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December 21, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-21

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the Pendulum

American Standard of Livig Rises

THE PENDULUM has been under fire of late.
and I am constrained to reply-not because
world problems weigh less heavily upon my mind
° but because this excursion may throw some
light on them.
One develops a sort of emperviousness to the
wailings of those who dissent from his point of
view by use of personal invective. But, when
religious antecendents are invoked as an argu-
- inent, something more significant is afoot; in-
tolerance, to be specific. Every minority group
in this country knows it, and they rightly fear
Edited and managed by students of the University that the witch's brew of bigotry will soon boil
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control over and inundate them.
of Student Publications. Everyone knows the thinly-veiled anti-Semi-
Editorial Staff tism that lurked behind Brownell's "Clear it
Evelyn Phillips . . Managing Editor with Sidney" motto. It was there during the
Stan Wallace . . City Editor campaign, and if it left wounds then, gangrene
Ray Dixon . . . . Associate Editor has set in upon them since. The slighest inti-
Hank Mantho. . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . . Associate Sports Editor mation that I lay down this pen because of my
Mavis Kennedy . . . Women's Editor religious affiliations will only spur me on to
Business Staff write all the more. I mean to uphold in my
Lee Amer . Business Manager own way as best I can on such a campus as
Barbara~ Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June -Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr. this, the liberal tradition of America. Sidney
Telephone 23-24-1 Hillman, please notice, might judiciously have
turned over the PAC to a less vulnerable labor
leader. Instead he held tightly to the reins
Member of The Assocated Pres of that organization, and is in the spotlight even
The Associated Press is eXclusively entitled to the use now. The more power to Hillman-Lithuanian
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or born American Jew that he is.
otherwise credited in this newspaper. A rights of re-
publication of al other matters Herein also reserved. You are not forced to read this column and I
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as don't give a tinker's dam whether you do or
second-class mail matter. not-if your basis for judging what I say is my
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- religion. Messrs. Lippman, Grafton, and Win-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. chell, coreligionists of mine, have the 'respectful
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 ear of the nation. Will you let it be said that
the students of this university (who favored
NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR J. KRAFT Herbert Hoover at a ratio of 2 to 1 in 1932 and
Tom Dewey at a ratio of 7 to 5 in 1944) are less
tolerant than the rest of the U. S. A.?
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily I am not working myself into a lather over
are written by members of The Daily staff straw-man issues. They are very real. For, the
and represent the views of the writers only. second criticism directed at me is that of a
young lady who disagrees with me over almost
every major question. She is considerably far-
l + lri 1as S irlt ther to the left than I. This co-ed claims my
column should not appear at all since it is un-
THE CHRISTMAS spirit is not dead. Believe representative of student opinion.
me. Or rather, believe an Associated Press is realy is more wan my own gripe
report from an American bomber base in Eng- against gadfly critics who dodge matters they
land. do not understand by recourse to abusive
Flying Fortresses will bomb Nantes again, language. It becomes a matter of infringing
Only this time bombs will be in the forim of upon civil iberties. Admittedly, my sentiments
gifts-tons of them going to some 3,000 French may be popular ones among the student body.
children for a Christmas party. It is rather gratifying to observe that they
They will be true gifts, for they will come from are more popular ,with faculty members who
They ills be true giftsne for the w 4ll c Bom- actually have less freedom to express them-
the rations of the personnel of the 384th Bom- selves than students. But would you deny me
bardment Group of the Eighth Air Force, and the use of this column for that reason?
from things requested from home.
Some friends, one comely waitress, and two
The presents won't be expensive baubles, but professors have asked me why I do not answer
little things important to children like candy Miss Ryan and Mr. Otto. Without their en-
and toys and soap. Besides this the officers couragement I would not satisfy it, but the
and men contributed $1,850 to a fund for pur- fact is I have had that impulse. However, it
chasing more gifts and equipment for orphan- was no greater than to say that their childish
ages in Nantes. ululations-which I cannot honestly call sopho-
Lieut. P. Oscar Picard of Linwood, Mass. moric or even freshmanic-inspire no other feel-
originated the idea for the party, and fellows ing than a transient wish for the revival of
who won't be home for Christmas themselves infanticide. See, I would throw brick-bats as
followed through to make a Christmas for well as you, Mr. Otto-but, I know it is point-
others. That's Christmas spirit. Is yours any- less and will drop the pose right there.
thing like it? If you want to dispute anything that is
-Betty Ann Larsen printed in the Pendulum, and it is all disput-
Japanese Americans Fight Two Battles'
THE JAPANESE Americans in this country and -
on the University campus are fighting two cause, as Orientals, they cannot become natur-
battles today. alized under United States laws.
Their first battle is to help their country,
America, defeat the Axis dictators. The second HERE are now three to four hundred Nisei
and most difficult battle is to prove that Japa- on this campus, most of them employed in
nese Americans are basically no different in the hospitals, East and West Quad, and as in-
attitude or loyalty from the majority, of Ameri- structors. There are 28 enrolled as students.
can citizens whose ancestors came from other When these Japanese Americans first came
lands. to this campus, they as individuals had the
Before Pearl Harbor, the Nisei, (pronounced lowest morale in the country. They felt like
"nee-say") were eligible to volunteer and were transients, and were not immediately accepted
subject to induction into thevArmy through the by students. Many students looked upon them
Selective Service Systems. Therefore many with scorn and contempt.
Japanese Americans were already in the Army Through the efforts of the churches, YM and
when the United States declared war on the YWCA, and interested townspeople, they have
Axis nations. slowly become adjusted to their new life, and
the attitude of the students toward them has
After we declared war, however, many Sel- made a change for the better.

