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December 22, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-22

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FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1944

~'AGE TWO FRIDAY, I)EC. 2~, 1944

Fifty-Fifth Year

Notes on Nazi Counter-Attack

The Pendulum

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Itay Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

. . Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
* . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
smness Staff

Lee Amer . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class inal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Hostile Forces?
THE SUPREME COURT this week ruled that
the Army had a right to remove all Japanese
from the West Coast in 1942 because American
shores were "threatened by hostile forces."
The Court went further in this six to three
decision and indicated that there was a differ-
enee between this order and others under
which Japanese Americans were detained in
interior relocation centers. The decision in
the case automatically released a Nisei woman
from such a camp at Topaz, Utah.
It was held by the court that the War Relo-
cation Authority had no right to detain loyal
citizens since no military law was involved.
Some very basic considerations fundamental
to our democracy were under fire in this case.
What does a citizen have to do to be loyal to
his country? To what extent can military law
be substituted for civil practice even in war?
Can the government under the veil of military
expediency 'deprive citizens of their rights under
the constitution?
These questions the Court refrained from
answering for it is the prerogative of the Court
to confine itself to the specific point at issue
even though a hop, skip, and a jump would give
consideration to a more fundamental doctrine.
Justice Murphy entered a vigorous dissent
and claimed the exclusion order was one of
"obvious race discrimination", and should have
been declared void.
The court took the view that imminent danger
to the nation permitted the Army to relocate
citizens of the United States on the West Coast
because they had Japanese ancestors. The logi-
cal extension of this doctrine is almost ludi-
Under the guise of imminent danger, almost any
group with a common background can be de-
prived of its rights, can be told what to do, and
what not to do. The danger to the rights of all
groups is readily apparent and we should recoil
from this doctrine.
Perhaps it would be wiser, for the sake of
perpetuating at home what is being fought for
abroad, to stretch the rule of miiltary expedi-
ency to the limit before we impose restrictions
and infringe civil liberties. Subsequent events
have not proved real the danger that was
thought to have existed and yet the precedent
has been set and the Court didn't see fit to
denounce it.
We have an extreme reverence for law in this
country and in that belief we feel that anything
can be cured if we only pass a law, any kind of a
law, so long as it is a law.
But perhaps a little less reverence and a
little more reason, as Professor Wes Mauer
will tell you, should guide our action.
-Stan Wallace
PollR es uls
[HE RESULTS of the Inter-Racial Associa-
tion's campus poll on the establishment of
a permanent Fair Employment Practices Com-
mittee (FEPC) to erase racial discrimination in

industry showed that at least 286 of the four
hundred students polled favored the establish-
ment of. a pernainent FEPC.
The problem of racial discrimination in indu-
stry is one of the most important to be solved
i the present and post-war world. The FEPC
was established in 1941 as a temporary meas-
uxe. The bill in Congress now would establish

