PAGE TWO I THI MJI~l A lbAll V SATURDITAY,- DEC. 300, 144 .. . 1..R la Ali. 1 %, XX X 1l' tk 11 if Li a. L .1. 4,_i;:wt ~Y.l )1 LiD A 4.I \~t D, l1? A. ii 3'C it Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Expensive Turkey for General STUMBLING BLOCK Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board i. Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Elveyln 1hi11lips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon HIank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy its icss * Managing Ecitor . . City Editor . Associate Editor S ports Editor Associate Sports Eiitor . Women's Editor Staff Lee Amer Barbara Chadwic June Pomering fck . . . Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secod-ceass mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 -EPN1BENT O Fn NATIONAL ADVETIING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK N. Y. CIIcAGo *-OSTON *+Los ANGELES * SA FANISCO NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL SISLIN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Post-War Grmiany T SEEMS that there are more than a few persons who believe that the aim of this war is to defeat Germany--to crush it so badly that it may never rise again. They believe that because Germany has been instrumental in fomenting the last two major wars, ipso facto Germany is the source of all war. They maintain then that by suppressing German peoples with a strong military govern- ment for a lengthy period after the war we shall have successfully eliminated all war. They fail to realize that the war is only a means to an end-the end of restoring Ger-. many to its rightful place as an equal-even a leader-among nations. For oddly enough, Germany is composed of peole-people amazingly like Americans or any other people. They love, they may have hates, they enjoy their families, they enjoy having a good time like most other people, no matter what language they speak or what rivers bound them. And as people they deserve as much as any American or Britisher or Russian the rights of free men. To say that the Germans any more than any other people want war, wanttosoppress others, want to kill their fellow men is essen- tially silly. Their roots are not in war. Their heroes and ideals are embodied in men like Schiller, Goethe, Thomas Mann. By the time we speak of, the Germans will have lost two wars and been subjected to over a decade of Hitler rule, all in a single genera- tion. It is difficult to imagine that the German people will ask for or accept similar tragedies a third time. There are social democratic forces in Ger- many today. They may not be strong now- we may not even hear of them until Hitler's collapse. But they are there, just as they exist in any people. It was hard to be- lieve that such forces could exist in Italy after 20 years of Mussolini Fascism, yet they were there. They began to organize and appear on the foreground almost before the bungling AMG had a chance to set up its first administrator. WE ARE supposedly fighting for a way of living -not necessarily an American way, or a British or Russian way-but a way in which the expression of the people comes first. Demo- cratic forces will arise primarily from the com- rmon people and notably from the working clas- ses. The best way to stifle the expression of the people will be to impress a strong mili- tary government on them after the war. We have been told that Germany must be re-educated--educated, forcibly if necessary, to our own way of thinking and way of living. Unfortunately, our ways are not necessarily' nor even probably perfect. Nor are they great jew- els giving shining inspiration to the rest of the world, as we are told to believe. We like them, but ,he Germans (and the British and the Russians) - may not. It is not our divine duty to force them upon the German people or anyone else. We are fighting a system-a Nazi system of oppression of the rights of the people. Nothing mn ovifaxn mmlw hl nl be nrcmnliihp1 if we merely By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 29-This is the story of the most expensive Christmas turkey in the USA. It cost about 150 gallons of high-octane gasoline plus the time of an airplane crew, plus the time of 19 Marine Corps passengers. The turkey belonged to Brig. Gen. Lewis G. Meritt, Comm tander of the Marine Corps base at Cherry Point, N. C. on Saturday, Dec. 23, just before Christmas, the General was in Washington, D. C., and his turkey was in North Carolina. On that same day, also, a big Marine Corps R4D transport plane was scheduled to take off from Cherry Point, N. C., to Washington at 10 a. m. But weather held it at the airport. A bunch of enlisted men, women Marines, and young officers, anxious to get home for a Christ- mhas holiday, waited at the airfield. They were blissfully ignorant of General Merritt's tur- key. The only thing they thought about was getting home to a possible turkey dinner them- selves. At 1:15 p. in., the wveather cleared, and the plane was about to take off. But suddenly it was held up. Word came that General Mer- ritt's aide was driving from Kinston, N. C., with the General's Christmas turkey to be flown to him in Washington. So the plane waited again. The 19 Marines, homeward bound, fretted aid fumed. But all they could do was wait. Fina ly, the aide and turkey arrived, the precious bird was put aboard, and at 3:20 p. IT., after two more hours' delay, the iilane took off. Bring Bck My Turkey to Me,... Then suddenly, as the