THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. DE. 31. 1944 ,: ,,. .:_ -' I A's MM- 9 Fifty-fifth Year WA SHiNGTON MERRY-GO- OUND: Perkins To LeaveCabinet '"1 I w. ,I I- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips . . . . . Managing Editor Stan Walace . . City Editor y ay io " . . ".Associate Editor Hank Mantho . . . . Sports Editor Dave Loewenberg . . Associate Sports Editor Mavis ennedy . .Women's Editor Business Staff ;lee Amer. .. Business Manager arbara Chadwick . Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr: . Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or 'otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AVLRTING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pulisers Representative 420 MADSON AE. NEw YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BSTON* LoCs ANGELS * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR J. KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Remember Month E HEARD of a new proposal the other day and we might give it consideration in that hour or two of year end thinking in resrospect for which we usually find time about now. A radio show this week devoted thirty min- utes to advance the merits of adding a thir- teenth month to 1944 to be used for doing all the things we forget to do in the other twelve months. It is to be inserted right after December. We would then have October, November, December and Remember. It seems .the haste with which we have raced through the last twelve months and momentous events included .have deprived us of those leisure moments wherein we plan and recall the things we must do. But to save the worry and make it a lot easier, we just have the month of Remember to take care of all those things. On Remember 15th we could pay the income tax we missed, on the 25th thf Remember we can purchase a Christmas gift for those people we didn't think would send us one, and on the rest of the day we could re-do all those disil- lusioning things that have set the stock of postwar solidarity and peace down so many points. On the face of it, the proposal seems a bit wild eyed and yet how many of us actually sit down at the end of the year and remember all the things we forget to do? How many of us regret the fact that we don't have another opportunity to "do it again." If I only had another chance, we wail helplessly thinking of a mistake here and error there. Perhaps we were wrong in voting for Roose- velt, some say, and we wouldn't do it if we had the chance again. This attitude is quite indicative of many things. We live in the past and continually think of rectifying our errors but isn't there more logic in looking to the future and take the past for the lessons it should have taught us? Instead of concerning ourselves with at- w tempting to rectify mistakes, can we no better direct our attention to making such plans that will eliminate those mistakes in the future? It seems so and that is the challenge of the New Year. Many of us are disillusioned over the prospects of the peace. The president has been called many things since election. Why, in heaven's name, did he deceive us over the At- lantic Charter? What right has Churchill to' direct the internal affairs of Greece and what of the Belgian situation? E CAN look with disdain at all these inci- dents bu't if we do nothing more than crumble and point a finger of guilt, it is we who are guilty? We are guilty of losing faith in our hope for the future. We are all agreed that war should be eliminated in the future and yet if we add no constructive logic to the peace plans, what will we have accomplished and what will we have a right to expect? Pessimism, by itself, oniy serves the purpose of baring the realities of the present. If we can't draw from them a guide for the future, even this value will be' negligible. Many of us look with downcast eyes at, the world. about us and easily see no point to the future. But this is the easy road and demands little courage and vigor. It is the strong man By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON, Dec. 30-Secretary of Labor Perkins is getting out of the Cabinet on Jan. 20-come hell and high water. She has, told friends' she will not stay on a minute longer. This may sound as if the lady saw the handwriting on the wall, but such is not en- tirely the case. Miss Perkins submitted her resignation on Jan. 20, 1941-four years ago-and it has been on file in the White House ever since. Meanwhile she hasn't known exactly where she was-except to see various Labor Depart- ment bureaus euchered out from under her. Now she plans to quit--definitely. ACTUALLY, this may leave the President in more of a hole than most people realize for it iS a tough job to find a Secretary of Labor satis- factory to both the CIO and AFL. This is the chief reason why he drifted for four years with Miss Perkins. It is easier to drift than find a successor. Now, however, Miss Perkins says she plans to quit drifting . Jesse Jones Laughs .. . FRIENDS of Jesse Jones have been chortl- ing gleefully over the way the President has kept Vice President Wallace dangling on the line for months with a Cabinet job just out of reach, promising hiM everything but never quite coming across. I They say it is one of the greatest now-you- see-it-now-you-don't-see-it acts ever per- formed in the White House. Wallace, who practices what he preaches when it comes to idealism and never considered himself a practical politician, went into the recent campaign without any promises from the President. He asked for no job in advance, but went down the line anyway. Political leaders admit his was one of the most effective jobs of the entire