ective Service boards were reluctant to accept These people are living under a tremen-
the Nisei. This condition prevailed through- Tesp olgialinan. ey aveen
out the spring of 1942 while all persons whose dous psychological handicap. They have been
ancestors came from Japan were being evacu- dislocated economically, socially, and politi-
ated from the Pacific Coast and transferred to cally.
relocation centers. On June 17, 1942, the War We as students can help to alleviate the strain
Department advised the Selective Service Sys- under which the Nisei on campus are living. We
tem to discontinue Nisei inductions until fur- must realize that many of them are and were
ther notice. Soon afterward, all Nisei were fellow students. Many of them have attempted
ordered reclassified to IV-C, not acceptable for to enlist in the armed services, but because of
service because of ancestry. the quota have been refused time and again.
This is their country, as well as it is ours.
The first modification of this policy came in America isn't a nation of one nationality, for
the late fall of 1942, when about 160 Nisei volun- it has a more cosmopolitan population than any
teers were recruited from relocation centers. The other country in the world. Those who are
response to the call for volunteers revealed that in the armed forces are fighting by the side of
many young men at WRA c'enters were eager to their fellow countrymen for the preservation of
prove their loyalty to the United States. The American democracy.
evidence was mounting that. many Japanese
Americans had the spirit and ability to make Those of them in the armed forces and on
good soldiers. the homefront have proved beyond the shadow
The result of the recruiting was the formation a doubt that they are good and loyal meri-
of the 442nd Combat Team which began train- cans. They have proved their point, now we
ing in April, 1943. On December 18, 1943, the mu st show our appreciation and respect by
War Department impressed by the "excellent treating them as individuals, not as the pro-
showing" made by the 442nd Combat Team in geny of their ancestors.
.J:-- -- .. .. Y4- 1-Aggie Miller

