L iot i an ttg Weather Cloudy followed by showers. Warm-fresh to strong winds. VOL. LV, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Yanks Fighting Six Miles from Carigara Students U' Groups j TO Sponsor New Show Will Present 'Kampus Called 'Biggest and Best In History' Final plans have been completed for Kampus Kapers-a new enter- tainment and activities show for the campus-which will be held at 8 p. m. Wednesday, November 15 in Hill Auditorium. The show will be entirely student run and produced and the forces of the Daily, Union, and League have been combined to make it, in the words of the committee, the "biggest and best stdent show in history." The main purpose behind the show is to "reawaken an active student interest in campus af- fairs" and the program will in- elude those campus favorites, Bil- ly Layton .and his Band with Doec Fielding acting as Master of Cere- monies. The program has been officially approved by the Student Affairs committee and has received the en- dorsement of all campus leaders. Besides the orchestra and Field- ing, the Kapers will include com- munity singing led by Prof. David Mattern and the Varsity Men's Glee Club, an all girl trio, novelty danc- ing by Bev Wittan and By Mitchell and other talented students. The show is open to the entire student body and no admission will be charged.' All campus activities will be rep- rsentcd in the program and a panoramic view of what has made Michigan one of the leading col- leges in the nation will pass in re- view. Assistant Dean of Students W. B. Rea enthusiastically endorsed the show and urged all students to re- serve that date for "one of the best evenings of the year." Further details of the show will be announced during the next week and everybody is reminded to keep No- vember 15 as an open date for Kam- pus Kapers. Second Glee Club Smoker To Be Sunday Yesterday's Men's Glee Club smok- er, featuring a rousing sing of Mi- chigan favorites, will be repeated for all freshmen, upperclassmen, gradu- ate students and servicemen on cam- pus, 4:30 p. m., Sunday, in the Union. Under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, the Glee Club expects to be in full swing soon, giving sere- nades at dormitories, participating in campus sings and radio broad- casts. The club will present its first concert of the year in the Kampus Kapers show, Nov. 15, in Hill Audi- torium. In the past the Varsity Glee Club has made numerous successful con- cert tours in the East which have been discontinued due to lack of ade- quate travel facilities. The Glee Club, dating back almost 60 years, counts among its one-time members several opera stars and the Republican candidate for the presi- dency, Gov. Tom Dewey, remembered at Michigan for his rich baritone. Dewey, it has been recalled, spent several years here as a music student before turning to law as a profession. Russian Amy Nears Budapest LONDON, THURSDAY, NOV. 2- iP)-The Red Army thrust within 33 miles of Budapest yesterday in a great drive rolling rapidly north- westward across the Hungarian plain between the Danube and Tisza Riv- ers. Armornd snearheads undoubtedly WAR CHEST DRIVE-The deadline for the student division of the University War Chest Drive has been extended to Monday to give sufficient time to. complete solieitations this weekend in an effort to fill the University's $23,000 quota. Plans have been complet ed by student co-chairmen Tom Bliska and Peg Mor- gan (shown above) to contact every student on' campus through men's and women's organized houses this weekend. Two special War Chest booths will be set up in the Union and League from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. today and tomorrow to accept contributions from those persons not contacted through organized houses. Miss Morgan stressed that the drive on campus will be a short one and the utmost cooperation from all students "is vitally necessary to fill the quota." .More than, $10,000 of the quota has already been raised through the more than 2000 University personnel and military men stationed on campus and the leaders of the campaign indicated "that most of the balance must be obtained from students." Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the political science department is the over-all chairman of the University drive and he has two sub-chairmen working with h im, Prof. Kenneth Hance, speech, and Prof. Joseph Gault, engineering. Contributions can be turned in at the League from 3 to 5:30 p. m..islouday. -Pb otn by John Horeth Kapers', Women Exceed Men 3=1 Service Enrollment Falls Off Severely Outnumbering this fall's male en- rollment by almost 3-1, the women's enrollment of 4,324 represents a 14.1 percent gain over last year's figure and contributes in large part to the overall student enrollment increase of 9.4 percent over 1943. Civilian enrollment figures, when broken down, reveal that 1,779 men, a decrease of less than one percent of the 1943 total, registered this fall. 538 in the College of Lierature, Sci- ence and the Arts, 430 in the engi- neering college, 356 in graduate schools. Women in these colleges number 2,612 in L. S. and A., 45 in the engineering college and 595 tak- ing graduate courses. While 22 fewer men iegistered in the literary college than in 1943. com- parative figures show an increase in female enrollment of 258. Of the fifteen colleges and programs of the University only two, the engineering college and the emergency training program show a decrease in enroll- ment, which dropped off 27.1 percent in the former and 47.5 percent in the latter. Military enrollment in both bran- ches of the service, the Navy and the Army, dr'opped severely since last fall. The present figures for the Army are 1150 as compared with last year's total of 2,300 and for the Navy the statistics reveal A. drop of 250 leaving the total ofasailors and marines stationed here at 1,250. The total enrollment figure for all colleges, 6,103, is little more than half of the University's all time high of 12,000 who registered for the school year, 1939-'40. Including the men stationed here in thearmed services the total male registration on cam- pus is about 150 shy of the total, enrollment of women students. Japan's Radios Announce Yank Raid on Tokyo By The Associated Press Japan's radios blurted out con- fusedly that U.S. Superfortresse raided Tokyo yesterday (Wednesday Japanese time) and they hinted that they threw some parts of the capital into panic. eSome factories "lost their calm- ness" during the ordeal, one announ- cer reported. This presumably was due to fire or fear of fire in the readily combustible metropolitan ar- eas. The reports, conflicting and un. 1 confirmed, were picked up by th Federal Communications Commissior y and reception was incomplete. The - U.S. War Department said it had n word of aerial operations over Tokyo It If substantially true, this outburst signified the first air raid on the Japanese capital since April 18, 1942 s when Lt.-Gen. James H. Doolittle' - carrier based B-25's gave the city it d first load of U.S. bombs. f All those interested in trying r out for the position of music h critic for The Daily are asked Y to turn in a critical review of e this Saturday's concert at Hill n Auditorium to the editorial di- N rector. Guard Highway Japs Defending Last Escape Route From Leyte; Meet Heavy Fire By The Associated Press GENERAL MACARTHUR'S HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINES, THURSDAY, NOV. 2-Dismounted first cavalry troops were locked today in a seesaw battle with a large Japanese force at Carigara for control of that town seven miles east of the only escape highway left open to the retreating enemy on Leyte. Maj. Gen. Verne Mudge's men, moving west along the Carigara Bay Coast from Barugo, opened the vital engagement yesterday just east of Carigara town. - - .Moving Ahead Cavalry DRAMA TIC SOPRANO: Helen Traubel To Open Choral Union Concert Series Saturday The appearance of Helen Traubel at the first Choral Union concert, 8:30 p. in., Saturday, in Hill Auditorium focuses the local musical spotlight on the magnificent dramatic soprano from St. Louis, who has been pro- claimed "The All-American First Lady of the Opera."I Miss Traubel is now the principal star of the Metropolitan Wagnerian wing, successor to the mantles of Lilli Lehmann, Nordica, Gadsi Leider, and Fremstad. Miss Traubel's appearance in Ann Arbor follows in the wake of a season during which the Missouri soprano made operatic history as the first native-born and entirely native- trained singer to appear at the Met- ropolitan in the greatest of all opera- tic roles, the tragic Isolde of "Tris- tan and Isolde." She has also had the distinction of being the first native singer in 40 years to carry the principal singing burden of the Metropolitan's annual uncut Wagner "Ring" cycle presen- tation, portraying the warrior god- dess Brunhilde