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December 30, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-30

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New Sections



i D

Of Recent Air
Crash Initiated
Preliniinary I-earingI
Is Held in Ypsilanti
Responsibility for the mid-air col-
sion between an American Airlines
lagship and a CAP trainer near
aline Sunday noon will be fixed by
he Civil Aeronautics Administration
n Washington within a month fol-
>wing the preliminary hearing in
'psilanti yesterday.
The small plane whose occupants
)onald Gridley, an instructor at the
psilanti airport, and Eleanor Cra-
ver, 19, CAP a student, parachuted
o safety, collided with the airliner
which made a forced landing. None
f the 15 passengers. and three crew
nembers were injured.
John Chamberlain, assistant safe-
y director of the safety division of
she CAA and Allen Borden, senior air
>fety officer presided over the hear-
.g at which representatives of the'
irlines and the CAP gave testimony.
Didn't See Plane
According to information present-
d at the questioning, neither the in-
tructor and his student in the train-
ing plane nor the pilot of the airliner
aw the other plane prior' to the
accident. First Officer J. Richard
Lyons, co-pilot, testified that he saw,
he small craft to the right and'
ahead but it was too late to avoid the'
ollision. The U. S. meteorologist at
Romulus declared that the ceiling
was overcast at 7,000 feet but that
the visibility should have been good
at the level of the two planes.
Not Flying by Instruments
Capt. Victor Evans pilot of the
arge ship testified that they were
cruising on their course at about
2500 feet with Lyons at the controls
when he felt the impact of the ac-
cident. He said that both he and
Lyons had to take the controls to
bring the ship down. Both pilot and
co-pilot declared that they were not
flying by instruments when the ac-
cident occurred.
Gridley and Miss Cramer testified
that they did not see the airliner un-
til after the accident occurred and
that they did not know they had
struck the larger plane until after
they had parachuted down. They
said they had been practicing turns
and spins and at the time of the
collision were cruising at approxi-
mately 2400 feet.


JAPS FIRE U. S. TANKER-Crewmen of a U. S. aircraft carrier watch from flight deck as USS Mis-
sissinewa, a tanker, burns after a Jap attack somewhere in the Pacific.

Orientation Interviews .
Coeds interested in becoming ori-
entation advisors will be interviewed
for appointments from 10 a. m. to,
12 noon today-and from 3 to 5 p. m.
Monday in the Judiciary Council f
room of the League.9
Natalie Mattern, president of the9
Council, announced yesterday that
sheets will be posted in the outer
undergraduate office where pros-r
pective advisors may sign for thea
time of their interview. Five min-
utes will be alloted to each coed. .
Miss Mattern also made an an-
nouncement concerning the policy. of
the Council regarding coeds who ar-
rived in Ann Arbor after hours fol-
lowing the holiday vacation. All
house directors are asked to put the1
time of the late train or bus after the
name of the late coed, on the com-
I posite sheet which is turned into they
Plan WAA Tourney . . .
All women athletic managers
who haven't turned in their first
and second choices for playing
times in the basketball tourna-
ment should turn them in by Mon-
day noon to Shelby Dietrich's box
"Club To Honor
Filipino Hero
A dinner, program and dancing to-
day in the Women's Athletic Build-
ing will commemorate the works of
Dr. Jose Rizal, the most outstand-
ing figure in Philippine history in the
last 300 years.
Sponsored by the Philippine-Mi-
chigan Club of Ann Arbor, dinner
will be served at 6:30 p. m. and reser-
vations may be . obtained by calling
2-6034 or 2-4658.
Dr. Rizal, a physician, spent his
lifetime working for social reforms
in the period of Spanish domination
of the Islands.
Objection to his activities made
it necessary for him to leave his
homeland and exile himself in Eu-
rope. Two novels, written during
his travels in Europe, led to his exe-