plane was only 45 minutes out of Washington, it circled in the air, and went back to North Carolina. The pilot had received orders that General Merritt would eat his turkey not in Washington. but in Cherry Point. Finally the plane landed at Cherry Point, the turkey was unloaded, and the 19 passengers at last took off for Washington arriving there at 8 p. m. They had started on their trip at 10 a. in., been delayed three hours by weather and about six hours by turkey. A total of about 150 gallons of precious high- octane gasoline was used up, to say nothing of the motor gas used by the General's aide in driving from Kinston to Cherry Point, about 60 miles. More Pay for Congress. In the many years this newsman has been covering Washington, one inescapable conclu- sion lie has reached which probably won't be too popular with the American public is that members of Congress deserve high salaries. There are, of course some sour apples in the barrel which spoil the reputation of the rest. But this observer, who has watched Congress operate close-up for years, is convinced that the average Congressman earns well over his salary. And when you consider his expenses, he earns about double his salary. In the first place he has to maintain his wife and kids in Washing- ton, and also keep a home back in his district. When he moves them back and forth it costs money. True, he gets a railroad allowance for it, but usually he has to take several trips a year, which more than eats it up. Biggest expense, of course, is getting re-elected. And in election campaigns he has to accept con- tributions from a lot of people which puts him in hock to the moneyed men of his district if he doesn't have a will of iron and a complete disiegard for his re-election chances next time. Meanwhile the cost of living has gone up, and salaries for almost everyone else have gone up-except the poor Congressman and government officials generally. Nothing, in the opinion of this columnist, would give greater impetus to better government than a. salary boost to the men who have to make democracy work. Capital Chaff"I.. . Despite two illnesses this year, Jesse Jones is now looking very fit. Mrs. Jones explains: "Jesse has a young nurse who brought him through bronchial pneumonia with penicillin. He is feeling fine now. She knows what he should eat and he likes her. I think we'll keep her all the time." . . . Vice President Wallace has been flooded with private business offers, but is turning them down. Friends say he ex- pects definitely to remain in the Roosevelt ad- ministration. . . . Former OPA Administrator Leon Hender.-n, now in Europe, has been hav- ing ttouble with Chief State Department ap- peaser Robert Murphy. Murphy, the former Vichy-defender, wants to keep Germany as a BARNABY "bulwark against bolshevism," therefore does- n't want a tough peace for Germany. This is the same theory held by some of the new State Department executives, notably Jimmy Dunn and Brig. Gen. Julius Holmes. (Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Destruction Aim By SAMUEL GRAFTON N EW YORK, Dec. 29-If we have learned any- thing about modern war, it is that there are no touchdowns in it. The analogy between the war on the western front, and a pair of football teams, sweeping forward and backward, alternately gaining and losing ground, is hope- lessly false. That analogy makes us cherish every yard gained, and mourn for every yard lost; it makes it seem like a complete, over- whelming reverse that cities in Belgium liberat- ed at great cost in blood, should have been re- captured by the Nazis. But we are not conducting our military opera- tions in western Europe in order to win terri- tory; our purpose is to destroy the German armies. In a sense we "failed" in Belgium the first time, because we failed to destroy the German armies. They got away; and our present fail- ure is our first failure come home to roost. It is bitterly depressing, and a real blow, that the Germans should have broken through, to make a huge bulge across many square miles of territory once liberated: but, in strict nfilitaiy terms, we should have mourned a stalemate almost as much, and have been just as sorrowful if we had merely held the Germans, and they had held us, for that, too, would have meant that our problem was un- solved, that the German armies were still unbroken. MEMBERS of our own high command have counseled us many times to learn to think in these terms, but we still find it hard to do so, and persevere in our tendency to count towns, like poker chips, and to judge results by how many we have, and how many they have. It is almost morally certain that our answer to the German offensive will be not only a desperate effort to contain this drive, important as that is, but also other offensives of our own, some per- haps at great distances from the current Ger- man push. We shall stop the German drive, not only by holding it, but by counteraction which will threaten the integrity of the German armies, at which time the Germans will discoverthat they have sudden business back home, as they did last summer in France, and the summer before that on the Orel-Belgorod front in Russia. A great deal is being made of the "failure" of Army Intelligence to warn the high com- mand of Field Marshal von Runstedt's ap- proaching attack. In other words, if one officer, at one point, had been somewhat smarter, the thing would not have happened. But that, too, is to take an excessively local view of the problem. Our real "failure," if it was one, lay in the facts first, that the German armies had evaded destruction last summer; second, that because of the supply problem, or coincidence, or whatever, the Germans had been given a per- iod of comparative lull on all fronts, including the Russian, all around the rim of their circle, and, having no immediately pressing threat to meet, were therefore able to manufacture one of their own. IN THE strictly military sense, our "failure" on the Belgian front was not due to the fact that we did not know the Germans were mbving against us, but rather to the fact that we were not moving against them. The Rus- sians were able to stop the Germans in eight days on the Orel-Belgorod front, in July, 1943, not because they had smart intelligence offic- ers, who knew that the Germans were coming, but because they had two offensives of their own mounted and ready. If we wish to find a scapegoat for the German breakthrough, let us not blame it on a couple of officers in one town somewhere; that's foot- ball; blame it, rather, on the round-the-circle lull, and whatever reasons, undoubtedly legiti- mate, which were responsible for it, and which gave the German army a moment of initiative, But the circle remains, and the Germans are within it, and a blow anywhere at the rim is felt at the center, and when those blows become numerous enough, and when our. threat is high again, the Germans will not be able either to attack or to stop us, not though their own intelligence officers all have double domes and are equipped with x-ray sight. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) i >- c- w. 1\, .. . " - ,, f; , _. - . * d a.ys 4 Mm / _ _ . . r .. t -. ,. -A0 Navy War Bond Cartoon Service; The Pendulu'm By BERNARD ROSENBERG LUST FOR LIFE" was publishedl ten years ago. A best-seller then, the book has been especially poular since the canonization of its atoIrving Stone, in the Modern Library-which makes good books available to the public for less money than any other publisher's outlet in America. Recently Mr. Stone was honored by some five hundred leading figures in the art world. The presented him with an accolade for having stimu- lated interest in modern painting by way of this first novel. Vincent Van Gogh is the main character in it and. through him--or a romanticized ver- sion of him-Stone managed to evoke the spirit that began Impres- sionisnm and the central question of art versus society that that move- ment posed in the 19th Century. Impressionism gave way to Ex- pressionism which in its turn was succeeded by Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and any number of increasingly subjectivistic schools whose divorcement from society grew more and more obvious as they became less and less intelli- gible. Now, only the Philistine condemns these artistic manifesta- I tions he does not comprehend. In SPhilistia we have the bourgeois scoffers; in Bohemia there are the aesthetes. Neither one can ever be reconciled to the other. This schism lays open a tremendous question. If one succeeds in rais- ing it, without even attempting an answer, sociologically speaking, much has been done to clear the air of middle-class gibberish. Van Gogh, during his apprentice-' ship in The Hague, suffered all the tortures of hell. Once, as Stone re- lates the story, Van Gogh in tatters and on the point of starvation, went to his fellow artist, Weissenbruch. This prosperous and successful pain- ter refused Van Gogh a cent, even after the most urgent solicitation. "Why," asked the plaintive Van Gogh, "are you so interested in see- ing me suffer?" "Because it will make a real artist of you," replied Weissen- bruch. "The more you suffer the more grateful you ought to be. That's the stuff out of which first rate painters are made. An empty stomach is better than a full one, and a broken heart is better than happiness." "Lust for Life" is a vindication of theory and of the artist who for too long has been a whipping boy lashed to bits by modern barbarians. PLATO grappled with the problem in his day-as Freud has in ours. These two men form a sort of arch iJy Crockett Johnsonj spanning Western civilization. They would agree that artists reflect the imperfection of society. Art springs from discontent, unhappiness, tor- ture. "Be agonized" is the best advice one can give a potential artist. In his ideal state, Plato would have had no poets-for many rea- sons, but essentially, I think, be- cause the Good Life precludes art. Happy, quiescent,. well - adjusted people do not create. They wallow, vegetate, and reproduce in their own likeness. Freud defined the creative impulse as sublimation. When social pressures become op- pressive, sensitive men fly from them and produce works of art. Thus the better society becomes materially, the less worthwhile art it will produce. Some day, if man progresses he will be caught on the horns of this dilemma: is art worth sacrificing for a better society? Sup- pose there is only partial validity to this view, does it not make progress a self-defeating process? If life is in every way decent and fine except in the one way that makes life some- thing more than mere existence, what a Pyrrhic victory we will have won. T HE SOCIAL SCIENCES have been preaching adaptation to envir- onment-as though the issue were wholly ecological - so intensively that they sometimes lose sight of this basic fact. If art is that which intensifies life by adding to the pul- sations we