°T TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIIY ........ .... . Ted Greer Chosen To Captain Wolverine, Hockey Squad Wolverine Caers Meet Intra-Squad Wrestling Tournament Goes Into Wyoming Five Saturday Second Day as Favorites Emerge Victorious ( whA r . D..-. ToT7. Hive.. -:--------it N-'"TV"U V a JLv JLA" V U XYI U"L JLAUIFIxc .emu v "l V Ugly - 7dtEI - ins . virK period,. 7-6. This lewd was short- Won National Championship Two Years Ago By BILL MULLENDORE Michigan's basketball team, vic- tor in six straight contests, will have to be on its toes in more ways than one Saturday night when a towering Wyoming five, averaging 6 ft. 4 in. in height, invades Yost Field House for Writers Choose Washington as. 'Flo of Year' NEW YORK, Dec. 19--(R)-Wash- ington's pennant-picked Senators, who finished a badly beaten last in the American League, today suffered - the ,added indignity of being named "filop of the year" in the annual Associated Press year end poll. Spring flag hopes, born of expected pitching strength, faded and died in mid-summer when Ossie Bluege's hurlers - folded, the infield sprang leaks at two positions and injuries felled George Case. Of the 78 sports editors participat- ing in the AP poll, 26 cast first place, ballots for the Senators who piled" up 94 points to outdistance all oppo-; sition in the disappointment league. Notre Dame's football club was voted into second place with 39 points, on the basis of the 59-0 score Army ran up against the Irish, al- though Ed McKeever's South Bend- ers put on a strong- finish against Great; Lakes. Army's gridmen, had been named the team-of-the-year by a wide mar- gin over the St. Louis Cardinals who, stjatigely enough, were "busts" of' 1943 after bowing to the Yankees in the Woild Series. its first appearance in any sportt against a Western Conference team. Wolverine mentor Bennie Ooster- baan will be busy the rest of the week attempting to set up a defense to halt the giant Cowboys, all of whom measure considerably more than 6 ft. Center George Nostrand takes the altitude honors at 6 ft. 9 in. Coach Ev Shelton's outfit has not fared too well thus far this season, lsing three games in as many outings, two to the Caspar Air Base Bombers and one to DePauw. All three defeats were by decisive mar-, gins. In spite of the slow start, Wyom- ing is considered a dangerous oppo- nefit, both because of the tremendous height advantage it will enjoy over the Wolverines and because of its past reputation in the national bas- ketball picture. The Cowboys were hit by the man- pow6' shortage last year and tem- poraily dropped the cage sport, but in the preceding year they ranked as the top quintet in the nation. Wyo- nring> defeated St. John's in Madison Square Garden in 1942-43 for the National Collegiate championship. Wyoming has none of the same squad whih annexed the title back fo the present campaign and has cE.equently had a little difficulty getting started. Coach Shelton,. however, feels that some of the kinks will be ironed out by the, time his team undertakes its east- crux invasion Saturday. To mneet the threat Oosterbaan will have to find some method of counter- acting the height advantage for he has no possible combination to match the opposition in that respect. By juggling his lineup he could cut the difference to four inches. During First Period t By MURRAY GRANT Thy intra-squad wrestling tourna- ment to tentatively decide the men who will start the wrestling season for Michigan ran more or less true to form yesterday as twelve matches were completed. Art Sachsel, promising young stal-I wart in the 121-pound division won1 his match handily as he pinned Jim Kirk in two minutes and 47 seconds of the first period. Sachsel's pin was the only first period pin of the day. The 128-pound division found things going according to schedule as Bob Johnston, despite a minor shoul- der strain, pinned Forrest Dayton in two minutes of the third period. Dick Freeman of last year's squad, who transferred from the 135-pounders, won his match with Jim McGraw eas- ily as he pinned his opponent in two minutes and seven seconds of