HG witkNE1 fi.LlY, liEl; C. 2 . =i -1~ Roosevelt Denies Formal Existence of Atlantic Charter <> ____________ _____ ___________________________ But He Reaffirms His Belief in Its Principles By The Assdejiated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-President Roosevelt declared today that the Atlantic Charter did not exist as a formal document signed by himself and Prime Minister Churchill, but that he still stood for its principles. The chief executive told a news conference that the Charter, drafted in a conference at sea between himself and the British prime minister, existed as 4 series of memoranda, turned over to radio operators for trans- mission to Washington and London to be released to the press. 4N_________ ____ He asserted that it had been sign- ed in substance, but not formally as a complete document. At the same time, Mr. Roosevelt made it clear that he adhered firm- ly to the principles enunciated in the charter as it has been promulgated. No Comment on Greece On another tack, he was asked whether he could comment on a statement by British Labor Minister Lord Bevin that he had initialed at Quebec a British plan for stabilizing Greece. The President inquired . whether that had not been denied at the State Department and was told it had not. "Is it to be denied?" a reporter pressed. The chief executive replied he would not bring that up again, since it was contentious. On the question of another confer- ence of himself, Churchill and Pre- mier Stalin, Mr. Roosevelt asserted that the matter was highly specu- lative. He said no specific date for a conference has been set. Eliminate Speculation When a reporter remarked that he would "like to eliininate the specu- lation and go to the highest source," the President said he would like to do that too. The president was bombarded with questions of whether "Churchill sign- ed the Atlantic Charter" and "where is it?" - That started a lengthy discussion. The president said the press was thinking in broad phrases and that there was no copy of the char- ter, so far as he knew. The nearest thing to it, he said, is what was handed radio operat- ors on the American cruiser Augusta and the British battleship Prince of Wales. SRA Program Will Feature Modern Music Debate Group Will Choose 194445 Squad Annouineement Will Reveal Team, Schedule The University Debate Squad has been holding a series of meetings with students interested in debating, but regular members of the squad will not be announced until after the holidays. Those students who have attended most of the debate meetings will be paired into team combinations after Christmas, and trial debates will be held. From these trial debates, mem- bers of the 1944 -45 squad will be chosen. Those students who are being con- sidered include John Muehl, Archie Carmichael,uAllyce Wishnevsky, Yota Stefanis, Joyce Siegan, Mary Ellen Wood, Margaret Farmer, Dorothy Murzek, John Condylis, Martin Scha- pero, Edgar Hughes, Barbara Levine, James Laud, Marilyn Sperber, Shel- don Selisneck, Sander Bernstein, Ruth Elconin, Harriet Risk, Charles Young, and Betty Lou Bidwell. Prof. Kenneth G. Hance and Mr. Thomas Battin of the speech depart- ment are in charge of the debate squad, and at the present time they are in the process of scheduling de- bates with other colleges and uni- versities in Michigan. The schedule will also be announced after the holidays. Nisei Invited to Special Service The First Methodist Church, in co- operation with the Ann Arbor Mini. sterial Association's Committee on Japanese-American Work, will hold special services for all Nisei at 8 p. m. every Sunday at the first Meth- odist Church, 120 S. State St. All Nisei and their friends are in- vited to attend the services. The service will be followed by an in- formal get-to-gether, which will give Nisei opportunities to meet each oth- er for fellowship. Vets To Receive Business Loans NEW YORK, Dec. 19.-(P)-Brig.- Gen. Frank T. Hines, veterans ad- ministrator, said tonight that return- ing veterans already are receiving loans under the G.I. Bill of Rights for purchasing homes and farms and this week will begin receiving finan- cial assistance for establishing small businesses. Speaking at an American Legion dinner, General Hines said: "No piece of legislation has been so difficult to place in operation." Regulations governing issuance of small business loans will be issued Thursday, he said. General Hines said that more than 300,000 veterans of World War II are on the Veterans Administration pen- sion rolls and that more than 112,000 "have passed through the Veterans Administration Hospital alone." Christmas S~anokes SHAEF, Paris, Dec. 19.