W ASHINGTON, Dec. 21-It is no secret that
both sides on the Western front know pretty
much what the other side is doing behind each
Other's lines. Observation planes fly back and
forth, the Nazis having jet-propelled planes
Which go well over 400 miles an hour-so fast
that no fighter plane can catch them, but not
too fast to take pictures of Allied operations
U. S. observation planes, while not so fast,
undoubtedly must have been good enough to
note the massing of the German army opposite
the First Army for what was probably about a
week ahead of the big Nazi counter-offensive.
However, it is admitted that the First Army was
taken off guard, so no steps had been taken to
prepare for the German drive. U. S. command-
ers apparently figured that the Germans were
massing to defend against an American attack.
Also U. S. troops noted the weakening of
Nazi forces in the Vosges Mountains to the
south, which meant that the Germans left
this rough snowy mountain area relatively
undefended and risked everything. It was a
desperate gamble similar to the 1918 Marne
Here are some of the reasons for the initial
success of the daring Nazi move:
1. Marshal Von Rundstedt, the ablest Ger-
man general, is now in complete command. He
is the man who argued that the German Army
should withdraw from France at the time
of the Normandy invasion. Edwin Rommel,
close friend of Hitler, opposed and it cost the
Nazis about 800,000 men. Rommel's death un-
doubtedly is a blessing to Germany, for it leaves
Von Rindstedt, a disciple of Von Mackensen
in the last war, in complete control.
2. The Nazis have tanks superior to ours-
their latest Tiger tank being almost impossible
to put out of commission. Even their older
tanks have been reinforced with a bulkhead in
the nose behind which is poured concrete.
This makes it almost impossible for shells,
fired head on, to knock them out.
3. The Nazis also have developed a new type
of mortar, also have been saving their planes
and put about 1,200 into battle last week end,
also are using more and more robot bombs.
4. The Nazis have brought up a lot of fresh
troops, while our men have been fighting for
six long months-ever since Normandy.
Russians Go Slow .-.-
5. Most important and inescapable factor,
however, is the let-up of the Red Army on the
Polish front, plus the stalemate of the two Brit-
ish armies. It was known in advance, though
officially denied, that the British would furnish
only 30 per cent of the western invasion army,
with an even lower percentage of replacements.
American troops were to furnish 70 per cent.
This is about the ratio followed.
However, it was not contemplated that the
Red Army, after reaching the Vistula River
and Warsaw, would stop and detour through
B adapest to Vienna. While the Germans
probably haven't been able to shift many
troops from the Polish front, they have been
able to use far less munitions; in other words,
if the Nazis had been fighting heavily on two
fronts, their supply and production problems
would have been terrific. As it is, they can
now conentrate the major portion of their
supplies on the Western front.
Last fall when the Red Army eased up on
the Polish front, highest U. S. war chiefs had
their experts make a study of that front and
report whether the Russians were easing up on
purpose. The report was that the Red Army
had actually tried to cross the Vistula, that
German fortifications were extremely strong,
and that the Red Army needed more supplies.
At least two months have dragged on since
then. Regardless of the factors, it is no secret
that U. S. military men are bitterly disappointed
at the Russian delay. They have been hopeful
recently, however, that with the ground frozen
the Polish offensive will soon start.
It is the biggest factor to watch in the entire
Battle of State Department. . .
SENATORS Pepper, Guffey, and Chandler had
an interesting conversation with the Presi-
dent when they called him on the phone to ask

whether the Stettinius-Hopkins State Depart-
ment appointments really represented his own
personal choice.
They especially mentioned to him James C.
Dunn and Brig. Gen. Julius Holmes, the latter
known as a strong anti-Roosevelt man, and both
of them linked with the pro-Vichy, anti-De
Gaulle group which snarled things up in North
Roosevelt replied that Dunn was Secretary
Hull's personal choice as Assistant Secretary of
State, and implied that a request for Dunn's pro-
motion had been made when Hull resigned.
Regarding Holmes, the President replied that
he should be given a trial, and if he didn't
work out he would be removed.
Roosevelt added that he was glad the liberal
senators had made the fight against the State
Department new executives.
"It was a very healthy thing and will put
them on guard for the future," he remarked.
Note-Those who have watched Roosevelt
operate over the years all agree that if there
is one thing he is famous for it is failure to
remove an official who doesn't function. In
all his twelve years of office there have been

Capital Chaff...
NSIDE fact is that it was self-effacing brain-
truster Ben Cohen who first sold Senator Joe
Ball of Minnesota the idea of having a talk
with Roosevelt regarding foreign policy before
elections. Cohen met Ball in New York and
planted the first seeds which led to Ball's famous
switch to Roosevelt. . . . But when Cohen passed
word along to Harry Hopkins and the meeting
with Roosevelt took place, Ben was left out in the
cold. Harry, not Ben, sat in on the conference
which made history. .. .The only Senator who
voted against the confirmation of Ed Stettinius
as Secretary of State was Bill Langer of North
Dalpota. Since then seven Senators have told
him he was absolutely right. . . . Senators Pepper
of Florida and Guffey of Pennsylvania always
have been ahead of their time when it comes to
foreign policy, always have been proved right in
the end. . . . In May, 1940, before France fell,
Pepper proposed a resolution by which France
and Britain could buy U. S. Army planes imme-
diately. Other Senators snorted, said it was an
insult to the Foreign Relations Committee, de-
manded that it be rejected in 24 hours. It was.
. . . The only Senator who joined with Pepper
in voting for this resolution was Guffey of Penn-
sylvania. . . . At that time, as now, Pepper got
no support from the White House. But a few
weeks later. Roosevelt dipped into U. S. arsenals
without permission from Congress and rushed all
sorts of munitions to Britain. This was one
factor which probably tipped the scales in Eng-
land's favor in the battle of Britain.
(Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Suggestion on Bluebooks
NCE MORE the devil has dealt the student of
this fair university a blow below the "water
line." I am referring to the ancient practice
conceived by the prophets of Satan of tossing
the proverbial book at the child delinquents that
roam this blemished campus. Why oh why is it
necessary to subject the college student to such
treatment every six or seven weeks throughout
the semesters? The average "eager beaver"
does absolutely nothing for days-for weeks, for
that matter-only to be dragged out of his
lethargy to be confronted with bluebooks, speech
reports, and all the rest of the "niceties" our
enlightened despots can uncover.
The solution of this problem is too practical,
I know. All these ambitious professors would
have to do would be to spread their "Christmas
presents" out over a period of three or more
weeks and the situation would be lightened.
I have a better solution-says here. If you
don't believe me, just ask me. Why not every
eight weeks declare an exam week where all your
"important" blue books could be taken with the
least amount of grief. Then we could com-
mence the second half of the term. However,
as I said this would be too practical; also too
much organizing for those already "overworked"
secretaries in the administration offices-the
poor lads and lassies who labor from 9 to 12
and from 2.to 4, 5 days a week.
If you say so, I shall go back to sleep and
quit dreaming, but I do think the professors
could be a little less cold hearted. What do you
say, Prof?
-Harry Hank