in the Undergraduate Office of the
,iiu X; Ipc, IfIrty .
Alpha Xi Delta will usher in the
Newcx Year tonight with a celebration
featuring dancing and games from
9 p. m. to 12 midnight Virginia Dodd.
general chairman of the party, an-
nounced yesterday.
Chaperones for the pre-New Year's
party include Mrs. Donald Miles, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Artz, and Majo1 and
Mrs. Thomas Richardson. Sorority
sisters, their dates, and friends will
be present.
/SO To H old Dan *
Although the new year won't be
official until about twenty five hours
later there'll be no restraint on the
gaiety and spirit of the New Year's
Eve Formal Dance to be held from 8
p. m. to midnight today at the USO.
If you're looking for an occa-
sion to sport the new formal you
acquired over the Christmas holi-
days here is your opportunity.
There'll be fun for all who attend
and a perfect finishing touch to the
Christmas vacation.
Gala plans have been made by Re-
giment W, in charge of arrange-
ments for the forthcoming week-end,
to keep this dance as much in the
New Year's Eve spirit as possible.
Local Navy Officer
Is Pacific Casualty
Lt. (j.g.) John Harper Seeley, died
of wounds received in action in the
Pacific, according to a Navy Depart-
ment dispatch to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Seeley, 1038 Baldwin
Lt. Seeley, an executive officer of
an LST boat, was buried at sea
with full military honors. He was
born in Ann Arbor, and attended the
Cranbrook school. He was a gradu-
ate of the University Literary College
in 1938.
He received his training at Fort
Schuyler, N. Y., and completed his
training at Norfolk, Va. He partici-
pated in raids in major landings in
the Philippines and when MacArthur
invaded Leyte Island.



GI's Guard Lonely Roads, Bridges on
Christmas While Others Eat Turkey



By The Associated Press
MALMEDY, Belgium, Dec. 27.-
(Delayed)- There are plenty of
nasty jobs in the Army but, at the
present time, one of the worst is held
by small groups of two or three men
who comprise road blocks and bridge
guards on lonely roads many miles!
behind the front.
Virtually every doughboy on the
fighting front had turkey dinner for
Christmas, but not these isolated
men. They crouched over their little
fires in the snow heating C-rations.
They were completely out of touch
with happenings. From one minute
to the next, they did not know when
a whole battalion of enemy para-
troopers might sneak. around them
in the woods, or when Tiger tanks
would come lashing up the road.
It was cold and lonely and nerve-
wracking. If a car stopped, they
would all rush out and ;et the "late
news." Each tidbit was digested-
and enlarged upon with rumor. !
The fifth column still is one of
the Nazi's favorite weapons. Dou-
ghboys who have been overrun and
succeeded in hiding from the Ger-
man troops told of civilians jump-
ing on German tanks when they
came into a town and pointing out
the hiding places of GI's and pro-
Allied residents. Civilians who
showed a favoritism for the Ameri-
cans in the overwhelmed areas
now are having a rough time of it.
Hitler's mixing of V-weapons with
regular bombing is confusing. There's
Court Drops Threej
MtateBribe Cases
DETROIT, Dec. 29.-(AP)-Charges
of soliciting bribes were dismissed in
Recorder's Court today against Rep.
William G. Buckley, and former Rep.
Joseph L. Kaminski, Detroit Demo-
crats, and State Senator Charles C.
Diggs, Democrat, also of Detroit.
Upon motion of Prosecutor Julian
G. McIntosh, Judge Joseph A. Gillis
ordered charges that Buckley and
Kaminski had sought a $109 bribe
from Dr. Howard C. Simons, Detroit
chiropodist in connection with a
1939 bill to regulate chiropody.