able, very well. But, it must be pitched on a
more objective level. I do not know how con-
sistently you have read my column. Over a
period of three semesters, I have distilled a
clear-cut approach to contemporary affairs.
Take it or leave it, but don't deny its existence.
I have built it up and broken it down into its
components-synthesis and analysis, friend
Otto-too many times. I shan't do it again
for your benefit.
In general terms, I am an eclectic, meaning I
select those forces which Ilike most without
respect to any party line. I like LaFollette Pro-
gressivism at home, Ball internationalism abroad,
and as a whole, the New Deal spirit of President
Roosevelt's first two administrations.
So much for the Yahoos.
World Idealism
NEW YORK, Dec. 20-Why did Prime Min-
ister Churchill choose last Friday to deliver his
warm speech supporting to the full Soviet claims
upon former Polish territory? A number of
Americans professed at once to believe that a
Edeal had been made between Great Britain and
the Soviet Union; that the British were sup-
porting Soviet claims in Poland in exchange for
Soviet non-interference with the British in
Greece and Italy. If the Soviet Union continues
to be significantly quiet on the Greek question,
this opinion will grow. The shock effect upon
the American- mind will be profound. It will be
felt here that / the war has reached a coarse
and cynical stage of power politics. The great-
est use of this argument will be made by pre-
cisely those Americans who are themselves
coarse and cynical in their approach to the
Isolationists, who do not believe in inter-
national idealism, will leap gaily upon this
proof that there is no international idealism;
and, having demonstrated that the world is
made in their own image, and is therefore re-
pulsive, will bid us to retire once more from it.
But there is another possible interpretation of
Mr. Churchill's speech. Perhaps he was only
askingfor a deal.
Perhaps there is no deal, and he is trying to
make one. If there had been a deal, it is hard
to believe that Mr. Churchill, with the magnifi-
cent resources of the mighty Churchillian phrase
at his command, could not have found some way,
however tactful and remote, of referring to it.
Nothing could have suited his purposes better.
Mr. Churchill is under severe pressure because of
his Greek adventure. To have been able to re-
lieve that pressure, to embarrass his critics,
from the London Times to the British Com-
munists, by some reference, even an obscure
one, to Soviet compliance in the Greek repres-
sion, would have been a temptation almost too
great to be resisted, an opportunity too dramatic
to be foregone. But Mr. Churchill did not seem
contented, he seemed discontented. He did not
seem to be boasting, he seemed to be pleading.
There was not the remotest reference to
Greece in his speech, and this is strong inter-
nal evidence that while Mr. Churchill is try-
ing to make a deal, there is, as yet, no deal.
IF THERE were a deal, why should Mr. Chur-
chill have pleaded, with such astonishing
frankness and humility, for a meeting of the
Big Three? In pleading for that meeting was
he not, perhaps, pleading for the deal he wants?
And in holding off against that meeting, are
the other two members of the Big Three not,
perhaps, holding off against the deal which Mr.
Churchill desires?
Mr. Churchill seemed, on Friday list, to
be playing a strong, independent game. First,
he completely supported Russia's claims in
Poland, thereby making it seem like ingrati-
tude on a world scale, if nothing worse, should
Russia oppose British movements in the
Mediterranean. Second, he deftly exerted
pressure on Mr. Roosevelt by asking for a
meeting of the Big Three; in doing so, he was
talking to the American public, and this
operation was a success, for American writers
immediately echoed his demand for a Big
Three Conference. But, at such a confer-
ence, Mr. Roosevelt and Marshall Stalin must
either endorse what Mr. Churchill is doing in
Greece, or else face the unhappy necessity

of saying a flat "No!" to an ally.
They may not want to do either at the mo-
ment. Yet to get them into this corner may be
precisely what Mr. Churchill does want. He did
seem to be conducting a kind of diplomatic
These are speculations. They may be all
wrong. But the pieces do seem to fall into
place, and they do fit the overall picture of a
perturbed Britain, worried over its future, and
trying, by a final, mighty effort, to keep a
place for itself. in the Mediterranean, and in
the world.
As to that, one can only repeat what has
been said before, the Allies do owe Britain a
place in the world, and they should furnish it
by means of a series of solemn economic agree-
ments which will do away both with the need
for unhappy attempts at repression in Greece
and Italy, and also with the need for this
mysterious new diplomacy of pressure, hint,
speech, sigh, and surprise. That is the root
of the issue; all other approaches are sur-
face chatter.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