only three known
removed outright
Usually he shifts
promotes them.

cases where Roosevelt has
a relatively high official.
them to another job or

0 GALLERY of campus charac-
ters would be complete without
a portrait of the grind. Let us call
him Hubert. Hubert, be it under-
stood, is Shiela's boy friend andj
Shiela stands for the collitch girl at
her worst.j
I have sketched Shiela in this
column before, and been called a
boor for it. The girls, however, who
took offense most demonstrated my
point best. it being that they were
excessively preoccupied with them-
selves. Unstirred by ideas of a more
abstract natuire, so soon as these
females were attacked head on they
felt deeply injured.
But, sorry to say, Shiela, the
nit-wit coed with a glad eye and
an empty head (like the world) is
too much with us. It is Shiela's
fate to go through life with the
horribly mistaken notion that she
possesses supreme knowledge
whereas, in fact, she has not mas-
tered the rudiments of it. And
neither has Hubert.

ledged crammed into his skull for
wisdom which he never acquired.
Nobody needs to be told again
that this is an era of specialization
or that we have wonderfully adap-
ted ourselves to it. Lawyers know
the law, doctors know medicine,
but unless a bedrock of real educa-
tion underlies their special dexter-
ity in specific fields, America will
have to look elsewhere than in its
universities for leadership.
A pox on Shiela and Hubert!'
FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 44
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. in. Sat-

For, the grind grinds. He pores
over musty textbooks, memorizes
what they contain down to the last Notices
footnote, disgorges the stuff comeATI
examination time-and straightway Automo bile Regulation: Tieo Uni- 1
forgets it. Hubert has never been versity Automobile Regulation wvill be'
known to relax the tenseness of his lifted for the Christmas vacation
muscles as he records with minute- period from 12 noon on Friday, Dec.
ness and exactitude every syllable 22 until 8 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 28.
however incoherent it may be, that
is uttered by Professor Whoozits New Year's Day is not a University
from the lecture platform. If the holiday and classes will be conducted
professor, in a moment of drollery, as usual.
should essay a witticism, why Hubert ---
throws that in, too. The General Library will close at
"Complete notes for the fastidiou. o p.min. Friday, Dec. 22, and will re-
student" is his motto--and Huber( main closed Saturday to Monday.
is nothing if not fastidious. Thu Dec. 23-25. On Tuesday and Wednes-
notes he takes home, re-writes, out- day, Dec. 26 and 27, it will be open
lines, checks, compares, caresses, and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
binds. Not until the course is fin- All Collegiate and Departmental
ished does he realize the magnificen' Libraries will be closed Dec. 23-25.
irrelevance of the facts he has sc and on Tuesday and Wednesday,'
studiously pigeon-holed in his mind Dec. 26 and 27. will be open on a
short schedule. Hours will be posted
Facts are necessary too- but on the doors.
should not be confused with ideas. All libraries will resume the regu-
Intelligence lies in the use of one's lar schedules Dec. 28, and will be
conceptual faculty. It is not a open full time on New Year's Day.

TVA Success
THE TENNESSEE Valley Authority
--TVA-is now conceded to be a
success even by many of those who
opposed it bitterly while it was get-
ting on its feet.
It began in Woodrow Wilson's time
as the Muscle Shoals (Wilson Dam),
Ala., project for nitrate manufacture.
It lapsed out of public attention dur-
ing the Harding, Coolidge and Hoo-
ver administrations, and was revived
in the first Roosevelt administration.
Nowadays, the TVA operates a
giant complex of dams and power
plants embracing the entire Tenes-
see River system. In the area are
parts of Virginia, North Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Ten-
nessee and Kentucky. Results de-
livered include flood control, erosion
curtailment, electric power produc-
tion and improved navigation.