election. With- out th.e segment of liberal votes which Wallace swung, Roosevelt might not have won. Since then the President has been very shrewd in inviting Wallace around to lunch, has asked his advice on all sorts of things, talks to him at great length. But aside from Wallace's old job as Sec- retary of Agriculture, or Miss Perkins' thank- less job as Secretary of Labor, the President never comes across with anything concrete. Wallace's one ambition is to- help small busi- ness. He believes that this is where a great portion of the promised 60,000,000 jobs are coming from after the war and in the job of Secretary of Commerce he has some ideas that he thinks would sput small business and pro- duce jobs. But sitting at F.D.R.'s right hand in the White House, is Harry Hopkins, bosom pal of Jesse Jones. And every time the President gets tender- hearted about, offering Wallace something important, Harry jogs his elbow. NOTE-In view of Roosevelt's drifting away from the Atlantic Charter, some of Wallace's Cigarettes Again CIGARETTES again. This time the Senate is trying its hand to do something for the poor lost soul who is without. In a recent meeting it was suggested that the cigarette manufacturer be classified as an essential industry with the right to a larger portion of the manpower. It is encouraging to see that the Senate has taken time to discover why the civilian has had to cut down. The odd part of this situa- tion is that they say there has been no skul- duggery yet only recently there was a conviction of three leading tobacco companies on the grounds that they had violated the anti-trust laws. Perhaps they are overlooking this unfor- tunate happening and are now going to at- tempt to ease the shortage by instituting some new plans. It was brought to light that there will be even less of the already scarce article because of the increase in shipments overseas. It is hoped that through the WFA food order asking for larger production of long leaf tobacco and the OPA's revision of wholesaler price regula- tions to allow a better distribution of stocks to retail dealers lack of cigarettes will be reme- died. But even with these efforts the outlook isn't much brighter. There has been a 15 per cent increase in the civilian demand and to make matters worse it has-been pointed out that there will be an acute shortage of tobacco for the manufacturers within a year. -Liz Knapp friends are urging him not to accept any job in the Administration for fear Roosevelt and all with him will go out of office bitterly criti- cized for not carrying out their professed ileals, Capital Chaff... Heard around the White House: "Roosevelt speaks only to God." Query: ,Has Poet-As- sistant Secretary of State Archibalt MacLeish sent Churchill a copy of the poem entitled "An Ode to a Grecian Spurned?" . .. Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy has written an epic on tolerance for Liberty magazine, out this week. "Hate the Enemy That Bullets Can't Stop." Every American should read it. UNRRA officers in Greece have abandon- ed the use of British battle dress. At first British uniforms were insisted upon by the British. But when UNRRA officers were shot at, they rebelled.... G. I. Joes are irked over Army regulations which prohibit them from writing to their Congressman or the Presi- dent. (Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) lomi ie Says HOW can prayer be accepted? That prayer, like religion itself, is universal may prove little but we need to remind ourselves constantly that this fact may indicate much as to human nature. To speak of prayer at all we must hastily pass over long chapters which include origin and development. Ancient Persia, Baby- lon, and Egypt hold experience. The wilderness of mystical literature and the fine ethical philo- sophies of China could teach us significant truth. Coming at once to Judaism at its best and to Christianity, we may assume that D'Arcy's definition is correct: "Prayer in general is the expression of a desire, cast in the form of a request, to influence some force or power conceived as supernatural." That public prayer preceded private prayer, that liturgies antedate devotional formulae of individuals, that gods, bad as well as. good, were objects of petition, and that prayers were first by priests and later by saints are subjects we must include in the interest of brevity. While it is true that "any intercourse" (to quote from Hastings) "of the human soul with a higher power may rightly be termedprayer," we do well to think of prayer for the Christ- ian as "the communion of the human soul with God." We begin then with the funda- mental nature of the God-and-man family. Prayer is the Holy Spirit drawing the soul as well as the soul drawing nigh unto God. The case is like the action and suction of the magnet and the steel. Prayer is then not a foolish act of unauthorized presumption, nor a rash effort to approach unapproachable and absolutely iso- lated Majesty. "Whenever a man truly prays, his Divine King has already extended the scepter of his mercy and bidden him speak." Jesus seems to base all his own sureness in the realm of the spirit upon companionship with God or on personality. The mere fact that he called God "Father" bridges the chasms that former religious teachers failed to cross and helps us cease our fear of being engulfed. Even the loftiness of the Psalms steps aside at this conception and we feel no offense at it. Dis- tance also vanishes. The coldness of power is transformed into a sacred warmth. At once communion with God becomes the natural and not the exceptional thing. Anxiety passes from man and is taken up by God. The father cares-the father