experience during what Rousseau called our "reprieve from death" as Walter Pater believed, or if it is the creation of beauty by man as Benedetto Croce believes, then is it worth forsaking in the name of successful adaptation to one's envir- onment? The artist is a rebel who generally departs from the norm. Van Gogh's eccentricities were no greater, and they were very great, than those of artists who preceded and have suc- ceeded him. We have here a mighty conflict between social and aesthetic ends. But the most vital part of this conflict involves still a third ede- ment: ethics. I have just begun Soren Kierkegaard's masterpiee, "Either/Or." The title is derived from a two-volume presentation of an estheticist's point of view con- trasted unfavorably with an ethi- cist's point of view. The matter will be more fully explored in future columns, On Second Thoug hi By RAY DIXON [ARD AT A Glance: Sewell Avery says he's not going to let Gen, Byson buffalo him. Tonight's the night we all get to- gether at 11 p. m. and shout "Hoo- ray, it's only an hour until Decem- ber 31." The rampaging Russians are mak- ing pests of themselves in Buda "Chaplin Trial Nears Close" says headline. It was rapidly becoming as much a trial for newspaper readers as it was of Charlie. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLIET IN SATURDAY, DEC.. 30, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 46 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is conlstruetive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices Neiv Year's Day is not a University holiday and classes will be conducted as usual. American Airlines will be inter- viewing girls on Jan. 8. Get in touch with our office if you are interested. University Ext. 371, Bureau of Ap- pointments. City of Detroit Civil Service: Announcements for Line Helper Dri- ver, Salary $1.10 to $1.15 an hour, and Sr. General Staff Nurse, salary $2,520 to $2,880, have been received in our office. For further informa- tion stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. New" York State Civil Service: Announcements for Assistant Princi- pal of Nurses Training School, sal- ary $2,400 to $3,000, Chief, Bureau of Home Economics, salary $5,200 to $6,450, Coordinator of Utility Con- tracts, salary $2,700 to $3,325, Dired- tor of Nursing (Cancer), salary $3,- 120 to $3,870. Executive Officer, sal- ary $1,600 to $2,100, Industrial Fore- man (woodworking shop), salary $2,- 100 to $2,600, Industrial Inspector (Woodworking Shop), salary ,$1,800 to $2,300, Optometric Investigator, salary $2,400 to $3,000, Photostat Operator, salary $1,621 to $2,100, Record Clerk, salary'$1,201 to $1,620, Senior Social Worker (Psychiatric), salary $2,400 to $3,000, Senior Super- visor of Vocational Rehabilitation, salary $3,120 to $3,870, and Superin- S tendent of Marine Fisheries, salary $2,000 to $5,000, have been received in our office. For further details stop ih at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Varsity Glee Club: No rehearsal Sunday, Dec. 31: Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday evenings only for the balance of the year. Special rehearsal on Wednesday, Jan. 3 for final election to membership. New applicants for membership are in- vited to try out at this meeting. All men anticipating membership next semester should report as evidence of their interest. Final tryouts for quartets. Rehearsal of broadcast program. Refreshments. Interviewing for spring, summer, will be held by the Judiciary Coun- nd fall term orientation advisors il in theMichigan League Satur- day, Dec. 30, 10-12; Monday, Jan. 1, 3-5. The individual interviews will be held at 5-minute intervals. Academic Notices Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Execept under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped by freshmen after today will be recorded with a grade of "E". School of Education Freshmen: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered dropped un- less it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Rm. 4, University Hall. Sociology 191 will not meet Mon- day, Jan. 1. Bacteriology Seminar: This morn- ing at 9 in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: Antifungal prop- erties of Sodium Azide. All interested are invited. Events Today Wesley Foundation: Leap Year party tonight beginning at 9 o'clock in the Wesley Lounge. Coming Events The Lutheran Student Association will have a Watch Party Sunday evening, Dec. 31, at 9 in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall,.309 E. Wash- ington St. The earlier part of the evening will feature games and re- freshments and at' 11:30 a short service will usher in the new year. Junior Research Club: The Janu- ary meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1945, in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackhan School of Grad- uate Studies at 7:'30 p.m. Program: "Aviation Gasoline, 100 Octane." Matthew Van Winkle, Chem. & Met. Engineering; "Some Complications of Diabetes Mellitus." Wayne Run- dles, Simpson Memorial Institute. Zion Lutheran Church: Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 and at 7:30 p.m. New Year's Eve A 4 I1 I I Its an ermine wrap for, ths Momi.Mr. O'Malley jet mr,thoisy gave ito me upstairs- e's O'Malley he's referring to is only a- O'Malley? He's upstairs? Now? ae Quiet, you! And stay right where you are! Us? Goodness! C r rrru.nrĀ°" _ O'Malley! You',e ut Godsherll Coppyigh+ 1944 F.ied Pvbliea~iq,, Kf -{ 1 '1 i Al .o I r F-- I i