Athletics Paradox . .
[HEN athletic coaches Ray Courtright and
Eddie Lowrey were "released last
summer, the athletic department declar-
ed that the move was made for reasons of econ-
omy. At the same time hockey was to be sus-
Yet only two weeks ago Vic Heyliger was
hired to coach Michigan's puck squad for the
coming season, and only yesterday Heyliger
announced the scheduling of a contest with
Minnesota, a move which was'vetoed when sug-
gested by Lowrey in 1943-44.
It is apparent that there were other reasons
besides "economy" involved in last summers'
house-cleaning. Yet one of the mentors had
brought home Big Ten titles.
We wonder,
-Harvey Frank, BAd '44
Answer to Miss Ryan ...
T SEEMS to me that by expressing their own
viewpoints on what Miss Ryan terms "idle
dissertations on the evils of our social struc-
ture," the editorialists and columnists on the
staff of The Daily succeed in arousing people
like Miss Ryan to do a- little serious thinking
on important issues such as compulsory military
tr.aining, racial problems, etc. These editorials
and articles, which represent the personal views
of the writers only, if they do nothing more than
awaken the students to what domestic and
foreign issues are confronting us, serve their
Therefore, I would suggest that henceforth
Miss Ryan either write something constructive,
or else keep her adolescent criticisms to herself.
-Beryl Kulka

matter of having acquired informa-
tion on a subject, but of piecing
together that and other informa-
tion in new patterns. Any college,
therefore, that fails to stimulate
the associative imagination of its
students is unsuccessful. For with-
cut imagination, concepts do not
emerge from the cortex to illumine
Thus, we have in Ann Arbor as on
other campuses dull, plodding, con-
scientious, but fatuous Huberts, wh
are ch so proper in their rmanner,
and ever so agreeable to the faculty
Hubert wends his way uncertainly
through college and into a middle;
class society that welcomes him with
open arms.
He is not concerned with the na-
ture and destiny of man. He can a,
little get out from within himself a,
Shiela whom he will eventually wed
The two of them and their offspring
are doomed to eternal smugness be-
cause they have never. been shocker;
into recognition of their own massive
ignorance. They will in due time
come to look down their noses at the
"uneducated" people who, thougi:
they have not gone to college, out-
distance them ten to one.
SPECIALISTS, of - course, need tc
retain a good many of the details
with which they are burdened in
school. However, more than one de-
partment in this University give,
quarterly examinations at whici:
time it is stated that students are
under no obligation to remember
what they beat into their heads be-
yond that date. The iawyers, medi-
cal doctors, and engineers are the
chief products of specialization. Hu-
bert, unless he takes up hotel man-
agement or salesmanship, most often
interests himself in one of these pro-
fessions. They require a maximum
of absorptive power so that the more
sponge-like he is the better and a
minimum of individuality so that the
more docile he is the better.
And what results from all this?
At the vanguard of every reactionary
movement in this country one can
be sure to find specialized men. The
American Bar Association, and the
American Medical Society, have al-
ways been notoriously illiberal. They
are no less so today. As for the
engineers, fortunately they seldom
venture into public life and are, forl
the most part, unconscious of it.l
Herbert Hoover with his engineer's
orientation was in full flight froml
reality most of the time he occupied
the White House. There is a move-
ment in existence calling itself Tech-
nocratic which. would have the engi-
neers running our society. May
Heaven protect us from that. Hu-j
bert's (and probably Herbert's) trou-
ble is that he never got a liberal
education, that he mistook the know-
By Crockett Johnson