A FTER three years of active par-
1ticipation in the war the Ameri-
can peoplehave accomplished the
miracle of attaining a yearly progres-
sive higher standard of living in
terms of total goods and services and
at the same time out-distanced any
two of our Allies in war manufac-
This conclusion is readily apparent I
from reviewing recent Department of
Commerce figures and from data
compiled by the Federal Reserve
Board. These figures are quite start- I
ling when we consider that both
essential civilian goodn and vital war
materials have come out of the
American system.
In this period of time, a striking
contrast can be seen in living con-
ditions in Great Britain. While
the United States was climbing
higher in its living standard, Bri-
tain has declined as the accom-
panying graph indicates.
In the United States, 62 per cent
of all manufacturing went for war
purposes in 1942 and 1943-$92 bil-
lions in 1943 and an estimated $98
billions for this year.
Consumer expenditures for goods
and services will reach an all time
high of $96 to $97 billions this year,
according to the Department of


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Prefiar4 fqvr the Lif Insurance Comi~nj s in A mer~pa




THE ABOVE GRAPH depicts a comuarison between the real consump-
tion of the United States and Great 'Britain during three years of
active participation in an all-out war. The top line indicates the
rise for the United States while the lower line shows the definite
decrease in real consumption which Britain has experienced.

1 9 4 0 .........................$65.7
1941 .........................$74.6
1942 .................. .......$82
1943 ..................... ....$91
While there has been a very no-
ticeable increase over the past four
years in this country, figures for
Britain show no comparable increase
according to the Federal Reserve
1140. . ..4,282,000,0&0 pounds sterling
1941... .4,557,
1942.... 4,857,
1943. .. 4,981,
Thus the British gain for the four
years covered was approximately 16
per cent while for the United States
the gain has been twice as much. 38
per cent.
USING the year 1939 as a base of
100 we see a definite decrease in
real consumption in Britain as com-
pared to the United States.


U.S. 100
U.K. . .100





In addition to these increased stan-
dards in the United States the fact
that savings have increased in all
frms-bank accoupts, war bonds,
insurance and others.
The purpose of this comparison
between the United States and Great
Britain is not to show that our Eng-
lish neighbors have done a less suc-,
cessful job than we. The significance
lies in the fact that the United States
under a predominant system of free
enterprise have accomplished so
much in so short a time.
These figures prove that full pro-
duction and a higher standard of
living can be attained with certain
modifications in this country. If this
has been done during the war period,
it is conceivable to believe that it can
be done after the war.
Critics of this conclusion will
shout that there stillt are slums,
that white collar wages have not
gone up and that these are "capi-
talist" figures. But these conclu-
sions hold out a profound hope. for
the American economy, a hope
that has never before in our his-
tory had such a firm basis.
-Stan. Wallace
On Second Thought
JUDGING by the lack of either a
thaw or more snow, we can start,
dreaming of a slightly, grey Christ-
This new method of making pas-
senger pick-ups while an airplane
is in full flight offers vast possi-
bilities for post-war improvement
of the wolfing system.
It seems the Atlantic Charter exists
only in the textbook of Poli. Sci. 2.
Good News for Axis
THERE are two pieces of military
news today that will be hailed
with joy in Berlin, Munich, Berch-
tesgaden and other points in the
The Germans have launched. a
counter-attack on the Western front.
The British have launched a 'full-
scale drive against the ELAS forces
in Athens.
--St. Louis Post Dispatch

THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 43
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Automobile Regulation: The Uni-
versity Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for the Christmas vacation
period from 12 noon on Friday, Dec.
22 until 8 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 28.
New Year's Day is not a University
holidayand classes will be conducted
as usual.
The General Library will closeat
6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 22, and will re-
main closed Saturday to Monday,
Dac. 23-25. On Tuesday and Wednes-
day, Dec. 26 and 27, it will be open
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
All Collegiate and Departmental
Libraries will be closed Dec. 23-25,
and on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Dec. 26 and 27, will be open on a
short schedule. Hours will be posted
on the doors.'
All libraries will resume the regu-
lar schedules Dec. 28, and will be
open full time on New Year's Day.
To February, June, and October
graduates: Senior pictures for the
1945 Michiganensian are due at the
Student Publications Building Feb. 1.
Appointments with photographers
should be made at once. Pictures
from any photographer are accept-
able if they are a glossy print, meas-
uring 4" by 6", preferably with a
light background.
To All Staff Members and Employ-
ees: All those who find it necessary
to file requests for supplementary
gasoline ration for privately-owned
passenger cars ("B" or "C" book)
for either driving to and from work,
driving on University business, or to
carry on other occupations must file
their original or renewal application
15 days prior to the date ration is
needed or the expiration date of
their present book.
This procedure is necessary to give
the University Committee on Organ-
ized Transportation Plan and the
local Ration Board time to process
the application.
Organized Transportation Plan
L. M. Gram, Chairman
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate for February and June, 1945: A
list of candidates has been posted on
the bulletin board of the School of
Education, Rm. 1431 University Ele-
mentary School. Any prospective
candidate whose name does not ap-
pear on this list should call at the
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Applications in Support of Research
Projects: To give Research Commit-
tees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time to study all proposals. it
is requested that faculty members
have projects needing support during
1945-1946 file their proposals in the
Office of the Graduate School by

{ torium. The next scheduled concert
will be Jan. 4.
United States Civil Service An-
nouncement for Metallurgist, salary
$2,433 to $6,228 a year, has been
received in our office. For further
details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Required Physical Education for
Women: After dinner classes. Classes
in physical education meeting at
7:20 and 8:10 Thursday evenings
will be dismissed this evening, Dec.
21 to make way for the University
holiday program.
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses droppedrafter Saturday,
Dec. 30, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordin-
ary circumstances. No course is con-
sidered dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may
not drop courses without "E" grade
after Saturday, D c. 30. Onfy stu-
dlents with less than 24 hours' credit
are affected by this regulation. They
must be recommended by their Aca-
demic Counselors for this extraordi-
nary privilege.
Geometry Seminar will meet today
at 4:15 in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
Bickerstaff will speak on "A Geo-
metrical Minimum Value Problem
Arising in Statistics."
Graduate Record Examination in-
dividual report charts are now avail-
able at the Graduate Sciool office.
Students may call for them between
9:00 and 12:00 a.m. or 2:00and 4:00
Percival Price, University Caril-
lonneur, will be heard in the final
recital of the fall series at 7 p.m.
tonight. The program will consist
entirely of Christmas carols.
Events Today
The Regular Seminar Meeting of
the Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering scheduled
for 4:30 p.m. today, has been can-
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at Trinity Lutheran Church
this evening at 7 for its annual Car-
oling Party. Refreshments will be
served after "the sing" at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. Henry O. Yoder,
215 E. William St.
U.S.O. Open House tonight. All
servicemen and Junior Hostesses are
Coming Events
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. on
Dec. 22 at 12:15 p.m. Program: G. V.
Cohee on "The Cambrian and Ordo-
vician boundary in Michigan and
adjoining areas," with further dis-
cussions by G. M. Ehlers, R. C. Hus-
sey and H. Wedow. All interested
are cordially invited to attend.


+ '




I'll sound the mating call again. And as
soon as a large buck ermine comes shyly
sidling up tht road toward our decoy-

Acar s coming full speed-

By Crockett Johnson
Run, Orion! ,


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