-(P)-The Army is playing Santa Claus to its American personnel in the commun- ications zone by increasing its weekly cigarette ration from two to five packages, effective Christmas Eve. DAILY OFFICIAL TESTING RESCUE HARNESS-Carl A. Yanuzzi, AMM 1/C, is hauled up to the cabin of a Coast Guard helicopter in a test of a new type of rescue harness near Brooklyn. This plan will aid flyers and others who are forced down on ice bergs or mountains that are impossible to land a plane on. The harness is dropped to the victim who puts it on and then ca n be packed up by the helicopter. JOE'S NOT OFF HIS ROCKER: Medic Makes Sure Buddy Is Buried Clean Peace... Good Will to Men' MIAMI, Pla., Dec. 19-(P)-Claire Whitesell sent $15 of his newspaper earnings to the Miami Daily News Heroes Telephone Fund for " some boy to call his mom" on Christmas. Claire wrote the News: "I am 12 years old. I am a paper boy at Pan American Field. Last Christ- mas my only brother was on a boat headed for the S. Pacific. He could- n't phone my mom from the boat. This year he can't phone either be- cause he is one of the heroes of Sai- i pan, and spending Christmas in! heaveu. "I know my mom will be very sad this Christmas, so I am sending $15, I earned. Will you please let some boy call his mom on Christmas day? I know she would like it just as my mom would." Offensive... (Continued from Page 1) that "the attack is continuing." This curtain of silence appeared to indi- cate that the enemy's forward mo- mentum had not been halted. The Germans still were packing the roads with equipment and men. Germans Generalize (The German High Command de- clared that Nazi tank forces ''have broken through, smashed and dis- persed units of the American First Army deep into the enemy rear." Like the Allies, however, the Ger- mans dealt only in generalities.) Up to tonight the only specific clue as to the extent of the German pene- tration was the report that British Typhoons had attacked a score of enemy armored vehicles "west of Stavelot," a town 22 miles by road from the Reich frontier. Stavelot is 41/2 miles southwest of Malmedy. No Gains Made The Seventh Army of Lt. Gen. Alexander Patch hacked at Sieg- fried defenses along a 20-mile front westward from the Rhine in the Ba- varian Palatinate, but met savage opposition and registered no gains of consequence. The Americans' every move was being furiously and ac- curately fired upon by Nazi artillery which was registered on every foot of terrain. At the western extremity of the Seventh Army front the 100th infan- try Division battled to complete its control of two holdout forts on the outskirts of Bitche and fought from wing to wing against Nazis barricad- ed in the C'ollege of Bitche. UAW President Predicts World Trade Union 150 Labor Leaders Will Gather at London For February Meeting DETROIT, Dec. 19-(P)-R. P. J. Thomas, president of the United Automobile Workers (CIO) said to- day that he was confident a confer- ence to be held in London next Feb- ruary would result in the creation of a World Trade Union Federation that would contribute much to asure a lasting peace. Thomas has just returned from a meeting with British and Russian labor leaders in the British capital where a program was drafted for the f'ebruary meeting of some 150 rep- resentatives of labor organizations in the United Nations and neutral countries. Substitution Planned A new world federation, Thoma told a press conference, would "take the place of the moribund Interna- tional Federation of Trade Unions." "The firm unity of all workers of' the freedom loving nations," he said, "is the surest guarantee that the pol- icies of world security outlined at Dumbarton Oaks, Bretton Woods and other United Nations conferences will be underwritten by the common people of the world. "Labor is the only force in the world whose representatives can sit down and come to some agreement that will prevent future wars and stop jealousies between nations." Describes Underground Thomas said he had met the lead- ers of the underground movement in practically all the occupied countries and found that in virtually all of those countries "The underground movement was the labor movement." Carillon Program To Include Carols As a final program for his fall season of recitals, Prof. Percival Price. University carillonneur, will play a group of nine Christmas carols at 7 p.m. tomorrow. Included on the program are such popular carols as "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful," 'It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," "Silent Night, Holy Night," and "Good King Wenceslaus." :' k .. y A < - By KENNETH L. DIXON (ADVANCE)' IN GERMANY, Dec. 11 (Delayed)-(P)-They buried him in the little military cemetery not far from here. He didn't want to die overseas and he didn't want to be buried anywhere except in his little midwestern home town when the natural time came for him to die. But otherwise- conditions being what they are-he probably would be pleased with the way things were handled. His fatal wounds cleansed as carefully as though he" still were alive, his body washed and clad in a fresh uniform, he was buried in a clean, quiet manner fitting the clean, peace-loving youngster he was. And because 'it is, of neces- sity, unusual to the combat zone, maybe it should be told. Call him Bill. Call his friend Joe. They were medical aid men who had been at war more than two years, yet still were apart from it. They took more chances than any warrior in their outfit, but neither ever fired a shot in anger.' Constant companions, they were almost legendary for their quiet hero- ism. Back in camp in the States some three years ago they had been kidded, called pill pushers and razzed by soldiers as non-combatants-but that was three years ago. Nobody who's been in combat ever razzes front-line medics.. During a house to house fight in a small town, word came back that there was a wounded man inside a building a short distance away. The message also said the building was mined and booby-trapped so thickly it was almost impossible to step inside it. They said for the medic to wait until an engineer could go with him---or somebody who knew how to smell out traps. and take care of them. But anybody who knew Bill would have known his reaction. There was a man wounded in there, therefore no time to wait.- He didn't come back. Joe asked where he had gone. They told him and repeated the 'warnings, but he! had a double reason to go. The wounded man was dead when! Joe got inside. So was Bill. Despite the booby traps, Joe picked up Bill and carried him back. Nobody said anything when he brought Bill back. There wasn't anything to say. Quietly, efficiently, as though Bill were still alive, Joe began to cleanse his wounds. Sadly, soldiers looked at thehlittle tableau. No- body tapped his forehead or did anything to indicate a belief that. Joe had blown his top. But that's what they thought. Joe's commanding officer went up to him and suggested gently it was too late to do Bill any good. Joe looked, up, puzzled. Then in a mo- ment he understood. "It's, all right, sir," he said. "I am all right. It is just that he was a clean kid. He lived that way and he never stayed dirty if there was any AIR BOOM: Trans-Atlantic Daily flights Hit New High (ADVANCE)--A U. S. AIR TRANS- PORT BASE IN SCOTLAND-(De- layed)-(1PI)-If there was a highway across the Atlantic ocean between New York and Britain, it probably would be well rutted by this time. There doubtless would be traffic cops buzzing everywhere and alluring hot dog and pop stands every few miles. This is the feeling one gets while looking around this great Trans-At- lantic airbase tucked in the green lowlands of Scotland where the giant transports come and go from America with the precision of a Tulsa-to- Dallas run. During the last 18 months, trans- Atlantic flying by men on urgent war business has become so common that a plane taking off to fly across the ocean gets about as much at- tention as a train pulling into Grand Central Station in New York. Hundreds of planes land here week- ly. They range from chunky little A-20's and other combat ships to the massive C-54s-masters of the North Atlantic way to get clean, and he's not going to be buried dirty." Then he returned to his work. He brought water and gave Bill a .bath. It wasn't necessary to shave him, because he had shaved that morning. Somehow Joe managed to scrounge a clean pair of OD pants and a shirt. They might not have fit just right, but they were clean. that was the 1 important thing.- Perhaps it is horrible that it should have been spch a wonderful thing. But it was. Maybe it is every more horrible that everybody understood-that nobody thought Joe was off his rocker any more. They remembered Bill's hatred of filth and they understood, as only men who have seen other men live, die and be buried unclean for two years could understand. There is something sickeningly indecent about the mass unimpor- tance of the dead in cOmbat. In general this is unavoidable. But Joe made it different for Bill. Freshly scrubbed behind the ears, he went to his foreign grave with his face as clean as his hands. i V ,f 4 r ......... . .. .... ... Three selections from contempo- rary composers will be featured on the S.R.A. Music Hour at 7:30 today in the Lane Hall Library. The program will be introduced and interpreted by Robert Taylor, '45. The compositions include Er- nest Bloch's "Schelomo" (a Hebrew Rhapsody), Igor Stravinsky's "Sym- phony of Psalms," and. Paul Hinde- mith's "Mathis Der Maler" (Mathis the Painter)'. The first number was recently presented over a national hook-up by .the New York Philharmonic Or- chestra. Hindemith's work, a sym- phonic suite, is in reality an arrange- ment from his opera of the same name. Another of this modernist's works was performed this fall at a Choral Union Concert by the Cleve- land Orchestra, under the direction of George Szell. Club To Give Yule Program The Christmas meeting of La So- ciedad Hispanica, to be held at 8:00 p. m. today in the Union, will feat- ure a dramatic presentation depict- ing the birth of Christ, to be given by students of Spanish 81. Included on the program will be an address by Alfredo Chaves on the Christmas customs of Equador, and a talk by Renee Kaire describing the Yule festivities in Guatemala. Span- ish Christmas carols will be sung. Ogden Strikes It Rich OGDEN, UTAH, Dec. 19-()- Gasoline flowed unexpectedly out of the ground when workers were dig- ging a foundation and Ogden was on its way to become another boom town. Firemen, however, said the gasoline had leaked from nearby storage tanks. - BUY WAR BONDS Bunny Fuir Mittenin TECHNICOLOR! You've never seen anything like them! Your favorite bunny fur mittens in COLOR. Give them to a gal for Christmas and she'll be your friend for life! A I, a .. , Captuirinig ounig"I~o I'; BULLETIN ivner's Hearis 5v95~v fl} .. .4 The Ever-Welcomed Gift.. 1.( Helena Ruberstein Apple Blos- som Cologne, with its far-famed fagrance of romance. 1.00' plus tax " Tuesdi 9:30A palms. 3.50 All-Over White Bunny Fur mittens 5.00 w, In lively shades of red, cherry, green, blue and yellow with leather (Continued from Page 4) olas Fatica will speak on the subject "Electroplating." Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. The Lutheran Student Association will meet at Trinity Lutheran Church this Thursday evening at 7 for its annual Caroling Party. Refresh- ments will be served after "the sing" -% 7 STORE HOURS: M Season's 1%; Jay thru Saturday A.M. to 6:00 P.M. I i I III H