To February, June, and October
raduates: Senior pictures for the
1945 Michiganensian are due at the
Student Publications Building Feb. 1.
Appointments with photographers
should be made at once. Pictures
from any photographer are accept-
able if they are a glossy print, meas-
uring 4" by 6". preferably with a
light background.
Applications in Suppart of Research
Projects: To give Research Commit-
tees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time to study all proposals. it
is requested that faculty members
have projects needing support during
1945-1946 file their proposals in the
Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 9, 1945. Those wishing
to renew previous requests whether
now receiving support or not should
so indicate. Application forms will
oe mailed or can be obtained at Sec-
retary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate for February and June, 1945: A
list of candidates has been posted- on
the bulletin board of the School of
Education, Rm. 1431 University Ele-
mentary School. Any prospective
candidate whose name does not ap-
pear on this list should call at the
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.ES.
United States Civil Service An-
nouncement for Metallurgist, salary,
$2,433 to $6,228 a year, has been
received in our office. For further
details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may
not drop courses without "E" grade
after Saturday, Dec. 3b. Only stu-
dents with less than 24 hours' credit
are affected by this regulation. They
'must be recommended by their Aca-
demic Counselors for this extraordi-
nary privilege.
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Saturday,
Dec. 30, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordin-
ary circumstances. No course is con-
sidered dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Rm, 4. University Hall.#
Events Today
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at
12:15 p.m. Program: G. V. Cohee on
"The Cambrian and Ordovician
boundary in Michigan and adjoining
areas," with further discussions by
G. M. Ehlers, R. C. Hussey and H.
Wedow. All interested are cordially
invited to attend.
U.S.O.: There will not be a meeting
of the dancing class tonight.

None of the individual states in
the Tennessee River system could
have handled the river and its
tributaries alone. It took a Federal
organization to do it-one which
could ignore siate boundary lines
just as the rivers do, and which
could also fit the ambitions of
state politicians into their proper
place in the whole picture.
Needed in This Valley...
On the other side of the Mississippi
and considerably to the north of the
Tennessee River system is another
and much bigger network of rivers-
the Missouri River system.
The Missouri itself is 2469 miles
long, from its beginning at Three
Forks, Mont., to where it empties into
the Mississippi at St. Louis. Some of
its feeders are big rivers in their own
right. The biggest of them are the
Platte, Little Missouri. Yellowstone,
James and Big Sioux. Nine large
states lie wholly or partly in the
Missouri watershed-Colorado, Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebras-
ka, North Dakota, South Dakota,
mGen. Custer's old Seventh Cavalry
regiment (now fighting dismounted
with MacArthur in the Philippines)
had a song about "the wild Missouri"
(last syllable rhyming with "rye")
and the term was and is no exag-
The wild Missouri sages one
flood a year regardless, and some-
times more. It put on two in
1943, and the total estimated dam-
age was $63,000,000.
A great deal of effort has gone into
jetties, dikes, channel-widening, and
so on, to curb the Missouri and its
more temperamfental tributaries, but
it hasn't done much good. There axe
the usual conflicts between states
over what should be done, and what
the main uses of the river should be.
Farmers back in the semi-arid
states of MIontana and North and
South Dakota want irrigation ser-
vice, chiefly; people down in Nebras-
ka and Missouri are more interested
in flood control and better naviga-
It seems obvious. that, as in the
case of the Tennessee River sys-
tem, nothing but a Federal Author-
ity, overriding individual state ob-
jections in order to serve the whole
Missouri system area, can deliver a
complete job.
Workable Plan Necessary
Not that a Missouri Valley Author-
ity-M VA-should try to copy the
TVA in all respects. Problems in-
volved in the two areas differ widely.
The Missouri, for example, runs
mainly through fiat country, while
the Tennessee and its feeders are
mainly in mountain country.
For that reason, it is hard to see
how any phenomenal amounts of
power could be produced from Mis-
souri River dams-though there are
engineers who insist that some one
to three million more kilowatts than
Iat present could be wrung ot of it.
Floodscontrol and irrigation look
from here like the major goods which
an MVA could deliver, to the great
benefit of the 11,000,000 people who
inhabit the Missouri River area, and
to the increase of the entire nation's
real wealth.
David E. Lilienthal, who has made
so good a record as TVA chairman,
might be given the job of supervising
development of an MVA.
The main thing, we think, is for
Congress to put together a work-
able plan, with the best profes-
sional advice procurable, and get
it on the books, so that work can
be commenced as soon as possible
after the war. We'll most likely be
needing a lot of job-making public
works projects sooner or later after
the war. Here is one which, in
addition to making considerable
jobs, ought to make that part of
the United States considerably bet-
ter and more productive.

-New York Daily News
Railway Shares have reached their
best levels in more than seven years
in trading on the New York Stock
Exchange this month. The railroads
are prosperous. The fact has a bear-
ing on the state of safety equipment
on the railroads, which, as analysis
of wrecks in past months have shown,
is far from adequate.



. C


9 1



E® of~i

A careless driver! He'll have ME to
answer to, m'boy, for this outrage-

On second thought, I'll put the whole
afhir in the hands of an attorney-

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