one town behind the American front
which seems to catch all kinds of
trouble. You drive through its streets
and suddenly hear shaking explo-
sions and clouds of dust go up and
everybody starts running.
It is impossible to tell the regu-
lar bombs as they hit from explod-
ing buzz bombs. In some places,
to this combination might be add-
ed 800-pound shells from railroad
GI's who waylaid a German mo-
torcycle rider yesterday received an
Efforts Fail To
Save Engineer
In Detroit Crash'
DETROIT, Dec. 29.-(P)-Death
won a race with rescue squads seek-
ing to free a trainman pinned under
wreckage today after the derailment
of all but one coach of a Detroit-
bound New York Central passenger
train in suburban Trenton.
Enginecr 0. F. Hayward, 58, of'
Sylvania, .. was killed in the cab of
the locomotive after the train struck
a stalled automobile, but Ray Har-
mon, 36, of Toledo, the fireman, was
still alive, pinned under the tender,
when rescuers arrived.
Rescue Efforts
For more than five hours Harmon
directed their efforts as they worked
with .hovels and pieces of rail and
finally with acetylene torches to cut
away the twisted steel that had
trapped him.< 3
Harmon's cries of "please hurry"
and "I can't make it much longer"
spurred the rescue efforts, but almost
as the last steel barrier was cut
away, he died.
Passengers Shaken Up
Although scores of passengers were
shaken up as five coaches and a bag-
gage car left the rails and bumped
along the right-of-way for a block,
only three persons required hospital
treatment. They were George Fris-
che, Toledo, Railway Express em-
ploye, and Mrs. Bertie Rainey, Cleve-
land, and Cosmo Tohazcuk, Bedford,
Mass., both passengers.
Nash Rush of Dearborn, a passen-
ger who escaped injury, described
the scene inside the coaches. "Bag-
gage fell all around us and the win-
dows started shattering," he said.
"Mrs. Rush fell over me. The seat I
was on broke off at the hinges and
my wife fainted."
State Stresses Need
For Victory Gardens
LANSING, Dec. 29.-(P)-If Mich-
igan householders want vegetables
on their tables next winter they
should plan a victory garden, the
Victory Garden Committee of the
State Office of Civilian Defense de-
clared today.
The Committee said it believed 10
to 15 per cens fewer persons plan
Victory Gardens. next summer and
those who do plan gardens expect to
reduce the size of them about ten
per cent.

unexpected German's eye view ofe
the war. The rider was carrying2
press photographs headed for Berlinw
of recent fighting. The pictures c
showed burning American equip-L
ment, American prisoners, the dead
and triumphant SS troops.
One picture in the group is beingf
investigated. It shows a group ofc
dead American soldiers lined up in
front of their guns, and indicates 1
the men were marched out in a linet
and then were mowed down.
T41ere's still some work to be dones
on air-ground liaison. One Ameri-s
can held front line was bombed three
days running by American planes,'
while an American Thunderbolt pi-
lot who came down to make sure
where the front line was located was
shot down by American flak. Luckily,
he escaped with minor injuries.
Here is a GI tip to housewives:
GI's who hate synthetic lemonade
which the Army medics insist they
drink have found a good use for the
lemon powder.
It's the best cleaner for pots and
pans to be found on -the market
today. Sprinkled on a wet cloth, it
will cut through any grease or dirt
with one swipe.
"If it cuts through dirt like that,
think of what it does to your stom-
ach," one GI said. "I'll stick to
cognac and German-infested plain
Children Return
Old Age Money
LANSING, Dec. 29.-(iP)-The chil-
dren of a deceased old age assistance
client have sent a $193 "conscience"
return to the state, to reimburse it
for money the mother "held out"
while drawing assistance.
F. F. Fauri, welfare director, said
currency representing the payment
was enclosed in a letter postmarked
Grand Rapids which read:
"Our mother received old age as-
sistance and during the time she got
assistance she sold some of her prop-
erty she owned, and saved that
money. She wanted us, the children,
to have that to pay for the funeral,
and the rest of what was left we
could keep.
"I don't think it is right for us to
keep: that. I think the state should
have it. So with this letter I send
you $193 to put back in the old age
assistance fund."
Fauri said the old age assistance
law makes no provision for accepting
such contributions, but that the
money would be paid into the state
general fund, from which appropria-
tions are made to the old age assis-
tance and other state operating

(Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
10:15 A. M. Sunday: Bible Class.
11:00 A. M. Sunday : Service. Sermon by the
pastor, "From Servitude to Sonship."
7:30 P. M. Sunday: New Year's Eve service.
Sermon, by the pastor, "Learning From
Time's Flight."
sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church-
E. Washington St. and S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A. M.: Worship Service.
7:30 P. M.: New Years Eve Service.
Trinity Lutheran Church-
E. William and S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A. M.: Worship Service.
Lutheran Student Association-.
309 E. Washington St.
9:00 P. M.: Sunday evening-Watch Party in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.


State and William Sts.
Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
Director of Congregational Disciples Guild,
Rev. H. L. Pickerill
Director of Music. Leonard V. Meretta
Organist, Howard R. Chase
10:45 A. M.: Public Worship. The subject of Dr.
Parr's sermon will be "Tomorrow."
10:15 P. M.: The Congregational Disciples Stu-
dent Guild wvill have a New Year's Eve gath-
ering. Supper at 10:15 followed by a Conse-
cration and Communion Service lasting until
12:05 A. M.
512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
The Guild House, 502 East Huron
Saturday, December 30:
7:10 P.M.: Choir Rehearsal in the church.
8:30 P.M.: Roger Williams Guild Open House
Sunday, December 31:
10:00 A.M.: Study Class to finish discussion on
the "Idea of Man."
11:00 A.M.: Worship service at the church.
5:00 P.M.: Mrs. Grace Sloane Overton will
speak to the Roger Williams Guild on
"Building Christian Homes."
6:00 P.M.: Supper will be served at the Guild
10:00 P.M.: Annual Watch-Night service, re-
ception to 12:00 and communion.
State and Huron Streets
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Miss Janet Wilson, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Chui'ch School (two hour session).
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group, with Prof.
Willard Olson speaking on: "What Research
in Child Growth and Development Offersi
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Rev. Edward
H. Redman preaching on: "O Man, Believe!"
5:00 to 7:00 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group.
Cost Supper, Social Program, Folk Games
and Folk Dancing.
11:30 P.M.: New Year's Eve Candlelight Service.
Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave.
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
10:00 A.M.: University Bible Class. Ted Groes-




Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have no supper meeting
Sunday, but will have a watch party
after the New Year's Eve service.
Unity: Services in Michigan League
Chapel at 4 o'clock Sunday. Subject:
"We Can Prolong Christmas." Stu-
dent discussion, at 7:30, Unity Read-
ing Rooms, 310 S. State. Tuesday
Study Group meets at 8 o'clock. Jan.
First Baptist Church: 512 E.
Huron. Rev. C. H. Loucks, Pastor.
502 E. Huron. Roger Williams Guild

120 South State
Ministers: Dr. James Brett Kenna
Rev. Ralph Gordon Dunlop
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, Director
Mary McCall Stubbins, Organist _
9:30 A. M.: Class for University students in
Wesley Foundation Lounge. Dr. Blakeman.
10:40 A. M.: Church School for nursery through
sixth grade.
10:40 A. M.: Worship service.
Dr. Kenna's subject is "Everlasting Values."
Sunday evening:
5:00 P. M.: Wesleyan Guild Foundation.
"What the New Year Means to Me." Supper
and the Fellowship Hour.-
11:00 P. M.: Watch Nite service by Rev. Dunlop.
William and Thompson Streets
Mass: Daily 6:30, 7:00, 8:00.
Sunday Masses: 8:00,;10:00, 11:30.
Novena devotion Wednesday evening, 7:30,
1432 Washtenaw Ave.


Out the Old,
In the New

and a'


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