wishes-the father knows- the father beseeches. This is the atmosphere in which Jesus introduces our subject, and it is, withal, the outstanding solution of most of the knotty. problems which otherwise obstruct man's path to spiritual satisfaction. Jesus imposes the character of God upon the one praying. By setting the poor, honest, penitent publican in striking contrast to the voluble Pharisee in his robe, worn perfunc- torily, the Master forever lifted prayer from its ancient abode as form, liturgy, a placat- ing of Deity. He makes prayer a soul sweat, or an inner wail, deep as the person, and seated so far beneath the performance of rites that it is of the essence or is not at all. "God be merciful to me a sinner," and the approval it drew from Jesus set a new stake in the history of prayer as a lay practice. When the religious by millions can concertedly pray as genuine Christians, believing, we will have given our best in behalf of. a recon- structed human race and only then dare we hope for the democratic victory which many have too glibly'proposed for the year 1945 A.D. Edward W. Blakeman Councelor in Religious Education Navy War Bond Cartoon Servite "Because you buy War Bonds regularly, Smith, don't get the idea that' you, personally own each shell'!"' Le sto the Editor. Conscription, Gallup Poll THE GALLUP poll tells us that over 50% of our people are in favor of peace time military train- ing. This is an interesting but not a very enlightening fact. Do you ac- tually believe this is the considered opinion of our people? I do not. The figure shown in favor of conscrip- tion only reflects the current military mood. I believe the considered opinion is being expressed in the negative. When we see the Church Federation of America., Catholic Councils, na- tional and local educational asso- ciations, and even labor registering their might against it, when our Congressmen state that their mail is overwhelmingly against peace time military conscription, then I am made to believe that those who have Art..." BERNARD Rosenberg's column Saturday morning stated rather definitely his opinion that there can be no art without suffering. Per- haps Mr. Rosenberg has forgotten his history. Surely he classes as art the great sculptured works of the Athen- ian Periclean Golden Age, produced by a society in which the government sponsored the art while private indi-. viduals financed it. The magnificence of Renaissance Florence was the pro- duct of artists well-supported by the affluent Medicis. In modern Amer- ica the creations of Grant Wood and John Stuart Curry, both comfort- ably installed in large state univer- sities, are world-famous. On the other hand, during the long formative period of this nation when the people were working to survive, suffering in order to gain the wealth of first the West, then the Eastern cities, our most ambitious native art were Currier and Ives news litho- graphs. Never has there been art until men had both leisure time and the promise of lucrative reward. Rembrandt's lush portraits were com- pleted before the death of his first wife and the accompanying hard- ships. "The Night Watch" was pro- duced with hopes of acclaim from an entire city as well as fat mone- tary remuneration. Perhaps columnist Rosenberg knows of some undiscvered masterpiece produced by a mem- ber of Coxey's Army or by a De- pression-starved apple-seller. -Milt Freudenheim On Second Thought By RAY DIXON Our basketballers overmeasured,. overscored and overtimed last night, but they weren't overplayed. Right up to the last minute of play, it looked as though the Buck- eyes were just pupils to the Wol- verines, but then they got on the ball, eyed the basket and lashed out- to beat our cagers by three points. The crimson-shirted 'giants from down Iowa way passed the ball to Lund by mistake so many times that he must have made them see red. By Crockett Johnson Now don't tell e the kid made up this O'Ryn, too We KNOW ths is one of Sables O'Ryan's jobs. See? Operator? I want a policeman- I mean-Get me HeadquaAters 'id \' -Bu --- B- q-Al considered this issue see it's foll It was once said "never under- estimate the peoples intelligence and never overestimate. their , know- ledge." Considered thought is' usu- ally bought with a price and there- fore is valued to the point of ex- pression. I am sure that if and when our people know the true en- volvements of such legislation their intelligence will give strong expres- sion against it's ever happening in America. I am of the opinion that we should wait until the boys who are doing the fighting now, come home and have a chance to express how they feel we should prepare for peace, This issue is one of the most sobering Americans have ever been asked to consider, yet it was not dealt with in our national cam- paigns. I wonder why? What is the rush? The militant cry is: "Pass it now." I wonder why? Could it be possible that our con- sidered opinion is not wanted? Let us not be hasty in this con- clusion but let us be wise. -L. Moyers, Akron, O. DAILY OFFICIALj BULLETIN - SUNDAY, DEC. 31, 1944 VOL. LV., No. 47 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to thePresident, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. in. Sat- urdays). Notices The University business offices will be closed all day New Year's Day, Monday, Jan. 1. Shirley W. Smith Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, Jan. 6. Reports cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports; they should be returned to the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- class, whose standing at midsemester is *D or~ E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. Applications in Support of Research Projects: To give Research Commit-' tees and the Executive Board ade- quate time to study all proposals. it is requested that faculty members have projects needing support during 1945-1946 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 9, 1945. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can. be obtained at Sec- retary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. The Women's Glee Club will not meet Monday. Varsity Glee Club: No rehearsal today (Sunday). Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday evenings only for the balance of the year. Special rehearsal on Wednesday, Jan. 3 for final election to membership. New applicants for membership are in- vited to try out at this meeting. All men anticipating membership next semester should report as evidence osf 4l.~irintirftdFinal trvuits for viewing girls on Jan. 8. Get in touch with our office if you are interested. University Ext. 371, Bureau of Ap- pointments. City of Detroit .Civil Service: Announcements for Line Helper Dri- ver, Salary $1.10 to $1.15 an hour, and Sr. General Staff Nurse, salary $2,520 to $2,880, have been received in our office. For further informa- tion stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. New York State Civil Service: Announcements for Assistant Princi- pal of Nurses Training School, sal- ary $2,400 to $3,000, Chief, Bureau of Home Economics, salary $5,200 to $6,450, Coordinator of Utility Con- tracts, salary $2,700 to $3,325, Direc- tor of Nursing .Cancer), salary $3,- 120 to $3,870, Executive Officer, sal- ary $1,600 to $2,100, Industrial Fore- man (woodworking shop), salary $2,- 100 to $2,600, Industrial Inspector (Woodworking Shop), salary $1,800 to $2,300, Optometric Investigator, salary $2,400 to $3,000, Photostat Operator, salary $1,621 to $2,100, Record Clerk, salary $1,201 to $1,620. Senior Social Worker (Psychiatric), salary $2,400 to $3,000, Senior Super- visor of Vocational Rehabilitation, salary $3,120 to $3,870, and Superin- tendent of Marine Fisheries, salary $2,000 to $5,000, have been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Academic Notices Sociology 191 will not meet Mon- day, Jan. 1. , Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 3, at 4:15 p. m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Harry Freund will speak on "Separa- tion of Hafnium and Zirconium by Fractional Precipitation." All inter- ested are invited. Speeded Reading Course: The speeded reading course will resume Jan. 3, Wednesday, 5:00. All who registered for this course are expect- ed to be in attendance for the re- maining sessions. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held on January 3, 1945, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 2033, Kellogg Building. Dr. Philip Jay, Associate Professor of Dentistry, will discuss various fac- tors, including nutritional, in "dental caries." Please note change in loca- tion. Seminar in Special Functions: Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 3 -p.m. in 317 West Engineering, Professor Rainich continues on Operators and Ortho- gonal Polynomials. Concerts Faculty Concert: The first faculty concert of the season will be given at 8:30 Sunday evening, Jan. 7, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The program will consist of compositions by Brahms and will feature Professors Beserkirsky, Hackett, Okkelberg and Brinkman. The general public is invited. Events Today The Lutheran Student Association will have a Watch Party this evening at 9 in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. The earlier part of the evening will fea- ture games and refreshments and at 11:30 a short service will usher in the new year. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will have a consecration and com- munion service this evening from 10:15 to .12:05 o'clock at the Chris- tian Church (Disciples), Hill and Tappan. Comting Events There will be a Library Committee meeting 'at Hillel Foundation on Tuesday. Jan. 2, at 4:00 p.m. Any- one interested in library work is in- vited to attend. Junior Research Club: The Janu- ary meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1945, in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies at 7:30 p.m. Program: "Aviation Gasoline, 100 Octane." Matthew Van Winkle, Chem. & Met. Engineering; "Some Complications of Diabetes Mellitus," Wayne Run- dles, Simpson Memorial Institute. Sigma Rho Tau - Members of the Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day, Jan. 2, in Rooms, 319-323 in the Union. Means of securing recogni- tion of the engineer as a professional man will. be discussed. New debate topic: Should the government adopt compulsory military training for all citizens? There will be a meeting of the Hillel-Avukah Study Group on Tues- day, Jan. 2, 8:30 p.m., at the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Max Dresden of the Physics Department will speak on "The Psychoanalytical Approach to Anti-Semitism." Women of the University Faculty: ,.f I :,i I J. 1 4 . 4 t BARNABY It's the only way it could have happened. Orncer. The thieves' car crashed So they carried the furs c-f and hid them But they dropped the ermihe wrap somewhere And ' Barnaby found it and he brought it home And the kid made up the O'Malley guy in his head? - YestH y saveynagmative child. And- But Mr. O'Malley said Orion got an ermine skin after ail. ~~ He found it in the morning in the shed. So Orion must have left it there for him- ORYAN? CR K The kid spilled enough for me to figure what happened, Chief. Sables O'Ryan sent a hood Now, Baxter. Go over your story Hello, m'boy. I daresay your mother - is delighted with the ermine? And