through the three operas "Die Walkure", "Siegfried," and "Gotterdammerung." Miss Traubel's triumphs were aug- mented by notable presentations to the all-American diva during recent months. The turquoise and diamond brooch worn by the Metropolitan's only other American-born (though European-groomed) Isolde, Lillian Nordica, was presented to Miss Trau- bel by the trustees of the Lillian Nor- dica Memorial Association. Members of Mu Phi Epsilon, na- tional music honor fraternity, in ad- dition to unanimously voting Miss Traubel "the year's outstanding Am- erican woman in music," presented her with the "Wagnerian Oscar." Miss Traubel's program will con- sist of selections by Beethoven, Ma- scagni, Schubert, Strauss, Wagner, Engel, Fairchild and Ilgenfritz. 1ritz: Tells of arshipLosses U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- QUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, Troops CAMPUS EVENTS Nov.3-4 Daily poll for songs for Guy Lombardo program Nov. 4 Choral Union Concert Helen Traubel, soloist 8:30 p.m. at Hill Audi- torium Nov. 5 Glee Club Smoker 7:30 p.m. at the Union Nov. 6 End of 'U' War Chest Drive Nov. 11 Homecoming Week-end Michigan vs. Illinois 2 p.m. at the stadium Nov. 15 Kampus Kapers 8 p.m. Hill Auditorium Nov. 18 Guy Lombardo's Tribute to.the University over the Blue Network Ronsse Announces All Of Belgium Liberated NEW YORK, Nov. 1.-( P)- The whole of Belgium has been complete- ly liberated from the Germans and the last Nazi strongpoints in the country have been reduced, Belgian Minister of the Interior Ronsse said today in a statement broadcast by the Brussels Radio and recorded here by the FCC. Allied Shipping Enters Schelde River Estuary Triple Assault Forces Hit Last Boche in Area By The Associated Press LONDON. Nov. 2, Thursday - Allied shipping already has entered the three-mile-wide Schelde River estuary with supplies bound for the great Belgian port of Antwerp, the Berlin radio said early today. This reported movement of ship- ping toward the im'portant port which is expected to supply future Allied thrusts into Germany came as triple assault forces stalked the last Germans within gunshot of the vital 50-mile long inland waterway One Vessel Destroyed "German E-boats attacked enemy shipping in the Schelde Estuary,' was the way the Berlin radio stated the situation. "and destroyed one vessel of 2,000 tons and a smal gunboat. Troops of the British Second Army Maas River in South Central Hol- ltnd to more than a mile and main- tained relentless pressure agains German rearguards. Skillful Withdrawal A spokesman for Lt.-Gen. Sir Mile C. Dempsey, commander of the Brit ish Second Army, tacitly admitte that a skillful withdrawal from the Breda pocket had saved the bulk o some 40,000 German troops who fo: several days were threatened witl entrapment. He said only enema rearguards were left south of the Maas and that the main Germar 15th army now was fortifying a nev Rotterdam-Arnhem defense line. Guy Lombardo To Pay Tribute To UVon Nov.18 Student Poll To Select 5 Most Popular Songs A special tribute to the University will be carried over 173 stations of the Blue Network Saturday, Novem- ber 18, on the Guy Lombardo Show and The Daily will conduct a special campus vote this weekend in connec- tion with the show. Ballots to select the five most pop- ular songs among the students will be distributed with each Daily to- morrow and Sunday. It is a regular feature of the broadcast to play the honored schools choices. Special ballot boxes will be set up in the Union, the League, at the cen- ter of the diagonal, under the Engine Arch, and in the Publications Build- ing for students to deposit their votes Monday and Tuesday. In addition to playing the musical choices of the campus, the program will'inclui a description of te,; work and general atmosphere of the campus which is being prepared by Larry Towe, News Service Head. Campus activity leaders have unit- ed in their support of the poll to Determine the musical "hit parade" c the campus and added that "this is a good method to stimulate student interest in the University com- munity." Students who do not receive bal- lots with -their Saturday or Sunday Daily can pick them up at the Publi- ,ations Building, at the Union or in ,he League. Alleballots to be counted must be turned in by 4 p. in. Tuesday. De'wey Accuses FDR of Selling To High Bidder BOSTON, NOV. 1-(U)-In a dua] attack on President Roosevelt and