the second period. Johnston and Free- man meet today to decide the winner of this division. Gittins Has Trouble The 136-pound division, which promises to bring forth one of the most hotly contested scraps, saw two matches take place. Bob Gittins, who is the only returning letterman, had the most trouble as he eked out a 9-7 decision over Don Draper, a tough and fast *restler. Gittins shot into an early lead as he scored a take down over his opponent, and as the period came to a close both men had scored take downs and escapes and the score stood 3-3. In the second period, with Gittins assuming the referee's position; Draper scored a take down only to have this advantage nullified by a fine escape and hold by Gittins. Draper, not to be outdone, came back and led at the close of the second lived, however, as Gittins showed his previous experience and' camej through to victory in the last period. I In the other 136-pound match. Newt Skillman, who did a fine job of refereeing all afternoon, decision-j ed Maurice Smith, another fine 136 pounder, 4-1. Johnston and Skill- man meet today in what will be an important match. The outstanding match of the day, and one which might be called a mild came back to score a breakaway in the second period and almost had an advantage as the period closed. Zum- bcrge, took the referee's position to start the third period, but Darrow quickly scored a take down. The match came to an end shortly after this and Zumberge eked out a 4-3 decision. Zumberge however, has been wrestling in the 145-pound divi- sion, and if the situation presents itself may return to that division. In the other 145-pound tilt, Fred Bocth pinned Norman Ginsburg, a Marine trainee, in two minutes and 45 seconds of the second period. Booth will meet Ray Murray, who came up from the 136 pounders, to- I day, and the winner will meet Zum- berge on Thursday. 155-Pouud Wide Open The 155-pound division, which i,- now wide open, staged two matches yesterday. Stewart Snyder, who ap- pears to have the inside track in the race among the 155 pounders, defeat- ed Frank Little in the first match of the: afternoon as he pinned his ad- versary in two minutes and six sec- onds of the second period. In the ether 155-pound clash. Gene Ross decisioned Irwin Swall in a hard- fought tussle. Ross oil, 6-2. Charles Telfer, who appeared to be the top man in the 165-pound divi- sion, decisioned Phil Holcombe, 5-2. Telfer will meet the winner of the Brown-Monge battle which will take place today. Mantho Withdraws The 175-pound division received a setback yesterday as Coach Wally Weber learned that Hank Mantho, a promising candidate for this divi- sion, had left the ,squad. Hal Sta- son appeared as successor to 4'Ian- tho in this division as he pinned Bob Spiegel in two minutes and 24 seconds of the second period. Sta- son will meet Bob Stancliffe today to decide the winner in this division. Blumenstein, Sachsel Sure In the unlimited bracket, Walter Blumenstein, outstanding young pros- pect. had no difficulty in pinning Frank Saravia in one minute and 12 seconds of the second period. Thus, the only two -men reasonably sure of their positions as the tournament goes into its second day are Blumen- stein and Art Sachsel in the 121- pound division. Heyliger's Star Center Was High Scorer In '43 Greer One of Best Michigan Puckser, ; Sextet To Face Vickers in Jan. 6 Opener Ted Greer, star center and highV - scorer on last season's hockey team, hockey and football, the new cap- was elected captain of the 1944-45 tain demonstrated his versatility at sextet yesterday afternoon, to become Michigan by winning his letter in the leader of Vic Heyliger's first Mi- football this fall as an end. chigan ice squad. Coning out for the team last Greer, a member of the Naval fall as a sophomore, Greer inane- ROTC unit, was instrumental in diately worked himself into a helping the Wolverine hockey team starting berth with his hard, fast to a five won andthree lost record skating and accurate shooting. last year and woud up the season Teaming with Johnny Jenswold, as high point-maker on the squad, also back this season, and