi-
vidual scoring race within
the teamrn. Kell has 56
points piled up in the sev-
en games played so far.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's
charges have accumulated
277 points-an average of
39.5 per game.


are s o o w,1 r
Russet 6 95
The kind of low-heelers you're going
to love with your bright woolens
and dash-about-town suits. So capable
and walkable! And so wonderful to wear
when you're trying to make
time on a crammed schedule.

?4 ;,





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