his "violent supporters," Gov. Thomas E. Dewey declared tonight that his democratic opponent, in an "over- whelming desire to 'perpetuate him- self in office for sixteen years, ha put his party on the auction block- for sale to the highest bidder." And the highest bidder, Dewey saic in a prepared broadcast, is not th "notorious one thousand club," bu the "Political Action Committee o: s Sidney Hillman and the Communists s of Earl Browder." While asserting he had no quarre with Communism in Russia, the Re. publican presidential nominee flaye both Hillman and Browder as lead ing a fourth term move "so our forn of government may more easily b changed." Dewey said, "Sidney Hillman ha become the biggest political boss i the United States, Moving ahead after the skirmish, the troops encountered a larger ene- my force and engaged it in the town itself whose fall would pave the way for a drive on Pinamopan, north ter- minus of the escape road to Ormoc. While this fight continued, other Japanese strove with counterattacks, concentrated artillery and bridge de- molitions to check another peril to Carigara town posed from the south by 24th Division troops of Maj. Gen. Fred Irving. Heavy Fire Heavy mortar fire pinned down the Yanks for hours. General Irving countered with an intense bombard- ment of the enemy positions. Still the Japanese held on. Sherman tanks tried to break through over broken terrain but failed in the face of point blank fire. The Nipponese were dislodged only after the American infantrymen had outflanked the enemy positions. Today's communique placed the 24th within six miles bf Carigara but field dispatches put them much clos- er, one saying they were only two miles from joining up with the first cavalry in the showdown fight. Large Increase Noted in ROTC Enrollment Here Enrollment in the University of Michigan branch of the Reserve Of- ficers Training Corps (ROTC) has increased 200 percent over last seme- ster and is still growing, Army head- quarters announced today. All male undergrads, especially those awaiting call to military ser- vice, those in the Enlisted Reserve Corps or the Civil Air Patrol are urged to register for the ROTC at Army headquarters, 512 State street, next to the Union, within the next two weeks. Marching Band Members of the University March- ing Band participating in the pro- gram, will not be required to take drill. Participation in the ROTC train- ing program, requiring no special physical examination, does not make a student a member or obligate him to join the armed forces. Credit Given The program, for which the stu- dent receives regular college credit, involves four hours of instruction each week, two hours in the class- room and two of drill under Army instructors. Instruction is given in military science and tactics and includes training in rifle marksmanship, map reading, close and extended. order drill, camouflage, first aid, scouting and patrol and tactics. Students tal- ing drill are excused from PEM on the day of their drill period. Damage Done To U' Flagpole By Pranksters LADIES' CHOICE, PREDICTS POLLOCK Roosevelt's Election Sure If Vote Is Over 48 Million "If the total vote in the nation is greater than 48 million, Franklin' Roosevelt will be re-elected President of the United States," Professor James K. Pollock, of the political science department and nationally known election authority declared yesterday in an interview. Less than one-third of the men in the armed forces will vote this year. Pollock, who has kept accurate and detailed records of state and national election figures for years, bases the above predictions of these records oni hs nhs.. of a eeiosad whom are likely to vote. Hence, Prof. Pollock draws the obvious conclusion that the women this year are going to be the ones who cast the deciding vote. "Dewey needs to campaign care- fully this next week," Pollock says. mean much, Pollock points out, be-E cause our normal increase in popu- lation would account for more gain than the registration figures show. Four years ago, of 80,000,000 poten- tial voters, 60,500,000 registered and 49.800.00l voted. This year. with Unrestrained by knowledge of war shortages in materials- and man- power, Halloween pranksters once again went on an annual rampage, roping off the corners of South Uni- versity and Church with rope taken from the University flagpole, piling benches and bicycle racks to obstruct traffic on Thayer and emptying gar-