Vince A native of Wayzata, Minnesota Abbey in the first line, Greer was and a graduate of Blake Academy in in on practically all of the Wol- Minneapolis where he starred in both verine scoring in the eight games. At the beginning of the present WALLY WEBER upset, was fought between George Darrow, a minor letter winner last year, and Jim. Zumberge, who wrestl- ed at Duke University. The first per- iod saw little action as the tall Zum- berge was the only one able to score a take down, but in the second per- iod, after Darrow had lost the toss, Zumberge scored a second take down and appeared well on his way to scoring a decisive win. But Darrow was not through; he K horru nshahr Detroit Red Wings, professional hhockeyteam. He is rated as one-of the best hockey players at Michigan in recent years, and possibly the best A 'avEn U/to .bran E since Vic Heyliger, his new coach. Greer will lead his team into ac- Hfy A m irabad tion for the first time Jan. 6 when Michigan opens the season against CHICAGO, Dec. 20-OP)-American the Vickers Hockey Club, whom the GI's in Iran didn't miss the football Wolverines also met last year. season. They had one of their own - in a unique but technically coikect setting which included college yells from Iranian soldiers led by "coed" cheer-leaders, "tastefully attired" in fatigue garb. Now Showing The Persian Gulf command has sent here an account of a "regularly scheduled battle in the Big 11 Con- ference" played in the Iranian sta- dium at Teheran on Nov. 26. As for the game itself, "Camp Am- irabad, headquarters of the P. G. C., took an early lead and never was headed to defeat the Camp Khorram- shahr Dusters from the lowlands of Southern Iran, 20-0," the dispatch related. "Three backs from the states of Maine, Oklahoma and Washington sparked the Mountain- eers to victory." But the contest in the stadium built by the late Shah Reza, seating Alan Loretta 12,000, had to vie for attention with LA DDYOUNG a polyglot crowd of Americans, Brit- ish, Russians, Iranians which gener- ally didn't know what was going on. Two Iranian army bands played weird Eastern music during the game, while two pretty cheer-leaders, Miss Frances Reese and Virginia Ander- son, American Red Cross workers from Minneapolis, led the GI cheer- ing. The Yanks were somewhat rus- ty on the cheering, the dispatch ex- plained, but they got plenty of help from the Iranian army. S N Training Site Announced HAYWARD NEW YORK, Dec. 19-()-The New York Yankees will train at At- lantic City again next spring with the players reporting to Manager Joe Soon McCarthy on Sunday, March 11, club "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" president Ed Barrow said tonight. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! DAY OR NIGHT Continuous from 1 P.M. .. Wp " I CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY LOST AND FOUND LOST: Kappa Alpha Theta sorority pin near Presbyterian church. Very anxious to recover. Reward. Call 2-1349. LOST: Red leather wallet. Import- ant papers. Reward. Return to Barbara Dunn, 496 Jordan Hall. LOST: Set of keys, 4 keys and a min- iature license plate. Call 2-4401. MyronyMarks. Room 307 Allen- (Rumsey. ROOM AND BOARD ORDERS TAKEN for Christmas chickens-Roasting or stewing. Phone 8195 before Wednesday. VACANCIES for boarders at Robert Owen Co-op. $5.25 and 3 hours work per week. Men. Call 7211. WANTED " LjI1CA tciescopi( len.s and darkroom aecessorles wanted. Drop card Maurice Wing, Grass Lake, Mich. WANTED-Ride to Detroit for two people Friday evening, Dec. 22, 8:30 p. m. Call 2-2591. Mrs. Newell. FOR RENT CHICKENS for Christmas: roasters, broilers, and stewers. Orders tak- en not later than Saturday noon. Call 2-3913. TWO TUXEDOS for sale: size 38 short and 36 regular. Call 5870 afte six o'clock. -NO CARTOON "MOUSE TROUBLE" NEWS Coming Sunaday! Drnne-Boyer"Together gl, ?& nakjI a.i.uT REYU I44 S'Tis just a kwee before Christmas, but there is still plenty time to get your CHRISTMAS CARDS. Let's make this a bang-up Christmas by remembering our finds IAt honm and in the service. You'll be receiving pleasure . . . as well I U In 3 a i: